Udenrigsudvalget 2018-19 (2. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 2
Partiamentarians for Gtobat Action
Partamentarios para ta Accién GlobaL
Action Mondiate des Partementaires
‘L Jl
Ms Margareta Cederfelt, MP, Sweden
ba til
Dip Carla Pitiot, Argentuia
Sen Valerie Woods, Belize
Mr Ali Elisassi, MF,
p Emilie Béatrice Epaye, Central African Repsblic
Dip Tscapel Jirnenez, Chile
Dr Stizi Barbosa, MP, Guinea-Bissas
Dip Jorge Cåtix, Honduras
Hon. Kula Segaran,
Dep Antonio Niqiiice, Mozainbique
Mr Syed Naveed Qainar, MP, Pakistan
Mr Levy Nazaré, ME, Silo Tomë and Principe
Dr Hryhoriy Nemyria, MP, Ukraine
Trensu ret
Ms Petra Bayr, MF Austria
Dip Victor Orlando biaoné, Doininican Republic
Mrs Albana Vokshi. MF, Albania
Dip Cornclia Schmidt Liernianu, Argentina
Mn Maria Vamvakiiiou, MP, Australia
Dep. Jean Wyllys, Brazil
Dep Relne Benao Sakande, Burkina Faso
Dep José Marniet Sanehes Tavares, Cape Verde
Sen Thekys MLilaita, DR Congo
Carolina Magdalcne Maicr, MP, Deninark
Dip Magda Rodrlguez, Dominican Republic
Dip Maria Soledad Buendla Herdoiza, Ecuador
Dip Mario Tenodo, El Salvador
Ms Ana Gomes, MF? (Portugal), European
Shrl Siipriya Sadanand
MP, tndia
Mr, Enig Al Sheikh Ali, lsW, lraq
Ms Lia Qasrtapclle, MP, Italy
Ron Millie Odhiambo, MP, Kenya
Dep. Ana Rita Sithole, Mozambique
Hon Evelyn Nawases-Tseycle, Ml’, Namibia
Hon Leonard Ramatlakanen, MP, South Africa
Hon, Thilnnga Suinathipala, MP, Sri
Mr Patrick Keasenhius, MP, Surinaine
Hou Jasson Rweikiza, MP, Tanzania
Sen Wade Mark, Trinidad and Tobago
Ron Jacob Oborh-Oboth, MP, Uganda
Mr Mark Pritchard,
Utiited Kingdom
Dip Macarena Geliaian, Unigtiay
Dip Ariaiando Arinas, Venezuela
Dr Dasid Danat Cattin
the Economic and Social Council
New York-The Hqgue/Praia, J.ame 6, 2019
Honorable President of Parliament
Honorable President,
On behalfof the National Assembly of Cape Verde and Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA),
we are honoured to invite you and/or a delegation from your Parlament to the 4lt t\nnual Forum
of PGA on “The Rok of Parliamentarians in the imptementation of United Nation? Sustainabk Devetopment
Goats (SDGs,) 16 and 14: Promo ting democratic renewat and inciusion, safeguarding human
r;-hts, and protecting the oceans5’, to be held on 21-22 November 20i). in Praia, at the
Parlament of Cape Ver.
The first themadc pillar of PGA’s 41
Annual Forum will senre to discuss and develop a new global
parliamentary Campai,gn on Democratiç Renewat and Human Rights, which is aimed at protecting,
maintaining and strcngthening democratic norms, institutions and civil & political space, as well as
the fundamental rights of legislators.
The second pifiar of the Forum will implement the objectives of the PGA Campazgn on Protecting the
Oceans, a partnership with the Pew Charitable Tmsts, including: (i mcreasing the level of attention
and global action to end Illegal, Under-reported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing; (ii) promoting the
global ratification and implementation off relevant international treaties, (iii) fighting impunity for
human rights violations committed in the oceans, and (iv) supporting Small Scale Fishenes (SSF)
nr indigenous fisheries as a path towards sustainable human development.
The Praia Forum is hosted by the Speaker of Parlament, receives the instituflonal patronage of the
Cape Verdean Parliament, the cooperation of the Cape Verdean Government and it is organized
by Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), the largest parliamcntary network with membership
of 1,400 individual Lawmakers in 142 countries.
On the occasion of the Forum, we would be deighted to invite you & the Parliamentarians of your
delegation to the fçer of Democracy Awwj’s (DI)i\) ceremony. dinner, to be held in the
evening of 21 November 2019 with the aim of rewarding two personalities whose work has been
cmcial to the promotion and protection off human rights, peace and the Rule of Law in the world.
We sincerely look forward to meeting you in Praia and working together towards the realisation of
PGA’s vision, namely, “to contribule to the c’reation ofa Rjdes-Based Ynternational Orderfor a more equitable,
saft and democratic world”.
Please accept, Honourable Speaker, the assurances of our highest esteem and consideration.
NGO in general conaultative status
Hon. Margareta Cederfelt, MP (Sweden)
Pn’sident, Parliamentariansfor Glo batAction (PGA)
Vice-President, OSC’E Parliamenta/1ssemb/y
Hon. Jorge Pedro Mauricio dos Santos, MP
Speaker afNationatAssemb/y
The Partiament of
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