Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2019-20
BEU Alm.del Bilag 410
For a Social and Fair Europe
9 November 2020
Technical information for the video conference
The German Bundestag has set up an online accreditation system for the Parliamentary Dimen-
sion of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the EU. Please register at the following link:
Each parliament can register up to
four delegates.
Please register by
30 October 2020
at the latest.
Video conference information
We will be providing a web-based platform for the video conference. You can join the conference
without having to install software in advance.
The quality of the video conference depends to a large extent on the devices used and a stable in-
ternet connection (preferably with
Ethernet cable).
We therefore recommend that you log in to
the conference from a room which has suitable conference equipment, for example in your par-
liament. If that is not possible, please use a headset. We do not recommend joining the confer-
ence using a smartphone.
Should the internet connection be of insufficient quality, your contri-
bution will not be interpreted.
You will be sent detailed information and the log-in details for the video conference in good time
before the event. We will invite you to take part in a
test run a few days before
the conference in
order to resolve any technical problems prior to the event.
The German Bundestag will provide simultaneous interpretation in German, English and French.
Capacity is available for further interpreters from your country to join the video conference.
If you wish to
register your own interpreters
to provide interpretation into your native language,
please contact the German Bundestag’s Organisational Task Force for the EU Council Presidency
at the following email address: [email protected].
Conference documents and welcome package
The conference documents will be sent to you in a separate email a few days before the confer-
ence. The documents will also be made available on the website.
As at: 23 September 2020
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 410: invitation til konferencen For et socialt og fair Europa den 9 november 2020. Konferencen beskæftiger sig med den europæiske sociale søjle herunder blandt andet minimumsløn samt virksomheders ansvar for sociale rettigheder i hele værdikæde
For a Social and Fair Europe on 9 November 2020
Technical information for the video conference
Seite 2
We will also send you a welcome package by post. If you provide a separate postal address in the
accreditation process, we will send it to you there. Otherwise, the welcome package will be sent
to you via your parliament.
Broadcasting of the video conference online
The video conference will be broadcasted live on the website and will sub-
sequently be made available on the parleu2020de YouTube channel.
Privacy notice
By registering as a conference participant, you agree to the transfer of the non-exclusive, unlim-
ited right of use of your speech and/or your statements, along with any photos and videos taken
during the conference, to the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the German Bundes-
tag. In particular, this includes the transferable right to copy, disseminate, send, reproduce and
make available publically, and use these in any form currently known or as yet unknown, includ-
ing in edited form.
Contact details
Overall coordination: Marc Bomhoff and Sabine Holthusen
Delegation secretariat: Angelika Büter and Marcel Bäck
German Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin
[email protected]
+49 30 227 33766