Uddannelses- og Forskningsudvalget 2018-19 (2. samling)
UFU Alm.del Bilag 8
JONES, Darren [mailto:[email protected]]
2. september 2019 22:11
JONES, Darren <[email protected]>
Institute of AI Legislators Network
Dear colleagues
Thank you once again for expressing an interest in the international delegation being organised by the
I stitute of AI here i the UK, o the topi of the regulatio of artifi ial i tellige e. I’ delighted
that we
o ha e e pressio s of i terest fro 30 ou tries a ross all regio s of the orld a d e’re urre tl
signing partnership agreements with the OECD and the World Economic Forum.
The team are still working with philanthropic donors and sponsoring businesses to ensure we can fly you to
the UK for our conference in 2020, but in the meantime I will be setting up an AI Legislators WhatsApp
group ( hi h has orked ell for a si ilar glo al tea I’ part of through the Co
o ealth o ta kli g
modern slavery).
If you would like to be added to our AI legislators WhatsApp group, please can you reply to this e-mail
with your mobile telephone number.
I additio , I’
o looki g for regio al ha pio s to joi the I stitute’s Ad isor Board. If ou’d e
interested in being an advocate for the Institute of AI in your part of the world, then please do let me know
by reply to this e-mail too.
Thanks in advance and all the best
Darren Jones MP
Member of Parliament, Bristol North West
Executive Chairman, Institute of AI
Your Voice in Parliament. Your Champion in Bristol.
| fb.com/darrenjonesmp | @darrenpjones
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