Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2018-19 (2. samling)
UPN Alm.del Bilag 6
European Council
The President
Brussels, 19 June 2019
Dear colleagues,
After the European elections we agreed to try and appoint the new leaders of the EU institutions in
June. Over the past 3 weeks I have been consulting closely and regularly with you as well as with
the European Parliament and its political group leaders. These consultations have shown that
there are different views, different interests, but also a common will to finalise this process before
the first session of the European Parliament. To this end, I will continue to consult you one by one
up until the summit starts. I remain cautiously optimistic, as those I have spoken to have expressed
determination to decide swiftly. I hope we can make it on Thursday.
Beyond nominations we will discuss a variety of other issues. As the new political cycle for the EU
begins, we will adopt the Strategic Agenda, which sets the direction for the Union and guides the
work of the institutions. This Agenda reflects the changes that Europe and the world have
undergone in recent years. It highlights the increasing need to protect our territory and external
borders, to make the digital transformation benefit our people, to step up action to counter the
existential climate threat as well as to strengthen European unity and resolve on the international
The meeting will begin with the traditional exchange of views with the European Parliament
President on Thursday at 15.00. Following this, President Iohannis will debrief us on the state of
implementation of the conclusions. We will then adopt conclusions on the Multiannual Financial
Framework, climate change, disinformation and hybrid threats as well as external relations, and
approve the Strategic Agenda. Our dinner will be dedicated to high-level appointments. On Friday
we will gather in the Euro Summit in an inclusive format to take stock of progress on the reform of
the Economic and Monetary Union. We will be joined by the Presidents of the European Central
Bank and the Eurogroup. Following this discussion, the Commission President and myself will give
a brief update on Brexit. We should conclude by lunchtime.
Yours sincerely,
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