The Minister
30 November 2019
Dear Commissioner Kadri Simson,
Please accept my sincerest congratulations upon your appointment as Europe-
an Commissioner for Energy. As I am sure you are aware, this is a very im-
portant portfolio. Transition of the energy systems will be decisive in order to
deliver on our climate ambitions and on the European Green Deal.
I would like to express the strongest
support to the European Green Deal,
to the Commission’s intention to
make Europe a front-runner in the green transi-
tion. The Danish government believes that combating climate change should be
a top priority for the Commission in the next 5 years.
To make that happen, we need to speed up the pace of our transition efforts.
First and foremost, this requires that we
accelerate the deployment of renew-
able energy
in the EU. In recent years we have seen a rapid development in
both wind power and solar panels, as the costs have reduced significantly. But
going forward, we need to ensure an effective price on carbon emissions to spur
investments in renewable energy and a phase-out of fossil fuels.
In particular, offshore wind is showing a great potential, but in order to utilize this
fully, we will need to make sure that there is a facilitative EU-framework in place,
and to significantly strengthen regional cooperation in the North Sea, the Baltic
Sea and other coastal regions.
North Seas Energy Cooperation
is a great example of how European
countries can accelerate the expansion of offshore wind, when we work togeth-
er. With the support of the Commission, the North Sea has the potential to be a
provider of energy for all of Europe and provide consumers with sustainable,
secure, and affordable energy. To do this, more work is needed to increase the
focus on maritime spatial planning, coordination of infrastructure projects, and
developing standards for safety, design etc.
Danish Ministry of Climate,
Energy and Utilities
Holmens Kanal 20
1060 Copenhagen K
P: +45 3392 2803
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