Europaudvalget 2018-19 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 175
Ms. Marianne Thyssen
EU-Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs Skills and Labour Mobility
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels
Minister for Employment
Holmens Kanal 20
DK-1060 Copenhagen K
T +45 72 20 50 00
CBR 10172748
Revision of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 on the coordination of
social security systems
Dear Commissioner Marianne Thyssen
As you are aware, a new Social Democratic Government took office in Denmark
by the end of June this year. I look forward to our cooperation and to meeting you
at the EPSCO council meeting on 24 October 2019.
Due to the shift of government, I would like to inform you that the Danish priori-
ties regarding the negotiations of Regulation 883/2004 are unchanged after the
general election as they are based on a very broad majority in the Danish Parlia-
This includes support for the Commission’s original proposal requiring a minimum
qualifying period of three months before obtaining access to unemployment bene-
fits. The Danish position is based on a wish of striking a balance between the pro-
tection of mobile workers and protection of unemployment insurance schemes.
In this regard, it is essential for Denmark that mobile workers establish a genuine
link to the labour market of most recent activity, and that mobile workers contrib-
ute to the social security system, before receiving unemployment benefits. I would
be pleased to elaborate on the Danish position at a meeting.
Furthermore, I find it essential that we ensure an agreement of high quality. The
regulations on social coordination is fundamental to support and allow free move-
ment of workers and services.
We need clear, understandable and enforceable rules in this area for the sake of
both administrations and citizens. In this regard, I hope that the Commission will
allow sufficient time for the upcoming trilogues and seek a broad majority behind a
new agreement.
File No.
2019 - 5350
Yours sincerely
Peter Hummelgaard Thomsen