Input from the Danish Government for targets and policies for an
ambitious European Green Deal
Ambitious climate targets and action
In order to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement the 2030 target must be
increased from the current 40 percent to at least 55 percent. Member States
should agree upon this in the first half of 2020 and submit it to the UNFCCC as
the EU’s updated Nationally Determined Contribution
in order to push for higher
global ambition in the run-up to COP26 in Glasgow. An increased 2030 target
should be implemented in the most cost effective way.
It is of immediate urgency, that the European Council agrees on reaching climate
neutrality in the EU by 2050 at the latest. The EU should set targets and imple-
ment policies and measures to limit the global average temperature increase to
1.5 C in line with the Paris Agreement.
The revision of the Energy Taxation Directive should support the green transi-
tion. Among other things, it is a priority that the tax exemption for aviation fuel is
abolished and that energy products are taxed depending on their climate impact.
The ETS should be further strengthened for the covered sectors, as it is the most
cost effective market based instrument driving the green transition and there is
further scope for making it even more effective, e.g. through a further reduction
of the annual free allowances, adjustment of the uptake in the Market Stability
Reserve, or through a combination of reduced free allowances and uptake in the
Market Stability Reserve as well as an expansion of the ETS to cover the re-
moveal of CO2.
Increased 2030 target
Target on climate neu-
trality by 2050
Energy Taxation
A strengthend EU ETS
Green finance for the green transition
25 percent climate
mainstreaming in the
It should be ensured that at least 25 percent of the Multiannual Financial Frame-
work is targeted climate mainstreaming.
The European Investment Bank should beEurope’s
Climate Bank
and promote
as Europe’s Climate
more green investments.
More green investments
The Commission strategy on sustainable finance should include an EU green
bond standard and an ECO-label for financial products in order to avoid green
washing and expand the market for green and sustainable financial investments,
as well as it should include climate risks in risk management and credit ratings.
Green mobility to move transport to lower emissions
The Commission should present common European measures to regulate the
emissions from aviation, amongst others through a strengthening of the EU ETS.
CO2 standards for light and heavy-duty vehicles should be strengthened. The
Commission should present a concrete plan with proposals for policy initiatives
and incentives for the transition to a fleet of zero-emission passenger cars to
support the EU in reaching climate neutrality by 2050.
Denmark supports measures that strengthen regulation to reduce NOx emis-
sions in the EU. The current EU regulation on transport intended to reduce NOx
emissions is not sufficiently effective.
Road transport
NOx pollution from pas-
senger cars, vans and
heavy duty vehicle