Europaudvalget 2019-20, Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del Bilag 655, KEF Alm.del Bilag 298
5 May 2020 No XIII-2880
The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania,
that 30 years ago the resolute and united people of Lithuania restored its independence,
which ensured their right to live in freedom and build a safe and prosperous state,
drawing attention
to the fact that the energy independence of our country has not been fully
secured, our electricity system is still managed by Russia through the energy ring of Belarus,
Russia, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia (BRELL), and the unsafe Astravyets nuclear power plant
under construction in the vicinity of Vilnius runs counter to the vital national interests of the
Republic of Lithuania,
with the commitment set forth in the Accord between the Parliamentary Political
Parties of the Republic of Lithuania of 10 February 2017 on Joint Actions against the Unsafe
Nuclear Power Plant in Astravyets to draft a joint action plan to ensure that other countries and
international organisations contribute to the implementation of the provisions relevant to
Lithuania, namely, that the electricity produced in the Astravyets nuclear power plant will not be
allowed into Lithuania nor will it be allowed to be sold on the Lithuanian electricity market
under any circumstances,
having regard
to the fact that, on 30 May 2017, the Seimas adopted the Law of the Republic of
Lithuania on Necessary Measures of Protection against the Threats Posed by Unsafe Nuclear
Power Plants in Third Countries, which provides that access to the electricity market of the
Republic of Lithuania shall not be allowed for electricity from the third countries in which
unsafe nuclear power plants operate,
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 655: Brev fra formanden for Litauens parlament vedr. resolution om energi uafhængighed og truslen fra Astavyets atomkraftværket
that, on 15 June 2017, the Seimas recognised the nuclear power plant under
construction in the Astravyets District, Republic of Belarus, as unsafe and dangerous by the Law
of the Republic of Lithuania on Recognition of the Nuclear Power Plant under Construction in
the Astravyets District in the Republic of Belarus as Unsafe and Posing a Threat to the National
Security of the Republic of Lithuania, its Environment and Public Health,
regard to the fact that the parties to the United Nations Convention on Environmental
Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context recognised on 7 February 2019 that, in selecting
a site for the construction of the nuclear power plant, the Republic of Belarus breached Articles
4, 5 and 6 of the Convention by improperly assessing the environmental impact of the nuclear
power plant, improperly consulting the affected parties and adopting an inappropriate final
decision on the site selection, and thus the parties to the Convention admitted that the
construction of the Astravyets nuclear power plant was in violation of international requirements,
the statement of 24 November 2017 by Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the
European Commission, that the Astravyets nuclear project is not merely a bilateral issue between
Lithuania and a neighbouring country but a European issue,
that in response to the EU’s concerns about the unsafe Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant,
Lithuania has closed it,
regard to the Statement of the Seimas Committee on European Affairs of 15 November
2019 that the nuclear power plant in the Astravyets District, Republic of Belarus, is being
constructed on the improperly selected site in the vicinity of the border with the Republic of
Lithuania and in inadmissible proximity to its capital Vilnius and constitutes an environmental,
energy, military, health, and territorial safety problem not only for Lithuania but also for the
whole EU and therefore cannot and should not be operated,
that the recommendations following from the stress tests of the Astravyets nuclear
power plant carried out by the nuclear safety authorities of the EU Member States in 2018 must
be fully implemented before the power plant is likely to be put into operation,
that the Republic of Lithuania will demand that the Republic of Belarus compensate for
any damage that might arise in Lithuania as a result of a nuclear accident at the Astravyets
nuclear power plant,
committing itself
to making full use of parliamentary diplomacy by mobilising support from the
parliaments of the EU Member States and other countries for the elimination of the threat posed
by the Astravyets nuclear power plant,
the Government of the Republic of Lithuania:
1) to immediately implement all requirements of Article 4 of the Law on Necessary Measures of
Protection against the Threats Posed by Unsafe Nuclear Power Plants in Third Countries for
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 655: Brev fra formanden for Litauens parlament vedr. resolution om energi uafhængighed og truslen fra Astavyets atomkraftværket
preventing the access of electricity from Belarus to the electricity market of the Republic of
Lithuania and to apply the technical measures that, prior to the launch of the Astravyets nuclear
power plant, would restrict the access of electricity from Belarus to the electricity system of the
Republic of Lithuania to the level necessary to ensure the reliable operation of the national
electricity system;
2) to seek that the EU adopt a legally binding decision on the threat posed by the Astravyets
nuclear power plant to the EU population and take appropriate actions with regard to Belarus and
3) seek that Lithuanian allies impose sanctions against the constructor of the Astravyets nuclear
power plant and other enterprises and intermediaries engaged in the construction of the
Astravyets nuclear power plant and the trade in the dirty energy generated by this plant;
to achieve that the EU support Lithuania’s position of principle regarding the prevention of
access of electricity, to the markets of the EU Member States, from neighbouring countries
which operate unsafe nuclear power plants that do not meet the EU requirements of stress tests
on nuclear safety or violate international nuclear safety and environmental conventions;
5) to immediately draw up and submit to the Seimas draft legal acts containing provisions on
response to the consequences of possible accidents at the Astravyets nuclear power plant for the
Republic of Lithuania and on the procedure and conditions for assessing the expenses already
incurred in the course of preparatory work and for compensating for all damages;
6) to seek, by all political and diplomatic means, the support of the EU, the EU and NATO
member states, Ukraine, other countries in the region and the entire international community in
addressing the issue of elimination of threats arising from the Astravyets nuclear power plant;
7) to immediately draft an appropriate plan for strategic communication and integrated
implementation of Lithuania’s measures.
Speaker of the Seimas
Viktoras Pranckietis