Forsvarsudvalget 2019-20
FOU Alm.del Bilag 56
Synthetic Turf for
Airfield Groundcover
AGAT Groundcover Designed for Airports
Airports: A Crisis of Capacity
Airports Turn Their Attention to Artificial Turf
The Long Road: How Artificial Turf is Cracking
the Aviation Industry
The Pros and Cons of Artificial Turf
Sponsored by
Published by
Global Business Media
FOU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 23/1-20 vedrørende underlag til flyvepladser og helikopterlandingspladser, fra Evergreen Aviation ApS
Synthetic Turf for
Airfield Groundcover
AGAT Groundcover Designed for Airports
Airports: A Crisis of Capacity
Airports Turn Their Attention to Artificial Turf
The Long Road: How Artificial Turf is Cracking
the Aviation Industry
The Pros and Cons of Artificial Turf
Tom Cropper,
AGAT Groundcover Designed for Airports
Mads Lauritzen,
Special Projects Liaison
Airport Upgrade
Sponsored by
AGAT Applications
Published by
Global Business Media
AGAT Runway
Evergreen Helipad
Published by Global Business Media
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Airports: A Crisis of Capacity
Tom Cropper,
A Booming Future
The Challenge for Runway Condition
Airports Turn Their Attention to Artificial Turf
Jo Roth,
Staff Writer
Artificial Surfaces
Gaining Acceptance
The Long Road: How Artificial Turf
is Cracking the Aviation Industry
James Butler, Staff Writer
A Long and Winding Road
Regulatory Approval
Financial Considerations
The Pros and Cons of Artificial Turf
Tom Cropper,
Jet Blasts and Foreign Object Debris
The Threat of Wildlife
Maintaining Aesthetics
Scaling Up Aircraft
Challenges to Artificial Turf
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are protected by copyright. Full details are
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FOU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 23/1-20 vedrørende underlag til flyvepladser og helikopterlandingspladser, fra Evergreen Aviation ApS
AGAT Groundcover
Designed for Airports
Mads Lauritzen,
Special Projects Liaison
Even so, as Jo Roth discovers, persuading people
within the industry has been quite a challenge for
manufacturers. Conservatism reigns and, in a world
in which budgets are limited, technology which is new
and untried can struggle to make its ground.
However, with London City Airport becoming the first
in Europe to trial synthetic turf, progress is coming.
James Butler looks more closely at the airport’s
experience with the turf and what this could mean
for the future.
Finally, we’ll weigh up the possible uses of synthetic
turf. We’ll look at some of those challenges that
we outlined at the beginning of this Report
and see how artificial surfaces can provide the
answer. The challenges are considerable and it
will take innovation, imagination and a little courage
to meet them.
GAT IS a synthetic turf designed for
airports, landing strips and helipads.
With our experience within artificial turf, aviation
and civil engineering, we are able to offer the
possibility of optimizing security, increasing
efficiency and environmental improvements,
while minimizing operation costs. Our sustainable
surface solutions are thoroughly tested in
laboratories and airports all over the world.
The Danish-based company Evergreen Aviation
has made the first installation of artificial turf in a
European civil airport.
The special artificial turf from Evergreen Aviation
is named Aviation Grade Artificial Turf (AGAT) and
is an innovative form of groundcover.
AGAT is sustainable, easy to maintain and has
a proven ability to reduce and prevent jet blast
erosion and wildlife.
Evergreen Aviation provides consultancy,
installation, service, operation and maintenance
of AGAT.
AGAT’s Safety Effect
• FOD Foreign Object Debris – secures
against creation and improves visual
identification of FOD
• Erosion – closes the surface and secures
it against erosion
• Visual Recognition – independency of
seasons and clear visual recognition
• Incursions – minimized maintenance
and reduction of the need for ground
personnel airside
• ARFF – response increases the access
and shortens the rescue turnout
• Nudging – signalizing which affects
behavior unconsciously but effectively
• Bird Strikes – reduces food and hiding places
for birds and therefore reduces their presence
• Drainage – increases the possibility of
surface drainage
• Wildlife – management environment neutral
and not lethal, removal of food, shelter,
water for birds and prey
ack in the 80s, growing up as a young football
fan, everyone knew about Luton Town and
Evergreen Aviation future proofs airports worldwide with Aviation Grade Artificial Turf
their plastic pitch. It looked horrible and the ball
did funny things. Nobody wanted to go there. That
has been the impression of synthetic pitches ever
since – a poor plastic impersonation of the real thing,
good for sports grounds, but not much else. Today’s
technology, though, is very different indeed.
It looks and behaves much like the real thing. As well
as sports grounds, many people are using them as a
low maintenance replacement for their garden lawns.
Now, though, manufacturers have a new market in
their sights: aviation.
Our opening article comes from one of the world’s
leading producers of synthetic turf. Evergreen Aviation
have developed a form of turf specifically designed
for airports. They explain how it works and why they
think this could be the future.
We will then look at the challenges facing airports.
Increased traffic demands will place a greater strain
on capacity, money is tight and competition is
fierce. Synthetic turfs could be an affordable way to
overcome these problems.
• Noise Reduction - AGAT works as a noise
reduction in Aprons, Taxiways and Helipads
AGAT Applications
• A380 – Airport Upgrade
• Edges of Maneuvering Areas
• Fuel Stations
• ILS Areas
• Intersections
• Islands
• Lamps
• Runway (RWY)
• Runway Markings
• Security Fence
• Service Areas
• Service Roads
• Shoulders
• Signs
• Evergreen Helipad
Evergreen Aviation provides safety and efficiency
to Airports worldwide through a large number of
different applications. The specific applications
needed to increase safety and optimize operation
time and maintenance, are different from airport
to airport. Through close collaboration and
counseling with Evergreen Aviation the most
advantageous solutions are found for each
specific airport.
Tom Cropper
Tom Cropper
has produced articles and reports on various aspects of global business over
the past 15 years. He has also worked as a copywriter for some of the largest corporations in
the world, including ING, KPMG and the World Wildlife Fund.
Airport Upgrade
To operate the Airbus 380 and similar large
aircraft, airports have to comply with the Class
F requirements. By means of AGAT, airport
category can be upgraded from class E to F.
AGAT allows for overall wider TWY and RWY
without increasing the fortified area, and at
the same time the visual reference is increased
and FOD clearly detectable.
Shoulders on RWY and TWY can be made
wider without increasing the fortified area
causing stagnant water on the runway after
downpours. It is possible to construct rainwater
storage in the base building to control delay
FOU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 23/1-20 vedrørende underlag til flyvepladser og helikopterlandingspladser, fra Evergreen Aviation ApS
Evergreen Aviation
provides safety and
efficiency to Airports
worldwide through
a large number of
different applications
of surface water for derivation, reducing the
pressure on the drainage system.
Shoulders paved with AGAT will eliminate
erosion and optimize the visual reference of the
RWY without compromising safety.
AGAT is tested for jet blast and for supporting
ultra-heavy loads, including large aircrafts, and
for supporting emergency response equipment.
AGAT meets ASTM installation requirements.
AGAT is compliant with FAA Advisory Circular
150/5370-15B, and has been identified as
a material that can be used to cover large
portions of airport property with multiple benefits,
such as providing consistent groundcover, as
well as reducing maintenance costs and
attractive vegetative food sources for hazardous
wildlife species.
Synthetic turf technology has passed over
30 independent lab tests including tunnel, jet
wash, load veering, slip resistance adhesive,
ASTM, fire retardant and tear strength. Synthetic
AGAT for airport ground cover is crucial for the
overall success of airport operational safety.
AGAT can last 15+ years of wear and tear from
jet blast and natural causes (projected up to 35+
years for UV alone).
AGAT Applications
AGAT is a highly recommended solution to ensure
the right conditions around the various airport
ground signal devices. Airport lamps are extremely
vulnerable to plants. It is of utmost importance that
all airport marking equipment is kept free of any
disturbance that may interfere with its functionality.
Installation of AGAT in combination with existing
equipment is trouble-free.
AGAT creates a sharp contrast that increases
visibility. AGAT is easy to align and is adaptable
to individual specification designs, airfield
requirements and modification needs.
Installing AGAT at intersections and islands gives
a clear visual reference to the runway limits and
secures against aircraft leaving runways at barred
exits. A strong base covered with AGAT provides
a maximal load-bearing capacity, strong enough
for heavy vehicles to run over without sinking in
and even for aircraft that cut corners accidently
with the inner wheel.
Cost-benefit analyses, evaluating the
construction expenditures against increased
safety, increased esthetics, and reduced
operating expenses, are among AGAT’s
many advantages.
The artificial turf solves water-pooling problems
and controls erosion. On AGAT, rain and other
fluids are collected and lead to the drain. Sand
infill in AGAT absorbs spills of fuel, oil etc. and
contaminated infill can easily be replaced. The
sand infill works as a fire retardant in case of
ignited spills on the ground.
AGAT’s fire resistance rated ‘excellent’
when tested in cooperation with the Airside
Facilities Engineering Team at the Greater
Toronto Airports Authority.
One of the key areas to be used so far has been
jet blast areas around the edges of runways. At
London Southend Airport, for example, they were
struggling with erosion at the end of Runway 05.
They quickly settled on AGAT as being the perfect
option as Marc Taylor who oversaw the project’s
completion says.
“Our advisors at Burroughs recommended
the AGAT solution to restore and future proof
the jet blast area. We contacted Evergreen
Aviation and met with special project liaison
Mads Lauritzen, who flew in for an inspection
and a very informative conversation about the
civil works required. Working in collaboration with
Evergreen Aviation, we identified the appropriate
construction method to accommodate the AGAT
safely. The artificial grass solution makes a lot
of sense, being effective, affordable and has
multiple advantages.”
First the airport laid a well-prepared subbase
made by civil contractor JKS Group to ensure the
installation went as planned. From there they were
able to complete the laying of AGAT overnight
with minimal disruption.
“By using AGAT, we can help these issues and
provide solutions that are cost beneficial, safe,
and long lasting,” said Evergreen Aviation’s
special projects liaison Mads Lauritzen who led
the installation team. “In this case, we installed
from the end of the runway pavement across the
main jet blast area and above the approach-bar
concrete foundations, preventing foreign object
damage (FOD) from eroding natural soil and
minimising hazards when cutting grass around
the approach lights.”
AGAT Runway
A runway paved with AGAT gives the ideal surface
to land small and medium size aircraft regardless
of geographical and weather conditions.
Visual recognition of surface, lines and markers
regardless of weather.
FOD elimination and recognition to ensure
maximum safety during taxi, warm up, start,
landing, hot start and engine braking.
Immediate usage and instant repair.
Snow removable, with documented friction in
dry and wet conditions
Fire retardant, chemical resistant, flood proven,
surface with documented friction on the entire
surface, lines and edges in all weather conditions.
Markings will be permanent and with same
friction and will have distinct color difference
regardless of natural light level and humidity.
AGAT can be installed as runway surface for jets,
propeller and hang gliders.
FOU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 23/1-20 vedrørende underlag til flyvepladser og helikopterlandingspladser, fra Evergreen Aviation ApS
AGAT is tested for
jet blast and for
supporting ultra-
heavy loads, including
large aircrafts, and for
supporting emergency
response equipment
By landing on AGAT instead of natural
grass, hazardous divots and soft spots, which
typically occur in touch down and taxi areas,
are prevented. The even surface has a
documented positive effect of the life expectancy
of gear and fuselage. AGAT and infill are
environmentally neutral and, as such, can be
used in sensitive areas.
Clear airfield markings are important – both for
air and ground personnel. AGAT markings can
improve visual reference in various ways and
appeal to those who give the airport industry
safety the most concern. AGAT allows markings
to be embedded right into the turf.
A Crisis of Capacity
Tom Cropper,
The world is becoming addicted to air travel. With demand expected to double over
the next 15 to 20 years, how will infrastructure cope?
Evergreen Helipad
Advantages of the Helipad
• No FOD and debris: Fast and safer start, stop,
loading and unloading
• Ideal visual reference: Safe straight approach
and recognition of foreign objects
• Fueling: AGAT provides safest possible surface
when fueling
• No maintenance: Permanent markings and
absorption of small particles
• Snow clearing: No limits of snow removability,
without the use of chemicals
The Evergreen helipad is sized to accommodate
the largest helicopter in regular use. The Annex 14
determines the helipad size and markings. If local
restriction dictates smaller sizes, consideration
must be made by organizers and planners.
AGAT is installed on a sub base. The sub base
takes into account the maximum load to be
borne by the helipad in a worst-case scenario.
It is typically not the weight of the helicopter,
but service vehicles such as fire trucks, snow
removal gear, fuel trucks, load and unload gear
that determines the maximum load bearing on
the helipad. Once the sub base is put in place,
the AGAT is rolled out.
AGAT is often installed on a sub base with an
underestimated load bearing, since it is easily
repaired. Note that the surface will not break up
or create FOD in case of a sub base collapse.
The standard color of AGAT is green. Permanent
markings are white for landing, yellow for taxi
and red for service vehicles access, in accordance
to Annex 14. Normally the green turf is installed
first, and then the markings are cut in on site. If
local conditions require it, the entire AGAT surface
can be produced off location and airlifted to its
final destination.
Evergreen Aviation ApS
Address: Kokkedal Industripark 2A,
2980 Kokkedal, Denmark
Phone: +45 39 29 99 99
[email protected]
T’S JANUARY 2019 and protestors are
gathering outside the High Court in London.
In their sights are proposals for a third runway
at Heathrow. Issues such as air and noise
pollution, they say, should stand in the way of
London’s biggest airport’s expansion plans.
They are not alone. Every time an airport
announces plans to expand, they spark waves
of similar protests.
It will always be controversial. Expansion of an
airport such as Heathrow will inevitably run into
environmental and political problems. Despite
assurances from the airport, it flies in the face of
Government commitments to reduce dramatically
carbon emissions. Already air quality around
Heathrow regularly exceeds safe levels and the
cost of putting it right is climbing
On the other hand, expansion is necessary.
Demand for air travel is expected to boom over
the next 20 years. The operators of Heathrow
and other large hubs will have to find a way
of processing all those extra numbers. If they
are not allowed to build new airports or expand
existing infrastructure, they are entitled to ask,
what can they do?
By landing on AGAT instead of natural grass,
hazardous divots and soft spots, which typically
occur in touch down and taxi areas, are prevented
A Booming Future
After suffering slumps in the wake of 9/11 and
the financial crisis of 2008, air travel is booming
again. In 2018 passenger numbers surged
by 6.5%
. IATA’s long-term forecasts suggest
passenger numbers could double to more than
8bn in 2037 with traffic growing at an annual rate
of over 3.5%
. Most of that growth will come from
rising economies such as China, India and Brazil,
but numbers will be increasing across the world.
Airports face an unenviable task. They will have
to increase dramatically their capacities, while
having limited scope for expansion. It’s a case
of doing much more with what they have.
That will not be easy. Over the coming decades
more of the world’s major hubs will be operating
at, or near, full capacity for longer. According to
the European Commission, major hubs such
as London Heathrow, Gatwick and Dusseldorf
are already operating at full capacity. By 2030, if
current trends continue, 19 key European airports
could also reach saturation point
At the same time, they have to operate in an
environment of growing economic uncertainty.
Whether it’s trade tensions between the US
and China, the never-ending saga of Brexit or
tensions in the Middle East, the global economy
faces uncertainty and threats everywhere it looks.
Oil prices are volatile. After the crash of 2014, in
which the price of oil dipped below the $30 mark,
it is on the rise again. So too is the cost of fuel.
The aviation industry suffers also from the
curious distinction of being a sector which has
experienced consistently rising demand over
the past decades but has seen profit margins
shrink. According to Airports Council International,
more than 60% of all airports are failing to turn
a profit
. Only the largest and busiest hubs are
making money and even they are doing so only
because they have high volumes, tight control
of expenditure and the ability to access non
aeronautical revenue through retail outlets. For
smaller regional hubs, the financial proposition
looks extremely gloomy.
Airports must consider the growing expectations
of customers. There was a time when people
viewed air travel as something they had to endure.
If they wanted to get where they were going, they
had little choice other than to work with whatever
experience the airport gave them. That’s not the
case now. We are all consumers and we have
come to expect a certain standard of quality
and convenience wherever we go. Most people
have a choice of more than one international
hub and they have shown themselves willing to
make proactive choices about which airport or
airline to use based on their past experience.
Airports, therefore, are having to address every
aspect of the flying experience in order to retain
their passengers.
FOU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 23/1-20 vedrørende underlag til flyvepladser og helikopterlandingspladser, fra Evergreen Aviation ApS
After suffering slumps
in the wake of 9/11
and the financial crisis
of 2008, air travel is
booming again. In 2018
passenger numbers
surged by 6.5% . IATA’s
long-term forecasts
suggest passenger
numbers could double
to more than 8bn in 2037
with traffic growing at an
annual rate of over 3.5%
The Challenge
for Runway Condition
So how does this all relate to the conditions of the
airside infrastructure? Increased capacity will put
pressure on runways, taxiways and the turf. Busier
runways will also exacerbate existing problems
such as foreign object debris and turf erosion.
This can be unsafe as well as harming the visual
impact of the airport.
To cope with these demands, operators will
be looking for solutions which are simple, cost
effective, can improve efficiency and boost the
capacity of existing infrastructure. One of these
solutions comes in the form of the ground
surface of airports. The existing approach relies
on a mixture of hard surfaces and grassy areas,
but these are prone to damage. An alternative
lies in the form of synthetic turf. A number of
airports have been thinking about moving to
artificial grass surfaces for many years, but
momentum is now really beginning to build. US
Airports started the trend and European hubs are
beginning to follow suit.
Adoption is in its early stages, but manufacturers
of artificial surfaces have ambitious goals. They
see artificial grass providing an alternative to
existing grassy areas as well as helipads and
some landing strips. It is more stable, durable
and reliable than natural turf, is easier to clear of
snow and ice and retains its grip in all conditions.
It reduces maintenance requirements, copes
with heavy traffic loads and reduces the threat of
FOD and wildlife issues for incoming and outgoing
aircraft. All this and it looks good too! Those
airports which have already used it have been
highly positive in their feedback. The challenge
now will be persuading operators that it represents
an affordable upgrade on what they already have.
Airports Turn Their
Attention to Artificial Turf
Jo Roth,
Staff Writer
Trials around the world are showing that artificial turf can deliver a viable alternative
to natural grass for the aviation sector.
Most people have a choice of more than one
international hub and they have shown themselves
willing to make proactive choices about which airport
or airline to use based on their past experience
HEN THE Federal Aviation Authority
inspected the airfield at JFK in 2000,
it found a number of areas at the edges of
runways which had become dangerously
eroded and were in need of stabilization.
The problem, as an investigation by the Port
Authority of New Jersey discovered, was that
the existing grass used by the airport operators
was not up to the rigors of jet blasts
. Their
solution was to provide more protection to the
ground service by using synthetic turf and it
worked. Other airports around the world are
following suit.
In 2017, London City Airport became the first
airport in Europe to trial synthetic turf with 400m
of artificial turf initially being installed in the jet blast
areas of runway 27 and Taxiway M. These areas
suffered from problems such as jet blasts and
loose objects being thrown up due to blasts from
the engines. Both were having a severe impact on
the natural grass surfaces, increasing wear and
creating safety issues
“The installation took place in an area of the
airfield where the aircraft do a particular maneuver
to line up on the runway. As they turn around, that
particular area is exposed to high levels of jet blast
which made it the ideal location for a trial” said
Charles Joubeily, project manager at London City
Airport. “Since the installation, there have been no
issues with the AGAT,” he added. “Airfields are
always being inspected and there have been no
issues reported so far.”
While most of the attention so far has been on jet
blast areas, Evergreen Aviation has been keen to
promote its use in three different areas:
Edges and maneuvering areas:
Uses have so
far focused on edges and maneuvering areas.
This is useful in areas with high load bearing
demands such as high-volume traffic traverse
zones. It maintains its condition without causing
rutting or erosion to the edges which might be
seen with grassy areas. It will also provide good
grip if an aircraft has to run off a runway and
onto the verge. It offers better visual distinction
between areas in all weather conditions and is
promoted as a significant safety improvement
compared to grass.
AGAT can be used as a good
surface for landing strips designed to cope
with small aircraft. It maintains its condition
better than grass and makes it easier to identify
foreign object debris. It can be used instantly
and offers clear recognition of surface lines
and markers regardless of the conditions. It
maintains friction in wet and dry conditions and
also maintains performance after snow removal.
The bright clear artificial grass
provides good markings in all weather
conditions and maintains its condition for longer
without maintenance. It reduces foreign object
debris which leads to faster and safer landing,
loading and take off. In winter conditions it has
unlimited snow clearance capacity without the
need for chemicals and is also safe to use for
refueling operations.
Artificial Surfaces
Aviation Grade Artificial Turf (AGAT) has been
specially designed to provide an artificial turf
surface capable of being used for airports, landing
strips and helipads. It offers low maintenance, the
ability to reduce erosion by jet blast, retains the
integrity of turf edges and provides a clear visual
distinction between different areas of the runway.
It offers good grip if an aircraft has to run off the
runway and keeps wildlife and flora away from
runway areas.
Gaining Acceptance
As things stand, Evergreen Aviation leads the
pack in what is hardly a crowded field. There are
only a couple of manufacturers world-wide. They
see themselves as offering a solution to many of
the challenges airports will face in the future. Even
so, as they admit, it has been a long and tough
road to convince the aviation sector.
“I’ve been trying to sell artificial turf throughout
Europe and other parts of the world for eight years.
FOU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 23/1-20 vedrørende underlag til flyvepladser og helikopterlandingspladser, fra Evergreen Aviation ApS
As things stand,
Evergreen Aviation
leads the pack in what
is hardly a crowded
field. There are only a
couple of manufacturers
world-wide. They see
themselves as offering a
solution to many of the
challenges airports will
face in the future
However it has proven to be extremely difficult to
promote new standards to the aviation authorities”
Nikolaj Duckert, Technical Director at Evergreen
Aviation told
The company had been attempting to sell the
artificial turf to airports around Europe, including
Denmark, but it wasn’t until London City Airport
picked up the phone that they had enjoyed much
success. Synthetic turf requires fresh thinking. It is
a material which is little understood and takes a
step forward from the traditional approach, which
is to use grass. Whether it’s a lack of familiarity with
the technology or a naturally conservative desire
to control costs, many operators are reluctant to
make the leap.
The project at London City Airport, though,
is demonstrating that artificial turf can offer
answers to many of the most serious questions
being asked by airports such as how to reduce
maintenance costs, combat jet blast erosion and
foreign object debris and how to improve safety.
So far results have been promising and London
City airports hopes to invest in artificial turf in all
grass areas, totaling 160,000 square meters.
“The airport has not had any challenges with
the artificial turf, even though it has had heavy
rain. An area of 400 square meters is too small
to have any impact on bird strikes, but if artificial
turf replaces all natural grass, we will remove the
presence of mice, rats, geese and other birds. The
airport expects to reduce bird strikes by 16 to 32
percent,” adds Nikolaj Duckert.
This is a new technology and, like many
innovations, will run into resistance from those who
will be naturally suspicious of change. Money is
tight and new solutions will always have to prove
their value. The penalties for getting things wrong
can be severe. However, as the experience at
London City Airport and others shows, it is
meeting every challenge put in front of it.
The Long Road:
How Artificial Turf is Cracking
the Aviation Industry
James Butler,
Staff Writer
In a bid to improve safety and save money, airport operators are increasingly turning
to artificial turf solutions. accurate visualization and faster warnings.
OR MOST people artificial turf is seen
as something for sports fields or people
who want to keep their gardens looking nice
in dry climates. However, manufacturers are
now producing synthetic turf solutions aimed
at airports. Those who have used it generally
report positive outcomes. Results suggest
it can reduce maintenance costs, combat
erosion and cope with jet blasts and foreign
object debris.
A Long and Winding Road
Manufacturers have faced a long and, at times,
tough journey in convincing airport operators
and regulators of the value of artificial turf. Like
anything which is new, it has to work hard to prove
its effectiveness.
Back in 2006, a study in the US examined
the effectiveness and safety of artificial turf for
use with runways. It was commissioned as a
number of airports began looking into its use to
address issues such as erosion, damage and
maintenance. The study worked with producers
of artificial turfs and airports, and looked at
those airports in which it had already been
used, including:
• Chicago O’Hare International Airport
• Chicago Midway International Airport
• Boston Logan International Airport
• Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport
• Honolulu International Airport
• San Francisco International Airport
• Ocean City Municipal Airport.
It also carried out safety tests at the Federal
Aviation Administration William J. Hughes
Technical Center specifically focusing on jet
blast erosion.
According to the Report, artificial turf can be
effective in a number of ways including reducing
soil erosion, combating foreign object debris,
reducing wildlife incursions and improving the
visual impact of the airport.
“An area of 400 square meters is too small to have any
impact on bird strikes, but if artificial turf replaces all
natural grass, we will remove the presence of mice,
rats, geese and other birds. The airport expects to
reduce bird strikes by 16 to 32 percent”
Nikolaj Duckert, Technical Director, Evergreen Aviation
“The two main reasons for the use of artificial
turf installations were to control soil erosion and
to mitigate foreign object debris issues,” states
the Report. “Other considerations for the use
of artificial turf included lower turf maintenance,
wildlife mitigation, and visual enhancements.
The majority of airport concerns focused on
the ability to resist jet blast, weather effects and
contaminants (fuel, deicing fluids, hydraulic fluids),
and to support the load of safety vehicles as well
as being skid and fire-resistant
It also found airports which were especially at risk
of flooding were turning to artificial turf as a way of
maintaining ground conditions during times of high
rain. Ocean City Municipal Airport, for example,
was located on a bay and, during heavy rain,
experienced problems with water pooling and
soil erosion. High tides might also see water spill
over onto the runway causing erosion to the soil
between the runway and taxiways.
The Report found that those airports which had
trialed the use of synthetic turf were reportedly
satisfied with its performance. They also said
that they were happy with its cost effectiveness,
although there was relatively little data available.
In general, the report was positive, but
did acknowledge that there was limited data
available to make assertions about its long-term
value. Product specification tests were also
incomplete and additional tests and standards
needed to be applied.
Regulatory Approval
Part of the problem is that aviation authorities
are playing catchup. The FAA did not have
any standards aimed at artificial turf, but that
changed quickly. As part of this study, existing
FAA standards were reviewed to assess their
applicability for artificial turf applications.
The FAA’s own investigations into the use of
artificial turf led to an advisory circular that found
that it could be used “as an alternate to natural
FOU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 23/1-20 vedrørende underlag til flyvepladser og helikopterlandingspladser, fra Evergreen Aviation ApS
Back in 2006, a study
in the US examined the
effectiveness and safety
of artificial turf for
use with runways.
It was commissioned
as a number of airports
began looking into its
use to address issues
such as erosion, damage
and maintenance
turf or other surface treatments used to stabilize
shoulders and safety areas. An additional use is to
install these systems on paved areas not intended
for aircraft movement
It should be designed and installed so it will not
be displaced by jet blasts and anchor pull tests
should be used to check its reliability. It must
also be placed on a surface capable of supporting
the heaviest jets. Surface deformations in excess
of three inches or that allow shoving or wrinkles
in the material will require immediate inspection
and repair.
It must have good drainage resistant properties
ensuring water does not accumulate. Heavy rain
conditions must not flush infill material from the
surface and all artificial turf surfaces must provide
storm run-off capabilities similar to paved surfaces.
Before installation, the surface will have to undergo
extensive testing for its runoff drainage coefficient
in accordance with ASTM F 1551.
Guidance from the regulators is crucial. It adds
legitimacy, provides reassurance and offers details
about how artificial turf solutions can be introduced
effectively into the airport environment. Even so,
operators will still need to show a clear return on
investment for adoption to approve.
The Pros and
Cons of Artificial Turf
Tom Cropper,
Airport operators are seriously looking at the possibility of using artificial turf for
ground areas. But how effective can it be and what areas would be most suitable?
Financial Considerations
Finances are tight at airports of all sizes around
the world and installing synthetic turf represents
a significant upfront investment. Technology has
evolved dramatically; synthetic turf is a highly
sophisticated material designed to the highest
specifications in order to withstand the rigors
of aviation use. This does not come cheap. To
win over any doubters, producers will have to
demonstrate that their solutions will deliver a clear
financial return on investment.
Their argument revolves around reductions in
ongoing maintenance. Because synthetic turf
retains its integrity, surfaces will stay solid for
longer. Fewer interventions will also require lower
staff costs. It’s a strong argument and the more
airports choose to adopt synthetic turf the greater
the body of evidence supporting its use.
This is happening. Several airports in the USA
have already made the move and are reporting
positive results. European airports such as
London City are also making the move and their
experience is showing that these solutions can be
effective, affordable and deliver a good return on
investment. Where they lead, others follow which
means the aviation sector will continue to represent
an extremely promising market for producers of
artificial turf. The move from the football field to
the airport is well and truly underway.
RTIFICIAL TURF is being presented as a
sustainable and affordable alternative to
natural grass, but the industry is still uncertain
about whether it can truly help it meet the
challenges of the future. Questions remain
about its cost effectiveness and in which
situations it should be used. In this article, we
will look at some of the challenges confronting
the industry, how these may change in the
future and what a move to synthetic turf may
deliver in terms of a return on investment.
Jet Blasts and
Foreign Object Debris
Jet blasts have long been a problem for airports.
Their design constantly has to cater to the risks
blasts pose to surfaces and other infrastructure.
Grass surfaces struggle to cope. This is one of the
most common reasons why airports around the
world are switching to artificial surfaces for runway
safety areas, shoulders and ramps. So long as
they are installed correctly, they can withstand the
pressures of blasts without eroding.
Similarly, they make it easier to identify foreign
object debris (FOD), another serious problem
for aircraft. As traffic increases, identifying debris
is becoming an increasingly common problem.
Because artificial turf does not erode to the same
extent as grass and maintains its visual integrity,
FOD accumulation is less likely and objects are
much more easily identified.
warns that if grass is attractive to wildlife it could
“increase the potential for wildlife aircraft collisions
if planted near critical airport operating areas
The traditional approach to wildlife management,
said the report, such as discing, prescribed
burning and planting food plots, benefits
wildlife by providing food, cover and other
resources. Instead, it argued, airports should
make a greater effort to ensure high operating
areas keep wildlife away.
Authorities around the world have recognized
the need for effective wildlife management. Some
have laid down specific rules while others offer
looser guidelines. Many of these look at the length
of the grass. In the UK, authorities specify that
grass should be maintained at between six and
eight inches to reduce the attractiveness to wildlife
while maintaining the overall aesthetic appeal.
Switching to artificial turf would create large
areas close to operational zones which have no
appeal to wildlife. It creates an exclusion zone in
areas where aircraft will be passing regularly and
reduces the risk of collisions with wildlife.
Maintaining Aesthetics
Grass surfaces may be problematic, but even so
they are still valued for their aesthetic appeal. An
airport represents a gateway into its country which
makes it important to maintain an impressive
visual impact. Grass areas and vegetation play an
important part in that process. Unfortunately, the
rigors of daily airport operations mean keeping
the areas looking their best is an ongoing job.
Grass areas are susceptible to rutting from
the passage of vehicles and damage from
jet blasts. Unless their condition is managed,
they can quickly become unsightly. Replacing
turfgrass with synthetic grass gives the airport
a much more consistent look. Modern artificial
turf manages to deliver a much more natural
and realistically grass-like finish. At the same
time it brings an increased resistance to jet blasts
and other causes of wear, which reduces the
need for ground crews to constantly maintain
ground conditions.
The Threat of Wildlife
Bird strikes represent one of the most serious
hazards to aircraft. 2018 was a particularly
bad year. According to the FAA, US operators
experienced an average of 40 bird strikes per day.
In total US airlines reported 14,661 collisions over
the course of the year. With traffic at airports likely
to become much busier in coming decades, this
risk is likely to keep growing
The most common choice for land cover at
airports has predominantly been turfgrass.
However, depending on the type of grass used,
it can create a wildlife hazard. A USDA report
Artificial turf can be effective in a number of ways
including reducing soil erosion, combating foreign
object debris, reducing wildlife incursions and
improving the visual impact of the airport
FOU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 23/1-20 vedrørende underlag til flyvepladser og helikopterlandingspladser, fra Evergreen Aviation ApS
With air traffic predicted
to double over the next
couple of years thanks,
in part, to a spike of air
travel from China, the
size of aircraft is rising.
Heathrow recently
passed the 200-seat
mark but barely makes
it into the top 30
Heathrow Air Quality Costs Two to Three Times Higher Than Thought:
Healthy Passenger Demand Continues in 2018:
IATA Forecasts Predicts 8.2 Billion Passengers:
Europe’s Airports in 2030:
66% of the World’s Airports are Losing Money:
JFK Turns to Astroturf:
London Based Airport Installs Danish Astroturf:
Airside Applications for Astroturf:
FAA advisory circular:
Planes Strike Bird More than 40 Times Per Day:
Scaling Up Aircraft
With air traffic predicted to double over the next
couple of years thanks, in part, to a spike of air
travel from China, the size of aircraft is rising.
Heathrow recently passed the 200-seat mark
but barely makes it into the top 30
. Innovata /
Diio Mi schedule data shows a clear rise in the
average size of aircraft over a ten-year period. The
arrival of the Airbus 380 took aviation towards a
new era of scale and luxury. This double decker
behemoth appeared to be the future of air travel
with the ability to carry up to 800 passengers.
However, the economics of fueling and
operating this four-engine monster meant Airbus
struggled to make it economically viable. In
February 2019 they announced that they would
be ending production after Emirates decided to
drop an order
Even so, this is an icon of the aviation world and
is extremely popular with passengers. The main
factors against it have been the cost of running it
and the fact that not all airports are able to carry
it. So, although new orders are drying up, being
able to handle aircraft of such scale will give
airports an advantage. Manufacturers of artificial
turf, meanwhile, say their turf makes it easy for
airports to switch from Category E to F required
to take the Airbus.
Equally, synthetic turf can make it easier to cope
with a world in which operators are switching their
focus from super carriers to smaller two engine
aircraft. The Airbus 380 was designed to help
airlines carry more people with fewer flights. If it
has reached the end of the road, airports will need
to increase the number of flights. In itself, this will
put pressure on infrastructure and push operators
towards solutions which reduce interruptions to
the smooth flow of airside operations. Any time
taken out for maintenance will stand in the way
of attempts to increase the number of slots
available. The big hope for artificial turf then, is
that it can withstand heavy traffic levels and will
have lower maintenance requirements.
Managing Turfgrass to Reduce Wildlife Hazards:
Aircraft Size is Growing at Europe’s Busiest Hubs:
The World’s Biggest Passenger Plane, the Airbus 380 is Dead. Here’s What Killed it:
Challenges to Artificial Turf
The market for artificial turf at airports is only
just beginning to gather momentum and there
are many things which stand in the way. Some
may not like the appearance of artificial grass.
For most, it’s a natural inertia standing in the way
of innovation. They are accustomed to natural
turf. The prospect of covering thousands of
square metres with artificial turf will represent a
significant upfront cost. In a fiscally conservative
environment, many operators will be reluctant to
make that leap unless they feel comfortable about
the return on investment. Some may decide to
make the transition gradually, spreading out the
cost and seeing how the new surface performs
at every stage.
Those looking to sell the benefits of artificial
ground surfaces to the aviation industry, until
recently, have struggled with the unfamiliar
nature of the technology. It’s easy to show
benefits in theory but without real life case studies,
convincing operators to make a purchase can
be a challenge. With airports beginning to trial
new surfaces that is changing. A growing body
of evidence is mounting which demonstrates how
artificial surfaces can play a vital role in helping
airports face the considerable challenges of the
coming decades.
FOU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 23/1-20 vedrørende underlag til flyvepladser og helikopterlandingspladser, fra Evergreen Aviation ApS
FOU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 23/1-20 vedrørende underlag til flyvepladser og helikopterlandingspladser, fra Evergreen Aviation ApS
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