Maroš Šefčovič,
Vice-President for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight
European Commission
Dear Commissioner
Maroš Šefčovič,
Please accept my warmest congratulations on your appointment as Vice-
President for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight.
Clear, simple and efficient regulation of a high quality is a precondition for
delivering solutions to the major challenges facing our society. It is the
foundation for a fair, green and competitive EU ensuring a high level of
protection of consumers, climate and employees, while promoting eco-
nomic growth, innovation and jobs.
I have some reflections on the future agenda on better regulation that I hope
you will read with interest.
European legislation fit for the digital age
With reference to your statements in the parliamentary hearing, I fully
share your opinion that all European legislation should be fit for the digital
age. Unfortunately, we see an increasing complexity and fragmentation of
the regulatory environment - both at national and EU level. Existing and
new EU regulation does not always accommodate the way in which new
technologies and business models create value for businesses, citizens and
society. This creates regulatory uncertainty slowing down innovation and
negative impact on our competitiveness.
Therefore, I welcome your ambitions to promote legislation that is digital-
by-default and future-proof and I look forward to your work on foresight
that I believe can contribute to regulation that is suited to the technologies
of tomorrow. In Denmark, we have introduced a set of principles on digi-
tal-by-default and future-proof regulation. I would be happy to share our
experience on the use of these principles in lawmaking and further discuss
how such principles could be implemented at the European level. Attached
you will find a non-paper explaining the Danish principles and priorities
on this agenda.
An intelligent model for implementing
One out”
Commission’s instrument to deliver on the “One in, One out”-princi-
ple at European level will be crucial and we stand ready to contribute to
the development of this instrument. It will be important to ensure an intel-
ligent model, which delivers more simple, effective and future-proof regu-
lation while contributing to the green transition and better protection of
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