Ligestillingsudvalget 2018-19 (2. samling)
LIU Alm.del Bilag 4
24. juli 2019 06:42
''Violence Against Women and Children Rape and Neglect VAWCRN2019''
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is great pleasure and honor to extend to you a warm invitation to attend the
International Conference on ''Violence
Against Women and Children Rape
and Neglect VAWCRN2019''
to be held from August 20 to 23 / 2019 at
Walter E. Washington Convention Center 801 Mt Vernon Pl NW, Washington,
DC 20001, USA and from August 26 to 28 / 2019 in Dakar, Senegal West
Africa at the Le Botane Hotel and Convention Center. VAWCRN 2019 is been
organize by the International Organization for Migration IOM in incorporation
Global Partnership for Education Organization.
All delegates are entitled to free visa arrangements by the Organizing
committee including round trip air tickets by the International Organization for
Migration IOM. The delegate will only be responsible for his/her hotel
accommodation. If you have any further query related to the conference on
registration process kindly email VAWCRN 2019 conference Secretary via
[email protected]
Do inform them that Mrs. Evelin C. Omana a staff member of the Global
Partnership for Education Organization recommended you and for further
assistance do not hesitate to contact me at ([email protected]) If
your message needs immediate attention, comments or suggestions, please let
me know! I welcome your feedback.
Come and learn about several laws and policies that intersect with the anti-
trafficking movement. Act 105, Safe Harbor, Prostitution Crimes Code, SESTA-
FOSTA, etc - we are in a time of heightened legislative action to change
systems that promote trafficking activity into systems that deny this type of
exploitation and disregard for basic human rights. Eliminating sexual and
gender-based violence and protecting the health and rights of women and
children in humanitarian settings VAWCRN 2019.
Eliminating sexual and gender-based violence and protecting the health and
rights of women and children in humanitarian settings Anti-Trafficking Focal
Join the Fight for Equality | Help Defend Our Civil Rights VAWCRN 2019
Kind Regards,
Mrs. Evelin C. Omana
Global Partnership for Education Organization
Conference Organizing Committee VAWCRN 2019