Europaudvalget 2018-19 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 169
Denmark’s response to the Commission’s public consultation on CEF2 Digi-
Denmark appreciates the opportunity to comment on the priority areas for EU digi-
tal infrastructure investments and the best ways to address existing connectivity
needs with Connecting Europe Facility support.
As a general remark, Denmark would like to prioritize projects that promote the
green transition of our economies and societies, thus contributing to achieving the
European goals on energy efficiency and climate neutrality. As an example, pro-
jects that support the roll-out of 5G along traffic corridors can be mentioned, as 5G
can contribute to a more intelligent traffic management with a reduced CO
Specifically, it is our opinion that two types of actions should be prioritized for finan-
cial aid.
First of all, we find it evident that actions with a cross-border dimension and a
common European interest should have priority. Such projects are more unlikely to
be carried out by themselves than projects involving only a single Member State. In
this context we would like to highlight the need to support actions which can sup-
port the European targets on climate change, including CO
reduction and energy
Our second priority concerns actions targeted at creating access to high speed
broadband to households and businesses in underserved areas. In particular we
find it vital that CEF2 Digital can support projects in sparsely populated areas
where the business case for roll-out by the market is lacking. We find that this
agenda is far more important than supporting e.g. community Wi-Fi.
Overall it is important for us that financial aid is only provided for projects, which will
not be realized by the market players on commercial terms.
On this background, it is our opinion that the following actions should be prioritized
for support:
Cross-border 5G corridors along transport routes
We support this action as it contributes to reducing CO
emissions and innovations
of new technologies in the transport sector.
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