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19. august 2019 16:19
Fehmarnbelt Days 2020
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>> Welcome to the Fehmarnbelt Days 2020 <<
After the summer holiday season we are happy to announce
on behalf of all nine organizers
the dates
for the Fehmarnbelt Days 2020:
17-18 May 2020, spanning Sunday and Monday.
You care about the Fehmarnbelt Region?
You are interested in the development between Hamburg and Copenhagen/Malmö, between Ostholstein
and Region Sjælland?
You want to have a say in shaping the future and share your ideas?
After Lübeck, Copenhagen, Hamburg, and Malmö, the 5th Fehmarnbelt Days will move to Weissenhäuser
Strand in 2020, right to the Baltic beach front in Ostholstein, Germany. The novum 2020: The well-
established largest
expert conference
on the Fehmarnbelt Region will be backed up by a
citizens’ festival.
On Sunday, entertainment and fun for the whole family will go along with information and democratic
dis ussio a out the Feh ar elt Regio ’s future de elop e t. Ideas a d i pulses fro the pu li ill e
i luded a d further dis ussed i Mo day’s o fere e.
Let yourself be inspired by an unconventional venue, setting and programme.
Save the date and get involved.
The FBD 2020 Organizers are looking forward to welcoming you in May 2020!
For the Fehmarnbelt Days 2020 Secretariat:
Stefan Rehm & Hiltrud Weddeling
You have received this email because you have shown an interest in, or been part of, earlier Fehmarnbelt
Days. If you prefer not to receive further emails from the Fehmarnbelt Days 2020 Secretariat, please just
send a short notice to
Kind regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Med venlig hilsen
i.A. Dr. Hiltrud Weddeling
Fehmarnbelt Days 2020
Tel. +49 (0)4521 808 815