Europaudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del
Mr. Guy Parmelin,
Ministre d’économie
Le Parlement Suisse
CH - 3003 Berne
Minister for Employment
Ved Stranden 8
DK-1061 Copenhagen K
T +45 72 20 50 00
E [email protected]
CBR 10172748
Swiss legislation on Posted Workers
7 March 2019
Dear colleague, Guy Parmelin
The Danish Parliament and its European Affairs Committee has requested infor-
mation on the Swiss implementation of the EU directive on posted workers and in
the Swiss requirements to ensure pay and working conditions for posted workers
corresponding to Swiss standards.
Based on information received from the Danish Embassy, Berlin, which also co-
vers Switzerland, inter alia based on the official Swiss website
[] and
the Swiss Act on Posted Workers (‘Entsendegesetz’) I understand that:
Switzerland has limited the duration of work performed by posted workers to
90 days in a year.
Switzerland has a system for broadening the coverage of sectoral collective
agreements and for introducing minimum wages to sectors not covered by col-
lective agreements.
Switzerland has a notification system where a service provider who uses posted
workers, needs to make a declaration to the Swiss authorities 8 days prior to
the commencement of the work.
Switzerland may require that the service provider in some cases poses a depos-
Switzerland has a control and enhancement system providing for sanctions in
case of violations.
File No.
2018 - 7825
Further to this, I understand that:
Some of these requirements are due to the specificity of the legal relationship
between the EU and Switzerland.
Some of the Swiss requirements are now under consideration
Besides the elements above, I would like ask whether there are other relevant ele-
ments of the existing regulation on the labour market that you would like to high-
light or any relevant additions to the abovementioned points. I would like to share
your answer with the Danish Parliament.
Thank you in advance.
EUU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 94: Spm. om, hvilke særlige beskyttelsestiltag Schweiz har implementeret i forhold til at sikre ordentlige løn- og arbejdsvilkår for arbejdstagere og virksomheder fra EU/EØS-lande, som udstationeres til landet for at udføre arbejde, til beskæftigelsesministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Copy of this letter has been sent to the Danish Parliament’s European Affairs
Yours sincerely,
Troels Lund Poulsen