Ligestillingsudvalget 2018-19 (2. samling)
LIU Alm.del Bilag 6
Women Political Leaders (WPL) [mailto:[email protected]]
19. august 2019 12:31
[email protected]
Invitation to Set up a Delegation - Women, Peace and Security Conference, 3rd - 4th October 2019,
Kyiv, Ukraine
WPL Kyiv Global Conference: Women, Peace and Security
Hon. Henrik Dam Kristensen
Speaker of the Parliament
Parliament of Denmark
Folketinget, Christiansborg
Copenhagen 1240
Efstaleiti 5
Reykjavík 103
Brussels Office:
Boulevard Charlemagne 96
B-1000 Brussels
Dear Speaker Henrik Dam Kristensen,
LIU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 6: Henvendelse af 19/8-19 fra Women Political Leaders, WPL, om invitation til WPL Kyiv Global Conference: Women, Peace and Security som afholdes den 3-4/10-2019 i Kyiv, Ukraine
Women Political Leaders (WPL) is honoured to inform you that the
WPL Kyiv Global Conference: Women,
Peace and Security
co-hosted by Women Political Leaders (WPL) and Women for Peace (WfP) will take place
on the
3rd and 4th October 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
It is an honour for Women Political Leaders to extend an invitation to you, as the
President of Parliament, to
set up a delegation of female Parliamentarians from your country to participate
at this unique
event, which will bring together leading female politicians and security experts from all over the world.
With the country’s geopolitical location, Ukraine provides insightful perspectives into both security challenges
and peace processes; an ideal platform for this conference.
The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 calls for greater female participation in security and
peace processes. At the
WPL Kyiv Global Conference: Women, Peace and Security
the application and
effectiveness of Resolution 1325 will be discussed, as well as an array of timely topics and emerging security
challenges within the overarching framework of this Resolution.
The Conference provides a platform for leading experts on peace and security to approach contemporary
security challenges and to reach innovative solutions to real-world problems.
The Conference will be held over two days, 3rd and 4th of October 2019. On the first day, participants from
politics, academia, business, and international organisations will attend plenary and parallel sessions hosted
by partners at the Parkovy Convention Center in Kyiv. Following that, on the 4th of October, WPL will hold a
session exclusively for female politicians in the Parliament of Ukraine.
It is an honour for WPL to welcome female Parliamentarians from your country at the
WPL Kyiv Global
Conference: Women, Peace and Security on the 3rd and 4th of October 2019.
Their expertise in the realm
of peace and security will provide insights and will contribute to a constructive discourse on peace processes
and innovative solutions.
We look forward to welcoming your country’s delegation in Kyiv for this momentous event.
Yours sincerely,
Silvana Koch-Mehrin
President and Founder of WPL
Should you have questions about this opportunity, please contact us at
[email protected]