Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2019-20
KEF Alm.del Bilag 241
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Published by Confederation of Danish Industry
Photos: GettyImages and DI/Hans Søndergård
ISBN 978-87-7144-196-3
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Climate change is the biggest societal
challenge faced by the EU and the rest of
the world. We all have a shared respon-
sibility in finding ways to accelerate the
path to a sustainable future. With the
right policies in place, business can drive
forward the technology development
and innovation needed for a sustainable
future in Europe. We see business as an
essential part of the solution to climate
change. Both at the national, European
and global level.
The Confederation of Danish Industry
(DI) supports the ambition of the Danish
government to reduce greenhouse gasses
by 70 per cent by 2030 as well as achiev-
ing climate neutrality in 2050. In fact, DI’s
economic plan for 2030 “Together we
create green growth” sets out 160 policy
recommendations, which combined will
reduce Denmark’s CO2 emissions by at
least 65 per cent in 2030, while increas-
ing annual growth to an average of 1.7
per cent and adding 120.000 new private
sector jobs to our economy. To reach the
70 per cent target, R&D efforts will have
to be strengthened significantly.
Denmark started its low carbon transi-
tion in the 1970s. We have since come a
long way. Today, most of the electricity
Danes use comes from wind or biomass
incineration. We have also become much
better at using energy more efficiently
in our buildings, businesses and private
Denmark’s CO2 emissions is expected to
be 44 per cent lower in 2030 compared to
1990. This is due, in part, to decisions al-
ready adopted by the Danish Parliament
to stop burning coal in the electricity and
district heating sectors and to build more
offshore wind farms.
31 of the 160 recommendations in DI’s
2030 economic plan focus on climate
and sustainability. If implemented, these
measures will cut Denmark’s emissions
by an additional 20 per cent in 2030.
Aside from renewable energy and energy
efficiency, these proposals cover circular
economy, transport and water technolo-
Denmark cannot solve the climate change
issue alone. We need the EU and the rest
of the world to take similar ambitious cli-
mate actions and promote sustainability
more broadly. Danish businesses there-
fore welcome the Green Deal presented
by the Von der Leyen Commission.
An ambitious European Green Deal, with
climate neutrality by 2050 as the principal
objective, is the right starting point for the
EU. To deliver on our ambitious climate
targets, both medium and long-term,
thorough considerations should be given
to the regulatory framework for the green
transition. Europe needs a coherent mar-
ket-based framework that will enable the
market to deliver. A confident market is
the best way to mobilise private invest-
ments in the green transition.
The Danish business community wants to
contribute to the discussion on Europe’s
green transition by proposing concrete
initiatives on Europe’s green future.
Despite being a small EU-member state,
we hope that the EU and other member
states will look to Denmark as a pilot
country and a source for inspiration for
the green transition.
Lars Sandahl Sørensen
Confederation of Danish Industry
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Energy & Climate
The rise in CO2 emissions over the last 30 years and
a growing global demand for food, materials, stable
electricity, heating, cooling and transportation
represent major climate challenges worldwide.
The question the EU faces is therefore: How do we
reduce CO2 emissions and ensure access to clean
and affordable energy, while also creating economic
growth? How do we succeed in furthering our energy
use efficiency? And how do we decarbonise our
industrial value chains cost-effectively?
Sustainable progress will not be made
without firm political commitment. In
2018, Denmark decided to lead the
green transition and become entirely
climate neutral in 2050. Furthermore, in
late 2019, a large majority of parties in
the Danish Parliament supported a new
Danish Climate Law setting out a 70 per
cent reduction target for 2030, compared
to 1990 levels.
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency has historically played a
large role in Danish emission reductions.
The Danish Industrial sector is today
amongst the most energy efficient glob-
ally. This has assisted the Danish compa-
nies to maintain their competitive edge.
Buildings are one of the greatest energy
consumers, representing almost 40 per
cent of all energy consumed. According to
the Danish Energy Agency, approximately
85 per cent of the buildings we will live in
by 2050 have already been built.
Decarbonisation of the buildings we use
today will therefore be key to reach the
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
goal of a fossil free society by 2050. Due
to an increasingly climate-friendly use of
green electricity and green district heat-
ing, CO2 emissions from buildings are
already relatively low, compared to the
amount of energy they consume. There
is nevertheless still further potential in
decarbonising our buildings.
successful deployment of renewable en-
ergy production in Denmark has, in part,
been driven by technological advance-
ment and significant cost reductions of
wind energy. In fact, today, wind energy is
cost-competitive compared to fossil fuels.
Green power
Another key element in reaching climate
neutrality is to expand the share of renew-
able energy harnessed from wind. This
also includes driving the development of
an intelligent energy system capable of
managing supply fluctuations of renewa-
ble energy.
Denmark installed its first commercial
offshore wind farm 30 years ago and has
since been a global leader in the wind
industry. In 2019, onshore and offshore
wind turbines along with solar power pro-
vided around 50 per cent of Denmark’s
electricity consumption. Implementation
of the 2018 Danish Energy Agreement
will ensure that 100 per cent of Danish
electricity consumption is to be gener-
ated by renewable energy by 2030. The
Green efficient heat
District heating is another key compo-
nent of Denmark’s energy transition.
Today, 63 per cent of Danish homes get
their heat and hot tap water from district
heating. Furthermore, around 70 per
cent of heating in Denmark is renewable
based in the combined heat and power
production with efficiency rates of up to
92 per cent. This makes district heating
essential to the Danish heat and power
supply. Because of the high efficiency and
flexibility in district heating, combined
heat and power systems will continue to
be a key element in Denmark’s vision for
climate neutrality by 2050.
Combined measures of scaling up
renewable energy production, district
heating and cooling and ambitious energy
efficiency measures have made Denmark
one of the most sustainable countries
in the world. However, with a target of
cutting CO2 emissions by 70 per cent by
2030, climate actions must be accelerat-
ed even further. Therefore, as part of our
economic plan for 2030, DI published
31 recommendations that will result in
an additional 20 per cent emissions re-
duction. With DI’s plan, Denmark could
reach 70 per cent reduction of CO2 emis-
sions in 2030.
How do we reach 70 per cent by 2030?
The faster we act, the better chances we
have of reaching the 70 per cent goal.
In fact, several of our recommendations
need to be implemented in the beginning
of this decade, in order to give both busi-
nesses and citizens time to adapt.
We also need to strengthen Danish com-
panies’ ability to compete. Neither our
economy nor the planet will win if our cli-
mate action results in companies moving
jobs or production abroad. This will only
relocate our greenhouse gas emissions
elsewhere. Therefore, our companies
must remain strong competitors in inter-
national markets.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
The below proposals are part of the 31
recommendations for energy and climate
in DI’s 2030 plan:
Renewable electricity should be
accessible and cheap for everyone
to use. To that end, Denmark should
establish two additional offshore wind
farms and continue to develop both
solar and wind onshore.
More efficient use of energy in our
buildings and companies. A better
legal and regulatory framework is re-
quired to enable energy efficiency as
well as introducing a green transition
financing mechanism for industry.
Better use of surplus heat from ovens
and machines in our factories. District
heating plants can use this surplus
heat for radiators in homes and offic-
es without emitting more greenhouse
gases. Outdated rules and taxes stand
in the way, preventing our society
from utilising surplus heat from one
sector to an energy source in another
Restructure taxes on cars to incen-
tivise purchase of cars that emit little
or no greenhouse gases. Rules for
company cars also need to be adjust-
ed to incentivise the purchase of low
or zero emission cars.
The annual public investment in
research and development of green
solutions should be raised by at least
EUR 300 million by 2022.
emissions in all parts of the economy.
Sector integration will enable us to har-
vest the benefits of positive symbiosis
between sectors and initiatives.
Energy efficiency in an industry has the
potential to boost competitiveness. The
industrial sector uses more energy than
any other end-use sector, consuming
about one half of the world’s total deliv-
ered energy. Lowering energy consump-
tion is therefore an important driver for
industrial productivity growth. Energy, on
average, represents between 1 per cent
and 10 per cent of total production costs
– and for energy intensive industries, such
as steel, chemical, paper, pharmaceuti-
cal, cement and construction materials,
the share of energy costs is even higher,
between 15 per cent and 40 per cent on
A cost-effective low-carbon transition re-
quires acceleration of investments in low
carbon technologies across all sectors of
EU’s economy. Ambitious innovation pro-
grammes and utilization of merging op-
portunities such as digitalization should
be promoted to further push the green
While Denmark may serve as a good
example for the green transition, neither
Denmark nor any other member state
will succeed in achieving climate neu-
trality by 2050 without corresponding
ambitious energy and climate policies at
the EU level. We need the EU to commit
to ambitious climate action, but also to
ensure economic growth and welfare.
This will require competitive companies.
Only a competitive Europe will be able
to facilitate transition towards 2050 in
which climate action, economic growth
and welfare are equivalent pillars.
Furthermore, this will require a coherent
market-based framework for EU’s energy
and climate policies. A framework that
covers all sectors of our economy in order
to stimulate cost efficiency and decreased
DI’s plan reduces CO2 emissions
CO2 emissions with DI’s 2030 plan
Million ton of CO
Carbon emissions reduction without further
initiatives (baseline)
Electricity and district heating
65 per cent reduction
70 per cent reduction
DI’s proposals include LULUCF and cancel-
lation of EU ETS quotas. Cancellation of quotas
contributes to reduction of CO2 emissions across
the EU rather than only within Danish territory.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Our proposals for the EU
Adopt an EU climate law enshrining the 2050 climate neutrality
target and revise the EU 2030 climate targets. Greenhouse gas emis-
sions should be reduced by at least 55 per cent by 2030.
Strengthen EU’s internal energy market to allow for efficient trans-
portation of green energy between member states and European
regions. The EU Emissions Trading System should remain the key
instrument to drive forward the green transition based on mar-
ket-based principles and in a cost-efficient manner.
Ramp up the deployment of renewable energy production across
the EU. Wind energy, especially offshore wind, has huge potential
for further scaling in Europe. The EU should adopt a comprehensive
strategy for offshore wind.
Strive to become the most energy-efficient region globally. While
European industry is among the most energy-efficient industries
globally, there is still a huge potential for cost-efficient measures in
industry and in renovating Europe’s building stock.
Adopt a comprehensive strategy for smart sector integration. Smart
integration of renewables, energy efficiency and other sustainable
solutions across sectors will help to achieve decarbonisation at the
lowest possible cost. This will reduce the bill for renewable energy for
all citizens, while boosting industrial competitiveness in Europe.
Invest more in new green technologies, especially for industrial appli-
cations. New industrial applications of breakthrough technologies will
be a key component to maintain industrial competitiveness as Europe
transitions to a low carbon society. This includes battery technology,
green hydrogen, energy storage and carbon capture and storage.
Strive to become a sustainable supercluster. The EU should develop
and implement a common strategy to strengthen EU exports of
renewable energy solutions to the rest of the world.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Water sector
Europe is faced with water scarcity in some regions
and storm water situations in others. Europeans
demand quality drinking water. Meanwhile,
wastewater treatment is often costly and requires
massive use of energy. Improving the European water
sector with a view to reduce the sector’s energy
consumption will be a vital part of Europe’s transition
to climate neutrality in 2050.
Denmark aims to ensure an energy and
climate-neutral water sector in 2030. This
goal enjoys broad political support and is
also backed by both the water sector and
the industry. Innovation and deployment
of new technologies and digitalisation will
be key to achieve this ambitious goal.
The Danish water sector has reached
remarkable milestones. Today, it is con-
sidered a global leader in water resource
management, water savings, water
pricing, resource recovery and energy
efficiency. Not to mention water quality.
Nearly 100 per cent of our water supply
comes from clean groundwater.
Responsible management of water
Water resource management is impor-
tant. Reduction of consumption in house-
holds and industries combined with re-
cord low leakage rates from water supply
infrastructure are the main drivers behind
Danish water management optimisation.
The per capita consumption of water in
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Denmark is below 104 litres per person
per day compared to an EU mean per
capita consumption of 144 litres per day.
The average leakage rate in Denmark is
close to 7 per cent of water supplied. In
comparison, some European cities have
leakage rates of up to 50.
Denmark’s high standards of water sup-
ply and wastewater treatment is financed
through full cost-recovering water pricing.
A national water pricing authority keeps
track of the correct pricing, along with en-
during efforts into efficiency-enhancing
measures within the sector. For the in-
dustry, pricing of treatment of wastewater
at utilities is based on a basic wastewater
load and extra fees for wastewater load,
i.e. additional pollution loads. This cre-
ates an incentive for businesses to lower
their outlet of wastewater and polluting
SCADA systems in water supply with
modern sensors and regulation on
pumps and valves lead to significant
reductions in leakage rates as well as
lower costs for water consumers. Modern
online or remote registration of metering
data supports digitalisation of the water
sector and reduces costs for consumers
and water companies alike.
The EU should support good manage-
ment of water resources in Europe. Not
least in terms of fostering cooperation
between member states on best practices
and exchange of knowledge.
According to the International Energy
Agency (IEA), water losses in public sup-
ply are estimated at a staggering 24 per
cent in the EU, amounting to 13 billion
cubic meters. The energy consumption
of the EU’s water sector is equivalent to
3.5 per cent of the EU’s electricity con-
sumption and typically represents 30–50
per cent of the local authority’s elec-
tricity consumption. For comparison in
Denmark the consumption of electricity
in the water sector is 1.8 per cent.
As the water resource base in Europe is a
closed loop, with a circular reproduction
of the water resource, the political focus
should be on increasing water quality
and preserving our water resources.
This cannot be achieved without sound
management of both abstraction, reuse
and recharge and discard of water in EU
member states.
Benchmarking the water resource
performance in member states such as
water consumption in households, agri-
culture and industry sectors (e.g. via the
Industrial Emissions Directive) is crucial
to promote best practice and shed light
on weak spots. A market-based exchange
of water technology will support use of
the best available technologies and en-
courage innovation in the water sector. A
coherent market for water technologies
will attract investments in innovative
Transparent pricing
Transparent water pricing and uncovering
subsidies are important instruments in
good water management. Consumers
will have greater incentive to change their
behaviour and reduce their water con-
sumption if they are made aware of the
actual prices of their water consumption.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Average water distribution losses
Country EU27 + NO,UK
Per cent
Median = 23
EurEau: Europe’s water in figures – 2017 edition
Digital tools are essential to provide trans-
parent and efficient water markets for
taxpayers. Especially if water markets are
tax-subsidised. Likewise, open data on
performance and quality of water service
will make it more attractive for the private
sector to invest in the water sector.
per cent. To reverse this trend, energy
efficiency in the European water sector is
badly needed.
Reduced water consumption in house-
holds and industry means that less water
will be pumped. In turn, this reduces
energy consumption. Furthermore, re-
sources in the wastewater stream should
be recovered. The technology to do this
is already available. Especially recovery
of phosphor and other nutrients. But for
other types of resources, such as metals,
the right technologies for a widespread
use still need to be identified.
Energy efficiency
The water sector consumes approximate-
ly 3 per cent of Europe’s electricity use.
As all wastewater is required to be treated
in accordance with EU regulation, this
number is predicted to increase to 6–8
Reporting obligations
EU rules are needed to reverse the recent
lack of progress in improving the water
sector in the member states. Such rules
should focus on goals and reporting ob-
ligations. Member states should remain
flexible to some degree, in accordance
with the subsidiarity principle, in how to
reach the goals. Member states should
set out national action plans, while the
role of the Commission should be to en-
sure responsible monitoring.
A case story from Denmark shows the incredible potential of the European water sector: Since
2010, the city of Aarhus has implemented energy-saving measures in the whole water cycle and
optimized the energy production from the wastewater facility. Today, the city has succeeded to
make the whole water cycle completely energy-neutral, and, as a side effect, water losses could
be reduced to only around 6 per cent, and, in 2016, the price of water dropped by 9 per cent for
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Our proposals for the EU
To lift the European water sector to a new level, the EU should
take up the following initiatives:
Benchmark water sector service in Europe. This can be done
as a follow up to the water framework directive and to support
a sustainable water sector finansing.
Promote full cost-recovering water prices throughout Europe to
support a sound behaviour of water consumers.
Promote use of management data and metering data in water
supplies. Enhance the use of data and digitalisation in moni-
toring, reporting of water resources, consumption and losses
as well as quality according to the requirements of the water
framework directive.
Set goals for energy efficiency in water sector operations in
Work towards an energy- and climate-neutral water sector by
2030 with new initiatives under the urban waste water treat-
ment directive and the water framework directive.
Set goals and action plans for the recovery of resources from
wastewater streams in connection with the Commission’s
initiatives on circular economy.
Set up innovation programmes in the EU to promote innovation
into new recovery techniques. The focus on pharmaceuticals
should be both at the source and at the wastewater treatment
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Circular economy
The worlds’ resources are being spent at an ever-
increasing pace. This puts a massive strain on our
planet. With only limited natural resources available,
circular economy presents a new way forward. A way
in which we can still meet the demand for production
and consumption without depleting the world’s
The key idea in circular economy and
bioeconomy is that materials are kept in
circulation for as long as possible to retain
or even increase their value and reduce
the impact on the environment.
In Denmark, companies in various sectors
have embraced the circular way, using
different strategies to increase their re-
source efficiency. For example, use of side
streams schemes or take-back schemes
and use of secondary materials.
Better use of side streams and
industrial symbiosis
Denmark has a long tradition as a food
producing country with sustainability as
a core value. The Danish food sector is a
major export industry. It prides itself of
contributing to better resource utilisation
of foods, both in high-income countries
and in developing countries.
The ingredients industry has many of
the skills and technologies, such as fer-
mentation and purification, required to
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
spearhead a European circular bioeco-
nomy, in which side streams from feed
and food production are utilised. Waste
materials from one production line can
be used to produce other more valuable
products, thereby contributing to value
creation, innovation and mitigation of
wastage of raw materials and food. The
Danish company Arla Foods Ingredients
is a great case example. Arla has a full
range of high-value products based on
whey – formerly a waste stream from the
production of cheese.
Recycled materials in everyday
Recycled materials are part of everyday
products in a circular economy. This
reduces the demand for virgin materials.
For example, Danish plastics producer
Plastix relies solely on ocean plastics
coming from fishing gear, and the Danish
deposit system delivers high quality
recycled materials in a closed loop sys-
tem. There is, however, still some way to
reach full circularity. Danish companies
struggle to source recycled materials in
the right quality, and the waste sector is
challenged by a lack of common criteria
for sorting waste.
Take-back schemes and common
market for waste
Take-back schemes are a way for busi-
nesses to make use of their discarded
products and reuse parts or recycle
materials. Furthermore, businesses can
use take-back schemes to gain valuable
insights about future product designs.
Danish pump producer Grundfos is
among the companies which take back
used products, dissemble them and re-
cycle the materials. While ease of disas-
sembly has not previously been a priority
in the design process, the ambition is now
to include disassembly to enhance circu-
larity in future products.
such as the Nordics. For small countries
it is not always economically profitable to
build national recycling facilities, hence
a lot of waste is transported to other EU
countries for recycling. The existing EU
legislation on shipment of waste makes it
very expensive and difficult to ship waste
between member states for reutilisation.
Moreover, companies experience large
variations in waste administration be-
tween member states. Especially regard-
ing waste characterisation and definition,
assessment of impurities etc.
Use of different terminology or – even
worse – national rules create barriers to
trade with waste between EU member
states. In sum, a coherent legal framework
for waste in the EU should make it easier
for European companies to reuse waste.
This would unlock the huge potential
within the circular economy, ultimately
resulting in more green jobs and more
investments that facilitate technological
Waste is a resource and should legally be
treated as such. The international market
for trade with natural resources should
include waste. As a minimum, this should
be the case internally in the EU. The EU
waste shipment directive currently hin-
ders or makes transport of waste across
borders unnecessarily expensive. This is
especially a problem in smaller countries
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
The Danish city of Kalundborg is another great example of large local industries creating value
out of side streams that would otherwise be considered as waste. The Kalundborg Symbiosis, a
partnership between nine public and private companies, has since 1972 developed the world’s
first industrial symbiosis with a circular approach to production. The main principle is that a
residue from one company becomes a resource at another, benefiting both the environment
and the economy. These industries have established a complex green resource symbiosis.
Residual water streams and resource streams from various industries can be utilised in neighbour
industries or at the local wastewater treatment plant. Resources and energy are recovered and
the water is widely reused in the industry.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Our proposals for the EU
Revise the regulation on transboundary shipment of waste to make
it less costly and burdensome for businesses to establish take-back
schemes across boundaries.
Make it easier to obtain approval of Novel Food application.
Currently, the EU Novel Food Regulation presents an investment and
temporal barrier to the development of ingredients from side streams
of existing food production. Typically, sufficient documentation will
amount to some EUR 1-2 million, and it will take 3-5 years to obtain
final approval.
Ensure uniform implementation and practice of the European criteria
for by-products and end-of-waste to strengthen the market for sec-
ondary materials in Europe.
Ensure that waste facilities which upgrade waste to secondary raw
materials back into the circular economy are able to receive input
material from other EU countries in a fast track handling.
Revise regulation on recycled content in food contact materials to
allow for non-food packaging in the plastic waste streams to be
recycled. Other products, such as personal care products, have strict
requirements for the quality of their packaging. These could poten-
tially be included in the food packaging part of the waste stream to a
larger extent than today.
Ensure that good quality criteria for secondary materials are available
in sufficient quantities at competitive prices. Some sectors, such as
metals and paper, are already functioning well, but in other areas,
such as plastics, there are still challenges. This can be helped by
establishing defined standard quality criteria for secondary materials.
Consider wastewater streams in a resource perspective by recovering
nutrients, especially phosphor. Further, develop and scale up the use
of techniques for widespread reuse of the resources in wastewater.
Prohibit deposition of waste that otherwise could have been reused,
recycled or energy-recovered.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Transport is responsible for around a quarter of
greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. Climate
neutrality by 2050 can therefore not be achieved
without significant CO2 reductions from the transport
sector. There are no quick fixes. All transport modes
must contribute to the decarbonisation of the mobility
system. To succeed, a varied and system-based
approach is needed.
Denmark aims to reduce its greenhouse
gas emissions by 70 per cent in 2030.
Almost a quarter of emissions in Denmark
comes from the transport of people and
goods. Although many Danes cycle or
use public transport in their everyday life,
Denmark faces a situation with still more
private cars, vans and trucks on the roads.
To reduce the emissions of the trans-
port sector, the Danish government has
established climate partnerships with
relevant businesses and the trade and
industry organisations. Based on a sector
approach, these partnerships aim to find
ways to reduce carbon footprint, while
also ensuring Denmark’s competitiveness
and prosperity, and without creating
increased inequality. These partnerships
also focus on how to decarbonize the
transport sector.
Moreover, the Confederation of Danish
Industry has embarked on an ambitious
2030 economic plan for Denmark. As
outlined below, this includes several
initiatives pointing in the same direction
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
as the EU Commission’s proposal for the
“European Green Deal”.
to buy new and more climate-friendly
The heavy goods road transport must
change into a more sustainable and green
reality. Alternative fuels will quite possibly
be the most important way forward. In
addition, hydrogen-based technologies
(such as electric vehicles and vessels
based on fuel cells) may become com-
petitive in the medium to long-term.
Liquefied natural gas with high blends of
bio-methane could also be a short-term
alternative for long-distance haul.
Transport plays an important
role in today’s economy and
has a large impact on growth
and employment. The trans-
port industry directly employs
around 10 million people and
accounts for about 5 per cent
of gross domestic product.
Effective transport systems are
fundamental for the European
companies’ ability to compete
in the world economy.
Logistics, such as transport
and storage, account for
10–15 per cent of the cost of a
finished product for European
companies. The quality of
transport services has a major
impact on people’s quality of
life. On average 13.2 per cent
of every household’s budget is
spent on transport goods and
Private cars
It should be cheaper to buy cars that
do not emit greenhouse gases, or cars
that emit very little such as electric cars,
hydrogen cars and plug-in hybrid cars.
In lieu of the current Danish registration
fee, car owners should pay a recurring fee
depending on the car’s climate footprint.
Likewise, companies should be encour-
aged to choose green vehicles. In the in-
tervening years, before all our vehicles are
replaced with CO2-neutral vehicles, we
must mix more sustainable fuel types e.g.
electro fuels and biofuels in the gasoline
and diesel.
Road freight
More trucks should run on biogas, elec-
tricity and other climate-friendly alterna-
tives to diesel. This might be achieved by
restructuring the energy taxes, so biogas
and diesel alternatives become cheaper,
while also providing subsidies for carriers
Aviation is international. It is therefore
crucial for the competitiveness of the
sector that taxes on aviation are handled
in an international framework, preferably
globally, but at least at common EU level.
Aviation has been subject to the quota
system since 2013. The quota system is
in fact also a tax system. This should be
clearly reflected in any future revision of
the Energy Taxation Directive.
In the aviation sector Denmark is promot-
ing the establishment of a climate fund
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
based on contributions from passengers
flying from Denmark, dedicated to ensure
the off-take of alternative fuels especially
Rail transport
Rail transport remains one of the most
energy-efficient solutions for carrying
freight over medium to long distances.
Therefore, rail freight should become
more competitive by removing operation-
al and technical barriers between national
networks and by fostering all around inno-
vation and efficiency.
Future investments need to focus on
the least polluting transport modes,
promote synergies between transport,
digital and electricity networks to ena-
ble innovations, such as vehicle-to-grid
services and smart features such as the
European Railway Traffic Management
System (ERTMS). This would enable, for
instance, high-speed train connections to
become the obvious alternative to flying
for short- and medium distance passen-
ger travel within the EU.
the bus and coach sector will contribute
in a positive way to the transition towards
the all around greening of transport.
Public Transport
Especially in cities and other urban areas
the use of public transport should be pro-
moted as a cleaner mode of transport and
the solution to the growing problem of
congestion. The use of alternative fuels in
We need a more efficient organisation of
the entire mobility system based on digi-
talisation, data sharing and interoperable
standards. Digital solutions are key to
make mobility cleaner. Digitalisation will
enable smart traffic management and
increasingly automated mobility in all
modes, thereby reducing congestion and
increasing occupancy rates.
Share of transport greenhouse gas emissions
Per cent
44 %
19 %
14 %
13 %
Light duty trucks
Heavy duty trucks
and buses
Rail transport
European Environmental Agency (EEA)
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Our proposals for the EU
Ensure that all EU member states participate in a pan-European
effort to phase out fossil fuels in the transport sector.
Increase the share of sustainable fuels in the transport sector.
Revision of the fuel quality directive could be a means to achieve this
Revise the Energy Taxation Directive. This should pave the way for a
harmonisation of fuel pricing across the EU and reduce tank tourism,
while also accelerating the uptake of lower CO2 fuels through the
introduction of a tax system that primarily focuses on the CO2 emis-
sions rather than the energy level.
Ensure that public procurement of vehicles and transport services
are CO2 neutral by 2030.
Revise the weights and dimensions directive to promote further use
of the modular concept for heavy duty vehicles in the EU.
Promote electrification of the European railway system. For side lines
and local network, alternative fuels could contribute significantly to
the greening of rail transport.
Promote European solutions for climate action in aviation. Encourage
solution-oriented partnership between businesses, legislators,
researchers and green organisations.
Expand the infrastructure for new zero and low-emission technol-
ogies. Harmonisation for loading and fueling facilities as well as
technical requirements throughout the EU should be considered.
Promote digitalisation in the transport sector, not least the establish-
ment of intelligent traffic management systems and an upgrade of
new sustainable mobility services to reduce congestion and pollution
in urban areas.
Promote connected and automated mobility, including solutions such
as Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS).
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Financing the
green transition
Access to finance is key if the EU is to successfully
transition to a climate-neutral society by 2050. The
European Commission estimates that reaching the
current EU climate targets for 2030 will require EUR
260 billion annually in additional investments in the
green transition. It will therefore be pivotal to mobilise
further funding for climate action at both the EU and
member state levels.
Denmark has for years had a multilayered
strategy for incentivising financing of
the green transition. Long-term political
commitment to tackle climate change is
needed to mobilise capital for sustainable
investments. Ambitious climate goals,
adopted with broad political support,
serves as an important signal for the
financial markets. Ambitious climate tar-
gets will inject long-term confidence into
the market and mobilise private capital
for sustainable projects.
While market forces are key to raising pri-
vate capital for sustainable investments,
the public finances are also needed to
support technological research and
innovation as well as deployment of pro-
jects to overcome market failure and to
up-scale technologies. Denmark spends
roughly 3 per cent of GDP on research
and development, equivalent to almost
EUR 9 billion. This is compared to an EU
average of roughly 2 per cent of GDP. In
2019, the Danish government announced
that it will further increase funds for cli-
mate research.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
In symbiosis with political targets and
ambitions, public R&D spending has con-
tributed greatly to achieving the Danish
reduction targets and creating markets
for the green transition into which private
investments flow.
Admittedly, we do not yet have all the an-
swers to mobilise the investments need-
ed to achieve EU’s 2030 goals or climate
neutrality by 2050. We must therefore
continue to pursue new avenues to raise
investments in the green transition.
Public private investment partnerships is
an example of such avenues.
Denmark has several public and private
funds, which allow both public and
private money to be pooled together in
sustainable projects. For example, the
Danish Green Investment Fund provides
loans to researchers and entrepreneurs,
who seek to develop innovative solutions
for climate-related goals. 60 per cent of
total project costs and up to EUR 13 mil-
lion can be borrowed through the fund.
Several of such funds exist, some are
broadly defined and some more narrowly
defined towards environmentally related
projects etc.
Public and private funds are also used
for investments in developing countries.
Considerable investments have been
made in developing countries with the
help of blended finance models. Blended
finance refers to the strategic use of devel-
opment finance and philanthropic funds
to mobilise private capital flows to emerg-
ing and frontier markets. For example,
the Danish Climate and Investment Fund
provides risk capital as a minority inves-
tor in a project to offset climate-related
technology or create jobs. This fund has
made more than 60 investments worth
EUR 200 million in renewable energy and
energy efficiency projects in developing
Today, the market for renewable energy,
in Europe and abroad has matured to an
extent where private investors are actively
looking for sustainable investments.
Already in 2014, the amount of pension
funds that went to renewable energy
investments was three times higher than
the amount that went to fossil fuels. Much
of this money went to infrastructure pro-
jects like offshore wind farms and other
renewables, which are generally seen by
pension funds as attractive investments
compared to other assets. In 2019, the
Danish pension sector announced a fur-
ther commitment to spend 10 per cent of
their total pension assets in renewables
by 2030. This means that by 2030 almost
EUR 50 billion will be spent on the green
Reaching climate neutrality by 2050 will
be a monumental challenge for Europe.
The EU must be at the forefront of a
concerted effort to deliver on our climate
ambition. Considering the significant
current gap in sustainable investments
in Europe, the EU must solve the puzzle
of how to increase access to sustainable
finance. The Commission estimates that
additional investments of EUR 260 billion
a year are needed, compared to a base-
line scenario, to reach our 2030 goals of
cutting EU-wide CO2 emissions by 40
per cent, including the sub-targets on
renewable energy production and energy
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Yearly average investments needed in Europe to reach
our current 2030 climate goals
EUR billion
Energy e iciency
in residential
European Commission
Additional investments needed
Baseline scenario
Energy e iciency
in tertiary
power sector
Decarbonising industry
Decarbonising transport
The Sustainable Investment Plan, as
presented by the Commission in January
2020, aims – through the EU budget – at
mobilising at least EUR 1 trillion of sus-
tainable investments over the next dec-
ade. While this is not enough to close the
investment gap, it is an important step to
mobilise sustainable investments at the
EU level. The EU Multiannual Financial
Framework (MFF) will be key to increase
the investment levels as foreseen in the
investment plan. Therefore, at least 30
per cent of the MFF should be directed
towards the green transition. This will
require coordination across budgetary
headlines and sharp prioritisation.
The EU unfortunately still lacks behind
other regions in R&D funding, for exam-
ple the US and China. The HorizonEurope
programme will therefore be more im-
portant than ever in scaling up Europe’s
research funding, especially in relation
to climate research, development and
While climate-proofing the MFF will
help to reduce the current investment
gap, more still needs to be done. The
EU should make full use of the InvestEU
programme. The announcement of the
European Investment Bank’s (EIB) efforts
to become Europe’s climate bank is simi-
larly important.
To avoid “green washing”, Europe needs
a common framework to classify “green”
financial products. The taxonomy for
sustainable finance holds great promise.
The taxonomy will not only create a level
playing field for sustainable financing,
increased transparency of sustainability
in the financial sector will hopefully also
incentivise investments in Europe’s green
Case: Private financing for RE in Africa
In 2011, DI was a key part of a private initiative that launched a fund with the purpose of
developing renewable energy projects in Africa. Today, Frontier Energy is a leading investor in
the African renewable energy market. Frontier Energy has a hands-on and integrated approach
to investing in the development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects and
develops, constructs and operates more than 45 renewable energy projects in Africa within
hydro, geothermal, wind and solar PV with a total capacity of more than 750 MW and total
project costs of more than USD 1.8 billion.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Our proposals for the EU
Commit to mobilise at least EUR 1 trillion of sustainable investments
over the next decade as laid out in the Sustainable Investment Plan
by the European Commission.
Ensure proper climate-proofing of the EU’s multi-financial frame-
work. At least 30 per cent of the EU funds should be aimed at climate
Boost funding in the HorizonEurope programme, particularly funding
for climate research, development and innovation.
Maximum use of InvestEU to leverage private investments in the
green transition, for example sustainable energy and transport.
Support European Investment Bank’s efforts as a climate bank.
Ensure a fair and just transition. A public sector loan facility with the
European Investment Bank backed by the EU budget under the Just
Transition Mechanism to ensure national co-financing.
Finalise the taxonomy on sustainable finance to create a level playing
field for sustainable finance.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Development Goals
Denmark is strongly committed to achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in both
national and global arenas. While the climate and the
environment are important aspects of this agenda, we
can only achieve sustainable development by acting
on all 17 goals.
Denmark possesses unique conditions
for fulfilling the SDGs at the national le-
vel. The Danish economy is predominant-
ly based on sustainable economic growth,
high employment rates, a high level of
prosperity, gender equality, a high level
of social welfare, effective environmental
protections, high energy efficiency and
use of renewable energy, a large degree of
freedom, a high level of public trust, and
an open democracy with respect for hu-
man rights. This has helped integrate the
SDGs into the Danish society and attain a
range of significant results when it comes
to their realisation, including that:
Of all the countries in the world,
Denmark comes closest to fulfilling
the goals, according to Bertelsmann
Stiftung’s SDG Index. Denmark tops
the 2019 index ahead of Sweden,
Finland and France.
The Danish government has intro-
duced a national plan of action for the
SDGs. The plan includes an ambition
to assess new Danish legislation
against the backdrop of the SDGs
when relevant.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
The Danish Parliament has estab-
lished a Network 2030 comprising
members from all political parties.
The network seeks to facilitate an
inclusive dialogue on sustainable
initiatives, ambitions, and priorities
between politicians, businesses, civil
society, and other central stakehold-
To enhance its efficacy, Network 2030
has introduced a 2030 panel consist-
ing of individually appointed SDG
experts from private businesses, civil
society organisations and academia.
The 2030 panel supports the Network
2030 through analyses, advice, and
continuous counselling.
A coalition covering public and private
partners has invited all interested
citizens, businesses, organisations
and think tanks to discuss how to
transform the SDGs into tangible
indicators adjusted to the Danish so-
ciety and way of life through the ‘Our
Goals’ campaign. The indicators will
be tailormade to Denmark and will
supplement the official UN indicators.
The data and statistics of the ‘Our
Goals’ campaign will be collected and
presented by the central authority on
Danish statistics, Statistics Denmark.
Statistics Denmark is considered a
world leader in this arena and pro-
vides comprehensive and reliable
data on sustainable trends and pro-
gress indicators at both the national
and global levels.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals
are the blueprint to achieve a better and
more sustainable future for all. They
address the global challenges we face,
including those related to poverty, ine-
quality, climate change, environmental
degradation, peace and justice. The 17
Goals are all interconnected, and in order
to leave no one behind it is important that
we achieve them all by 2030.
The 17 Goals were adopted by all UN
Member States in 2015 as part of the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development
which set out a 15-year plan to achieve
the Goals.
Private sector commitment has been a
critical enabler for Denmark’s world-lead-
ing position on sustainability. Danish
businesses are increasingly integrating
the SDGs into their mindset and busi-
ness models. A 2019 analysis conducted
among the members of the Confederation
of Danish Industry showcased a remark-
able growth in the amount of Danish
businesses familiar with and working
strategically with the SDGs. This reflects
a sincere aspiration to help mitigate glob-
al challenges such as climate change and
social injustice as well as a strategic am-
bition to pursue the commercial potential
that follows from fulfilling the SDGs at the
global level.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
The SGDs match key strengths of Danish
businesses. Danish companies have
many years of experience in providing
sustainable solutions that contribute to
solving global challenges. For instance
in the areas of water, food and renewable
energy Danish companies are particularly
well positioned to deliver the requested
sustainable solutions. According to the
2018 IMD World Competitive Business
Rankings, Denmark ranks first on com-
panies’ prioritisation of sustainable devel-
opment. Danish companies are placed in
the top three in relation to CSR, account-
ing practices and ethical standards, and
Denmark is among the top ten regarding
public service partnerships supporting
technological developments. This reiter-
ates that sustainability is an integral part
of the mindset of Danish businesses.
The Danish example can help inspire
politicians, civil society actors and com-
panies in Europe and beyond to promote
the SGD agenda through unique partner-
ships between public and private actors.
The following initiatives could help the
European Commission fulfil the ambi-
tions of the European Green Deal based
on the Danish experience.
Danish companies are integrating the SDGs into their business strategies
Companies that are familar with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Companies that have integrated the UN Sustainable Development Goals into their strategy
Per cent
63 %
32 %
22 %
12 %
DI’s Company Panel.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik
Our proposals for the EU
Take on a leading role in promoting the SDG agenda in the European
Invite all interested citizens, businesses, organisations, and think
tanks to discuss how to integrate the SDGs further into the European
community and everyday life through a joint European campaign and/
or individual campaigns in each member state.
Encourage all member states to formulate a national action plan for
SDG fulfilment.
Encourage the European Parliament to establish a broad 2030
network to discuss sustainable ambitions and solutions among politi-
cians, businesses and civil society organisations.
KEF, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 241: Publikationer fra dialogmøde med DI den 10/3-20 om den grønne omstilling af Europa (Green Deal) samt europæisk industri- og handelspolitik