Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2019-20
IPU Alm.del Bilag 20
Courtesy Translation
Portugal is among the first countries to integrate the work of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), already
in 1891, in Rome, on the occasion of its 3rd Conference.
Today, 131 years after the institution of IPU, with the same compromise and commitment to the objectives
of our Organization, I am pleased to address Your Excellency to present, on behalf of the Assembly of the
Republic of Portugal, Mr Duarte Pacheco's Candidacy to the Presidency of IPU.
Mr Duarte Pacheco is, since 1991, a distinguished Member of the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal,
recognized by his peers (from the same political area and from opposite fields, below and beyond borders)
for the intense work he has been doing in areas like Finance or Foreign Affairs, but, above all, for the energy
and dynamism that he has always shown as a Member of the Portuguese Delegation to IPU and in the
various and high functions he has been playing in our Organization, both in the Committee on Peace and
International Security and in the Twelve Plus Geopolitical Group.
For the principles that he has always defended, for the causes to which he has permanently dedicated
himself, for the values that have always governed his civic, parliamentary and political action, I have the
highest consideration and esteem for Mr Duarte Pacheco, recognizing him as a man with many and diverse
qualities. In fact, he is my precious collaborator in the daily management of the Assembly of the Republic
of Portugal, as Secretary of the Bureau.
It is, I do not hesitate to affirm, someone who will know how to honor the illustrious history of IPU and
prepare our Organization for the many and demanding challenges that lie ahead.
And if there is a great consensus in the Portuguese Parliament on the importance of the IPU and its agenda
the defense of multilateralism, political dialogue and parliamentary diplomacy, in favor of human rights,
peace and security
no lesser is the support that Mr Duarte Pacheco has for the Candidacy that I, hereby,
bring to
Your Excellency’s
attention, in the conviction of being able to count on the support of the
Parliament to which Your Excellency presides.
With the assurances of my highest consideration,
The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal
Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues
São Bento
Palace, 1 July 2020