Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2018-19 (2. samling)
IPU Alm.del Bilag 2
To the Presidents
of all IPU Groups
With copy to all Secretaries General
of parliament
Geneva, 13 August 2019
Dear Madam President,
Dear Mr. President,
Office of the
Secretary General
The Global Parliamentary Report is a flagship IPU-UNDP publication that contributes
to realizing the vision of better parliaments and stronger democracies. The report
offers findings and recommendations based on parliamentary experiences and good
practice. More than 150 parliaments have contributed to the report to date, giving it a
unique global perspective and considerable authority.
The themes of the report are chosen through consultative processes that take into
account the priorities of parliaments and other stakeholders. The first edition,
published in 2012, focused on "The
changing nature of parliamentary representation".
The second edition in 2017, entitled "Parliamentary
oversight: Parliament's power to
hold government to account",
shone the spotlight on another of parliament’s
functions. This inclusive approach has been very valuable for the quality of the report,
and I wish to continue in the same vein for the third edition.
Accordingly, I am seeking the views of parliaments and other stakeholders on
potential themes for the third Global Parliamentary Report, scheduled for publication in
2021. We wish to select a theme that is highly relevant for parliaments and could lead
to actionable recommendations to strengthen parliaments.
The consultation is open to all interested parties, with a particular focus on members
and staff of parliaments. A longlist of seven potential themes for the third edition is
annexed to this letter. I would be grateful if you could encourage your Parliament to
participate actively in this consultation. Participants are invited to express their
preferences via the
online form
by 20 September 2019 (the online form available at:
The results of the consultation will be presented at a joint IPU-ASGP session on
17 October 2019 during the 141 IPU Assembly in Belgrade, entitled "Parliament in a
changing world: Preliminary consultation on the 2021 Global Parliamentary Report".
The session will allow for in-depth discussion of shortlisted themes, and an exchange
of opinions on how the report should be framed.
The theme of the report will be decided before the end of this year. I will then write
again to seek a contribution from your Parliament to the research, to ensure that the
report reflects the experience of all parliaments.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Chungong
Secretary General