Uddannelses- og Forskningsudvalget 2018-19 (2. samling)
UFU Alm.del Bilag 21
do we return to the
Panel discussion in the Library Hall of the Round Tower, October 5
Foto/Photo: NASA
UFU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 21: Invitation til paneldiskussion i Rundetaarn ud fra spørgsmålet "How do we return to the Moon?" den 5. oktober 2019
do we return to the
Panel discussion in the Library Hall of the Round Tower- arranged as part of
Space Days 2019 and the exhibit
celebrating the 50
anniversary of the first manned landing on the Moon. See full program on
Saturday October 5
5 PM
8 PM
The Round Tower, The Library Hall, Købmagergade 52A, 1150 Copenhagen K,
Participants in the panel:
John Horack (moderator) USA, Andreas Mogensen Denmark,
Emily Law USA, Peter Batenburg Holland, Gitte Bailey Hass Denmark, Sebastian Aristotelis
5 PM: PART ONE - presentations
6.00 PM: Break
30 minutes
discussion and Q & A
Networking after discussion up to 8 PM
Tickets: www.rundetaarn.dk
Andreas Mogensen's participation is arranged in collaboration with the European Space Agency
(ESA) and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science (UFM).
UFU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 21: Invitation til paneldiskussion i Rundetaarn ud fra spørgsmålet "How do we return to the Moon?" den 5. oktober 2019
Participants in the panel discussion
do we return to the
John Horack (Moderator)
Topic: Return to the Moon: Collaboration, Competition, or Commercialism
John M. Horack, Ph.D., is the inaugural holder of the Neil Armstrong Chair in
Aerospace Policy at The Ohio State University, with tenured, full-professor appointments in
the College of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department and the
John Glenn College of Public Affairs. A 30-year veteran of the spaceflight industry, Dr.
Horack also currently serves as He also serves as the Senior Associate Dean of
Engineering at Ohio State, and is a globally recognized leader in space-based research,
flight hardware development, program management, and space policy.
National space agencies around the globe are discussing their plans for
returning humans to the Moon, it is not at all certain that these actors alone will drive the
agenda and modalities of human exploration. Furthermore, within this flurry of activity on
the part of NASA, ESA, China, Russia and others, the landscape between collaboration and
competition is dynamic, and commercial interests are also strong actors in the future. The
first commercial Moon mission - the Beresheet Lander from SpaceIL - was driven from
Israel, and while not fully successful, it demonstrated that market forces and non-
governmental entities are poised to play a substantive role. Dr. Horack will build on the
discussions from the other panel members to explore the dimensions of cooperation and
competition, the potential relevance or obsolescence of the ISS partnership model, and
the role that non-government actors may play in our return to the Moon.
Andreas Mogensen
ESAs European Space Exploration Envelope Program
Andreas Mogensen is an astronaut with the European Space Agency. Andreas
became the first Danish astronaut in space on 2 September 2015, when he launched on a
ten day mission to the International Space Station. He is currently stationed at NASA's
Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, where he serves as ESA's liaison to the NASA
astronaut corps. At NASA, Andreas serves as the deputy chief of the Assigned Crew
Branch. Andreas is an aerospace engineer with a PhD from the University of Texas at
Austin and a M.Eng. from Imperial College London. His past research has focused on
UFU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 21: Invitation til paneldiskussion i Rundetaarn ud fra spørgsmålet "How do we return to the Moon?" den 5. oktober 2019
guidance, navigation, and control of spacecraft during entry, descent, and landing on Mars
and the moon.
The European Space Agency has an ambitious program of human and robotic
exploration of the Moon and Mars, that will see humans returning to the Moon for the first
time since 1972, and eventually traveling to Mars. The exploration program provides a
modular and sustainable path, building on the scientific knowledge and technology gained
from the International Space Station. ESAs European Service Module is an integral part of
the Orion capsule that will soon ferry astronauts back to the Moon. ESA will also develop
two of the modules for Gateway, a space station in lunar orbit and a transit point for
astronauts landing on the moon as early as 2024.
Emily Law
“Where We’ve
Been And Where
We’re Going”
Emily Law has over twenty years of experience in research, development and
management of complex information systems. Since 1996, she has been working at
Jet Propulsion Laboratory where she has provided leadership and management in
the architecture, development, technology and operations of highly distributed ground
data systems for planetary exploration and earth science. Emily currently serves as
Deputy Program Manager and Development Manager to two separate directorates
covering data systems in solar system research and earth science. She also leads
operations for
Planetary Data System, and oversees the development and
operations of science data infrastructures and portals in support of Earth and Planetary
science including the Solar System Treks Project (SSTP). She has authored papers and
made numerous presentations on data intensive systems at various national and
international venues.
During the Apollo program in 1960s and 19070s, six of the nine missions sent
by NASA landed astronauts safely on the surface, the only times humans have visited
another world. July 20, this year, marked the 50
Anniversary of the first human landing.
The Apollo lunar flights ended in 1972, but the Moon has remained of great interest to
NASA, international space agencies and scientists around the world.
time for us to
recommit ourselves to our future presence in space beginning with a return to the Moon
with a clear vision. This talk will reflect on
“Where We’ve been”
and share
“Where We’re
with NASA moving forward to the Moon.
UFU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 21: Invitation til paneldiskussion i Rundetaarn ud fra spørgsmålet "How do we return to the Moon?" den 5. oktober 2019
Gitte Bailey Hass
Topic: How do we inspire the next generation to choose STEM topics?
Gitte Bailey Hass has 20 years of teaching experience in the STEM subjects. 10 of
these years were in the European School system, the rest in the Danish public schools.
She has been teaching physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and ICT for kids in the
age between 7-17. During the years Gitte been a part of the political work to improve the
level of science teaching. She was a board member of the NTS center, the National Center
for Science, Technic and Health education, she is the chairman of DFKF, the Danish
association for physics and chemistry teachers and in 2019 she was a part of the
ministerial group responsible for the rewriting of the national syllabus for physics and
How do we return to the Moon? We will never gain success with our dream of
space exploring, if the next generation does not share the goals. How do we open the
STEM subjects for our students in schools? What do we teachers need to catch their
interest, so they choose to spend years of hard studies and low income, and we get
enough of talented, well educated people to continue the quest for scientific knowledge of
the universe and other vital and basal questions about being a human being.
Peter Batenburg:
Topic: Lessons learned from Apollo for future moon and Mars missions
Peter Batenburg is a space system engineer and project manager with over 9 years
of experience in different sectors of the space industry. He has worked for the ISS
operations as an Operations Support Engineer and Payload and Mission integration
manager for the IRISS mission. Besides the professional career Peter is active in the
International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Netherlands Space Society (NVR) as board
member and activity committee coordinator and fellow initiator of the national Apollo 11
celebration platform
Spaceflight, and in particular the Space
Race and Apollo era, have fascinated Peter since the age of 4. As a result Peter has
studied the history of spaceflight and Apollo in detail and the passion for space was a
major driver for him to pursue a career in space.
On July 20th, the world celebrated the 50
anniversary of Neil Armstrong first
step on the Moon not only the US. What made this event so unique is that it united the
world while ironically it started with a cold war. Within less than 10 years the US managed
to do what seemed impossible. What made this unique accomplishment possible and why
we have not returned to the Moon or have not reached Mars yet? In other words; what
UFU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 21: Invitation til paneldiskussion i Rundetaarn ud fra spørgsmålet "How do we return to the Moon?" den 5. oktober 2019
are the lessons learned from Apollo and the Space Race and what does this mean for the
next exploration mission to the Moon and Mars?
Sebastian Aristotelis
Topic: How to thrive in space
Sebastian is a space architect and the co-founder of SAGA Space Architects, a newly
formed architecture studio which focuses on how humans can thrive in space and not just
survive. SAGA was founded last year after Sebastian and his Co-founder Karl-Johan
Sørensen graduated from the International Space University. SAGA has won several
awards for their work, most recently their
Circadian Lunar Home.
SAGA is currently
working on a lunar habitat together with DTU Space which they are testing on an analog
mission to the icecap of Greenland in April 2020.
With a background in architecture Sebastian will talk about how we go from
surviving in outer space to thriving in outer space. Living in outer space has its own very
extreme challenges. Together with his partner, Karl-Johan, Sebastian and their team are
building a Moon habitat, which the two will test in northern Greenland next year.
Sebastian and Karl-Johan will live in the habitat for 3 months in isolation. Sebastian will
talk about the challenges and solutions of such a mission. He will explain why they do it
and what they hope to learn.