Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
MOF Alm.del
Vibeke Møller
Fri, 19 Oct 2018 13:00:24 +0000
'Kirsten Jensen ([email protected])'
Vurdering af alternativer ifm dispensation til såning af roefrø bejdset med Gaucho
WS 70 indeholdende aktivstoffet imidacloprid - Gebyrtype 9234 (MST-661-11357)
Miljøstyrelsen, Pesticider & Biocider har fået en dispensationsansøgning (vedlagt) til anvendelse
Roefrø bejdset med Gaucho WS 70 med aktivstoffet imidacloprid.
Miljøstyrelsen kan tillade såning af frø for en periode på indtil 120 dage til en begrænset,
kontrolleret anvendelse, hvis det skønnes nødvendigt på grund af en fare, som ikke kan
bekæmpes på nogen anden rimelig måde, jf. EU-forordning 1107/2009, artikel 53.
I den forbindelse er Miljøstyrelsen interesseret i at få oplyst, om Institut for Agroøkologi er bekendt
med, hvorvidt der findes godkendte alternativer, til den ansøgte brug.
Hvis der ikke findes alternativer skal MST i forbindelse med dispensationen notificere EU.
Vi vedlægger derfor ansøgningen om dispensation samt udkast til notifikationsskema, som vi
beder Jer om at gennemgå og give Jeres evt. rettelser til.
Svar bedes sendt til
[email protected]
og til
[email protected]
med angivelse af sagsnr. (MST-661-
Svaret bedes indsendt
senest den 1. november 2018.
Dispensationen søges fra d. 1. februar 2019.
Venlig hilsen, Vibeke
Vibeke Møller
Funktionsleder (CK) | Pesticider & Biocider
+45 72 54 45 78 | [email protected]
Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet
| Haraldsgade 53 | 2100 København Ø | Tlf. +45 72 54 40 00 | [email protected] |
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Gaucho WS 70.docx
Agnes Marchetti Villa on behalf of MST Pesticider & Biocider (enhedens
Mon, 27 Aug 2018 11:06:03 +0200
Vibeke Møller
VS: Ansøgning om dispensation for brug af Gaucho WS 70 i bederoer
Notifikationsskema 2018 Gaucho WS 70.pdf, Notifikationsskema 2018
Venlig hilsen
Agnes M. Villa
Kontorfunktionær | Pesticider & Biocider
+45 72 54 42 17 | [email protected]
Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet
| Haraldsgade 53 | 2100 København Ø | Tlf. +45 72 54 40 00 | [email protected] |
Secher, Bo [mailto:[email protected]]
24. august 2018 11:10
MST Pesticider & Biocider (enhedens postkasse)
Jørn Dalby; Desirée Börjesdotter
Ansøgning om dispensation for brug af Gaucho WS 70 i bederoer
Restlisten/ dispensation – Gebyrtype 9233+B el. 9234+B? Bed om faktureringsadresse med
Til Miljøstyrelsen
På vegne af Danske Sukkerroedyrkere, Nordic Beet Research og Nordic Sugar fremsender
jeg hermed ansøgning om brug af Gaucho WS 70 til bejdsning af udsæd af bederoer i 2019.
Hvis Miljøstyrelsen har spørgsmål eller kommentarer til ansøgningen, er Miljøstyrelsen
selvklart meget velkommen til at vende tilbage med disse.
Ansøgningen gælder brug af bejdset udsæd i Danmark. De benyttede frø vil blive oparbejdet
på fabrikker i Danmark og i udlandet, og det er selvfølgelig en forudsætning, at bejdsede frø
er tilgængelige.
Frøfirmaerne er således meget opmærksomme på denne ansøgning, og udfaldet af den,
med henblik på at kunne planlægge produktionen af frø til 2019.
Ansøgningen er vedlagt som Word- og PDF dokument.
Miljøstyrelsen må meget gerne bekræfte modtagelæsen af denne, og er det muligt at angive
en behandlingstid må I meget gerne oplyse den.
Med venlig hilsen / Yours sincerely
Bo JM Secher
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Head of Agricenter Denmark
Nordic Sugar Nykøbing Prinsholmvej 1 4800 Nykøbing F
Tel. +45 5488 3461 Mobile +45 20129038
mailto:[email protected]
Reg. No 29781834
E-Mail Disclaimer
This e-mail may contain confidential information. If you are not the
recipient and you receive this e-mail by mistake, you are not allowed to
the information, to copy it or distribute it further. Please notify us and
return it to Nordic Sugar by e-mail and delete all attachments. Thank you
your assistance.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Please note that, due to a danger to plant protection that cannot be contained by any
other reasonable means, an authorisation in accordance with Article 53 of Regulation
(EC) No 1107/2009, has been granted as follows:
Member State, and MS notification
In case of repeated derogation: no. of
previous derogation(s)
Names of active substances
Trade name of Plant Protection Product
Gaucho WS 70
Type of formulation and contents of active
Water dispersible powder for slurry seed
treatment. 70% Imidacloprid
(e.g. 80% dry granule)
Nordic Sugar, Prinsholmvej 1, DK 4800
Nykøbing F.
Nordic Beet Research, Højbygårdvej 14, DK
4960 Holeby.
Danske Sukkerroedyrkere, Axelborg, Axeltorv
3, DK 1609 København V.
Crop, plants or situation
Minor or major use
Time period for authorisation
Insect pests (See GAP table below)
Seed treatment of sugar-, fodder- and energy
beet seeds for sowing
Major use
February 1
2019 to June 1
The following conditions must be fulfilled in
order to use the product:
Sugar-, fodder- and energy beets should be
followed with a cereal crop such as winter
rye, winter wheat, spring barley, spring
wheat or spring oats in order to prevent
flowering crop, in order to not attracting
Any catch crop following the crop after
beets must be of monocot type or non-
flowering in order to not attracting bees.
In the case where a pneumatic seeder is
used, a safety distance of no less than 25 m
should be kept to any crop in its flowering
stage attracting bees, or the seeder should
be equipped with deflectors preventing any
spread of dust.
Seed coating shall only be performed in
professional seed treatment facilities. Those
facilities must apply the best available
Further limitations
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
techniques in order to minimise release of
dust during application and seeding.
Reference to product code number
in Annex I of regulation (EC) No 396/2005 Code: 0900010
MRL = 0,5
Compliance with MRL set in Regulation
(EC) No 396/2005
Member State contact point
Bo JM Secher,
[email protected],
Agricenter DK, Prinsholm vej 1, DK 4800
Nykøbing F.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
15. GAP
GAP rev., date: 2018-August-22
PPP (product name/code)
active substance 1
Gaucho WS 70/(UVP) 04175778
Formulation: Type:
Conc. of as 1: 70%
Applicant: Nordic Sugar, Nordic Beet Research and Danske Sukkerroedyrkere
User: Professional
Crop and/
or situation
(crop destination /
purpose of crop)
Pests or Group of pests
developmental stages
of the pest or pest
Method /
Timing /
Growth stage
of crop &
Max. number (min.
interval between
a) per use
b) per crop/ season
00 seed
At sowing
a: 1
b: 1
Application rate
kg, L product / ha g, kg as/ha
a) max. rate per
a) max. rate per
b) max. total rate appl.
b) max. total rate
per crop/season
per crop/season
a: 85-81 g
b: 85-81 g
a: 60-57 g
b: 60-57 g
Water L/ha
min / max
EPPO-kode and English
EPPO-kode and English
APHIFA, Aphis fabae,
Bean aphid
Gaucho WS 70 will be
used with 85 g product
(60 g a.s.) per 100 000
The calculations presume
a usage of 95 000 seeds
per ha.
Myzus persicae transmits
the very damaging virus
yellows complex
BEAVX, Sugar-, Fodder-
and Energy Beet
PEGOHY, Pegomya
hyscyami, Beet fly
persicae, Green peach
ATOMLI, Atomaria
linearis, Pygmy
mangold beetle
THRIAN, Thrips
angusticeps, Cabbage
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
16. Value of tMRL if needed,
including information on the measures taken in order to
confine the commodities resulting from the treated crop to the territory of the notifying MS
pending the setting of a tMRL on the EU level. (PRIMO EFSA model to be attached)
EU MRL = 0,5
17. Validated analytical method
for monitoring of residues in plants and plant products.
Can be delivered on request to authorities.
18. Function of the product
(E.g. systemic long acting insecticide; foliar fungicide, used for regular control, elimination
scenario etc) in accordance with list D
Systemic insecticide.
19. Type of danger to plant production.
(Provide reasoning for what category the 120 day authorisation is given: quarantine pest;
emergent pest, either invading non-native, or native; emerging resistance in a pest, etc.
Whereas reference to the EU quarantine legislation may suffice for quarantine pests
elaborate reasoning should be provided for the category 'any harmful pest')
The 120 day authorisation is given for the reason to control native harmful pests and avoid
further development of resistance in some pests towards pyrethroids and pirimicarb.
Gaucho WS 70 has shown to be very effective and is approved for the control of:
Pygmy mangold beetle (Atomaria linearis). Present every year at varying levels, and
can severely damage the seed and the emerging plants that it can cause plant losses
and yield reduction.
Cabbage thrips (Thrips angusticeps). Present every year and causes damage on stems
and leaves on emerging plants that can cause plant losses and yield reduction.
Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae). Present most years and the major vector for the
very damaging
“virus yellows” complex.
In some years it causes significant yield
Bean aphid (Aphis fabae). The aphid can form large colonies on younger leaves and
can be very harmful and reduce the yield potential significantly.
Beet fly (Pegomya hycyami). The larvae damage leaves severely. Can occur in two
generations in some years and reduce yield potential.
In addition to the above mentioned pests, some other important insect species can occur with
a negative impact on the beet yield.
The use of Gaucho WS 70 will in addition act as a preventing factor in the development of
green peach aphids tolerant against pyrethroids and pirimicarb.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
20. Size and effect of danger
(Describe shortly the area affected, the development over time of the infestation, and the
agronomic and economic effects it has)
In 2018, sugar-, fodder- and energy beets are grown on 39.000 hectares in Denmark. The area
can vary from year to year. The crop is an important cornerstone for the 1100 growers and in
their crop rotation. The sugar-, fodder- and energy beet crops also play a significant role in the
crop rotation regarding Integrated Pest Management, biodiversity and soil protection as an
important spring-sown crop. The sugar beet growing area is concentrated in southern and
western Zealand and on the islands Lolland, Falster and Møn. Fodder- and energy beets are
mainly grown in Jutland.
The most yield reducing pest is the
yellows” complex, which is transmitted by the
aphid (Myzus persicae). It is documented in many European countries that the insect has
developed tolerance to pyrethroids and pirimicarb, the two alternatives to Gaucho WS 70. The
occurrence of aphids and thus the severity of the attacks by virus yellows, can vary greatly
between years. It is, however, still remembered that the virus yellows caused severe yield
reductions in Denmark prior to the registration of Gaucho WS 70. The yield reduction by
virus yellows is estimated to be 10-20 percent.
In addition to the risk of virus yellows from green peach aphid, the other listed insects can
reduce the yield during the establishment and growth of the crop. It has been documented in
seed treatment trials that soilborne insects on average reduce the sugar yield by 3 percent. In
years with severe attacks, the yield losses can be up to 20 percent. This estimation was made
without the presence of virus yellows.
The total risk analysis results in an estimated sugar yield loss to be between 10 to 23 percent
due to the insect pests controlled by Gaucho WS 70, which corresponds to a farm gate value
of 70 - 150 million DKK. This value takes in to account the cost of two applications of
pyrethroids and one application of pirimicarb and a seed treatment with Force 20 CS. In
addition to the loss in sugar beets, fodder- and energy beets risk a loss at farm gate worth 10 -
20 million DKK.
An increased cost in sugar beet production will negatively impact the procurement of sugar
beets to the two sugar factories in Denmark. This can have an effect on the economy in sugar
production, and can result in reduced activities at the factories. And so lead to a reduction of
the number of employees on the sites.
21. Absence of any other reasonable means
(Describe the alternative control measures (chemical, non-chemical and cultural) and
indicate why they do not (in combination) suffice. Describe which, if any, authorisations for
the pest to be controlled exist in other Member States.
In Denmark there is no alternative to control pygmy mangold beetle after the emergence of
the beet crop. This pest can cause severe damage and reduce yield potential.
The efficacy of Gaucho WS 70 is due to the fact that it is systemic and has effect on
damaging pests up to 12 weeks after sowing. Gaucho WS 70 affects the insects that are
feeding on the plants.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
An alternative control method of insects damaging seedling pests, is Force 20 CS (tefluthrin,
20 %). It is registered as a seed treatment in sugar-, fodder- and energy beets and belongs to
the group of pyrethroids. The efficacy of tefluthrin is shown to be reduced under severe pest
pressure of, for example, pygmy mangold beetle and thrips. It is not efficient to control
aphids, and the experience is that the product has its best efficacy only until emergence of the
Another control method registered for use in the sugar-, fodder- and energy beets crop is
foliar applications with pyrethroids or pirimicarb. However, at least seven independent
resistance mechanisms are described for aphids and in several studies in different European
countries pyrethroides show no to low efficacy to control aphids.
The alternatives which include broad acre applications with pyrethroids will negatively affect
all insects in the fields, including beneficial insects (insect predators).
Application for Derogation of Gaucho WS 70 has been submitted in a number of European
countries, for instance in Germany, Belgium, France, Poland and will be so also in Sweden.
22. Rationale
(Reason the risk management decision based on the findings of 15 to 18, containing
especially a description of measures taken to ensure consumer protection).
Gaucho WS 70 has been approved for many years and have been used widely in many crops.
The product has now been banned in the EU, because of a perceived risk of a negative impact
on bees.
The use as a seed treatment in sugar-, fodder- and energy beets can be categorised as a use
with a minuscule risk of impact on bees. For the following reasons:
Sugar-, fodder- and energy beets seeds are pelleted, and the a.s. are contained in the
inner layers of the pellet. There is for this reason no direct contact with the a.s. in the
seeder, and only very limited possibility of contaminated dust or risks when handling
the seed.
Sugar-, fodder- and energy beets are a non-flowering crop, and beet fields are
normally kept without growth of flowering weeds. There will be no bees foraging in
beet fields. Should there be a few flowering weeds, those will have their own roots
and will not be contaminated.
With the limitations imposed (see point 11), there will be no flowering crops in the
field until at least two years after the sugar-, fodder- and energy beets. Any a.s. in the
soil will therefore be decomposed.
There is very rarely guttation in sugar-, fodder- and energy beets. Especially when
compared to other crops. Research has concluded that it is unlikely that bees will be
contaminated with a.s. because of drinking the guttation from sugar-, fodder- and
energy beet leaves.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Gaucho WS 70 is in addition an important product in order to counteract or avoid
resistance, especially towards green peach aphid. This species is highly resistant to
both pyrethroids and pirimicarb in other growing regions, as found in Great Britain.
The effects of Gaucho WS 70 are highly selective towards beet-damaging species,
giving the pest must digest a part of the beet for any uptake of the a.s.. The alternative
treatment with one or two applications with a pyrethroid will impact all insects in the
field, and therefore will be detrimental to beneficial insects such as Marygolds,
Carabidea and others. The use of Gaucho WS 70 therefore can have a positive
environmental impact.
23. Mitigation measures
(Describe what mitigation measures are taken if needed for minimising risk to humans,
animals, and the environment, attach summary risk assessment. Describe what measures are
taken to limit and control use)
Mitigation of any possible impact on bees have been implemented through the listed
limitations in use. See point 11.
24. Applications in progress
(The use notified may have been applied for already, or a suitable alternative PPP may be in
the process of authorisation. Describe such applications, including a possible date of
25. Research activities
(Describe the research efforts undertaken and/or in progress, their aims, their funding, and
their expected date of results. This is needed for all categories of dangers, except quarantine
pests that can still be eliminated, or infrequent pests, for which no official application for a
normal authorisation or extension of use of the plant protection product exists.
In case of a repeated notification: indicate the state of works of the research projects.)
Testing and evaluation of alternative control measures has been undertaken in field trials and
in demonstration plots by Nordic Beet Research (NBR) and Nordic Sugar.
The seed treatment alternative to Gaucho 70 WS, tefluthrin, is being tested by NBR and
compared to untreated crops in two field trials with natural pest infestation in both Denmark
and Sweden in 2018. In the same trials, different chemical strategies to control insects after
emergence are tested. In addition to these trials, the presence of virus yellows in Denmark is
being monitored, also by NBR, in a large scale trial network in collaboration with Sweden,
Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The work is funded by NBR.
A 5 ha demonstration area has been established in a grower’s field, with an alternative seed
treatment (Force 20 CS, teflutrin 20%). The area has been followed by Nordic Sugar through
the season, and control measures has been established when damage thresholds were
exceeded. The area has been treated two times with insecticides in 2018 due to severe attacks
by bean aphids. One application with a pyrethroid and one application with pirimicarb. The
demonstration will continue in 2019. The demonstrations are funded by Nordic Sugar.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Please note that, due to a danger to plant protection that cannot be contained by any
other reasonable means, an authorisation in accordance with Article 53 of Regulation
(EC) No 1107/2009, has been granted as follows:
Member State, and MS notification
In case of repeated derogation: no. of
previous derogation(s)
Names of active substances
Trade name of Plant Protection Product
Gaucho WS 70
Type of formulation and contents of active
Water dispersible powder for slurry seed
treatment. 70% Imidacloprid
(e.g. 80% dry granule)
Nordic Sugar, Prinsholmvej 1, DK 4800
Nykøbing F.
Nordic Beet Research, Højbygårdvej 14, DK
4960 Holeby.
Danske Sukkerroedyrkere, Axelborg, Axeltorv
3, DK 1609 København V.
Crop, plants or situation
Minor or major use
Time period for authorisation
Insect pests (See GAP table below)
Seed treatment of sugar-, fodder- and energy
beet seeds for sowing
Major use
February 1
2019 to June 1
The following conditions must be fulfilled in
order to use the product:
Sugar-, fodder- and energy beets should be
followed with a cereal crop such as winter
rye, winter wheat, spring barley, spring
wheat or spring oats in order to prevent
flowering crop, in order to not attracting
Any catch crop following the crop after
beets must be of monocot type or non-
flowering in order to not attracting bees.
In the case where a pneumatic seeder is
used, a safety distance of no less than 25 m
should be kept to any crop in its flowering
stage attracting bees, or the seeder should
be equipped with deflectors preventing any
spread of dust.
Seed coating shall only be performed in
professional seed treatment facilities. Those
facilities must apply the best available
Further limitations
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
techniques in order to minimise release of
dust during application and seeding.
Reference to product code number
in Annex I of regulation (EC) No 396/2005 Code: 0900010
MRL = 0,5
Compliance with MRL set in Regulation
(EC) No 396/2005
Member State contact point
Bo JM Secher,
[email protected],
Agricenter DK, Prinsholm vej 1, DK 4800
Nykøbing F.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
15. GAP
GAP rev., date: 2018-August-22
PPP (product name/code)
active substance 1
Gaucho WS 70/(UVP) 04175778
Formulation: Type:
Conc. of as 1: 70%
Applicant: Nordic Sugar, Nordic Beet Research and Danske Sukkerroedyrkere
User: Professional
Crop and/
or situation
(crop destination /
purpose of crop)
Pests or Group of pests
developmental stages
of the pest or pest
Method /
Timing /
Growth stage
of crop &
Max. number (min.
interval between
a) per use
b) per crop/ season
00 seed
At sowing
a: 1
b: 1
Application rate
kg, L product / ha g, kg as/ha
a) max. rate per
b) max. total rate
per crop/season
a: 85-81 g
b: 85-81 g
a) max. rate per
b) max. total rate
per crop/season
a: 60-57 g
b: 60-57 g
Water L/ha
min / max
EPPO-kode and English
EPPO-kode and English
APHIFA, Aphis fabae,
Bean aphid
Gaucho WS 70 will be
used with 85 g product
(60 g a.s.) per 100 000
The calculations presume
a usage of 95 000 seeds
per ha.
Myzus persicae transmits
the very damaging virus
yellows complex
BEAVX, Sugar-, Fodder-
and Energy Beet
PEGOHY, Pegomya
hyscyami, Beet fly
persicae, Green peach
ATOMLI, Atomaria
linearis, Pygmy
mangold beetle
THRIAN, Thrips
angusticeps, Cabbage
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
16. Value of tMRL if needed,
including information on the measures taken in order to
confine the commodities resulting from the treated crop to the territory of the notifying MS
pending the setting of a tMRL on the EU level. (PRIMO EFSA model to be attached)
EU MRL = 0,5
17. Validated analytical method
for monitoring of residues in plants and plant products.
Can be delivered on request to authorities.
18. Function of the product
(E.g. systemic long acting insecticide; foliar fungicide, used for regular control, elimination
scenario etc) in accordance with list D
Systemic insecticide.
19. Type of danger to plant production.
(Provide reasoning for what category the 120 day authorisation is given: quarantine pest;
emergent pest, either invading non-native, or native; emerging resistance in a pest, etc.
Whereas reference to the EU quarantine legislation may suffice for quarantine pests
elaborate reasoning should be provided for the category 'any harmful pest')
The 120 day authorisation is given for the reason to control native harmful pests and avoid
further development of resistance in some pests towards pyrethroids and pirimicarb.
Gaucho WS 70 has shown to be very effective and is approved for the control of:
Pygmy mangold beetle (Atomaria linearis). Present every year at varying levels, and
can severely damage the seed and the emerging plants that it can cause plant losses
and yield reduction.
Cabbage thrips (Thrips angusticeps). Present every year and causes damage on stems
and leaves on emerging plants that can cause plant losses and yield reduction.
Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae). Present most years and the major vector for the
very damaging “virus yellows” complex. In some years it causes significant yield
Bean aphid (Aphis fabae). The aphid can form large colonies on younger leaves and
can be very harmful and reduce the yield potential significantly.
Beet fly (Pegomya hycyami). The larvae damage leaves severely. Can occur in two
generations in some years and reduce yield potential.
In addition to the above mentioned pests, some other important insect species can occur with
a negative impact on the beet yield.
The use of Gaucho WS 70 will in addition act as a preventing factor in the development of
green peach aphids tolerant against pyrethroids and pirimicarb.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
20. Size and effect of danger
(Describe shortly the area affected, the development over time of the infestation, and the
agronomic and economic effects it has)
In 2018, sugar-, fodder- and energy beets are grown on 39.000 hectares in Denmark. The area
can vary from year to year. The crop is an important cornerstone for the 1100 growers and in
their crop rotation. The sugar-, fodder- and energy beet crops also play a significant role in the
crop rotation regarding Integrated Pest Management, biodiversity and soil protection as an
important spring-sown crop. The sugar beet growing area is concentrated in southern and
western Zealand and on the islands Lolland, Falster and Møn. Fodder- and energy beets are
mainly grown in Jutland.
The most yield reducing pest is the “virus yellows” complex, which is transmitted by the
aphid (Myzus persicae). It is documented in many European countries that the insect has
developed tolerance to pyrethroids and pirimicarb, the two alternatives to Gaucho WS 70. The
occurrence of aphids and thus the severity of the attacks by virus yellows, can vary greatly
between years. It is, however, still remembered that the virus yellows caused severe yield
reductions in Denmark prior to the registration of Gaucho WS 70. The yield reduction by
virus yellows is estimated to be 10-20 percent.
In addition to the risk of virus yellows from green peach aphid, the other listed insects can
reduce the yield during the establishment and growth of the crop. It has been documented in
seed treatment trials that soilborne insects on average reduce the sugar yield by 3 percent. In
years with severe attacks, the yield losses can be up to 20 percent. This estimation was made
without the presence of virus yellows.
The total risk analysis results in an estimated sugar yield loss to be between 10 to 23 percent
due to the insect pests controlled by Gaucho WS 70, which corresponds to a farm gate value
of 70 - 150 million DKK. This value takes in to account the cost of two applications of
pyrethroids and one application of pirimicarb and a seed treatment with Force 20 CS. In
addition to the loss in sugar beets, fodder- and energy beets risk a loss at farm gate worth 10 -
20 million DKK.
An increased cost in sugar beet production will negatively impact the procurement of sugar
beets to the two sugar factories in Denmark. This can have an effect on the economy in sugar
production, and can result in reduced activities at the factories. And so lead to a reduction of
the number of employees on the sites.
21. Absence of any other reasonable means
(Describe the alternative control measures (chemical, non-chemical and cultural) and
indicate why they do not (in combination) suffice. Describe which, if any, authorisations for
the pest to be controlled exist in other Member States.
In Denmark there is no alternative to control pygmy mangold beetle after the emergence of
the beet crop. This pest can cause severe damage and reduce yield potential.
The efficacy of Gaucho WS 70 is due to the fact that it is systemic and has effect on
damaging pests up to 12 weeks after sowing. Gaucho WS 70 affects the insects that are
feeding on the plants.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
An alternative control method of insects damaging seedling pests, is Force 20 CS (tefluthrin,
20 %). It is registered as a seed treatment in sugar-, fodder- and energy beets and belongs to
the group of pyrethroids. The efficacy of tefluthrin is shown to be reduced under severe pest
pressure of, for example, pygmy mangold beetle and thrips. It is not efficient to control
aphids, and the experience is that the product has its best efficacy only until emergence of the
Another control method registered for use in the sugar-, fodder- and energy beets crop is
foliar applications with pyrethroids or pirimicarb. However, at least seven independent
resistance mechanisms are described for aphids and in several studies in different European
countries pyrethroides show no to low efficacy to control aphids.
The alternatives which include broad acre applications with pyrethroids will negatively affect
all insects in the fields, including beneficial insects (insect predators).
Application for Derogation of Gaucho WS 70 has been submitted in a number of European
countries, for instance in Germany, Belgium, France, Poland and will be so also in Sweden.
22. Rationale
(Reason the risk management decision based on the findings of 15 to 18, containing
especially a description of measures taken to ensure consumer protection).
Gaucho WS 70 has been approved for many years and have been used widely in many crops.
The product has now been banned in the EU, because of a perceived risk of a negative impact
on bees.
The use as a seed treatment in sugar-, fodder- and energy beets can be categorised as a use
with a minuscule risk of impact on bees. For the following reasons:
Sugar-, fodder- and energy beets seeds are pelleted, and the a.s. are contained in the
inner layers of the pellet. There is for this reason no direct contact with the a.s. in the
seeder, and only very limited possibility of contaminated dust or risks when handling
the seed.
Sugar-, fodder- and energy beets are a non-flowering crop, and beet fields are
normally kept without growth of flowering weeds. There will be no bees foraging in
beet fields. Should there be a few flowering weeds, those will have their own roots
and will not be contaminated.
With the limitations imposed (see point 11), there will be no flowering crops in the
field until at least two years after the sugar-, fodder- and energy beets. Any a.s. in the
soil will therefore be decomposed.
There is very rarely guttation in sugar-, fodder- and energy beets. Especially when
compared to other crops. Research has concluded that it is unlikely that bees will be
contaminated with a.s. because of drinking the guttation from sugar-, fodder- and
energy beet leaves.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Gaucho WS 70 is in addition an important product in order to counteract or avoid
resistance, especially towards green peach aphid. This species is highly resistant to
both pyrethroids and pirimicarb in other growing regions, as found in Great Britain.
The effects of Gaucho WS 70 are highly selective towards beet-damaging species,
giving the pest must digest a part of the beet for any uptake of the a.s.. The alternative
treatment with one or two applications with a pyrethroid will impact all insects in the
field, and therefore will be detrimental to beneficial insects such as Marygolds,
Carabidea and others. The use of Gaucho WS 70 therefore can have a positive
environmental impact.
23. Mitigation measures
(Describe what mitigation measures are taken if needed for minimising risk to humans,
animals, and the environment, attach summary risk assessment. Describe what measures are
taken to limit and control use)
Mitigation of any possible impact on bees have been implemented through the listed
limitations in use. See point 11.
24. Applications in progress
(The use notified may have been applied for already, or a suitable alternative PPP may be in
the process of authorisation. Describe such applications, including a possible date of
25. Research activities
(Describe the research efforts undertaken and/or in progress, their aims, their funding, and
their expected date of results. This is needed for all categories of dangers, except quarantine
pests that can still be eliminated, or infrequent pests, for which no official application for a
normal authorisation or extension of use of the plant protection product exists.
In case of a repeated notification: indicate the state of works of the research projects.)
Testing and evaluation of alternative control measures has been undertaken in field trials and
in demonstration plots by Nordic Beet Research (NBR) and Nordic Sugar.
The seed treatment alternative to Gaucho 70 WS, tefluthrin, is being tested by NBR and
compared to untreated crops in two field trials with natural pest infestation in both Denmark
and Sweden in 2018. In the same trials, different chemical strategies to control insects after
emergence are tested. In addition to these trials, the presence of virus yellows in Denmark is
being monitored, also by NBR, in a large scale trial network in collaboration with Sweden,
Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The work is funded by NBR.
A 5 ha demonstration area has been established in a grower’s field, with an alternative seed
treatment (Force 20 CS, teflutrin 20%). The area has been followed by Nordic Sugar through
the season, and control measures has been established when damage thresholds were
exceeded. The area has been treated two times with insecticides in 2018 due to severe attacks
by bean aphids. One application with a pyrethroid and one application with pirimicarb. The
demonstration will continue in 2019. The demonstrations are funded by Nordic Sugar.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Kirsten Jensen
Tue, 30 Oct 2018 10:06:23 +0000
MST Pesticider & Biocider (enhedens postkasse);Vibeke Møller
Charlotte Hamann Knudsen;Michael Kristensen;Helena Øhlenschläger Larsen
Svar: Ansøgning om dispensation - bederoer (Gaucho WS 70) MST-661-11357
Til Miljøstyrelsen
Vedhæftet sendes svar vedr. ansøgning om dispensation for brug af bejdsemidlet Gaucho WS 70 i bederoer
Med venlig hilsen
Kirsten Jensen
Inst. for Agroøkologi
Aarhus Universitet
Forsøgsvej 1
4200 Slagelse
Tlf.: 8715 8184
[email protected]
Tlf.: 8715 0000
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Pesticider og Biocider
Haraldsgade 53
2100 København Ø
Vedr. vurdering af bekæmpelsesmidlers effektivitet – Bekendtgørelsens
§ 55 stk. 1
Vedhæftet fremsendes svar vedr. dispensationsansøgning for Gaucho WS 70, udar-
bejdet af lektor Michael Kristensen og akademisk medarbejder Helena Øhlenschläger
Larsen, Institut for Agroøkologi, Forsøgsvej 1, AU Flakkebjerg 4200 Slagelse.
Sekretariat, AGRO
Kirsten Jensen
Dato: 30. oktober 2018
Med venlig hilsen
Direkte tlf.: 87158184
[email protected]
Afs. CVR-nr.: 31119103
Reference: MST-661-11357
Kirsten Jensen
Side 1/1
Sekretariat, AGRO Flakkebjerg
Aarhus Universitet
Forsøgsvej 1
4200 Slagelse
Tlf.: 87158192
Fax: 87156082
E-mail: [email protected]
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Pesticider og Biocider
Haraldsgade 53
2100 København Ø
Vedr. dispensationsansøgning til såning af bederoefrø bejdset med Gaucho WS 70
indeholdende imidacloprid (sagsnr. MST-661-11357)
Det anbefales hermed, at der gives dispensation til såning af bederoefrø bejdset med Gau-
cho WS 70 indeholdende imidacloprid. Følgende punkter danner baggrund for denne be-
Bederoer rammes af en kompleks sammensætning af skadedyr efter deres såning
i det sene forår. De mest signifikante er ferskenbladlus, bedebladlus, runkelroe-
biller, og bedefluer. Derudover er der en række skadedyr, såsom trips, minerfluer,
jordlopper, gammauglen, og tusindben, som nogle år giver betydende problemer.
Det er muligt at anvende godkendte midler indeholdende pyrethroider eller carba-
matet pirimicarb mod bedebladlus og ferskenbladlusen, men der findes ikke god-
kendt alternative midler mod alle; fx den betydende skadegører på rødderne run-
kelroebillen. For de fleste af de jordlevende skadedyr gælder det dog at sædskifte
er den bedste metode til at undgå store problemer.
Ferskenbladlusen er en betydningsfuld vektor af virussygdomme til bederoer.
Problemet med disse sygdomme er stort set forsvundet efter at bejdsning af bede-
roefrø blev indført. Ferskenbladlusene kan overvintre i Danmark, hvilket den tid-
ligere gjorde især i roekuler, som ikke optræder så meget længere, men den kom-
mer også flyvende fra syd hvert år. Der er udbredt carbamate- og pyrethroidresi-
stens hos ferskenbladlus i Europa og ferskenbladlus der ankommer til Danmark
om foråret vil med stor sandsynlighed have en eller flere resistensmekanismer
overfor pyrethroider og carbamater. Ferskenbladlusen kan med stor sandsynlig-
hed ikke bekæmpes med de godkendte midler.
Der kendes ikke til insekticidresistens hos andre af de relevante skadedyr i bede-
Bekæmpelsen af mange af bederoernes skadedyr med pyrethroider eller carbamat
vil ske på et tidspunkt, hvor de naturlige fjender er i gang med at etablere sig og
vil være et stort tilbageslag for deres aktivitet.
En profylaktisk anvendelse af systemiske neonikotinoider i Danmark forekommer
problematisk både med hensyn til generelle miljøhensyn og mere specifikt deres
effekt overfor bier, men en anvendelse på en ikke blomstrede afgrøde, hvor der
på de pågældende marker ikke må sås blomstrende afgrøder som efterafgrøde el-
ler i det kommende år, må betragtes at have noget nær ingen effekt på bier.
Dept. of Agroecology
Aarhus University
Forsøgsvej 1
DK-4200 Slagelse
Michael Kristensen
Associate Professor
Date: 30 October 2018
Direct Tel.: +45 8715 8116
Mobile Tel.: +45 29645725
E-mail: [email protected]
Journal no.:
Reference: MK
Page 1/2
Aarhus University
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Vedr. varsling ift. behovet for at anvende bejdsede bederoefrø til såning vurderer
vi, at dette ikke vil være muligt. Det vil være muligt ligesom i 1980-90’erne at
varsle omkring bladlus, men set i lyset af den udbredte insekticidresistens hos fer-
skenbladlus og ønsket om at bevare skadedyrenes naturlige fjender vurderes dette
at være en dårlig løsning.
EU-kommissionen har forbudt anvendelsen af bl.a. imidacloprid til udendørs anvendelse i
landbruget. Dette er sket på baggrund af en omfattende og velargumenteret rapport fra
som konkluderer, at neonikotinoiderne er far-
lige for både honningbier og vilde bier.
Det anbefales, at der arbejdes på at finde på alternative metoder til bekæmpelse af skade-
dyr i forbindelse med roedyrkning end ved brug af bederoefrø bejdset med midler som er
velbegrundet forbudt af EU.
Page 2/2
Udkast til notifikationsskema til EU er vedhæftet.
Med venlig hilsen
Michael Kristensen
Helena Øhlenschläger Larsen
Akademisk Medarbejder
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Kirsten Jensen
Fri, 2 Nov 2018 11:40:11 +0000
MST Pesticider & Biocider (enhedens postkasse);Vibeke Møller
Charlotte Hamann Knudsen;Michael Kristensen;Helena Øhlenschläger Larsen
Svar: Opdateret svar dispensationsansøgning - bederoer (Gaucho WS 70) MST-661-
Til Miljøstyrelsen
Vedhæftet sendes opdateret svar vedr. dispensationsansøgning (bederoer) for Gaucho WS 70 (MST-661-
11357). – Jeg vedhæfter også notifikationsskema sendt til Miljøstyrelsen tidligere i dag.
Med venlig hilsen
Kirsten Jensen
Inst. for Agroøkologi
Aarhus Universitet
Forsøgsvej 1
4200 Slagelse
Tlf.: 8715 8184
[email protected]
Tlf.: 8715 0000
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Pesticider og Biocider
Haraldsgade 53
2100 København Ø
Vedr. vurdering af bekæmpelsesmidlers effektivitet – Bekendtgørelsens
§ 55 stk. 1
Vedhæftet fremsendes opdateret svar vedr. dispensationsansøgning for Gaucho WS
70, udarbejdet af lektor Michael Kristensen og akademisk medarbejder Helena Øh-
lenschläger Larsen, Institut for Agroøkologi, Forsøgsvej 1, AU Flakkebjerg 4200 Sla-
Sekretariat, AGRO
Kirsten Jensen
Dato: 02. november 2018
Med venlig hilsen
Direkte tlf.: 87158184
[email protected]
Afs. CVR-nr.: 31119103
Reference: MST-661-11357
Kirsten Jensen
Side 1/1
Sekretariat, AGRO Flakkebjerg
Aarhus Universitet
Forsøgsvej 1
4200 Slagelse
Tlf.: 87158192
Fax: 87156082
E-mail: [email protected]
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Pesticider og Biocider
Haraldsgade 53
2100 København Ø
Vedr. dispensationsansøgning til såning af bederoefrø bejdset med Gaucho WS 70
indeholdende imidacloprid (sagsnr. MST-661-11357)
Det anbefales hermed, at der gives dispensation til såning af bederoefrø bejdset med Gau-
cho WS 70 indeholdende imidacloprid. Følgende punkter danner baggrund for denne be-
Bederoer rammes af en kompleks sammensætning af skadedyr efter deres såning
i det sene forår. De mest signifikante er ferskenbladlus, bedebladlus, runkelroe-
biller, og bedefluer. Derudover er der en række skadedyr, såsom trips, minerfluer,
jordlopper, gammauglen, og tusindben, som nogle år giver betydende problemer.
Det er muligt at anvende godkendte midler indeholdende pyrethroider eller carba-
matet pirimicarb mod bedebladlus og ferskenbladlusen, men der findes ikke god-
kendt alternative midler mod alle; fx den betydende skadegører på rødderne run-
kelroebillen. For de fleste af de jordlevende skadedyr gælder det dog at sædskifte
er den bedste metode til at undgå store problemer. Vi kender ikke til alternativer,
som ikke er insekticid baserede.
Ferskenbladlusen er en betydningsfuld vektor af virussygdomme til bederoer.
Problemet med disse sygdomme er stort set forsvundet efter at bejdsning af bede-
roefrø blev indført. Ferskenbladlusene kan overvintre i Danmark, hvilket den tid-
ligere gjorde især i roekuler, som ikke optræder så meget længere, men den kom-
mer også flyvende fra syd hvert år. Der er udbredt carbamate- og pyrethroidresi-
stens hos ferskenbladlus i Europa og ferskenbladlus der ankommer til Danmark
om foråret vil med stor sandsynlighed have en eller flere resistensmekanismer
overfor pyrethroider og carbamater. Ferskenbladlusen kan med stor sandsynlig-
hed ikke bekæmpes med de godkendte midler.
Der kendes ikke til insekticidresistens hos andre af de relevante skadedyr i bede-
Bekæmpelsen af mange af bederoernes skadedyr med pyrethroider eller carbamat
vil ske på et tidspunkt, hvor de naturlige fjender er i gang med at etablere sig og
vil være et stort tilbageslag for deres aktivitet.
En profylaktisk anvendelse af systemiske neonikotinoider i Danmark forekommer
problematisk både med hensyn til generelle miljøhensyn og mere specifikt deres
effekt overfor bier, men en anvendelse på en ikke blomstrede afgrøde, hvor der
på de pågældende marker ikke må sås blomstrende afgrøder som efterafgrøde el-
ler i det kommende år, må betragtes at have noget nær ingen effekt på bier.
Dept. of Agroecology
Aarhus University
Forsøgsvej 1
DK-4200 Slagelse
Michael Kristensen
Associate Professor
Date: 2 November 2018
Direct Tel.: +45 8715 8116
Mobile Tel.: +45 29645725
E-mail: [email protected]
Journal no.:
Reference: MK
Page 1/2
Aarhus University
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Vedr. varsling ift. behovet for at anvende bejdsede bederoefrø til såning vurderer
vi, at dette ikke vil være muligt. Det vil være muligt ligesom i 1980-90’erne at
varsle omkring bladlus, men set i lyset af den udbredte insekticidresistens hos fer-
skenbladlus og ønsket om at bevare skadedyrenes naturlige fjender vurderes dette
at være en dårlig løsning.
EU-kommissionen har forbudt anvendelsen af bl.a. imidacloprid til udendørs anvendelse i
landbruget. Dette er sket på baggrund af en omfattende og velargumenteret rapport fra
sikkerhed som konkluderer, at neonikotinoiderne er far-
lige for både honningbier og vilde bier.
Det anbefales, at der arbejdes på at finde på alternative metoder til bekæmpelse af skade-
dyr i forbindelse med roedyrkning end ved brug af bederoefrø bejdset med midler som er
velbegrundet forbudt af EU.
Page 2/2
Udkast til notifikationsskema til EU er vedhæftet.
Med venlig hilsen
Michael Kristensen
Helena Øhlenschläger Larsen
Akademisk Medarbejder
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Please note that, due to a danger to plant protection that cannot be contained by any
other reasonable means, an authorisation in accordance with Article 53 of Regulation
(EC) No 1107/2009, has been granted as follows:
Member State, and MS notification
In case of repeated derogation: no. of
previous derogation(s)
Names of active substances
Trade name of Plant Protection Product
Gaucho WS 70
Type of formulation and contents of active Water dispersible powder for slurry seed
treatment. 70% Imidacloprid
Nordic Sugar, Prinsholmvej 1, DK 4800
Nykøbing F.
Nordic Beet Research, Højbygårdvej 14, DK
4960 Holeby.
Danske Sukkerroedyrkere, Axelborg, Axeltorv
3, DK 1609 København V.
Crop, plants or situation
Minor or major use
Time period for authorisation
Insect pests (See GAP table below)
Seed treatment of sugar-, fodder- and energy
beet seeds for sowing
Major use
February 1
2019 to June 1
The following conditions must be fulfilled in
order to use the product:
Sugar-, fodder- and energy beets should be
followed with a cereal crop such as winter
rye, winter wheat, spring barley, spring
wheat or spring oats in order to prevent
flowering crop, in order to not attracting
Any catch crop following the crop after
beets must be of monocot type or non-
flowering in order to not attracting bees.
In the case where a pneumatic seeder is
used, a safety distance of no less than 25 m
should be kept to any crop in its flowering
stage attracting bees, or the seeder should
be equipped with deflectors preventing any
spread of dust.
Seed coating shall only be performed in
professional seed treatment facilities. Those
facilities must apply the best available
Further limitations
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
techniques in order to minimise release of
dust during application and seeding.
Reference to product code number
in Annex I of regulation (EC) No 396/2005 Code: 0900010
MRL = 0,5
Compliance with MRL set in Regulation
(EC) No 396/2005
Member State contact point
Bo JM Secher,
[email protected],
Agricenter DK, Prinsholm vej 1, DK 4800
Nykøbing F.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
15. GAP
GAP rev., date: 2018-August-22
PPP (product name/code)
active substance 1
Gaucho WS 70/(UVP) 04175778
Formulation: Type:
Conc. of as 1: 70%
Applicant: Nordic Sugar, Nordic Beet Research and Danske Sukkerroedyrkere
User: Professional
Crop and/
or situation
(crop destination /
purpose of crop)
Pests or Group of pests
developmental stages
of the pest or pest
Method /
Timing /
Growth stage
of crop &
Max. number (min.
interval between
a) per use
b) per crop/ season
00 seed
At sowing
a: 1
b: 1
Application rate
kg, L product / ha g, kg as/ha
a) max. rate per
b) max. total rate
per crop/season
a: 85-81 g
b: 85-81 g
a) max. rate per
b) max. total rate
per crop/season
a: 60-57 g
b: 60-57 g
Water L/ha
min / max
EPPO-kode and English
EPPO-kode and English
APHIFA, Aphis fabae,
Bean aphid
Gaucho WS 70 will be
used with 85 g product
(60 g a.s.) per 100 000
The calculations presume
a usage of 95 000 seeds
per ha.
Myzus persicae transmits
the very damaging virus
yellows complex
BEAVX, Sugar-, Fodder-
and Energy Beet
PEGOHY, Pegomya
hyscyami, Beet fly
persicae, Green peach
ATOMLI, Atomaria
linearis, Pygmy
mangold beetle
THRIAN, Thrips
angusticeps, Cabbage
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
16. Value of tMRL
EU MRL = 0,5
17. Validated analytical method
for monitoring of residues in plants and plant products.
Can be delivered on request to authorities.
18. Function of the product
Systemic insecticide.
19. Type of danger to plant production.
The 120 day authorisation is given for the reason to control native harmful pests, to control a
resistant pest and to avoid further development of resistance in some pests towards
pyrethroids and pirimicarb.
Beets are affected by a complex composition of pests after their germination in late spring.
The most significant are green peach aphid, bean aphid, pygmy mangold beetle, beet fly and
cabbage thrips. Gaucho WS 70 has shown to be very effective and is approved for the control
Pygmy mangold beetle (Atomaria
Present every year at varying levels, and
can severely damage the seed and the emerging plants that it can cause plant losses
and yield reduction.
Cabbage thrips (Thrips
Present every year and causes damage on stems
and leaves on emerging plants that can cause plant losses and yield reduction.
Green peach aphid (Myzus
Present most years and the major vector for the
very damaging “virus yellows” complex. In some years it causes significant yield
Bean aphid (Aphis
The aphid can form large colonies on younger leaves and
can be very harmful and reduce the yield potential significantly.
Beet fly (Pegomya
The larvae damage leaves severely. Can occur in two
generations in some years and reduce yield potential.
In addition to the above mentioned pests, some other important herbivorous as well as soil
dwelling insect species, the Silver Y moth, beet leafhoppers, leafminig flies, springtails,
blister beetles, and milipedes, can occur with a negative impact on the beet yield.
The green peach aphid is a significant vector of virus diseases for beets. The problem with
these diseases has largely disappeared after the introduction of neonicotinoid seed treatments
in 1995. The green peach aphid can overwinter in Denmark, as it used to do in beets stored for
winter, which does not appear so much nowadays. It is flying in from the south every year.
There is widespread carbamate and pyrethroid resistance in green peach aphids throughout
Europe, and green peach aphids arriving in Denmark in the spring will most likely have one
or more resistance mechanisms to pyrethroids and carbamates. Most likely the establishing
population of green peach aphid can’t be combated with the approved insecticides based on
pyrethroids and carbamate. The use of Gaucho WS 70 will in addition act to control green
peach aphids resistant to pyrethroids and pirimicarb in the early phase of their establishment.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
20. Size and effect of danger
In 2018, sugar-, fodder- and energy beets are grown on 39.000 hectares in Denmark. The area
can vary from year to year. The crop is an important cornerstone for the 1100 growers and in
their crop rotation. The sugar-, fodder- and energy beet crops also play a significant role in the
crop rotation regarding Integrated Pest Management, biodiversity and soil protection as an
important spring-sown crop. The sugar beet growing area is concentrated in southern and
western Zealand and on the islands Lolland, Falster and Møn. Fodder- and energy beets are
mainly grown in Jutland.
The most yield reducing pest is the “virus yellows” complex, which is transmitted by the
green peach aphid. It is documented in many European countries that the insect has developed
resistance to pyrethroids and pirimicarb, the two alternatives to Gaucho WS 70.The
occurrence of aphids and thus the severity of the attacks by virus yellows, can vary greatly
between years. It is, however, still remembered that the virus yellows caused severe yield
reductions in Denmark prior to the registration of Gaucho WS 70. The yield reduction by
virus yellows is estimated to be 10-20%.
In addition to the risk of virus yellows from green peach aphid, the other listed insects can
reduce the yield during the establishment and growth of the crop. It has been documented in
seed treatment trials that soilborne insects on average reduce the sugar yield by 3%. In years
with severe attacks, the yield losses can be up to 20%. This estimation was made without the
presence of virus yellows.
The total risk analysis results in an estimated sugar yield loss to be between 10-23% due to
the insect pests controlled by Gaucho WS 70, which corresponds to a farm gate value of 70-
150 million DKK. This value takes in to account the cost of two applications of pyrethroids
and one application of pirimicarb and a seed treatment with Force 20 CS. In addition to the
loss in sugar beets, fodder- and energy beets risk a loss at farm gate worth 10-20 million
An increased cost in sugar beet production will negatively impact the procurement of sugar
beets to the two sugar factories in Denmark. This can have an effect on the economy in sugar
production, and can result in reduced activities at the factories and lead to a reduction of the
number of employees on the sites.
21. Absence of any other reasonable means
It is possible to use approved insecticide containing pyrethroids or the carbamate pirimicarb
against cabbage thrips, bean aphid, beet fly and green peach aphid. In the case of the green
peach aphid resistance is expected and efficacy to be strongly decreased or absent. In the case
of the other pests susceptibility is expected.
In Denmark there is no alternative to control pygmy mangold beetle after the emergence of
the beet crop. This pest can cause severe damage and reduce yield potential. The crop rotation
practised in beet farming in Denmark minimize problems with the pygmy mangold beetle and
other soil dwelling pests, but doesn’t completely remove the problems with these pests.
The efficacy of Gaucho WS 70 is due to its systemic effect on damaging pests up to 12 weeks
after sowing. Gaucho WS 70 affects the sap-feeding, leaf-eating and root-eating insects in the
most vulnerable phase of the plant.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
An alternative control method of insects damaging seedling pests, is Force 20 CS (tefluthrin,
20 %). It is registered as a seed treatment in sugar-, fodder- and energy beets and belongs to
the group of pyrethroids. The efficacy of tefluthrin is shown to be reduced under severe pest
pressure of, for example, pygmy mangold beetle and thrips. It is not efficient to control the
establishment of the green peach and beet aphids. The experience from multiple field trials is
that the product has its best efficacy only until emergence of the seedlings.
The alternatives which include broad acre applications with pyrethroids will negatively affect
all insects in the fields, including beneficial insects (insect predators). The early treatments,
where Gaucho WS70 are active, will occur at a time when the natural enemies are beginning
to settle and will be a major setback for their activity and could increase the pest levels later in
the season.
We estimate that it will not be possible to setup a decision support system to evaluated using
treated or untreated seeds. It could be considered to establish a warning system monitoring
green peach aphid arrival and resistance status, as in the 1980-90s, but considering the
widespread insecticide resistance of the green peach aphid and the desire to preserve the
natural enemies of the various pests. This is considered a bad solution.
The crop rotation practised in beet farming in Denmark minimize problems with the soil
dwelling pests. We are not aware of other non-insecticide alternatives.
Application for Derogation of Gaucho WS 70 has been submitted in a number of European
countries, for instance in Germany, Belgium, France, Poland and will be so also in Sweden.
22. Rationale
Gaucho WS 70 has been approved for many years and have been used widely in many crops.
The product has now been banned in the EU, because of a perceived risk of a negative impact
on bees.
The use as a seed treatment in sugar-, fodder- and energy beets can be categorised as a use
with a minuscule risk of impact on bees. For the following reasons:
Sugar-, fodder- and energy beets seeds are pelleted, and the a.s. are contained in the
inner layers of the pellet. There is for this reason no direct contact with the a.s. in the
seeder, and only very limited possibility of contaminated dust or risks when handling
the seed.
Sugar-, fodder- and energy beets are a non-flowering crop, and beet fields are
normally kept without growth of flowering weeds. There will be no bees foraging in
beet fields. Should there be a few flowering weeds, those will have their own roots
and will not be contaminated.
With the limitations imposed (see point 11), there will be no flowering crops in the
field until at least two years after the sugar-, fodder- and energy beets. Any a.s. in the
soil will therefore be decomposed.
There is very rarely guttation in sugar-, fodder- and energy beets. Especially when
compared to other crops. Research has concluded that it is unlikely that bees will be
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 398: Spm. om korrespondance mellem Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/Miljøstyrelsen og Aarhus Universitet vedrørende godkendelsen af ansøgningen om dispensation til bejdsning af sukkerroer med neonikotinoider, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
contaminated with a.s. because of drinking the guttation from sugar-, fodder- and
energy beet leaves.
Gaucho WS 70 is in addition an important product in order to counteract or avoid
resistance, especially towards green peach aphid. This species is highly resistant to
both pyrethroids and pirimicarb in other growing regions in Europe.
The effects of Gaucho WS 70 are highly selective towards beet-damaging species,
giving the pest must digest a part of the beet for any uptake of the a.s.. The alternative
treatment with one or two applications with a pyrethroid will impact all insects in the
field, and therefore will be detrimental to beneficial insects such as ladybugs,
Carabidea ground beetles and others. The use of Gaucho WS 70 therefore can have a
positive environmental impact.
23. Mitigation measures
Mitigation of any possible impact on bees have been implemented through the listed
limitations in use. See point 11.
24. Applications in progress
25. Research activities
Testing and evaluation of alternative control measures has been undertaken in field trials and
in demonstration plots by Nordic Beet Research (NBR) and Nordic Sugar.
The seed treatment alternative to Gaucho 70 WS, tefluthrin, is being tested by NBR and
compared to untreated crops in two field trials with natural pest infestation in both Denmark
and Sweden in 2018. In the same trials, different chemical strategies to control insects after
emergence are tested. In addition to these trials, the presence of virus yellows in Denmark is
being monitored, also by NBR, in a large scale trial network in collaboration with Sweden,
Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The work is funded by NBR.
A 5 ha demonstration area has been established in a grower’s field, with an alternative seed
treatment (Force 20 CS, teflutrin 20%). The area has been followed by Nordic Sugar through
the season, and control measures has been established when damage thresholds were
exceeded. The area has been treated two times with insecticides in 2018 due to severe attacks
by bean aphids. One application with a pyrethroid and one application with pirimicarb. The
demonstration will continue in 2019. The demonstrations are funded by Nordic Sugar.