Erhvervsudvalget 2019-20
ERU Alm.del Bilag 212
Høgsberg Kristensen [mailto:[email protected]]
20. marts 2020 21:40
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
Lene Gregersen Kaasgaard <[email protected]>; Jette
Marlene Hansen <[email protected]>; Ketty Gammelgaard <[email protected]>;
[email protected]
Preben Bang Henriksen <[email protected]>;
[email protected]
Suspension of deadlines in the form of "anticipation" of judicial holidays. Til Folketingets
Erhvervsudvalg, Folketingets Skatteudvalg, Folketingets Retsudvalg, Erhvervsministeren, Erhvervsstyrelsen,
Skatteministeren og Justitsministeren.
Til Folketingets Erhvervsudvalg, Folketingets Skatteudvalg, Folketingets Retsudvalg,
Erhvervsministeren, Erhvervsstyrelsen, Skatteministeren og Justitsministeren.
Hermed følger en orientering om suspension af tidsfrister i den offentlige forvaltning fra vor
forbindelse i Portugal til mulig efterfølgelse, og som minimum eftertanke, for det danske
Folketing og den danske regering
Jens Høgsberg Kristensen
Statsautoriseret revisor
Amaliegade 33
1256 København K
Telefon +45 33128821
Uanset afsender bedes svar tillige
sendt cc:
[email protected]
idet denne mail-box er under kontinuerlig
Caiado Guerreiro [mailto:[email protected]]
20 March 2020 18:45
[email protected]
COVID-19: Suspension of deadlines in the form of "anticipation" of judicial holidays
ERU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 212: Henvendelse af 26/3-20 fra Statsautoriseret revisor Jens Høgsberg Kristensen om suspension af tidsfrister i den offentlige forvaltning i forbindelse med coronakrisen
Law n.º 1-A/2020 came into force on March 19th, 2020, which, in addition to
Decree-Law n.º 10-A/2020 of March 13th, 2020, regulates a set of exceptional
and temporary measures in response to the epidemiological situation caused
by Covid-19, particularly concerning the regulation of procedural proceedings
that guide the activity of the Courts.
To face the extraordinary situation we are experiencing, the National Assembly
approved the adoption of a regime of suspension of time limits within the
scope of the proceedings and procedures that run under the terms of the
Judicial Courts, Administrative and Fiscal Courts, Constitutional Court, Court
of Auditors and other jurisdictional bodies, Arbitration Courts, Public
Prosecutor's Office, Courts of Peace, alternative dispute resolution entities and
enforcement bodies, applying to it the Judicial Vacation Regime until the
cessation of the exceptional situation of prevention, containment, mitigation
and treatment of the epidemiological infection of COVID-19, as determined by
the National Public Health Authority.
ERU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 212: Henvendelse af 26/3-20 fra Statsautoriseret revisor Jens Høgsberg Kristensen om suspension af tidsfrister i den offentlige forvaltning i forbindelse med coronakrisen
This exceptional regime, whose effects retroactively to March 13th, 2020, has
a specialty concerning the judicial vacation regime: the
suspension of time limits is extended to urgent cases except for cases in which
fundamental rights are at stakes, such as the diligences and procedural acts
related to minors at risk or to educational tutelary processes of an urgent
nature and the diligences and trials of imprisoned defendants, which continue
to "run" its terms.
This regime also extends, with the necessary adaptations, to procedures that
run under notarial and registry offices; misdemeanour, sanctioning and
disciplinary procedures, and the respective acts and proceedings that run
under the terms of direct, indirect, regional and local administration services,
and other administrative entities, namely independent administrative entities,
including the Bank of Portugal and the Securities Market Commission; and
administrative and tax deadlines that run on behalf of individuals.
Also of note is the suspension of the time limits for eviction proceedings,
special eviction procedures, and proceedings for the return of the leased
property, if the lessee may be placed in a situation of fragility and unmeasured
exposure due to the lack of own habitation. Also, and in the context of the
lease, note for the creation of an extraordinary transitory regime for the
protection of tenants that will now benefit from the suspension of the effects of
ERU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 212: Henvendelse af 26/3-20 fra Statsautoriseret revisor Jens Høgsberg Kristensen om suspension af tidsfrister i den offentlige forvaltning i forbindelse med coronakrisen
the denunciations of lease agreements made by the lessor and the foreclosure
of the mortgages on real estate that constitute the owner's permanent
residence of the foreclosed.
This regime also implies the suspension of the prescription and termination
periods for all types of proceedings and procedures.
This will cease to effect on a date to be defined by a Government decree, after
which the National Assembly will proceed with the adaptation of the judicial
holiday periods for the remaining year of 2020, leaving the note for a possible
readjustment, or even elimination, of the summer judicial holidays for the full
recovery of the processes suspended due to this public health crisis!
If you have any doubts as to whether the time limits for pending administrative
and judicial proceedings are suspended, and for further information on the
subject, please contact us:
Sandra Ferreira Dias,
partner (
[email protected] )
João Pedro Rodrigues,
trainee lawyer (
[email protected])
O conteúdo desta informação não constitui aconselhamento jurídico e não deve ser invocado nesse sentido. Aconselhamento
específico deve ser procurado sobre as circunstâncias concretas do caso. Se tiver alguma dúvida sobre uma questão de
direito Português, não hesite em contactar-nos.
ERU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 212: Henvendelse af 26/3-20 fra Statsautoriseret revisor Jens Høgsberg Kristensen om suspension af tidsfrister i den offentlige forvaltning i forbindelse med coronakrisen
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