Forsvarsudvalget 2019-20
FOU Alm.del Bilag 56
Att.: Udvalgssekretær
Jesper Tinghuus
Evergreen Aviation ApS
Kokkedal Industripark 2A
DK-2980 Kokkedal
+45 39 29 99 99
Evergreen Aviation søger hermed foretræde for forsvarsudvalget.
Ansøgning om foretræde sker på opfordring fra Forsvarsudvalgets Formand, MF. Naser Khader.
Med foretræde ønsker Evergreen Aviation at oplyse udvalget om:
Muligheden for at højne kriseberedskabet i Arktis ved at opgradere infrastrukturen på
Station Nord, Thule m.fl.
Ved at installere AGAT groundcover, vil risikoen for at fly sidder fast i sandet elimineres
ligeledes vil vedligeholdet og drift af landingsbaner og standpladser reduceres væsentligt.
AGAT Groundcover sikrer at miljøet ikke belastes i forbindelse med tankning og
flyvevedligehold på standpladsen. Nuværende grusbaner lever ikke op til de civile standarder
for landingsanlæg, og udgør herigennem en væsentlig risiko for flyvesikkerheden.
Fremtiden vil bringe krydstogtskibe til området såvel som fragt via nordvestpassagen.
Det danske kriseberedskab bør som minimum kunne beflyve deres stationer i tilfælde af en
katastrofe i området.
Muligheden for at reducere risiko for ulykker samt vedligehold ifm. helikopterflyvning i
ørkenmiljø, herunder eks. Mali.
Det danske bidrag til Minusma i Mali, består pt. af to EH-101 Merlin helikoptere. Erfaringerne
fra 2013 vidner om en drastisk forøgelse af vedligeholdsbudgettet på EH-101, og udsætter
kapaciteten for en øget risiko for ikke, at kunne opretholde det hjemlige redningsberedskab
samtidig med udsendelse af kapaciteten. Ved at lande på AGAT elimineres støv og dermed
reduceres vedligehold af rotor, stel og motor drastisk.
Sand er den største smittebærer i disse egne. Ved at eliminere ”sandstorme” ved take-off
landing, kan der i modsætning til nu landes på/ved felthospitalet. Vigtige minutter spares og
menneskeliv kan reddes.
E ergreen A iation │ Kokkedal Industripark A │ DK-
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FOU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 56: Henvendelse af 23/1-20 vedrørende underlag til flyvepladser og helikopterlandingspladser, fra Evergreen Aviation ApS
Company Profile
Evergreen Aviation ApS
Address: Kokkedal Industripark 2A
DK-2980 Kokkedal
+45 39 29 99 99
[email protected]
Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, Evergreen Aviation is a leading provider of Aviation Grade Artificial
Turf, AGAT, worldwide. We are the distributor of AGAT for airports in Scandinavia, UK, North
Atlantics, MENA, and several European, African and Asian countries as well. Since we were founded in
2009, Evergreen Aviation has developed a number of new applications for AGAT, including the AGAT
Helipad, which was designed for military and civil aviation use in the US.
It is our mission for AGAT to be the first choice of groundcover for
airport’s secondary surfaces and
groundcover for landing strips and helipads.
About Evergreen Aviation
Evergreen Aviation supplies airports with the airfield groundcover, AGAT
a synthetic turf designed for
airports, landing strips and helipads. Evergreen Aviation provides safety and efficiency to airports
worldwide through a large number of different applications.
The specific applications needed to increase safety and optimize operation time and maintenance are
different from airport to airport. With our experience within artificial turf, aviation and civil engineering,
we are able to offer a yet unexploited possibility of optimizing security, increasing efficiency and
environmental improvements. We provide consultancy, installation, service and maintenance. We strive
to use local manpower, equipment and materials in order to educate and minimize environmental impact.
About AGAT
AGAT is a synthetic turf filled with silica sand, which creates a unique permanent surface cover. AGAT
is a future proof, innovative solution with numerous advantages for installation in leading airports around
the world. AGAT minimizes operational costs and improves security by reducing FOD, erosion, bird
strikes, noise and maintenance.
The components are 100% recyclable, UV and chemical resistant, and they leave minimal environmental
impact when compared with asphalt and concrete, which permanently pollute the natural infill.
It has been approved for extreme weather conditions, from -72C to +65C. Ice and snow can be removed
without damaging the turf, and without the need for deicers. The colored UV resistant fiber of the turf
repels water, so that the colors of the turf can be clearly seen in any light setting.
Our solutions are thoroughly tested in laboratories and at airports all over the world.
E ergreen A iation │ Kokkedal Industripark A │ DK-
0 │ Phone +
.e ergreena