Europaudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del Bilag 1000
Committee on Legal Affairs
Interparliamentary Committee Meeting
Better Law Making from a digital perspective
Brussels, 27 October 2020, 13.45 – 15.45
Welcome words
Mr Adrián Vázquez Lázara,
Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs, European Parliament
Introduction to the topic
European Commission
Feasibility and necessity of a possible EU digital platform collecting data on existing
EU national laws on the topic
Digital-Ready Legislation: the Danish experience
Danish MP
Digital-ready legislation must create the basis for a more up-to-date, cohesive public
administration providing the most value to citizens and businesses and contributing to
a more user-friendly, easily accessible and transparent public sector. In short, digital-
ready legislation is about ensuring that the legislation conforms to the digital society
that Europe has become. In January 2018, the Danish parliament (Folketinget)
adopted an agreement on digital-ready legislation, which will ensure a simpler,
clearer legal framework, which is easy to understand and translate into secure and
user-friendly digital solutions.
Digitalized services to citizens and enterprises: the Estonian experience
Mr Andrei Korobeinik, MP,
Member of the Constitutional Committee of the Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament)
Estonia sets a good example concerning digitalization of the public sector. The public
administration and the government work mostly paperless, and citizens, firms and
enterprises enjoy a vast offer of administrative procedure online; and still, Estonia has
a high standard of data protection.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 1000: Invitation til interparlamentarisk møde 27/10-20 i Europa-Parlamentets retsudvalg om bedre lovgivning fra et digitalt perspektiv
Digital tools in the service of law-making: The French experience
French MP
Digital legislative tools were used by the French legislator within the framework of
the Law for a Digital Republic adopted in 2016 (Loi pour une République numérique),
where the civil society was invited to contribute to the drafting of the law via a
dedicated digital platform put in place by the government.
The example of the drafting process of this law is a good example of such digital tools
enabling civil society participation.
National experiences with remote legislating process in the COVID-19
Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann
Universität Potsdam
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
The COVID-19 pandemic has shed the light on the need to accelerate the digital
transition at EU and at national level.
There is a number of activities, which can be undertaken remotely or through digital
means, and this experience has highlighted that in certain circumstances this can
result in equal, if not increased productivity and efficiency: what lessons can be
learned from the pandemic?
Closing remarks
Mr Adrián Vázquez Lázara,
Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs, European Parliament
End of meeting