Sundheds- og Ældreudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
SUU Alm.del
Copenhagen, 18 September 2018
EC country visit in Copenhagen, Denmark
Implementation of the systems of traceability and security
features for tobacco products
Meeting venue:
Ministry of Health
Holbergsgade 6, 1057 Copenhagen K
Room S.25
Draft Agenda
10.30 – 12 (closed)
Session between the European Commission and the Danish
National Authorities involved in the traceability process
12 – 13
Lunch break
13 – 15.30 (open)
Welcome and introduction of the participants
Presentation by Mr. Jan Hoffmann from the European Commission
(Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety)
- Update on the implementation of the secondary legislation
related to the systems of traceability and security features of
tobacco products
- Description of the process from producer to retail chain
- Description of the IT related precautions taken into account in
order to secure the tobacco related data
Questions by the stakeholders