Europaudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del Bilag 627
Nicolas Schmit
Member of the European Commission
Jobs and Social Rights
[email protected]
Minister for Employment
Holmens Kanal 20
DK-1060 Copenhagen K
T +45 72 20 50 00
E [email protected]
CBR 10172748
Dear Commissioner
Thank you for your letter of 30 April 2020 regarding the free movement of workers
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 crisis is an unprecedented health crisis that has also affected the
movement of workers and citizens across the EU. In these uncertain times, Member
States need to share their experiences and learn from each other. It is important that
we continue to ensure the health and safety of our citizens while trying to minimize
the economic and social consequences of the crisis. In this light, I welcome the dis-
cussion on national measures regarding the free movement of workers during the
informal video conference.
The Danish approach to cross-border workers complies with the guidelines from
the European Commission. Although the Danish borders are currently closed, EU
citizens who work in Denmark or have to deliver goods and service are allowed to
enter the country. The only requirement is that they can provide documentation for
their employment status such as an employment contract or PD A1 and that they do
not show any symptoms of COVID-19.
With regard to the protection of seasonal workers, the Danish Government has
taken a number of initiatives to protect all workers in Denmark that will also apply
to them.
Generally, employers are required to implement preventive measures that lower the
risk of COVID-19 spreading in work places in line with the general guidelines is-
sued by the Danish Health Authority. These guidelines include making wash basins
or hand sanitizers available, ensuring distance between workers etc. To increase
awareness, the Danish Working Environment Authority has made these guidelines
available in several European languages.
The Government has also entered into a close collaboration with the Danish social
partners in order to find the most suitable solutions for different industries. As part
of this collaboration, a new task force with representatives from the social partners
has been established.
Furthermore, the Danish Working Environment Authority has gradually started to
carry out inspections again. During inspections, the Authority will now check
File No.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 627: Resumé fra den uformelle højniveaumøde-videokonference på beskæftigelses- og socialområdet 5/5-20 samt svarbrev til kommissær Nicolas Schmit vedr. vandrende arbejdskraft
whether the employers has implemented the preventive measures in a satisfactory
I look forward to share these perspectives with you and EPSCO ministers during
the video conference on 5 May 2020. I would also like to take this opportunity to
thank you for the work that the European Commission has already done during this
Yours sincerely
Peter Hummelgaard