Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2019-20
IPU Alm.del Bilag 15
Dear Hon. Member of Parliament,
We are writing to invite you to the first of a series of webinars for Parliamentarians on COVID-19
response and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN),
and Parliamentarians for the Global Goals, will convene an unprecedented global online session to
connect parliamentarians from all regions of the world with global experts in public health,
economics, and other fields. The online event will take place:
June 9, 2020, from 8 am EDT to 10 am EDT
for help converting to other time zones)
Our focus will be on best practices to suppress the epidemic and to restart the global economy in a
sustainable and inclusive manner guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris
Climate Agreement. See the attached concept note for further background.
We have asked a number of world-leading experts to join our session, and prior to the event we will
share their written materials or brief taped messages as preparatory materials in order to leave as
much time as possible for the dialogue with and between members of parliament.
We very much hope that you will join the event. It will be an extraordinary opportunity to hear from
experts and from your peers around the world how they are thinking about the pre-pandemic
economic recovery in a sustainability lens.
Please confirm your participation by filling in this short
RSVP form.
Connection details and
preparatory materials will be sent to confirmed participants a couple days in advance of the event.
Should you have any questions, you may contact Ms. Lauren Barredo
[email protected].
With our warm regards and gratitude,
Gabriela Cuevas, President, IPU
Jeffrey Sachs, President, SDSN
Kirsten Brosbøl, Founder, Parliamentarians for the Global Goals
About the organizers:
The IPU is the global organization of national parliaments. The mission of the IPU is to empower
parliaments and parliamentarians to promote peace, democracy and sustainable development. The
SDSN is a network of over 1,200 universities in about 130 countries working to support the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Parliamentarians for the Global Goals is a new initiative
by and for parliamentarians to promote the SDGs through parliamentary actions around the world.