Grønlandsudvalget 2019-20
GRU Alm.del Bilag 50
Nuuk, Greenland 13-15 February 2018
to a call in 2014 by Inuit leaders from Chukotka, Alaska, Canada, and
Greenland to education experts and practitioners to convene in a summit focussed on
Inuit education prior to the 2018 General Assembly of the Inuit Circumpolar Council
specific related mandates given by Inuit leaders at the 2014 ICC General
Assembly, through the
Kitigaaryuit Declaration,
as follows:
Article 43.
ICC leadership to promote educational exchanges,
share best educational practices, and host a summit of experts and
practitioners from across the circumpolar Arctic to recommend ways to
develop or enhance culturally appropriate curriculum;
Article 44.
training, recruitment, and retention programs for
Inuit in all professions;
Article 45.
ICC leadership to continue its promotion and
leadership of projects and initiatives to strengthen the Inuit language,
including the
Assessing, Monitoring, and Promoting Arctic Indigenous
project through the Arctic Council;
to ICC Greenland for the opportunity of meeting here in Nuuk 13-15 February
2018 to share positive Inuit-focussed education polices and strategies, as well as our
education challenges across Inuit Nunaat;
the ILO Convention 169 and UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples which affirm the rights of Inuit to establish and control their educational
systems and institutions appropriate to their cultural methods of teaching and learning;
Further Recalling
that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child asserts the rights of
children to a quality education at the highest levels;
that each Inuit region in Chukotka, Alaska, Canada, and Greenland have
different colonial histories resulting in different educational challenges across the
circumpolar Arctic;
Further acknowledging
the numerous similarities facing Inuit and their educational
institutions, grounded in their shared culture, history, and world views, are important
starting points to share best educational practices, develop enhanced culturally
appropriate curricula and learning resources, and jointly conceive and implement
successful Inuit-focussed educational policies;
GRU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 50: ICC´s - (Inuit Circumpolar Council - input til Kongeriets Artiske Strategi 2021-2030
the resilience of Inuit, our culture, and our demonstrated successes in
educational approaches and adaptability in the midst of dominant cultures and in the
face of a rapidly-changing world;
that new educational approaches by Inuit educators must include both
Inuit-focussed pedagogies and innovative educational approaches adapted from wider
global research and proven methods;
that the Inuit language and the challenges it faces from second- or foreign-
language speakers within our lands, territories, and culture is the key and most
important component of any Inuit-focussed educational policies that Inuit may wish to
further or develop;
that disparities are sustained through colonizing pedagogy and that
institutional biases result in the predictability of student performance, Inuit lag far
behind others in dominant cultures in terms of formal educational success and in some
cases this lag has achieved near crisis levels;
that among the many ways of helping improve graduation rates is to
address the significant socio-economic disparities faced by Inuit;
Further Understanding
that other ways to improve graduation rates is to address
cultural and linguistic disparities;
the incredible depth and breadth of knowledge and wisdom held by Inuit
elders and others who continue to be the most important teachers Inuit have;
of the need to find innovative ways of accrediting our elders and other Inuit
knowledge holders amongst us so that they may be certified as the competent and
invaluable teachers that they truly are, within the larger educational environments that
all Inuit live in today;
that as Inuit
we know best what is best for our children and as such we
can and should define what teacher credentialing processes and post-secondary
requirements in teacher preservice programs should consist of to ensure our worldview
and perspectives is an integral part;
on Inuit educational approaches, pedagogies, and models that successfully
integrate the sciences, arts, humanities, and other disciplines into the natural and
familiar environments that Inuit children live in;
of the need to foster much greater growth in post-secondary training that is
both appropriate for Inuit and which will allow Inuit individuals and communities to take
advantage of wider global opportunities and to do so by gaining a better understanding
of the role that mastering both primary and globally-dominant languages play in
attaining this goal;
GRU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 50: ICC´s - (Inuit Circumpolar Council - input til Kongeriets Artiske Strategi 2021-2030
Transmit the Inuit worldview and knowledge to Inuit students in all the work we
do, whether it be through language of instruction or Inuit pedagogical methods;
Improve and enhance Inuit education systems at all levels, in particular early
childhood, middle, secondary, and post-secondary learning in ways that reflect
and strengthen our culture and give the best possible opportunities to Inuit;
Call upon the educational authorities and political bodies in our respective
regions to work with us in developing Inuit-focussed pedagogies that are
sufficiently funded and allow Inuit to determine how best to implement them;
Call upon the educational authorities and political bodies in our respective
regions to provide for sufficient funding for the development of Inuit-focussed
teaching materials.
Commit to include youth, elders, and parents in the development of innovative
Inuit-focussed educational initiatives;
Commit to develop fully-funded evaluation methods that use valid measures in
areas of language proficiency and knowledge acquisition across all levels of
education in each of Chukotka, Alaska, Canada, and Greenland, and to do so in
comparable ways;
Commit to communicate with each other after leaving Nuuk by sharing
additional details of our own educational and pedagogical successes and
challenges and, when requested, assist each other in attaining our respective
educational and pedagogical goals;
Ask ICC to establish a forum and committee with membership from all Inuit
regions in order to help facilitate our commitment to communicate, share, and
assist each other in our common and respective educational responsibilities;
Ask ICC to develop funding mechanisms to establish a secretariat that would
enable the equitable sharing of educational resources across the circumpolar
regions in accessible languages or dialects and to find ways to overcome some
possible barriers such as copyright and jurisdictional challenges;
Ask ICC to prepare a report of this Education Summit to assist each country
office of ICC to work with their respective boards, memberships, and
educational institutions to prepare Inuit-focussed recommendations to the next
ICC General Assembly in Utqiaġvik, Alaska in July 2018;
GRU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 50: ICC´s - (Inuit Circumpolar Council - input til Kongeriets Artiske Strategi 2021-2030
15 FEBRUARY 2018