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W sum.dk
Minister for Health and Senior Citizens
European Commission
DG Health and Food Safety
Date: 07-07-2020
Section: MEDINT
Case Officer: DEPKLN
Case: 2008770
Doc.: 1270791
Consultation on Road Map for the Pharmaceutical Strategy
timely access to affordable medicines
The Danish Government welcomes this opportunity to put forward our response to
the Road Map for the Pharmaceutical Strategy launched by the European
Commission in June.
The Road Map describes four categories of objectives that each contains a range of
sub-topics, which will be pursued through legislative and non-legislative actions.
From a Danish perspective, these objectives seem to capture the essence of the
broad range of issues that appear to require attention at European level.
The Danish Government supports the Commission
emphasis on the need to build a
holistic, patient-centred, forward-looking Pharmaceutical Strategy that covers the
whole life-cycle of pharmaceutical products from scientific discovery to authorization
and patient access. The Danish Government also supports a strategy that emphasises
the sound functioning of the internal market and the sustainability of public finances.
The European pharmaceutical industry contributes significantly to the European
trade surplus, and is a major contributor to the EU economy where it creates
economic growth and employment.
Shortages of medicines are a potential threat to patient safety in the European
Union. Access to and availability of medicines is essential to our health and our
confidence in the health system. It is therefore important that the European citizens
can trust that they have access to both existing and new medicines of high quality
and safety.
The covid19 crisis has amplified many of the objectives set out in the Road Map. The
indisputable fact that the pharmaceutical sector is vital for the Union and its citizens
in order to safeguard public health and pave the way for research and innovation has
become increasingly evident. The crisis has equally underlined the fact that the sector
operates in a global setting with many complex dependencies on other actors. Thus,
we fully endorse the view that attention shall also be given to the international
di e sio a d the se tor s glo al o petitiveness.
The pharmaceutical sector is a knowledge-intensive sector where a strong IP
framework and incentives structure contribute to innovation and development of
new therapies.