Europaudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del Bilag 504
Udvalgets medlemmer
27. marts 2020
Brev fra formanden for Europaudvalget i den tyske for-
bundsdag vedr. overholdelse af nærhedsprincippet
Brev fra formanden for Europaudvalget i den tyske forbundsdag anmoder
kommissær Sefcovic om, at Kommissionen midlertidigt bør se bort fra de
nationale parlamenters 8-ugers svarfrist fsva. overholdelse af nærhedsprin-
cippet i kommissionsforslag.
Nedenfor er en engelsk følgeskrivelse fra formanden. Det tyske originalbrev
er også vedhæftet.
Med venlig hilsen
Iben Tybjærg Schacke-Barfoed,
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EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 504: Brev fra formanden for Europaudvalget i den tyske forbundsdag vedr. overholdelse af nærhedsprincippet
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached for your information a letter from the Chair of the EU
Affairs committee of the German Bundestag, Gunther Krichbaum, sent yes-
terday to Vice-President
Šefčovič on the topic of subsidiarity.
Here is an informal translation of the most important part of it:
"The coronavirus pandemic is leading all over Europe to restrictions on public
life and consequently also on the work of national parliaments. The proce-
dures for monitoring adherence to the principles of subsidiarity and propor-
tionality must take this into account.
From a legal point of view, the eight-week period for submitting reasoned
opinions cannot be extended. However, as long as restrictions due to the
pandemic continue, the Commission should make generous use of the politi-
cal scope it has and also take account of reasoned opinions that are submit-
ted after this deadline."
Stay safe and healthy!
Kind regards,
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