Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2019-20
BEU Alm.del Bilag 213
SJP0010.1177/1403494819875337Hannerz et al.Musculoskeletal complaints and depression
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health,
Musculoskeletal pain as a predictor for depression in the general
working population of Denmark
HArAlD HAnnErz , AnDrEAS HOlTErMAnn &
National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark
This study examines the association between musculoskeletal complaints and subsequent use of antidepressants and/or
psychiatric hospital treatment for depressive mood disorders in the Danish labour force.
The study is based on two
cohorts.The first cohort is the total labour force in 21 Danish municipalities (n=693,860), where the risk of depression (psychiatric
diagnosis or antidepressant treatment) during 2010–2015 was compared between individuals on long-term sickness absence
due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and non-sick-listed gainfully employed individuals. The second cohort is a random
sample of the Danish labour force (n=9248) who were followed during 2011–2015 to estimate the association between self-rated
musculoskeletal pain and depression. All analyses were controlled for age, sex, calendar period and socio-economic status.
Compared to non-sick-listed gainfully employed individuals, there was an increased risk of depression in individuals sick-listed
with MSD, with rate ratios of 2.39 (99% confidence interval (CI) 2.22–2.58) for individuals with less severe MSD and 4.27 (99%
CI 3.98–4.59) for individuals with more severe MSD.There was also an increased risk of depression associated with self-rated pain
(yes vs. no), with a rate ratio of 2.17 (99% CI 1.69–2.78). The population attributable fraction of depression from musculoskeletal
pain was 0.35 (99% CI 0.24–0.45).
The results of the present study indicate that musculoskeletal pain is
an important predictor of indicators of depression in the general working population of Denmark.
Blinded statistical analysis, musculoskeletal pain, depression, antidepressants, psychiatric hospital treatment, cohort study
Approximately 25% of the working population in the
EU suffer from musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).
MSD are, by themselves, major contributors to the
global burden of disability [1]. Furthermore, it has
been hypothesised that they also may play an impor-
tant role in the development of major depression [2],
which is the second leading cause of disability world-
wide [1].
Musculoskeletal pain has been associated with
reduced physical activity [3,4] and disturbed sleep
[5], which in turn have been associated with increased
rates of depression [6,7]. Since MSD may play an
important role in the development of depression, it is
reasonable to believe that MSD may be an important
predictor of depression among people in the general
working population.
Several prospective studies have reported strong
associations between MSD and the development of
depressive symptoms [8–10]. The strong prospective
association between MSD and depression has, how-
ever, never been confirmed in a study with a pre-
published study protocol, in which all inclusion
criteria, statistical models, hypotheses and test crite-
ria are completely defined before the exposure data
of the study are linked to the outcome data. The pre-
sent study is based on a detailed protocol [11], which
was written and published before we obtained access
to the outcome data of the study.
Correspondence: Harald Hannerz, national research Centre for the Working Environment, lersø Parkallé 105, Kobenhavn, 2100, Denmark.
E-mail: [email protected]
Date received 1 May 2019; reviewed 11 July 2019; accepted 6 August 2019
© Author(s) 2020
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/1403494819875337
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 213: Orientering om resultater fra NFA-artikel om sygemelding med muskelskeletbesvær, smerter og øget risiko for depression og/eller antidepressiv behandling, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Hannerz et al.
and depression would also hold in a general working
population of non-sick-listed individuals. All analyses
were controlled for age, sex, socio-economic status
(SES) and calendar period.
The methodological details of the study were given in
our study protocol [11] and are repeated in the pre-
sent method section.
Study populations
The study population of the first and second parts of
the project consisted of people from the Danish
labour force who fulfilled the following criteria on 1
January 2010: were employed, self-employed, assist-
ing spouses or recipients of unemployment benefits;
were between 25 and 64 years old; had their residence
in any of 21 Danish municipalities that participated in
the Danish return-to-work program [13]; and did
not emigrate or immigrate, did not redeem any pre-
scription for antidepressant drugs and did not receive
hospital treatment for a mood disorder (ICD-10:
F30-F39) between 1 January 2005 and 31 January
2010/26 April 2010 for the first and second parts of
the study, respectively. residents who received sick-
ness benefits due to MSD sometime during the time
period February 2010–September 2012 were the
subjects of interest. The rest of the study population
served as a comparison group (standard population).
Our decision to consider only sickness absence in the
time period February 2010–September 2012 was due
to the lack of data about sickness absence episodes
outside of this time interval.
The third part of the project was based on people
who participated in a survey on working environment
and health that was conducted on a random sample
of the Danish population in 2010 [12]. This part of
the project included all participants who, on 1
January 2011, had their residence in Denmark and
fulfilled the previously mentioned criteria for SES
and age. It was, moreover, required that they did not
emigrate or immigrate, that they did not redeem any
prescription for antidepressant drugs and that they
did not receive hospital treatment for a mood disor-
der between 1 January 2006 and 31 December 2010.
Information about self-rated musculoskeletal pain
was retrieved from the survey data. Information
about MSD-related sickness absence was retrieved
from data registered at municipal sickness benefit
offices. Information about medicines, psychiatric
hospital treatments, age, sex, deaths, migrations,
employment and SES was retrieved from national
The study analyses data from two separate sur-
veys: (a) the Danish national Work Environment
Cohort Study, which collected data on health and
occupational exposures in a random sample of the
working population of Denmark in 2010 [12], and
(b) a survey of individuals on long-term sickness
benefit from 21 Danish municipalities, recruited in
2010–2012 for the Danish return-to-work project,
which was designed to evaluate a program to enhance
probabilities and rates of return to work among peo-
ple on sickness benefits [13]. The exposure data
obtained from these sources were linked to national
registers on redeemed prescribed medications and
psychiatric hospital treatments.
The first part of the present project aimed to esti-
mate the prospective association between long-term
sickness absence due to MSD and incident use of
prescribed antidepressants and/or psychiatric hospital
treatment due to a depressive mood disorder among
people in the Danish labour force. The following end
points were applied: (a) redeemed prescription for
antidepressant drugs (ATC-code n06A); (b) psychi-
atric hospital treatment with a depressive mood disor-
der (ICD-10: F32–F33) as principal diagnosis; and
(c) redeemed prescription for antidepressant drugs or
psychiatric hospital treatment with a depressive mood
disorder as principal diagnosis.
The second part of the project aimed to test the
hypothesis of a positive dose–response relationship.
The hypothesis was that a more severe episode of
MSD-related sickness absence is associated with a
higher risk than exposure to a less severe episode,
which in turn is associated with a higher risk than
that of the general working population.
The third part of the project aimed to estimate the
prospective association between self-rated musculo-
skeletal pain in the neck, shoulders, elbow, forearm,
hand or lower back and incident use of prescribed
antidepressants and/or psychiatric hospital treatment
due to a depressive mood disorder in a random sam-
ple of the Danish labour force.
The study population of the first and second part
of the project was large enough to allow us to esti-
mate the prospective association between long-term
sickness absence due to MSD and psychiatric hospi-
tal diagnoses of depression. The results could thereby
tell us if a hypothetical association with antidepres-
sant drug use would also hold good when the
outcome is based on psychiatric hospital diagnoses
and vice versa. The results could not, however, tell us
to what extent the association was due to musculo-
skeletal pain or other adverse effects of being on
long-term sick leave. Hence, the third part of the
project was needed to verify that a hypothetical pro-
spective association between musculoskeletal pain
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 213: Orientering om resultater fra NFA-artikel om sygemelding med muskelskeletbesvær, smerter og øget risiko for depression og/eller antidepressiv behandling, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Musculoskeletal complaints and depression
Data registered at sickness benefit offices
The public sickness benefit scheme in Denmark covers
long-term sickness absence (>21 days in 2010–2011;
days in 2012) among assisting spouses and self-
employed, employed and unemployed residents. The
system is administered by municipal sickness benefit
offices, which according to the Sickness benefits Act
are committed to follow up and continuously evaluate
each sick-listed person’s prognosis of returning to the
labour force [14]. In connection with the Danish
return-to-work program, which ran from February
2010 to September 2012, data were collected from
sickness benefit offices in 21 (out of 98) Danish munic-
ipalities. The obtained database contains inter alia the
cause of the sickness absence, the date of the first con-
sultation with the sickness benefit office and a personal
identification number, which enable linkage to data in
national registers. From 26 April 2010, it also contains
a variable which denotes the estimated severity of the
sickness absence episode. At the first consultation with
the sickness benefit office, the sick-listed person was
classified into one of the following severity categories:
(a) likely to return to the labour force within three
months, (b) unlikely to return to the labour force
within three months but able to participate in activities
aimed at facilitating a return, or (c) unlikely to return
to the labour force within three months and unable to
participate in activities [15].
Data from national registers
The project utilised data from the central person reg-
ister, the employment classification module, the psy-
chiatric central research register and the national
prescription register. The central person register con-
tains information on sex, addresses and dates of
birth, death and migrations for every person who is
or has been an inhabitant of Denmark sometime
between 1968 and the present time. A person’s SES,
occupation and industry have been registered annu-
ally in the employment classification module since
1975. The psychiatric central research register has
existed as a national register since 1970 and contains
data from all psychiatric hospital departments in
Denmark. From 1970 to 1994, the register only
included inpatients, but since 1995, it has also cov-
ered outpatients and emergency ward visits. Since
1994, the diagnoses are coded according to the
International Classification of Diseases, 10th revi-
sion (ICD-10) [16]. The national prescription regis-
ter covers all redeemed prescriptions at pharmacies
in Denmark since 1995, and the products are coded
in accordance with the Anatomical Therapeutic
Chemical (ATC) Classification System.
Data from the national survey
In the autumn of 2010, a random sample of 20- to
69-year-old residents of Denmark (n=30,000) were
invited to participate in a survey on working environ-
ment and health. Data were collected via a mailed
questionnaire, which contained 62 questions. The
response rate was 48%. Approximately 10,600 of the
respondents were either employed or self-employed
at the time of the interview [12].
Exposure categories in the first and second part
of the project
In the first part of the project, we operated with two
groups: (a) the standard population and (b) people
who (according to the data that were collected at the
sickness benefit offices) received sickness benefit due
to a MSD sometime between February 2010 and
September 2012.
The second part of the project operated with three
groups: (a) the standard population; (b) people who,
at their first consultation with the sickness benefit
office, were evaluated as likely to return to the labour
force within three months; and (c) people who were
evaluated as unlikely to return to the labour force
within three months.
At the start of the follow-up, everyone belonged to
the standard population. The ones who received sick-
ness benefit for MSD were shifted to groups 2/3 at
the date of their first consultation with the sickness
benefit office, wherein they remained throughout the
rest of the follow-up period.
Exposure categories in the third part of the
The participants in the national survey were asked to
rate their average pain during the last three months
in the neck/shoulders, elbow/forearm/hand and lower
back, respectively, on an integer grading scale from 0
to 9, where 0=no pain and 9 represents the worst
imaginable pain. The body regions were defined by
illustrative drawings.
In keeping with Andersen et  al. [17], participants
who rated their pain as
in any of the three body
regions were defined as exposed to musculoskeletal pain
(in the neck, shoulders, elbow, forearm, hand or lower
back), while the rest of the participants were defined as
unexposed. On a continuous 0–10 visual analogue scale,
it has been proposed that
should be interpreted as
mild pain, 3.5–7.4 as moderate pain and
as severe
pain [18]. In keeping with this interpretation, a rating of
on the scale in the present study may be interpreted
as exposed to moderate or severe pain.
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 213: Orientering om resultater fra NFA-artikel om sygemelding med muskelskeletbesvær, smerter og øget risiko for depression og/eller antidepressiv behandling, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Hannerz et al.
periods and clinical end points given in Table I were
estimated with 99% confidence intervals.
In the first and second parts of the project, long-
term sickness absence due to MSD was treated as a
time-varying variable. The study participants
belonged to the standard population until the date of
their first MSD-related consultation with the sick-
ness benefit office, at which time they were shifted
from the standard population to the MSD group,
wherein they remained throughout the rest of the
follow-up period. If the clinical end point of the study
occurred between the start of the follow-up and the
date of the first MSD-related consultation with the
sickness benefit office, then the case was counted as
having occurred in the standard population. Our
decision to end the follow-up when the clinical end
point of the study occurred ascertained that the
MSD-related sick absence was present before the
clinical end point among all cases that were counted
as having occurred in the MSD group.
Statistical significance criteria
In the first and third parts of the project, we regarded
an estimated rate ratio as statistically significant if its
99% confidence interval did not contain 1.
In the second part of the project, we regarded the
dose–response hypothesis as confirmed if:
 
  >
( )
is the estimated rate ratio for severity
category 2–3 (unlikely to return to the labour force
within three months) versus severity category 1
(likely to return to the labour force within three
1, 0
is the estimated rate ratio for severity
category 1 versus the standard population, the
are the standard errors of the logarithm of the esti-
mated rate ratios and
is the standard normal dis-
tribution function.
Population attributable fraction
In the third part of the project, we estimated the pop-
ulation attributable fraction (PAF) of depression
from musculoskeletal pain among economically
active people in Denmark in accordance with the
where p is the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in
the neck, shoulders, elbow, forearm, hand or lower
The follow-up started on 1 February 2010, 26 April
2010 and 1 January 2011 in the first, second and
third parts of the project, respectively. The follow-up
ended at the time the participant reached the clinical
end point of the study, emigrated, died or the study
period ended (31 December 2015), whichever came
first. The reason for the different starting points of
the follow-up in the first and second parts of the pro-
ject (1 February and 26 April) was that the second
part of the project required information on the sever-
ity of the sickness absence episode, and this informa-
tion was not available in the period prior to 26 April
Clinical end points
The primary end point of a follow-up was reached if
and when the participant either redeemed a prescrip-
tion for antidepressant drugs (ATC-code n06A) or
received psychiatric hospital treatment for a depres-
sive mood disorder (ICD-10: F32–F33) as a princi-
pal diagnosis. We performed, however, a couple of
sensitivity analyses in the first part of the project in
which each of the components of the primary end
point was treated separately, that is, one of the sensi-
tivity analyses regarded a redeemed prescription for
antidepressant drugs (ATC-code n06A) as the end
point, while the other regarded psychiatric hospital
treatment with a principal diagnosis of depressive
mood disorder (ICD-10: F32–F33) as the end point.
Statistical analysis
We used Poisson regression to estimate the effect of
long-term sickness absence due to MSD and self-
rated musculoskeletal pain separately on the inci-
dence of redeemed prescriptions for antidepressant
drugs and/or hospital treatment due to a depressive
mood disorder. The analyses were controlled for sex,
age (five-year classes), calendar period (2010, 2011,
2012, 2013–2015) and SES (unemployed people;
self-employed people and assisting spouses; legisla-
tors, senior officials and managers; professionals;
technicians and associate professionals; workers in
occupations that require skills at a basic level; work-
ers in elementary occupations; gainfully occupied
people with an unknown occupation). Calendar
period were treated as a dynamic (time-varying) vari-
able. The remaining control variables were fixed at
baseline (1 January 2010 in the first and second parts
of the project, and 1 January 2011 in the third part).
The logarithm of person-years at risk was used as off-
set. rate ratios for the comparisons, follow-up
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 213: Orientering om resultater fra NFA-artikel om sygemelding med muskelskeletbesvær, smerter og øget risiko for depression og/eller antidepressiv behandling, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Musculoskeletal complaints and depression
Table I. Group comparisons, follow-up periods and clinical end points for which rate ratios were to be estimated according to the study
People exposed to long-term sickness absence
(lTSA) due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD)
vs. people in the standard population
Same as above
Same as above
lTSA due to MSD in severity category 1
vs. the
standard population
lTSA due to MSD in severity category 2–3 vs.
lTSA due to MSD in severity category 1
Exposed vs. not exposed to self-rated
musculoskeletal pain in the neck, shoulders, elbow,
forearm, hand or lower back
Follow-up period
1 February 2010–31
December 2015
Same as above
Same as above
26 April 2010–31
December 2015
Same as above
1 January 2011–31
December 2015
Clinical end point
redeemed prescription for antidepressant drugs (ATC-code
n06A) or psychiatric hospital treatment with a depressive
mood disorder (ICD-10: F32–F33) as principal diagnosis
redeemed prescription for antidepressant drugs (ATC-code
Psychiatric hospital treatment with a depressive mood
disorder (ICD-10: F32–F33) as principal diagnosis
redeemed prescription for antidepressant drugs (ATC-code
n06A) or psychiatric hospital treatment with a depressive
mood disorder (ICD-10: F32–F33) as principal diagnosis
Same as above
Same as above
the first consultation with the sickness benefit office, the sick-listed person is classified into one of the following severity categories: (a)
likely to return to the labour force within three months, (b) unlikely to return to the labour force within three months but able to partici-
pate in activities aimed at facilitating a return or (c) unlikely to return to the labour force within three months and unable to participate in
back, and rr is the rate ratio for subsequent pre-
scribed antidepressants or psychiatric hospital treat-
ment for depression among employees with versus
without musculoskeletal pain in the concerned body
A 99% confidence interval for the PAF estimate
was obtained through Monte Carlo simulation.
The first part of the project included 693,860 indi-
viduals (323,170 female). The mean (SD) age on 1
January 2010 was 43.1 (10.6) years among all
included individuals and 45.0 (9.9) years among the
individuals who were registered with MSD at a sick-
ness benefit office sometime between February 2010
and September 2012 (n=14,903). In total, we
observed 4111 incident cases of ‘psychiatric hospital
treatment for depression’ in 4,085,619 person-years
at risk; 52,835 incident cases of ‘redeemed prescrip-
tion for antidepressants’ in 3,923,451 person-years
at risk; and 53,262 incident cases of ‘prescribed anti-
depressants or psychiatric hospital treatment for
depression’ in 3,922,179 person-years at risk.
The second part of the project included 690,135
of the above-mentioned 693,860 individuals. A flow
chart of the inclusion/exclusion procedure is given in
Figure 1 of the Supplemental Appendix. Here, we
observed 50,257 incident cases of ‘prescribed antide-
pressants or psychiatric hospital treatment for depres-
sion’ in 3,920,246 person-years at risk.
The third part of the project included 9248 indi-
viduals (4797 female) of whom 4217 had self-rated
musculoskeletal pain according to the survey. The
mean (SD) age on 1 January 2011 was 46.6 (9.5)
years among participants with pain and 45.7 (9.8)
years among participants without pain. In total, we
observed 487 incident cases of ‘prescribed antide-
pressants or psychiatric hospital treatment for depres-
sion’ in 44,629 person-years at risk. A flow diagram
over the inclusion/exclusion procedure is given in
Figure 2 of the Supplemental Appendix.
The SES distributions of the included individuals
in the first and third parts of the project, respectively,
are given in Table II.
We found that long-term sickness absence due to
MSD statistically significantly predicted both psychi-
atric hospital treatment for depression with a rate
ratio of 2.55 (95% CI 2.12–3.07;
redeemed prescriptions for antidepressants with a
rate ratio of 3.06 (95% CI 2.91–3.23;
Table III). There was a dose–response relationship
with more severe episodes of MSD-related sickness
absence associated with a higher risk than less severe
episodes of MSD-related sickness absence
(p<0.0001; Table IV).
We furthermore found that self-rated musculo-
skeletal pain was a statistically significant predictor of
redeemed prescriptions for antidepressants or psy-
chiatric hospital treatment due to depression among
workers in the general population of Denmark
(p<0.0001; Table V). The PAF was estimated at 0.35
(99% CI 0.24–0.45).
The results of the present study indicate that muscu-
loskeletal pain is an important predictor of indicators
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 213: Orientering om resultater fra NFA-artikel om sygemelding med muskelskeletbesvær, smerter og øget risiko for depression og/eller antidepressiv behandling, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Hannerz et al.
First part
Third part
Table II. Socio-economic status distribution of the participants in the first and third parts of the project, respectively.
Socio-economic status
Self-employed or assisting spouses
legislators, senior officials or managers
Technicians or associate professionals
Workers in occupations that require skills at a basic level
Workers in elementary occupations
Gainfully occupied people with an unknown occupation
Table III. Standardised rate ratios for prescribed antidepressants or psychiatric hospital treatment for depression among people on lTSA
due to MSD.
End point data
PCrr or nPr
lTSA due to MSD
Person-years at risk
rate ratio
99% CI
psychiatric central research register.
national prescription register.
Table IV. Standardised rate ratios for prescribed antidepressants or psychiatric hospital treatment for depression among people on lTSA
due to MSD stratified by severity category.
lTSA due to MSD
Yes, severity category 2–3
Yes, severity category 1
Standard population
Person-years at risk
rate ratio
99% CI
ratio for severity category 2–3 vs. severity category 1=1.79 (99% CI 1.61–1.98).
Table V. Standardised rate ratios for prescribed antidepressants or psychiatric hospital treatment for depression among employees with
versus without musculoskeletal pain in the neck, shoulders, elbow, forearm, hand or lower back.
Musculoskeletal pain
Person-years at risk
rate ratio
99% CI
of depression (redeemed prescriptions for antide-
pressants and psychiatric hospital treatment for
depressive mood disorders). This finding was con-
sistent in both samples, and applied to both objec-
tively assessed and clinically diagnosed MSD among
sick-listed individuals and self-rated symptoms of
pain measured by a survey in the general working
population of Denmark.
Three previous studies have examined the pro-
spective relationship between musculoskeletal pain
and subsequent depression or depressive symptoms
among people in company-based or general working
age populations that are free from depressive symp-
toms at baseline [8,9,19]. The prospective relation-
ship has, moreover, been properly examined by
Gerrits et  al. [10] in a study population predomi-
nately recruited from primary care and secondary
mental health care, as well as by Veronese et al. [20]
in a patient population consisting of predominately
older people who either suffered from or were at
increased risk of incurring osteoarthritis (OA) of the
knee. Gerrits et al. reported hazard ratios for depres-
sive symptoms of 2.64 (95% CI 1.42–4.91), 2.63
(95% CI 1.47–4.68) and 2.68 (95% CI 1.45–4.95)
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 213: Orientering om resultater fra NFA-artikel om sygemelding med muskelskeletbesvær, smerter og øget risiko for depression og/eller antidepressiv behandling, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Musculoskeletal complaints and depression
among participants with pain versus no pain in the
neck, back and joints, respectively. Veronese et  al.
reported an odds ratio for depressive symptoms of
1.48 (95% CI 1.07–2.05) among people with multi-
site OA versus no OA
leino and Magni [19] investigated clinically assessed
MSD and self-rated musculoskeletal symptoms (ache,
stiffness, sensitivity to movement, numbness or pain) in
the neck/shoulders, lower back, upper limbs and lower
limbs as predictors for a subsequent change in depres-
sive symptom scores among 607 metal industry employ-
ees in Finland. The association between self-rated
musculoskeletal symptoms and change in depressive
symptoms was tested for each of the four body regions
as well as for all body regions combined. The same was
done for the association between clinical musculoskele-
tal findings and change in depressive symptoms. Hence,
a total of 20 tests of the prospective association between
musculoskeletal morbidity and depressive symptoms
were performed, of which none was statistically signifi-
cant.This null finding by leino and Magni [19] is not in
line with the findings of the present study – a discrep-
ancy which could be related to a lack of statistical power
in the study by leino and Magni.
Magni et  al. [8] estimated the odds of having
depressive symptoms at an eight-year follow-up as a
function of chronic musculoskeletal pain at baseline
as 2.85 (95% CI 2.52–3.18) in a sample of 1790 peo-
ple aged 25–74 years from ‘the non-institutionalized
US population’. Depressive symptoms were defined
as a score of
on the Center for Epidemiologic
Studies Depression (CES-D) scale [21]. The same
definition of depressive symptoms was used by Carrol
et al. [9] who estimated the hazard ratio for develop-
ment of depressive symptoms as a function of pain in
the neck or lower back in a sample of 845 residents of
Saskatchewan aged 20–69 years. The hazard ratios
were estimated as 2.10 (95% CI 1.09–4.04) for ‘mild
pain’, 1.98 (95% CI 0.91–4.32) for ‘intense, non-
disabling neck or low back pain’ and 2.45 (95% CI
1.06–5.69) for ‘disabling pain in the past six months’.
The findings by Magni et  al. [8], Carrol et  al. [9],
Gerrits et al. [10] and Veronese et al. [20] are in line
with the findings of the present study, suggesting that
MSD is an important predictor of depression. The
outcome data in these previous studies were, how-
ever, collected by volunteer participation in follow-
up interviews, which is open to bias from missing
follow-up data. Moreover, none of the previous stud-
ies were based on a representative sample of a general
working population. The present study does not
share these drawbacks and thereby adds certainty
about the strength of the prospective association
between musculoskeletal pain and depression in a
general working population.
Concerning the associations between working
conditions and depression, much attention has been
given over recent years to the potential link between
psychosocial working conditions and depression. A
multitude of studies show longitudinal associations
between psychosocial working conditions such as
high demands and low control, and the development
of depression [22,23], although methodological con-
cerns remain which preclude firm conclusions
regarding the causality of the association [23]. little
attention has been paid, however, to the role of physi-
cal working conditions and pain in these associations
[22]. The strong and consistent associations between
pain and depression in the present study suggest that
pain and physical working conditions are important
factors to consider as potential confounders or medi-
ators in future studies of associations between work-
ing conditions and depression. Our finding of a 35%
population attributable fraction of depression from
musculoskeletal pain among economically active
people furthermore suggests a potential to prevent
depression by strategies which targets work environ-
mental causes and consequences of MSD. Further
research is needed to explore this potential.
Strengths and limitations
The strengths of this study include the pre-published
study protocol [11] which specified all hypotheses,
inclusion criteria, data material and statistical meth-
ods of the study before exposure and outcome data
were linked. The protocol was followed, which means
that the study is free from hindsight bias and selective
outcome reporting. The use of national registers
eliminated bias from missing follow-up data, and the
problem of reversed causation was mitigated through
the exclusion of prevalent cases.
The study was further strengthened by the com-
plementary nature of our two data sets. The first data
set was used in sub-projects 1–2 to estimate the asso-
ciation between long-term sickness absence due to
MSD and subsequent depression. The data set was
large enough to verify that the association was pre-
sent not only when depression was operationalised
by antidepressant treatment, but also when it was
operationalised on the basis of psychiatric hospital
diagnoses. Consequently, the association found is not
likely to be attributable to antidepressants being pre-
scribed to alleviate pain [24]. It was, moreover, large
enough and had the necessary information to test for
a dose–response relationship between severity of
long-term sickness absence due to MSD and subse-
quent depression, allowing us to conclude that the
strength of the association increases with the severity
of MSD. The drawback of the first data set was that it
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 213: Orientering om resultater fra NFA-artikel om sygemelding med muskelskeletbesvær, smerter og øget risiko for depression og/eller antidepressiv behandling, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Hannerz et al.
Fifth, some individuals in the comparison group
may have experienced pain prior to baseline, and
some of them would have experienced pain during
the follow-up, which would dilute the exposure con-
trast and thereby bias the estimation of rate ratios for
exposed versus non-exposed people towards unity.
Moreover, in a study on the relationship between
retirement and antidepressant use, Oksanen et  al.
defined antidepressant use as the purchase of antide-
pressants of at least 30 defined daily dosages (DDD)
[29]. In the present project, we did not have access to
information about the DDD of the prescriptions.
One redeemed prescription was enough for the case
definition to be fulfilled. The average severity of the
cases of the present study is therefore expected to be
less than it would have been if we had required the
purchase of a pre-specified amount of daily dosages
before the case definition was fulfilled. We cannot
rule out the possibility that the estimated rate ratios
for antidepressant use would have been lower if our
case definition had been based on a certain amount
of daily dosages instead of a redeemed prescription
without further specifications.
To conclude, we found strong and consistent longi-
tudinal associations between MSD and indicators of
depression (redeemed prescriptions for antidepres-
sants and psychiatric hospital treatment for depres-
sive mood disorders) in two separate cohorts from
the Danish workforce. These findings suggest that
musculoskeletal pain is an important predictor of
depression, which should be considered in future
studies on the aetiology of depression.
The data of the project were provided the national
research Centre for the Working Environment and
Statistics Denmark. The authors would like to
acknowledge all researchers and participants who
contributed to the data collection in the Danish
national return-to-work (rTW) programme and the
Danish Work Environment cohort study, thus ena-
bling the present study.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of
The authors received no financial support for the
research, authorship and/or publication of this
did not allow differentiation between effects from
MSD and other effects of being on long-term sick
leave. long-term sickness absence may, for example,
be associated with job insecurity, and employees on
long-term sickness absence risk unemployment [25],
which are both predictors of depressive symptoms
[26]. A positive association between long-term sick-
ness absence due to MSD and depression in Denmark
would therefore not necessarily mean that there is a
positive association between musculoskeletal pain
and depression in the general workforce of Denmark.
Our second data set rectified this shortcoming by
allowing us to estimate the association between mus-
culoskeletal pain and subsequent use of antidepres-
sants or hospital treatment due to depression in a
random sample of the Danish labour force.
However, some limitations of the study should be
noted. First, antidepressants are not only used to
treat depression. They are also prescribed for many
other conditions, such as pain, anxiety and insomnia
[24]. It is, moreover, known that depression can be
treated with medication other than antidepressants,
for example lithium [27]. A rate ratio of redeemed
prescriptions for antidepressants is therefore quite a
rough estimate of the association between pain and
medically treated depression, and this should be
taken into account in the interpretation of the results.
Second, we cannot rule out the possibility of
detection bias. All else equal, depressed people with
musculoskeletal pain would have more reasons to
visit a medical doctor than depressed people without
musculoskeletal pain. MSD may thereby be associ-
ated with an increased probability that depression
will be detected and treated, which would bias rate
ratios upwards.
Third, the pain scores and the diagnostic criteria
for depression [28] are based on self-reported symp-
toms of physical and mental discomfort, respectively.
People who are prone to tone down/exaggerate their
physical discomforts may also be prone to tone down/
exaggerate their mental discomforts, which would
bias rate ratios upwards.
Fourth, in our third sub-project, we used the prev-
alence of pain among the responders of our national
survey to estimate the PAF of depression due to mus-
culoskeletal pain among all economically active peo-
ple in Denmark. The survey sample was selected at
random from the target population, but the response
rate was low (48%). We therefore cannot rule out the
possibility that the PAF estimation was biased by
non-participation. If the prevalence was greater
among the non-responders than it was among the
responders, then the PAF estimate would be biased
downwards. If the opposite was true, then it would be
biased upwards.
BEU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 213: Orientering om resultater fra NFA-artikel om sygemelding med muskelskeletbesvær, smerter og øget risiko for depression og/eller antidepressiv behandling, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Musculoskeletal complaints and depression
Harald Hannerz
Supplemental material
Supplemental material for this article is available
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