Kulturudvalget (KUU) Alm. del

Samling: 2018-19 (1. samling)

Bilag 117

Invitation fra Academy for Cultural Diplomacy til "Berlin Wall 30, From the Divided to the City of Freedom: The 30th Anniversary for the Fall of the Wall i Berlin den 6. - 10. november 2019
Emne: udvalgsarbejde og -meddelelser


Dokumentdato: 08-04-2019
Modtaget: 10-04-2019
Omdelt: 10-04-2019

Invitation fra Academy for Cultural Diplomacy til "Berlin Wall 30, From the Divided to the City of Freedom: The 30th Anniversary for the Fall of the Wall i Berlin den 6. - 10. november 2019

invitation Berlin (pdf-version)