Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2018-19 (2. samling)
MOF Alm.del Bilag 159
Joi t NGO reco
e datio s o
Baltic Sea fishi g opportu ities for
1. Executive Summary
In October 2019, EU fisheries ministers will agree on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea for 2020.
This will be the final Council meeting where fisheries ministers have the opportunity to end overfishing
of Baltic Sea species by 2020, as is legally required by the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)
The following text outlines the joint NGO recommendations on Baltic Sea fishing opportunities for 2020
in the context of EU fisheries legislation, scientific advice on catch limits and the sharing of stocks with
third countries.
We urge the European Commission (EC) to propose, and the Council to agree on, Total Allowable
Catches (TACs) in accordance with the following recommendations:
Set TACs not exceeding scientifically advised levels based on the Maximum Sustainable Yield
(MSY) approach for all stocks for which MSY-based reference points are available.
Where MSY-based reference points are not available, to not exceed the precautionary approach
catch limits advised by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).
Set TACs not exceeding the F
point value specified in the Baltic Multi-Annual Plan (MAP),
following the ICES MSY Advice Rule when spawning stock biomass (SBB) is below the MSY B
reference point.
Take into account the lack of implementation of the Landing Obligation (LO) when setting TACs,
and ensure that TACs are respected by increasing monitoring and control of the LO.
2. NGO recommendation on eastern Baltic cod for the remaining part of 2019
In addition to recommendations on 2020 TACs, we include a recommendation on eastern Baltic cod
for the remaining part of 2019. The stock has been deteriorating for many years and the ICES advice
now confirms it is in a critical state. We recommend the Commission and Baltic Sea member states
introduce emergency measures in order to safeguard the eastern Baltic cod stock, including closing
the fishery immediately, in accordance with the CFP articles 12 and 13
Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 on the Common Fisheries Policy.
Letter from NGOs to Fisheries Ministers in the Baltic Sea region on Eastern Baltic cod. April 11
, 2019.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 159: Henvendelse af 26/9-19 fra Our Fish og Danmarks Naturfredningsforening om stop af overfiskeri og styrkelse af klimaindsatsen
3. Summary of NGO recommendations on Baltic Sea TACs and additional measures for 2020
TAC by area-species
ICES advice basis
ICES stock catch
advice for 2020
recreational catch)
ICES advice adjusted for
Third Country shares
Stock & TAC area mixing
NGO recommendations on TACs
and additional measures for 2020
≤ ,
Close SD 24 to cod fishing.
Introduce a spawning closure for Western
Baltic cod in SDs 22-23 (February & March).
≤ ,
Close SD 24 to cod fishing.
If no spawning closure for Western Baltic cod in
SDs 22-23 (February & March).
Introduce restrictions on the sprat fishery in
SDs 25-26 in order to redistribute the fishery to
SDs 27-29 & 32.
Consider setting the TAC in the lower F
range (152,833 - 203,027t) based on
relevant for the advice
(see ICES advice).
Eastern Baltic cod
(SDs 25-32)
Western Baltic cod
(SDs 22-24)
Precautionary Approach
Baltic sprat
(SDs 22-32)
Deduct 10.08%* Russian share.
Western Baltic herring
(SDs 22-24)
Central Baltic herring
(SDs 25-27, 28.2, 29 & 32)
MSY Approach
Deduct 9.5%* Russian share. Add
314t for Gulf of Riga herring to be
taken in SD 28.2 and deduct 4,377t
for Central Baltic herring to be
taken in the Gulf of Riga (28.1).
- Consider setting the TAC in the lower F
range (114 081 - 153,384 t) based on
relevant for the advice
(see ICES advice).
For Balti a d Gulf of Fi la d sal o e ha e i terpreted ICES ad i e as the Co
er ial La di gs the Reported Wa ted Cat h of i di idual fish. This is the Total Co
er ial Sea Cat h ith
deductions for the
unreported, misreported (i.e. IUU) and unwanted catch (i.e. seal damaged and discards), as estimated by ICES.
Deduct 5% Russian share from the advice for eastern Baltic cod. Deduct catches of eastern Baltic cod in SD 24 (i.e. those caught in the western Baltic cod TAC area). Not applicable with zero catch advice.
Add the catches of eastern Baltic cod in SD 24 (i.e. those caught in the western Baltic cod TAC area). Not applicable with zero catch advice.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 159: Henvendelse af 26/9-19 fra Our Fish og Danmarks Naturfredningsforening om stop af overfiskeri og styrkelse af klimaindsatsen
TAC by area-species
ICES advice basis
ICES stock catch
advice for 2020
ICES advice adjusted for
Third Country shares
Stock & TAC area mixing
Deduct 314t for Gulf of Riga herring
to be taken in SD 28.2 and add
4,377t for Central Baltic herring to
be taken in the Gulf of Riga (28.1).
Deduct estimated catches in SD 21.
Apply the same method as detailed
in the ICES advice
but substitute in
the ICES MSY approa h at h
advice for Plaice in SDs 21-23.
Deduct 1.9%* Russian share.
NGO recommendations on TACs
and additional measures for 2020
Gulf of Riga herring
(SD 28.1)
Gulf of Bothnia herring
(SDs 30-31)
Baltic plaice
(SDs 22-32)
Precautionary Approach
Plaice SDs 21-23:
by EC)
MSY Approach
Plaice SDs 24-32:
Precautionary Approach
MSY Approach
(ICES reported
wanted catch)
(ICES reported
wanted catch)
≤ ,
Baltic salmon
(SDs 22-31)
Gulf of Finland salmon
(SD 32)
Precautionary Approach
Deduct 9.3%* Russian share.
*Based on the 2009 TACs sharing agreement between EU and Russia.
^PA=Precautionary Approach (F=Fp05)
Not in accordance with MSY objective of the CFP. There is sufficient data and adequate scientific information to manage this stock according to the MSY objective. Exploiting this stock according to precautionary
approach reference points does not ensure a comparable degree of conservation to the available target MSY exploitation rate.
See Table 5 in
ICES (2019). Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in subdivisions 21-23 (Kattegat, Belt Seas, and the Sound).
There are high survivability exemptions from the EU Landing Obligation (LO) for salmon fisheries. The salmon TACs could be set slightly higher to adjust for discards of dead undersize fish which should now be
landed and counted against quotas. However, there is uncertainty on the exact proportions of discarded fish that are assumed dead/alive by ICES and other scientific studies. Therefore, we do not include here an
upward adjustment in TACs as is observed for other TACs subject to the LO.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 159: Henvendelse af 26/9-19 fra Our Fish og Danmarks Naturfredningsforening om stop af overfiskeri og styrkelse af klimaindsatsen
4. Recommendations on Baltic Sea TACs and additional measures for 2020
Eastern Baltic cod in SDs 25-32
We recommend that the TAC for 2020 should be zero in SDs 25-32 and zero in SD 24 based on the
ICES advice on fishing opportunities
hi h states that
ICES advises that when the precautionary
approach is applied, there should be zero catch in 2020. This advice applies to all catches from the stock
in subdivisions 24–32.
We also recommend that a rebuilding plan for eastern Baltic cod be developed.
We note the following in
issues relevant for the advice
At the present low productivity the stock is
estimated to remain below B
in the medium-term (2024), even at no fishing. Furthermore, fishing at
a y le el ill target the re ai i g fe o
er ial sized ≥
od; this ill deteriorate the sto k
structure further, and reduce its reproductive potential.
Western Baltic cod in SDs 22-24
We recommend the TAC for 2020 should not exceed 3,065 tonnes and be caught only in SDs 22-23 if a
temporal fishery closure during the spawning time (February & March) is implemented. If no spawning
closure is implemented the TAC should be caught only in SDs 22-23 and should not exceed 2,329
This is based on the Baltic Sea MAP Article 5(1), which applies when the Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB)
is below the MSY B
reference point to reduce fishing mortality to MSY F
; and based on ICES
We note that the SSB is just below MSY B
. The ICES advice highlights that the SSB
presently above B
and close to MSY B
. […] Re ruit e t R has ee lo si e 999; […]
recruitment in 2018 and 2019 (age 1) are the lowest in the time series.
The i rease of SSB i the fore ast is ai ly due to o e stro g year lass the
If no stronger year classes occur in the coming years this will lead to a rapid decline of the
ICES therefore suggests to use the F
MSY lower
value in the MAP when setting the TAC.
added), and
year’s esti atio of the large
year lass has ee re ised do
y %. This
year class is the most important year class contributing to the catch.
Pre autio is eeded to pre e t
a rapid decline in the stock and potential catch in future years, thus using the MSY F
is justified.
We also recommend that all cod fishing be closed in SD 24 due to the unavoidable catch of eastern
Baltic cod in SD 24, for which ICES has advised a zero catch in 2020.
ICES highlights in
issues relevant for the advice
catches in subdivision 24 should be zero in order
to o ply ith the zero at h ad ised for EB od
it also notes the potential negative affect on
spawning if the total advised western Baltic cod commercial catch (effort) from SD 24 is displaced to
SD 22-23. As such, we recommend the reintroduction of a temporal fishery closure in SDs 22-23 during
the spawning time (February & March).
Baltic Sea sprat in SDs 22-32
The TAC for 2020 should not exceed 203,027 tonnes (F
). We recommend that the TAC should be set
in the lower F range i.e. between MSY F
(152,833 tonnes) and F
(203,027 tonnes).
The TAC of 203,027 tonnes is based on ICES advice of F
(225,786 tonnes). The lower TAC of 152,833
tonnes is based on ICES MSY F
figure (169,965 tonnes). For both we have deducted from the ICES
advised figures
an assumed Russian share of 10.08%
Our recommendation also takes into consideration the ecosystem-based approach and the dynamics
between the stocks of eastern Baltic cod and sprat as noted in the ICES advice.
Based on the 2009 TACs sharing agreement between EU and Russia.
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In its Ecosystem Overview
Baltic Sea Ecoregion, ICES explains:
Ma y spe ies a d
habitats of the
Baltic Sea are not in good condition, according to recent assessments. This affects foodweb
functionality, reduces the resilience and resistance against further environmental changes, and
diminishes prospects for socioeconomic benefits, including fishing opportunities.
More precaution is
needed while managing pelagic stocks in a disturbed Baltic Sea ecosystem, thus using the lower range
of F
is justified.
We further recommend restrictions on the sprat fishery in SDs 25-26 in order to redistribute the sprat
fishery to the northern areas (subdivisions 27-29 & 32) to improve food availability for cod. This is in
accordance with
issues relevant for the advice
, where
ICES re o
e ds that a spatial a age e t
plan is considered for the fisheries that catch sprat, with the aim to improve the condition of cod stocks.
The abundance of cod in subdivisions 25–26 is high compared to other areas in the Baltic, and the
condition of these stocks is considered to be limited by food availability. Sprat and herring are important
food items for cod (especially sprat), but the present high biomass of the two prey stocks is to large
extent distributed outside the distribution area for cod (Figure 3). Any fishery on the two prey species
in the main cod distribution area (subdivisions 25– 26) will potentially decrease the local sprat density,
which may lead to increased food deprivation for cod (Casini et al., 2016). The relative catch proportion
of sprat in the main cod distribution area has since 2010 increased from 37% of the total catch to 56%
in 2012–2018. Thus, restrictions established on sprat fisheries in the main cod distribution area would
result in increased availability of clupeid prey, which could benefit the cod stock; however, several other
factors also have impact on the cod stock (see ICES, 2019). Redistribution of the fishery to the northern
areas (subdivisions 27–29 and 32) may also reduce the density-dependent effect, i.e. increase the
individual growth for the clupeids in the area (Casini et al.,
Western Baltic Spring Spawning (WBSS) herring in SDs 22-24
We recommend that the TAC for 2020 should be zero. This is the ICES advice based on the MSY
We note the following details in the ICES advice: The SSB is estimated to be below B
and has been
below B
since 2007. Fishing mortality (F) has increased since 2014 and remains well above F
Recruitment has been low since the mid-2000s and at an historic low for the last four years.
There are no catch scenarios that will rebuild the stock above B
by 2021. Even with a closure of the
fishery in 2020 it will not be possible to increase SSB above B
in the short-term (2021). Without
additional area and/or time restriction on the herring fishery in the North Sea in 2020, a catch of WBSS
in the North Sea will be inevitable (2,164 tonnes in 2018).
Central Baltic Sea (excluding Gulf of Riga) herring in SDs 25–29 & 32
The TAC for 2020 should not exceed 153,384 tonnes (F
). We recommend that the 2020 TAC should
be set in the lower F range i.e. between MSY F
(114,081 tonnes) and F
(153,384 tonnes).
The TAC of 153,384 tonnes is based on ICES advice of F
(173,975 tonnes). The lower TAC of 114,081
tonnes is based on ICES MSY F
figure (130,546 tonnes). From both ICES figures we have deducted
an assumed 9.5% Russian share
, and then added 314 tonnes for Gulf of Riga herring taken in SD 28.2
and deducted 4,377 tonnes for Central Baltic herring taken in Gulf of Riga (28.1).
Our recommendation also takes into consideration the ecosystem-based approach; the dynamics
between the stocks of eastern Baltic cod and herring as noted in the ICES advice sheet; the ICES advice
that the central Baltic herring biomass is expected to decline in the coming years; and the necessity to
limit variations in fishing opportunities between consecutive years.
ICES highlights in
issues relevant for the advice
It should be noted that the large 2014 year class
will be the main contributor to the yield in 2019 and 2020 and to SSB in 2020. For this stock it is
Based on the 2009 TACs sharing agreement between EU and Russia.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 159: Henvendelse af 26/9-19 fra Our Fish og Danmarks Naturfredningsforening om stop af overfiskeri og styrkelse af klimaindsatsen
uncommon to see such a large contribution of one year class to the SSB. The biomass is expected to
decline in the coming years because no substantial year classes have recruited to the stock since the
year lass. This de li e has already started to o ur i
9a d
As explained in our recommendations on sprat in SDs 22-32, more precaution is needed while
managing pelagic stocks in a disturbed Baltic Sea ecosystem, thus using the lower range of F
Gulf of Riga herring in SD 28.1
We recommend that the TAC for 2020 should not exceed 34,445 tonnes. This is based on the ICES
advice of F
(30,382 tonnes), from which we deduct 314 tonnes for Gulf of Riga herring taken in SD
28.2 and add 4,377 tonnes for Central Baltic herring taken in Gulf of Riga (28.1).
Gulf of Bothnia herring in SDs 30-31
We recommend that the TAC for 2020 should not exceed 65,018 tonnes. This is the ICES Precautionary
Approach advice.
Baltic Sea plaice in SDs 22-32
We recommend that the TAC for 2020 should not exceed 6,895 tonnes. This is based on the ICES F
catch scenario for plaice in SDs 21-31 (ICES, 2019 -Table 3
) and ICES Precautionary Approach advice
for plaice in SDs 24-32
This recommendation is in accordance with CFP requirements and Article 2(2) of the Basic Regulation,
which requires that the MSY exploitation rates be achieved by 2015 where possible, and on a
progressive, incremental basis at the latest by 2020 for all stocks. There was a change in the basis of
the advice in SDs 21-23 at the request of the European Commission, from ICES MSY to ICES
Precautionary Approach. The CFP requires the MSY approach to be followed for all stocks when there
is sufficient data and adequate scientific information to manage this stock according to the MSY.
We do not understand why the European Commission has again this year asked ICES for advice based
on a Precautionary Approach (i.e. F=Fp05) for plaice in SDs 21-23. We note that in 2018, despite having
asked for Precautionary Approach advice, the Commission proposed the TAC based on the F
for plaice in SDs 21-31 and this was subsequently agreed by Council.
We also note the likelihood of significant bycatch of eastern Baltic cod when catching plaice in SDs 24-
26. A review of this TAC is therefore likely to be required in-line with both emergency measures and a
long term rebuilding plan for eastern Baltic cod.
Baltic Sea (excluding the Gulf of Finland) salmon in SDs 22–31
We recommend that the 2020 TAC should not exceed 58,664 salmon. This is based on ICES advice for
reported wanted catch
of 59,800 salmon, minus an assumed Russian share of 1.9%.
Gulf of Finland salmon in SD 32
We recommend that the 2020 TAC should not exceed 8 798 salmon. This is based on ICES advice for
reported wanted catch
of 9,700 salmon, minus an assumed Russian share of 9.3%.
5. The
2020 deadline and the last chance for Baltic Sea TACs
The annual setting of fishing opportunities is one of the most important tools for achieving the MSY
objective of the CFP. The Baltic Sea MAP also provides a further framework for the setting of certain
Baltic Sea fishing opportunities in accordance with the objectives and targets as outlined in that plan
and the objectives of the CFP.
Based on the 2009 TACs sharing agreement between EU and Russia.
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i) The MSY objective
Setting fishing limits below MSY exploitation rates (F
) is crucial to allow fish stocks to recover above
sustainable levels, notwithstanding other biological factors. Article 2(2) of the CFP requires that:
order to achieve the objective of progressively restoring and maintaining populations of fish stocks
above biomass levels capable of producing the maximum sustainable yield, the maximum sustainable
yield exploitation rate shall be achieved by 2015 where possible and, on a progressive, incremental
asis at the latest y
for all sto ks .
Furthermore, Article 16(4) of the CFP stipulates that
Fishi g
opportunities shall be fixed in accordance with the objectives set out in Article 2(2) and shall comply
with quantifiable targets, time-frames and margins established in accordance with Article 9(2) and
a d of Arti le
For stocks for which MSY-based reference points are not available,
a precautionary approach to fisheries management must be adopted, as defined in Article 4(1)(8) of
the CFP, and at least a comparable degree of conservation must be afforded as to those stocks with
MSY assessments, as per Article 9(2).
More than four years have passed since the 2015 MSY deadline and not all stocks are being exploited
at or below MSY exploitation rates as required by the CFP, with the final 2020 deadline approaching.
STECF has ade lear
that progress achieved until 2017 seems too slow to ensure that all stocks
will be rebuilt and managed according to F
In order to meet the 2020 legal deadline for
achieving the MSY exploitation rate as required by Article 2(2) of the CFP basic regulation
, it is
fundamental that the European Commission and member state ministers use the upcoming October
Fisheries Council to ensure that Baltic Sea fishing for 2020 do not exceed scientifically advised levels.
In addition, ministers should recall that the CFP only allows postponing the achievement of MSY
exploitation rates beyond 2015 in exceptional cases
if achieving them by 2015 would seriously
jeopardise the social and economic sustainability of the fishing fleets involved
but in any event,
requires that this objective is met for all stocks by 2020.
ii) Appropriate implementation of the Baltic Sea MAP
The Baltic Sea MAP
in its Article 3 reiterates the CFP objective, set out in Article 2(2) of the basic
regulation, to end overfishing by 2020 and to restore and maintain fish stocks above levels capable of
producing MSY.
We would like to highlight that only fishing mortality rates below the F
point value can contribute
to the restoration of stocks above levels capable of producing MSY, in accordance with the
requirements of both the CFP and the MAP.
We therefore strongly oppose using the upper fishing
mortality ranges specified in the Baltic Sea MAP and remind decision-makers of the fact that F
all stocks should be regarded as a limit and not as a target.
In normal circumstances it is the lower part of the F
range which should be used when the Council
fixes fishing opportunities for a stock, as specified in MAP article 4(3). In case ministers want to make
use of the upper F range (from F
point value to F
upper) despite the well understood negative
economic, social and environmental consequences
, they should provide and publish scientific
evidence to demonstrate that:
- All stocks under the TAC concerned are above the conservation reference point (MSY B
); and
- The criteria for one of the exceptions provided for in the Baltic MAP Article 4(5) are met. Such
evidence should be submitted to the European Commission well in advance of the negotiations on
Baltic fishing limits, reviewed by STECF or ICES, and made available to the public.
We welcome that the recently updated scientific reference points can be legally used for the stocks
covered by the Baltic Sea MAP.
STECF (2019). Monitoring the performance of the Common Fisheries Policy (STECF-Adhoc-19-01).
p 13.
Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 on the Common Fisheries Policy.
Regulation (EU) 2016/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 establishing a multiannual plan for the stocks of
cod, herring and sprat in the Baltic Sea and the fisheries exploiting those stocks[...]
ICES Special Request Advice.
EU request to ICES to provide FMSY ranges for selected North Sea and Baltic Sea stocks
Regulation (EU) 2019/472 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2019 establishing a multiannual plan for stocks fished
in the Western Waters and adjacent waters, and for fisheries exploiting those stocks, amending Regulations (EU) 2016/1139
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 159: Henvendelse af 26/9-19 fra Our Fish og Danmarks Naturfredningsforening om stop af overfiskeri og styrkelse af klimaindsatsen
iii) Implementation of the Landing Obligation (LO)
The LO provides an opportunity to improve fisheries sustainability and meet
the pu li s de a d for
fishing to be discard free. Article 2(5)(a) of the CFP clearly defines the objective to gradually eliminate
discards by avoiding and reducing, as far as possible, unwanted catches and by gradually ensuring that
catches are landed. Article 15 of the basic regulation provides member states with a range of tools to
successfully implement the LO.
Since 2015, discards of cod have been prohibited in the Baltic Sea. The latest figures from ICES show
that in 2018, 16% of eastern Baltic cod were discarded, which is considered to be an underestimate.
For western Baltic cod the estimated discards were 4.2% of the catch.
Without adequate implementation of the LO discarding will continue in 2020, likely reducing the
growth potential of these stocks and exacerbating the socioeconomic problems in the corresponding
fisheries. The implementation of the LO must be a priority for managers as failure will undermine the
objectives of the CFP and may result in inaccurate scientific assessments.
We therefore urge the European Commission and the Council to:
Set TACs in accordance with the best available scientific advice provided by ICES.
Set TACs not exceeding the F
point value specified in the Baltic MAP.
Set TACs in accordance with the MSY approach, following the ICES MSY Advice Rule when
spawning stock biomass (SBB) is below the MSY B
reference point.
Take into account the lack of implementation of the LO when setting TACs.
Ensure that TACs are respected by increasing monitoring and control of the LO.
Use the LO as a means of promoting best practices in fishing.
Andrew Clayton
Höglu d
Tapani Veistola
Jan Isakson
Rebecca Hubbard
Monica Verbeek
Ottilia Thoreson
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Coalition Clean Baltic
Finnish Association for Nature Conservation
Fisheries Secretariat
Our Fish
Seas At Risk
WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme
[email protected]
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MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 159: Henvendelse af 26/9-19 fra Our Fish og Danmarks Naturfredningsforening om stop af overfiskeri og styrkelse af klimaindsatsen
Annex - Map of Baltic subdivisions (SDs)
Map of the Baltic Sea showing the subdivisions of the Belt, the Sound, and the Baltic for the reporting of catch statistics.