Udenrigsudvalget 2018-19 (2. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 17
How can food assistance support
the creation of peace?
The Danish Foreign Policy Society and The United Nations World
Food Programme invite you to a panel debate followed by
a display of the photo exhibition Faces of Hunger and Conflict
23 August from 09:00 – 11:00 at UN City, Copenhagen.
Conflicts are on the rise. Today, an estimated two billion people live
in fragile and conflict-affected areas of the world. There are more
crises, affecting more people, and lasting longer today than
a decade ago. Armed conflict is the most significant obstacle for
the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger.
There is therefore a clear and urgent need to shift the way, actors
like WFP operate in these settings to end needs and to support the
UN Secretary-General’s Sustaining Peace Agenda.
A knowledge partnership between WFP and Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) was established
to define WFP’s actual and potential contributions to improving
the prospects for peace. The event will present findings of
the SIPRI research with the aim to increase awareness of the role
of food security for building more peaceful societies. It will
highlight Denmark’s focus on translating the aspirations of the
humanitarian-development-peace nexus into concrete action
and cooperation on the ground.
Rasmus Prehn
Danish Minister for Development
Ute Klamert
Assistant Executive Director, United
Nations World Food Programme
Dan Smith
Director, Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute
Charlotte Flindt Pedersen
Director, The Danish Foreign Policy
Moderator: Simi Jan
International correspondent, TV2
Kindly register your participation by
22 August 2018
through this link.
Doors open at 8:30
for coffee and