The Minister for Employment
Ved Stranden 8
ACD 36-01-1
Geneva, 2 August 2018
By e-mail only
Follow-up to the recommendations of the
Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group
Dear Sir,
The ILO is stepping up its efforts to bring its body of international labour standards up to date
and ensure their relevance to the world of work. The tripartite working group established by the
Governing Body under the Standards Review Mechanism (SRM) in 2015 is an important part of this
exercise. Such measures are necessarily complementary to measures taken by Members at the
national level; this is particularly clear in terms of the follow-up to the recommendations of the SRM
Tripartite Working Group, as approved by the Governing Body.
In October 2016, at its second meeting, the SRM Tripartite Working Group made significant
recommendations in relation to standards that had been previously identified as outdated,
subsequently approved by the Governing Body at its 328th session (November 2016).
It is with
regard to the follow-up to those recommendations that I now write to you.
The SRM Tripartite Working Group recommended that member States with ratifications of
any of the 30 outdated Conventions should consider ratifying more up to date Conventions on the
same subjects. It also asked the Office to provide member States with further information concerning
the denunciation of outdated Conventions.
This is relevant to Denmark, as three outdated
conventions are in force in the country (see attached table): the Holidays with Pay Convention, 1936
52), the Workmen’s Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Convention, 1925 (No. 18) and the
Workmen's Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Convention (Revised), 1934 (No. 42).
In particular, the SRM Tripartite Working Group asked the Office to encourage Denmark to
consider the following:
The recommendations of the SRM Tripartite Working Group formed the basis of decisions of the Governing Body in
October 2016: see
Handbook of procedures relating to international labour Conventions and Recommendations
(Revised edition
2012), Chapter X.