Version 4 TiO2 28022019-final
Short report from the Danish Working Environment Authority´s (AT) Occupational exposure
limit quality committee. Evaluation of the report: Titanium dioxide nanomaterials: Scientific
basis for setting a health-based occupational exposure limit.
Members of the Quality committee: Anne Mette Zenner Boisen (Miljøstyrelsen); Anoop Kumar Sharma
(DTU Fødevareinstituttet); Ane Marie Thulstrup (Arbejdsmedicin AUH); Jesper Bo Nielsen (Institut for
Sundhedstjenesteforskning, SDU); Vivi Schlünssen (NFA)
This report is based on a meeting 14
November 2018 at AT, where the results from the report were
discussed after the authors presented the content of the report. The members of the quality committee had the
chance to ask questions to the authors.
The Report: Anne Thoustrup Saber, Sarah Søs Poulsen, Niels Hadrup, Karin Sørig Hougaard, Nicklas Raun
Jacobsen and Ulla Vogel. Titanium dioxide nanomaterials: Scientific basis for setting a health-based
occupational exposure limit The National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NFA) September
2018. 978-87-7904-351-0
Erratum: Page 27, table 3 in the report. In column 3, third section: 4/100 Adenocarcinoma should be 4/100