Grønlandsudvalget 2019-20
GRU Alm.del Bilag 23
Meeting in London, 2-3 December 2019
We, as a group of parliamentarians from Antarctic Treaty Parties, gathered at the
inaugural Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly in London on 2-3 December:
Recognise the
global importance of the Antarctic Treaty System, comprising the
Antarctic Treaty and its Protocol on Environmental Protection, which designates
Antarctica as a natural reserve, devoted to peace and science; and the Convention
for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, which provides for the
conservation of Antarctic marine living resources;
Note with concern
the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Special
Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, which highlights the
profound effects of climate change on Antarctica’s ecosystems and the potentially
catastrophic effects of Antarctic ice loss on global sea level;
the continued and strengthened contribution of all scientific investigation
in, from, and about Antarctica to the better understanding of our world and the
implications of climate change and other environmental changes;
ourselves to upholding the Antarctic Treaty System and its key objectives:
to preserve the continent for peace and science; prevent mineral exploitation and
measures of a military nature; promote scientific endeavour and research;
GRU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 23: Conference statement from The inaugural Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly in London 2-3 December 2019
comprehensively protect the Antarctic environment and dependent and associated
ecosystems; and conserve Antarctic and Southern Ocean marine living resources;
ourselves to supporting our Governments with regard to the full
implementation of the Antarctic Treaty, including to expedite the entry into force of
measures made under the Antarctic Treaty, and
that national legislatures, alongside governments, international
organisations, the private sector and civil society all have an important role to play
in promoting the conservation and protection of Antarctica, including the Southern
Agree to:
1. Work towards establishing the Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly on a
biennial basis:
a. Parliamentarians from Antarctic Treaty Parties are invited to
participate, and Parliamentarians from other countries, representatives
from non-governmental organisations, and other experts wishing to
support the actions of the Assembly are invited to observe the
Assembly; and
b. The Assembly will be hosted by agreement among participating
parliamentarians from Antarctic Treaty Parties, subject to further
discussions, and alternating between the Southern and Northern
GRU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 23: Conference statement from The inaugural Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly in London 2-3 December 2019
2. Urge the Antarctic Treaty Parties and Members of the Commission for the
Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources actively to support and,
as appropriate, prioritise their efforts to:
a. Protect and conserve the Antarctic environment including by:
i. Continuing international efforts, through relevant forums, to
address issues arising from activities outside the Antarctic
region that adversely impact on the Antarctic environment;
ii. Ensuring robust Environmental Impact Assessment processes
are conducted for all activities in Antarctica, in accordance with
Annex I of the Protocol on Environmental Protection and that
environmental impacts are mitigated and minimised as far as
iii. Reinforcing international cooperation on pollution issues,
including plastics, that affect the Antarctic environment;
iv. Encouraging work to further strengthen the interaction and
synergies within the Antarctic Treaty System, to ensure that the
clear connectivity between ocean and land in Antarctica is
appropriately addressed;
v. Addressing the effects of climate change on Antarctic marine
biodiversity and marine conservation, including ecosystem-
based fisheries management;
vi. Promoting effective establishment, management and
monitoring of a systematic network of Antarctic specially
protected areas;
vii. Enhancing the management and protection of Antarctic
viii. Encouraging the exchange of knowledge and best practice
among Antarctic Treaty Parties;
GRU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 23: Conference statement from The inaugural Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly in London 2-3 December 2019
ix. Urging those countries that have not yet ratified Annex VI to the
Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
relating to environmental liability to do so; and
x. Ensuring effective national engagement in the Antarctic Treaty
Consultative Meeting and Commission for the Conservation of
Antarctic Marine Living Resources.
b. Promote and support international scientific collaboration, including
i. Facilitate the detection, assessment, and predictions of the rate
of change in Antarctica in response to human activities and
climate change, and the consequential effects of these changes
on the Antarctic ecosystem and the rest of the world;
ii. Enhance the scientific knowledge of Antarctic biodiversity to be
used for the conservation and management of Antarctic
iii. Encourage further coordinated efforts in expanding and
maintaining observation efforts in Antarctica, including the
Southern Ocean, recognising the role that integrated and
sustained observations play in answering key scientific
questions, from predicting sea level rise to understanding
ecosystem response to environmental change;
iv. Facilitate the efficient collection and sharing of scientific
information and encourage work to increase data comparability;
v. Undertake and support science that will inform the effective
protection and conservation of Antarctica; and
vi. Promote the designation of a fifth International Polar Year.
c. Ensure effective management of activities in Antarctica, including by:
GRU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 23: Conference statement from The inaugural Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly in London 2-3 December 2019
i. Encouraging the further establishment of a representative
system of Marine Protected Areas;
ii. Enhancing the efforts of logistics operators to cooperate in
order to reduce the environmental impact of scientific and non-
governmental activities;
iii. Ensuring sustainable fishing practices and a responsible fishing
industry, in order to minimise impacts on non-target species
and, in particular, to avoid sea-bird and marine mammal by-
catch; and to combat illegal, unregulated and unreported
fishing activities;
iv. Noting the anticipated continued growth in tourism and any
adverse environmental impact that some activities may have;
v. to ensure that tourism is conducted strictly in a safe,
environmentally responsible manner, including through the
implementation of all tourism-related Antarctic Treaty
Consultative Meeting Measures; and
vi. Continuing to enhance search and rescue cooperation and
facilitating the improvement of hydrographic charting and
navigation systems in Antarctic waters, promoting coordinated
efforts and data sharing among national hydrographic
3. Encourage our parliaments to adopt, where appropriate, additional national
legislation contributing to the full and effective implementation of the
Antarctic Treaty System.
4. Encourage all parliamentarians from Antarctic Treaty Parties to endorse and
support this statement.
GRU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 23: Conference statement from The inaugural Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly in London 2-3 December 2019
Signed by:
James Gray, UK
The Rt Hon Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones, UK
Generoso Maraia MP, Italy
Senator Massimo Vittorio Berutti, Italy
Senator Patricia Bovey, Canada
Mélissa Hanus MP, Belgium
Jean-Marc Delizée MP, Belgium
Chen Lifeng MP, China
Hubert Julien-Lafferière MP, France
Jacques Maire MP, France
Eirik Sivertsen MP, Norway
Andrew Bayly MP, New Zealand
Congressman Vitor Hugo, Brazil
Keith Pitt MP, Australia
Warren Snowdon MP, Australia
First Deputy Speaker
Lindestam, Sweden
Hamza Dag MP, Turkey
Rumeysa Kadak MP, Turkey
Roman Hryschuk MP, Ukraine
GRU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 23: Conference statement from The inaugural Antarctic Parliamentarians Assembly in London 2-3 December 2019