Udlændinge- og Integrationsudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
UUI Alm.del Bilag 18
Country Report
7 / 2018
Political situation and
treatment of opposition
September 2018
Report based on interviews in Ethiopia
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
© 2018 The Danish Immigration Service
The Danish Immigration Service
Ryesgade 53
2100 Copenhagen
Phone: +45 35 36 66 00
September 2018
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UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
Disclaimer .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Executive summary ................................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction and methodology ............................................................................................................... 5
Background..................................................................................................................................... 7
State(s) of Emergency ..................................................................................................................... 8
Human rights situation .................................................................................................................... 9
Situation of political prisoners ....................................................................................................... 12
Treatment of opposition groups .................................................................................................... 13
Political youth organisations ......................................................................................................... 15
Situation of student organisations ................................................................................................. 15
Forced recruitment ....................................................................................................................... 16
Situation of the diaspora ............................................................................................................... 17
Appendix A: meeting notes .................................................................................................................. 18
International researcher .............................................................................................................................. 18
National researcher ..................................................................................................................................... 20
British Embassy ............................................................................................................................................ 26
EU ................................................................................................................................................................. 32
U.S. Embassy ................................................................................................................................................ 35
International NGO ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Danish Refugee Council ............................................................................................................................... 45
The Fortune, national newspaper ............................................................................................................... 48
Blogger ......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Human Rights Commission .......................................................................................................................... 56
Appendix B: Sources consulted ............................................................................................................. 58
Appendix C: Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 59
Appendix E: Terms of reference ............................................................................................................ 61
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
This report was written in accordance with the European Asylum Support Office’s (EASO) Country of Origin
Information (COI) report methodology
.The report is based on approved notes from meetings with carefully
selected interlocutors.
This report is not a detailed or comprehensive survey of all aspects of the issues covered in the terms of
reference and should be considered alongside other available country of origin information on the General
political situation and treatment of opposition.
The information contained in this report has been gathered and presented with utmost care.
The report does not include any policy recommendations or analysis. The information in the report does
not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish Immigration Service (DIS).
Furthermore, this report is not conclusive as to the determination or merit of any particular claim for
protection, which will need to be considered on its individual facts. Terminology used should not be
regarded as indicative of a particular legal position.
European Union: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) (2012). EASO Country of Origin Information report
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
Administration for Refugee & Returnee Affairs
Assisted Voluntary Return
Comprehensive Refugees Response Framework
Civil Society Organisation
Danish Immigration Service
Danish Refugee Council
Ethiopian National Defence Force
Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front
Internally displaced person
International Organization for Migration
International Non-governmental organisation
Non-governmental organisation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Oromo Democratic Front
Oromo Federalist Congress
Oromo Liberation Front
Ogaden National Liberation Front
Oromo People Democratic Organisation
The Onion Router
Tigrayan People's Liberation Front
United Nations
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Vital Events Registration Agency
Virtual private network
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
Executive summary
In February 2018 the Government of Ethiopia proclaimed a six months State of Emergency; only six months
after the previous one had ended. This State of Emergency was supposed to remain in force until mid-
August but was lifted in June 2018 at the initiative of the newly elected Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.
Whereas the previous State of Emergency was characterised by civil unrest in the regional states of Oromia,
Amhara and Somali and by the arrest of numerous civilians, there were fewer violent riots and security
incidents across the country during the last State of Emergency. It was imposed with less use of violence
although there still had been instances where the authorities had shown force in the handling of
Immediately after his nomination Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the incoming administration had
signaled a reformist policy. This was followed by the release of political prisoners, the closing of the
Maekelawi prison, officially known as the Federal Police Crime Investigation and Forensic Sector, and the
removal of three opposition groups from the national list of terrorist organisations. The new administration
also decided to unblock a number of websites, blogs and radio and TV-stations – including two diaspora TV
stations – which were previously unavailable to the population. These decisions had widened the political
space in Ethiopia and could lead to an improvement in the human rights situation, including for members of
the opposition. This development had inspired a cautious optimism among observers of the political
situation in Ethiopia as the new administration had announced that it will take human rights more
seriously. However, at the same time violence, ethnic clashes and abuses may continue at local level.
The overall situation for opposition parties has improved following the nomination of Prime Minister Abiy
Ahmed. This relative improvement also included the youth branches of those opposition parties. The
oppositions groups OLF, ONLF and Ginbot 7 had been removed from the national list of terrorist
organisations and their leadership had been invited to return to participate in political discussions. OLF and
Ginbot 7 leaders had accepted the invitation and returned to Ethiopia. Both the OLF and the ONLF had
been weakened over the past three years and lost political and military influence.
Since January 2018 the number of mass demonstrations in which students had been shot at and detained
by the authorities had decreased and the overall situation for students who were active in student
organisations had improved.
The Ethiopian diaspora’s activities are monitored by the authorities. This includes their activities on
Facebook, YouTube and personal blogs. Ethiopian citizen who participate in anti-government
demonstrations in Europe or in the US were likely to be video-taped and thereby having their participation
in such events documented; this surveillance would also extend to Ethiopians who had obtained a new
nationality. After the nomination of the new Prime Minister, the situation for the diaspora is less
threatening. Members of the diaspora who decide to return to Ethiopia are allowed to reintegrate into
society as citizens, and open private businesses.
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
Introduction and methodology
This report is based on interviews with sources in Ethiopia conducted by the COI Division, DIS in Addis
Ababa, from 17 - 23 May 2018. The purpose of the mission was to collect up to date information on the
general political situation as well as on the treatment of members of the opposition, on documents and on
issues of citizenship. In addition to the visit to the capital a short visit to the Hitsats refugee camps in Shire
with the purpose of being informed about the context and procedures of relevance for the issuance of legal
documents about vital events. All findings regarding documents and citizenships are reported in a separate
The present report focuses on the political situation in Ethiopia and the ways different opposition groups as
well as people related to members of these groups are treated. A few weeks after our visit, the political
situation in Ethiopia changed –the State of Emergency was lifted early and contact with the leadership of
Eritrea was resumed. To reflect this development, all interlocutors who had been interviewed about the
political situation in the country were invited by email to comment on the new situation and share their
assessment of the implications for the human rights situation, especially for members of different
opposition groups.
The terms of reference for the mission were drawn up by DIS in consultation with the Danish Refugee
Appeals Board Secretariat as well as a Danish advisory group on COI
. The terms of reference are included
at Appendix C to this report. The report draws on methodological guidance from the European Asylum
Support Office (EASO) Country of Origin Information report methodology
In the process of compiling this report, the delegation interviewed ten sources, comprising representatives
from Western embassies, academia, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), national authorities as well
as a human rights blogger who had first hand-experience with opposition to the regime. The Danish
Embassy in Addis Ababa provided valuable assistance in identifying some of the interlocutors relevant to
the terms of reference. The Danish Embassy also offered logistical and technical assistance throughout the
mission. The sources interviewed were selected by the delegation based on their expertise, merit and
experience relevant to the mission. In addition to the empirical data material gathered from the interviews,
the report is also based on available reports as well as academic articles of relevance for the terms of
The sources consulted are listed in Appendix B. The interviews were conducted in English. In some, but not
all, of the interviews the DIS delegation were joined by two staff members from the Danish National ID
Centre who collected background information on the topic of issuance procedures of documents in
The group consists of Danish Refugee Council, Amnesty International in Denmark, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Dignity,
representatives of Danish European Mission and Open Doors, the National Commissioner of Police and the Danish Bar and Law
Society (representing asylum lawyers)
European Union: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) (2012). EASO Country of Origin Information report methodology
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
Prior to the interviews all interlocutors were thoroughly informed about the purpose of the mission and the
fact that their statements would be included in a report to be made publically available.
The interlocutors were asked how they wished to be introduced and quoted, and all sources are introduced
and quoted according to their own wishes. Some sources are referred by the name of their organisation; in
accordance with their own request on this matter. Four sources preferred anonymity.
The meeting notes were validated by the sources. All notes were forwarded to the interlocutors for their
approval and amendment, allowing the opportunity to offer corrections or make comment on their
statements. All sources but the blogger responded and approved their statements. This source was
contacted by email and informed that the delegation would include the note in the report if no response
was received by the deadline. The delegation never received any response.
The report is a synthesis of the sources' statements supplemented with key publications of relevance for
the topics of this report. Care has been taken to present the views of the interlocutors as accurately and
transparently as possible and reference is made by number to the specific paragraphs in the meeting notes
in foot notes in the report. All sources’ approved statements are found in their full extent in Appendix A of
this report. Based on a manual retrieval of the complete set of meeting notes, a thematic analysis has been
conducted and the findings are presented in the following chapters of this report.
The report was finalised in September 2018 and is available on the websites of DIS
. This means that it is equally available to all stakeholders in the refugee status
determination process as well as to the general public.
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
1. Background
A short history of political violence
1.1. Ethiopia has a well-documented history of political driven violence: civil unrest and violent
repression have accompanied the transition of a multi-ethnic former empire into a modern nation-
. Successive regimes – from the imperial administration (spanning from 1890 – 1974) to the
socialist development state, the
(1974 – 1991) and up to today’s
democratic developmental
led by the Marxist inspired Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)
– has
consistently used rough violence against individual citizens and opposition groups
. According to a
political scientist who has observed the political history of Ethiopia, the continuity in the use of
violence is a key factor in understanding how governance has been exercised in Ethiopia
throughout time
. The same researcher stated that in Ethiopia political change has always
happened as a result of the use of violent confrontation rather than as a result of compromise
between those with power and those without power.
1.2. Central to this history of violence in Ethiopia are interregional confrontations over political
representation and resources. Many of these confrontations are acted out as localised inter-
communal violence between different ethnic groups: Ethiopia is a linguistically and culturally
diverse country of more than 80 ethnicities/nationalities
. In order to keep the country together
Ethiopia’s new administrative structure has been built on the principle of ethnic federalism. The
core of these principles is that the nine regional states of Ethiopia to a certain extent have self-
rule, have the right to elect their leadership and use their own language
. According to several
interlocutors, ethnicity remains an engine for political conflict
. According to an international NGO
this was increasingly the case: ethnic competition and mistrust can be felt at all levels of society,
including in organisations where much efforts have been invested in creating a workplace free of
ethno-nationalist sentiments. To illustrate this phenomenon the representative of an international
NGO referred to an example of a staff member of Tigrinya descent who expressed fear of being
physically abused and attached by the mob if they travelled to Oromia where people of Tigrinya
ethnicity are intensely disliked
1.3. The regional states where most violent tensions and mass protests have taken place over time are
Amhara, Oromia, which surrounds the capital, and Somalia Region, also known as Ogaden
. Even
though the claims raised by protesters from Amhara, Oromia and Ogaden are far from uniform
they all challenge the unity of the country and they contest how political representation and
Verhoeven, H. (2016). Behind the Violence in Ethiopia, Landinfo (2014). Ethiopia: Studentprotester fram til 2014
Hagmann T. and Korf B. (2012). Agamben in the Ogaden: Violence and sovereignty in the Ethiopian-Somali frontier
International researcher: 3
In Ethiopia the terms ‘ethnicities’ and ‘nationalities’ are used interchangeably (British Embassy: 44). This is based on
a marxist understanding of nationality and ethnic identity
Hagmann T. and Korf B. (2012). Agamben in the Ogaden: Violence and sovereignty in the Ethiopian-Somali frontier
National researcher: 30, British Embassy: 44, US Embassy: 83
International NGO: 107
British Embassy: 44, Hagmann T. and Korf B. (2012). Agamben in the Ogaden: Violence and sovereignty in the
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
economic growth have benefitted the Tigrayans, a minority ethnic group
disproportionally over
other population groups
1.4. According to the international researcher, it is the revolutionary past of the EPRDF that is key to
understanding how the party gains legitimacy and how the EPRDF dominated regime operates
when it is confronted with civil unrest and interregional confrontation. Since it defeated the
military dictatorship back in 1991, EPRDF and its satellite parties in the regional states has fought
hard to prevent the federal state from disintegrating, especially since Eritrea left Ethiopia following
the referendum in 1993
, and to maintain state sovereignty in the federal states. EPRDF is
composed of four political parties but it has been dominated by the founding ethnic group, the
Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), representing the Tigrayans
. The means to do so have
included use of violence against opposition, ethnic federalism and state led-development. Ethiopia
has been praised by the international community for the government’s ability to attract
investments and development projects that has fostered economic growth
. However, it has also
been pointed out that this economic growth of up to 10 percent per year has not benefitted the
population equally: the uneven distribution of economic progress has created a growing social
stratification and increased frustration in the population
. Further to the unequal distribution of
wealth, the Government has also failed to create enough jobs. Ethiopia has a very young
population –the median age is 18 – which means that an additional two million young people
enter the labour market every year, many after having graduated from university. However, there
are enough jobs to absorb this labour supply, and the jobs, which are created, are factory or sweat
shop jobs, not jobs that can fulfil the expectations of a well-educated young workforce
2. State(s) of Emergency
2.1. States of emergency are far from an exception in Ethiopia. On 9 October 2016 the then
government proclaimed a six months State of Emergency, which was lifted only ten months later
in August 2017
. This occurred in a situation of intense civil unrest and mass protest in Oromia,
Somali and Amhara regional states where demonstrators called for political reforms. Many
protesters and activists were arrested and charged under the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation
. Six
months later followed another state of emergency, which was declared by the Council of Ministers
The Tigrayans are a minority group which represents about six percent of the population
British Embassy: 44
After decades of civil war, a UN monitored independence referendum was held 23-25 April 1993. There were
1,173,706 registered voters and almost 100% voted for independence from Ethiopia. See African Elections Database
(undated). Eritrea: 23-25 April 1993 Independence Referendum
International researcher: 4
Verhoeven, H. (2016). Behind the Violence in Ethiopia
International researcher: 6
British Embassy: 38
Human Rights Watch (2016). Ethiopia: State of Emergency Risks New Abuses, Human Rights Watch (2017). State of
Emergency Ends in Ethiopia
Amnesty International (2018). Annex : Commentary on Ethiopian State of Emergency
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
on 16 February, 2018 and adopted by the country’s federal parliament
. It was supposed to
remain in force until mid-August, 2018 but this State of Emergency was lifted in June 2018 – two
month earlier than expected. This happened at the initiative of the newly elected Prime Minister
Abiy Ahmed after a law had been passed saying that law and order had been restored in the
2.2. The majority of the interlocutors agreed that the State of Emergency, which had been imposed
across Ethiopia in February 2018 had been implemented with ‘a softer hand’ than the previous
State of Emergency
. The national researcher stated that the Government had shown ‘relative
tolerance and restrain in its use of force against peaceful demonstrators’
. The number of violent
riots and security incidents across the country had been reduced although both NGO-
representatives underlined that there still had been instances where the authorities had ‘shown
force’ in the handling of protesters
. It was commonly agreed that the incoming Prime Minister
Abiy Ahmed had sharply broken with the policy of the past by reaching out to the opposition and
shown signs of reformist policy
3. Human rights situation
3.1. General
3.1.1. All of those interlocutors, who commented on the situation after the delegation had left
Ethiopia, confirmed that the State of Emergency had been lifted and that this constituted a
significant development
. Furthermore, one source emphasised that the changing of the
head of the military
and the head of the intelligence demonstrated the new Prime
Minister’s authority and willingness to live up to the promises he had made after his
. Whereas some observers noted that the lifting of the State of emergency could
lead to an improvement in the human rights situation
, the well informed diplomatic source
representing the British Embassy called for caution by stating that the premature lifting of the
State of Emergency did not per se have any clear impact (neither negative nor positive) on the
current human rights situation, including for members of the opposition
. A recurrent
expression to describe the situation even before the State of Emergency was lifted was that
of ‘cautious optimism’ and hope
Amnesty International (2018). Annex : Commentary on Ethiopian State of Emergency
CNN (2018). Ethiopia lifts state of emergency two months early
EU: 63, 72, national researcher: 14, British Embassy: 41, 42, Danish Refugee Council: 118, blogger: 147
National researcher: 11
Danish Refugee Council: 118, international NGO: 100
International researcher: 1, British Embassy: 42, US Embassy: 79, 80, international NGO: 95
International researcher: 1, national researcher: 12, British Embassy: 36, EU: 63, international NGO: 95
The Guardian (2018). These changes are unprecedented': how Abiy is upending Ethiopian politics
International NGO: 95
International researcher: 2, national researcher: 13, the Fortune: 135
British embassy: 36
US Embassy: 79, international NGO: 100, 101, the Fortune : 135
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
3.1.2. The international NGO representative stated that new forms of ethnically driven violence had
emerged as a result of the changed power balance within the leadership of the EPDRF. The
new Prime Minister is of both Christian and Muslim background and he is the first Oromo
speaking prime minister. The novelty in this allowed for many people to read hope into the
figure of the new prime minister
. The Oromos, who are Ethiopia’s largest population group,
were pleased by the fact that ‘one of their ethnicity had reached the top level of decision
making power. Also the Amharas (the second largest population group in Ethiopia) were
content with the prime minister. However, Abiy Ahmed was elected within the EPRDF
coalition by united votes from Oromia and Amhara – that is against the two other parts of the
coalition, namely the Tigrayan and the Southerners. According to the representative of the
international NGO, these two groups were far from content with the current situation and as
a result of their frustrations violence and ethnic clashes had reoccurred. The interlocutor
found it likely that some elements from the South wished to throw out the Oromo. To
illustrate this, the NGO representative mentioned the situation in the mixed town of Hawassa
in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region. This region is the locus of large
industrial parks, some which are Chinese built, and the region has over an extended period of
time been the goal for job seeking people of various ethnic backgrounds from across the
country. They come together in the factories as workers but there has been civil unrest and
social tensions with violent protests, clashes, vandalism (burn of property and cars), which
has led to an additional 16,000 internally displaced persons since mid-June 2018
. According
to a report issued by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHA and
the National Disaster Risk Management Commission in June 2018
, more than one million
people had been internally displaced as a result of conflict and in dire need of humanitarian
assistance, as per mid-April 2018
. The international researcher concurred that even though
the new government had announced that it will take human rights more seriously human
rights violations and abuses are likely to continue for some time at local level
Human rights situation in refugee camps
3.2.1.The US Embassy representatives emphasised that the human rights situation has not
improved in the refugee camps: here the situation was precarious and the security situation
volatile: revenge killings occur with impunity inside the camps
. Danish Refugee Council
added – with specific reference to the situation in Hitsats refugee camp in Shire near the
border to Eritrea – that the material conditions of and the social rehabilitation activities in the
camps have improved significantly, especially for the unaccompanied minors and separated
children who now benefited from better shelters and social rehabilitation activities. These
improvements had had an immediate positive effect on the living conditions for people in
these camps. However, the same source also added that for people in the refugees camps the
long term perspectives were still not good as there were no job prospects or living
International NGO: 96, 108, Danish Refugee Council: 119
International NGO: 97
OCHA (2018). Ethiopia: Oromio-Somali Conflict –Induced displacement
International NGO: 97
International researcher: 2
US Embassy: 84, 85
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
opportunities for people residing in the camps. Also, there was no electricity in the camps and
they lacked running water
Freedom of speech
3.3.1. Following the lifting of the State of Emergency in June 2018, the Government decided to
unblock a number of websites, blogs and radio and TV-stations, which were previously
unavailable to the population, at least through legal channels
. According to the national
researcher, this included the two diaspora based TV stations ESAT and OMN
. This decision
was seen as important
. Both researchers found that the political space in Ethiopia had been
widened as a consequence of this decision
. The fact that the new government had
announced that it wishes to take human rights more seriously, was seen by the international
researcher as ‘a very promising sign’. However, he also emphasised that even though the
development at national level was positive, at local level, rights violations and abuses are
likely to continue for some time. It was, in his opinion, too early to say whether the federal
reform agenda will translate into new realities on the ground
3.4. Human rights Commission
3.4.1. Ethiopia has a Human Rights Commission established by the Parliament and equipped with a
mandate to monitor the human rights violations in Ethiopia
. The commission may
investigate complaints raised by or on behalf of any person who has been sent to prison or
detained by the police. The Commission will only investigate individual cases and operates
through eight branch offices and offers legal advice through a hotline telephone service for
free. The representative of the Human Rights Commission noted that the Commission
received more than 2,000 complaints (cases) per year. The Commission has four staff
members dedicated to the Commission’s hotline where they offer advice, and they can bring
cases before the commissioners. The amount of complaints submitted to the Commission had
been constant over the past two and a half years. In 2017 it was 2,000 and in 2016 the
Commission received 2,500 Complaints. These, however, do not include complaints and
advices from the hotlines
3.4.2. According to a human rights activist from civil society, the Human Rights Commission
contributed to minimalise and justify human rights violations committed by the Ethiopian
authorities. He elaborated that the Commission would typically conduct a report that
described how the police had used proportionate power to stop violence. However, this was
seldom the case. For example the source had written to the Commission about five cases
where the police had used disproportionate power, but the Commission rejected the cases.
Danish Refugee Council: 129
RSF – Reporters Sans Frontières (2018). Ethiopian government unblocks 264 websites and blogs
National researcher: 13
International researcher: 2, national researcher: 13, British Embassy: 37, international NGO: 100
International researcher: 2, national researcher: 11
International researcher: 2
Human Rights Commission: 172
Human Rights Commission: 179
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
This occurred back in 2016
. The same source pointed to the limited capacity and outreach of
the Commission: it was underfunded and the reports issued by the Commission would reach
only a very limited audience. Thus these reports were not serving the purpose of informing
policy making
4. Situation of political prisoners
4.1. Prime Minister Abiy had soon after his nomination announced the release of people who had been
arbitrarily detained in prison. The majority of the interlocutors confirmed that an unspecified
number – but at least several thousands and up to 10,000 according to Amnesty International
had been released from prison after Prime Minister Abiy’s entry into office
. The released include
journalists, human rights activists and prominent politicians. The EU source estimated the number
of people being detained to approximately 30,000 out of which approximately 10,000 had been
released by the new administration
. The US Embassy emphasised that the new administration
had still not lived up to its promise of liberating all political prisoners and opposition leaders and
the national researcher explained that a number of detainees had simply ‘been forgotten’ and
remained in prison
4.2. According to the national researcher, the parliament passed a Bill of Amnesty in June 2018
annuls the charges against all individuals, at home and abroad, except those who are charged with
murder and rape
. Effective immediately, the Bill requires these individuals to report to the
Attorney General within six months to be eligible for the “certificate of amnesty”, which will serve
as a guarantee for their freedom upon their return to the community. This bill has far reaching
significance as it literally frees many of those who fled the country since the mid-1970s until 8 June
4.3. The EU representative underlined the contradictory elements of the new situation: whereas
10,000 of political prisoners had been released, others were still arrested by the police on political
grounds. As another example, the source referred to an incident where one opposition leader was
released from prison and was going to address his people in his home town. He was subsequently
detained by the federal police, who stated that he was not allowed to address his people.
Blogger: 170
Blogger: 171
Amnesty International (2018). Ethiopia 2017/18
International researcher: 1, national researcher : 15, British Embassy: 47, EU: 73, international NGO: 110, Danish
Refugee Council: 120
EU: 73
National researcher: 15, US Embassy: 81
The Addis Standard (2018). Ethiopian Parliament Passes Amnesty Bill Into Law. 28 June 2018
National researcher: 18
National researcher: 18
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However, the regional police did not agree with the federal position, which resulted in a stand-off
between federal and regional police
4.4. According to the majority of the sources interviewed, the Maekelawi prison in Addis Ababa – also
known as the Federal Police Crime Investigation and Forensic Sector– had been closed by the
. This was perceived as an important symbolic gesture because of the brutal history of
the incarceration facility. However, the national researcher also indicated that a new prison
outside of the capital had been constructed and that detainees were being transferred to this
facility. One source noted that the employees who had used torture to punish detainees in
Maekelawi still worked for the government
5. Treatment of
opposition groups
5.1. Recent situation
5.1.1.The overall situation for opposition groups has improved following the nomination of Prime
Minister Abiy, according to the majority of the interviewed sources
. According to media
reports, charges against opposition leaders were dropped in May and subsequently the
Parliament voted in favour of a law, which removed three important opposition groups –OLF,
ONLF and Ginbot 7 – from the national list of terrorist organisations
and that was confirmed
by sources
. According to the British Embassy, it is indicative of a new political climate that
the Prime Minister, in addition to having lifted terrorism charges against opposition groups,
also has invited them to return to Ethiopia to participate in political discussions. Both OLF
(Jawar Mohammed, US Diaspora) and Patriotic Ginbot 7 (Andargachew Tsege, British
Diaspora, who until recently was serving a life sentence in Ethiopia, and was cleared of
crimes) have returned to Ethiopia
5.2. Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)
5.2.1. The OLF is active in the struggle for the liberation of Oromia region, the most populous
region of Ethiopia with approximately 35 percent of the population
. Two sources stated that
the OLF was not active as a political party any more in Ethiopia: over the past three years
people had distanced themselves from the party out of fear of repercussions and that the
leadership of the party had exiled to Eritrea
. Previously, several sources concurred, it was
connected to great risk for a person to be affiliated with the OLF, perceived or real affiliation,
and this risk would also extend to family members of any person perceived to be an OLF
EU: 75
National researcher: 19, EU: 74, blogger: 151
National researcher: 19
International researcher: 1, national researcher: 12, British Embassy: 48, EU: 78, Danish Refugee Council: 121, the
Fortune: 138, blogger: 167
Africa News (2018).
Ethiopia removes 'terrorist' label from OLF, ONLF and Ginbot 7 opposition groups
National researcher: 22
British Embassy: 36
UK Home Office (2017). Country Policy and Guidance Note Ethiopia: Oromos including the ‘Oromo Protests’
National researcher: 20, 21, 23, blogger: 152
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. ‘Involvement’ could be as little as receiving a suspicious email or phone call
During the previous State of Emergency which was declared in February 2018, the authorities
arrested ‘a very high amount of people’ suspected of being involved with activities of one of
the organisations on the national list of terrorist organisations
. The goal seemed to be to
enforce the law through the arrest of ‘as many as possible’ and therefore it has historically
been impossible to determine whether a detainee was in reality member of an opposition
group, a sympathiser or without any connection according to the representative of the British
. With the arrival of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the situation seemed to have
changed in that he had expressed a desire to include dissenting voices in politics and had
invited leaders from OLF to Addis Ababa. Jawar Mohammed, based in the US diaspora, had
accepted this invitation
5.3. The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF)
5.3.1.The ONLF has since the mid-1990s been engaged in conflicts against Ethiopian troops in the
Somali Region located in the periphery of Ethiopia
. As a political entity, the ONLF has been
weakened over the past years although not to the same extent as the OLF according to the
national researcher
. He further elaborated that in terms of military power, ONLF has also
been weakened lately in that its military outreach capacity has diminished. This weakening
follows a combination of political, economic, and military strategies adopted by the
Government following the attack on a Chinese oilfield in 2007, and which led to the death of
65 Ethiopians and seven Chinese
. This attack had serious repercussions in the Ethiopian
Somali region and the counter-insurgency campaign by the security forces led to a ‘close
down’ of the regional state. This effectively took the sting out of the ONLF manoeuvring
capacity and the organisation also lost important sanctuaries in Somalia and Kenya
5.3.2. According to the national researcher, the risk of persecution by the authorities for a person
who is associated with ONLF would entail a high risk. This risk extends to a person outside of
Ethiopia – or at least in a ‘friendly country’. To illustrate this risk, the interlocutor mentioned
the case of a medical doctor, residing in the Somali region, who had been arrested by the
police. The reason behind this arrest was apparently his affiliation with an uncle, who resided
in Minnesota and was a prominent and active member of the Diaspora community there. This
uncle was engaged in organising anti-government protests over the internet. This affiliation
apparently led to the arrest of the medical doctor back in the Somali region
. Another source,
confirmed that at the point of time of the interview (May 2018) a member of the ONLF would
National researcher: 21, British Embassy: 48, the Fortune: 138
The Fortune: 138
National researcher: 21
British Embassy: 48
British Embassy: 36, the Guardian (2018). Jawar Mohammed's red-carpet return signals Ethiopia's political sea
UK Home Office (2017). Country Policy and Information Note Ethiopia: Opposition to the government
National researcher: 24
See also Hagmann and Korf 2012:209
National researcher: 24
National researcher: 25
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be perceived as a terrorist and would be detained by the authorities if identified. Conditions
in prisons in the Somali Region were particularly dangerous for the detainees who were at
risk of being submitted to torture. Whether a family member of a suspected ONLF activist
would be at risk seemed to be less of a risk now (May 2018) than previously, according to this
. Both sources – one with first-hand experience of torture in the Makelawi centre –
underlined the risk of being exposed to torture by the police if the authorities suspected one
of being a terrorist.
6. Political youth organisations
6.1. According to the Danish Refugee Council, youth organisations of the opposition parties seem to be
very well organised and very well controlled. The Danish Refugee Council representative further
explained that a member of a political youth opposition group would be at risk of detainment
depending on the specific situation. It is violence and violent actions, which are criminalised rather
than membership by itself. However, it is the authorities who have the ultimate power to define
what would be perceived as violence and thereby of politicising collective and individual actions
This assessment was shared by other sources
and the representative of the British Embassy
added that the Prime Minister had said that ‘everybody’ from the opposition now had a seat at the
table as long as they are not engaged in terrorist or other violent activities.
6.2. According to the blogger, the majority of those who participated in the anti-regime mass protests
were associated with the Qeero group
. The federal police were vowing to close the group down.
However, when Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed paid a visit to Ambo town and made a public
appearance here two months later he specifically thanked the Qeero group, which had been the
very centre of the protests. The Prime Minister thanked the Qeero group for fighting for their
rights and described the group as ‘the backbone of Ethiopia’
7. Situation of student organisations
7.1. Ethiopia has a history of political agitation at the university and student protests across regions are
not uncommon
. According to both NGO and diplomatic sources the security forces have at
repeated occasions had recourse to rough violence against participants in student
. To describe the precarious situation of students, the representative of an
international development NGO explained that many had been arrested and detained without
being charged with any crime. The source described an event in Bishoftu in Oromia in October
2016 where an Oromo cultural festival escalated into anti-government protest and turned violent
Blogger 156-161.
Danish Refugee Council: 126
National researcher: 26, 27, British Embassy: 51, 52
Qeero means ‘bachelor’ (young men) in Amharic but it can also be translated as ‘tiger’
Blogger: 154
Landinfo (2014). Ethiopia: Student protester fram til 2014
US Embassy: 87, international development NGO: 112
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and about 700 protesters allegedly died
. There were many arrests and the whereabouts of the
arrested are still unknown or contested. The national researcher found that the students he had
knowledge of were not motivated by a profound political conviction when they go on the streets;
rather they are young people who join a movement for multiple reasons. They were mobilised via
the social media (in particular Facebook) and by text messages
7.2. Several sources concurred that during that State of Emergency, which was declared in February
2018, the general situation for students had improved
. The national researcher assessed that the
risk of university students for being victims of harassment by the authorities, seemed to have
decreased since January 2018. Many of the 20,000 prisoners who have been released by the
Government over the past years were probably student activists
7.3. The ruling party, EPRDF, was present at the university campuses and schools. This presence
translated into actively seeking to recruit university students as members while prohibiting or
preventing opposition parties and student organisations doing so in universities. Many students
joined the various factions of the ruling party willingly (depending on their ethnic background) as it
used to ease their employment opportunities after graduation. This practice had been a source of
occasional conflicts and tensions among university students. The national researcher noted that
EPRDF also engaged in trying to control any opposition movement within universities and many
university students had been detained, arrested and maltreated by the authorities
8. Forced recruitment
8.1. According to one interlocutor, it is well established that the Liyu police, based in the Somali
Region, uses of excessive force against citizens. The interlocutor was not aware of whether forced
recruitment to the Liyu Police – also referred to as the Somali Regional Special Police – takes
8.2. The majority of the sources did not have sufficient knowledge about whether forced recruitment
takes place in Ethiopia to answer this question. One stated that to his knowledge forced
recruitment does not take place
International development NGO: 112. The source made reference to Human Rights Watch (HRW) (2017). “Fuel on
the Fire: Security Forces Response to the 2016 Ireecha Cultural Festival
National researcher: 30-32
National researcher: 31, British Embassy: 51
National researcher: 31
National researcher: 32
International NGO: 114
National researcher: 29
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9. Situation of the diaspora
9.1. The Ethiopian diaspora is found all over the world but the largest community – of approximately
250,000 members – is in the US
. The interlocutors agreed that the regime monitors the activities
of members of the diaspora consistently
9.2. Two sources confirmed that an Ethiopian citizen who participate in anti-government
demonstrations in Europe or in the US were likely to be video-taped and thereby having their
participation in such events documented; this surveillance would also extend to Ethiopians who
had obtained a new nationality
.Furthermore, one source with first-hand experience of police
commissioners and judges following his own Facebook page and blog mentioned that the
authorities would have activity on the social media, especially Facebook pages and YouTube
channels, but also blogs by political activists monitored
. The editor of a national newspaper
explained that members of the diaspora who were politically engaged against the regime feared
that they would be at risk if they returned to Ethiopia. As examples of what might occur, the same
source mentioned that members of the diaspora could run the risk of being detained in the airport
or jailed
9.3. After the nomination of the new Prime Minister, the situation for the diaspora would be less
threatening and that members of the diaspora are less worried for their safety than before
because of the significant change in political situation
9.4. According to the representative of the British Embassy, members of the diaspora who decide to
return to Ethiopia are allowed to reintegrate into society as citizens, and open private businesses,
which many choose to do with quite some success
Migration Policy Institute (2014). The Ethiopian Diaspora in the US
National researcher: 33, British Embassy: 57, international NGO: 115, the Fortune: 140, blogger: 169
The Fortune: 141, blogger: 169
International NGO: 115, blogger: 169
The Fortune: 141
British Embassy: 55, the Fortune: 141
British Embassy: 56
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Appendix A: meeting notes
International researcher
20 April 2018 – amended 5 August 2018
Could you please comment on the fact that the State of Emergency which was imposed in February
has been lifted two month early (in June 2018)? To which extent does this decision affect the human
rights situation in the country, especially for members of the opposition?
1. The early lifting of the state of emergency by the new Prime Minister Dr Abiy is a clear sign of
his reformist policy. The incoming administration has, within a shockingly short time period,
released political prisoners, given signals to the broad population that it will aim to be more
inclusive, made peace with neighbouring Eritrea and announced a partial liberalisation of the
In your opinion, what does the fact that the Ethiopian Government has unblocked a number of
websites, blogs as well as radio and TV stations mean for the political situation in the country? To
which extent does this decision affect the human rights situation, for members of the opposition?
2. The opening of political space by new administration is a clear departure from the policies of
the past decades by its predecessors. The new government has announced that it wants to
take human rights more seriously, which is a very promising sign. At the same time, at local
level, rights violations and abuses are likely to continue for some time. It is too early to say
whether the federal reform agenda will translate into new realities on the ground.
3. Political change in Ethiopia may only happen through violence; there is no history of
compromise between the beholders of power and those without power, between the center
(the highlands) and the periphery (the lowlands). There is a notable continuity in the use of
violence against political opponents in the history of Ethiopia. This has been the case
regardless of regime from the Emperor, the
(the socialist regime) to the current
‘revolutionary democratic regime (‘the developmental state’). The incoming administration
led by Prime Minister Dr Abiy has sharply broken with this legacy, by reaching out to the
opposition, by inviting all Ethiopians to join the national project and by announcing a number
of very important reform projects.
4. The Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) is composed of four political
parties but has long been dominated by its founder, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front
(TPLF). While the TPLF continues to dominate the country’s security sector, the current Prime
Minister came out of the Oromo People’s Democratic Organisation (OPDO), a constituent
party that was long seen as a puppet of TPLF, but which managed to emancipate itself as
large-scale anti-government protests rocked Oromia region in recent years.
5. The revolutionary past of EPRDF is key to any understanding of how the regime operates as a
political actor. The government has so far been committed to multi-party democracy and the
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rule of law primarily a rhetorical level. In practice, the government practices ‘electoral
authoritarianism’ and has hindered independent electoral observers (e.g. EU and Norway) in
monitoring elections (except for the African Union).
6. Ethiopia has experienced an economic growth of up to 10% per annum for the past years, and
everybody in society has, to some extent, benefitted from this. However, the fruit of the
economic growth is distributed unequally so not everybody has benefitted as much as others
and this has created a growing social stratification and a high level of frustration in the
population. Inflation and shortage of hard currency continue to be problematic.
7. At federal level the security apparatus is still dominated by TPLF.
8. The Ethiopian state controls the military (Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF), not vice
versa. The state also controls all sectors in society, including the universities. University staff
members have to adhere to the ruling party to be able to establish a career.
9. The bureaucracy is the party; it is not an independent administration. There is a certain level
of corruption and favouritism practiced within the administration but it is not as widespread
as in e.g. Kenya. Unlike other African countries, Ethiopia has gone through a strong state-
building process since the early 19
century, characterised by successful bureaucratisation
and centralisation.
10. Unlike other state of emergencies in the history of Ethiopia, the current one, which was lifted
in July 2018, passed through a vote in parliament where members had to vote for or against
this state of emergency. At this vote, there were some signs of internal opposition within the
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
National researcher
Following the interview the source was invited to commend on the new political situation:
11. The political space is relatively wider since May 2018; the new Prime Minister has admitted
that torture was prevalent in the prisons; he also admitted that the security apparatus had
been using the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation to stifle dissent and attack the opposition. People
now feel relatively freer; and the Government is showing relative tolerance and restrain in its
use of force against peaceful demonstrators. In all, the new Prime Minister has so far been
showing the willingness to listen to various sections of the Ethiopian society. It is important to
note that this is uncharacteristic of any of the EPRDF leaders we have seen since 1991. But, in
the absence of strong democratic institutions including independent judiciary and
independent media, there is still a sense of uncertainty.
Could you please comment on the fact that the State of Emergency which was imposed in February has
been lifted two month early (in June 2018)? To which extent does this decision affect the human rights
situation in the country, especially for members of the opposition?
12. This decision is widely welcomed by the opposition and the public at large; because the
security forces were let loose to do whatever they see fit in the name of restoring law and
order. As some members (even heads) of the security forces lack political neutrality (this by
the way was admitted by the new Prime Minister), they had been violating human rights and
harassing opposition members. There has also been arbitrary arrest. With the lifting of the
state of emergency, things have improved a lot since hardliners in the security forces have no
legal justification to resort to force. Opposition groups are now operating in a relatively better
freedom. Some are already re-opening their offices that have been closed down before and
during the state of emergency.
In your opinion, what does the fact that the Ethiopian Government has unblocked a number of websites,
blogs as well as radio and TV stations mean for the political situation in the country? To which extent does
this decision affect the human rights situation, for members of the opposition?
13. This means a lot for human rights as it directly relates to freedom of expression and opinion
as well as freedom of access to information. For almost two decades, people were forced
either to depend on the state owned media, which presents only one-sided stories or resort
to VPN so as to get the other side of the story. There was a widespread fear of getting caught
while reading or listening/watching these media. Now, almost everything is in the open.
People can access the formerly blocked media. For the opposition, this means a relatively
better access to media platforms. The two diaspora-based satellite TV stations (ESAT and
OMN) are also accessible in Ethiopia right now. However, given the hostile content of some
(not all) of the websites, radio and TV stations as well as misinformation, the Government
may block them again. This depends on to what extent the new Prime Minister decides to
tolerate dissenting view, anyway.
Addis Ababa, 23 May 2018
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State of emergency
The researcher distinguished between the rationality driving the current State of emergency,
which was proclaimed on 15 February 2018 and the previous one, which lasted 10 months
and was lifted in August 2017. The previous State of emergency was imposed in a situation
where the country was in a state of crisis and severely affected by multiple violent events and
mass protests across the country including attacks on local businesses, destruction of
property and the death of many peaceful protesters. At that point of time there was a
genuine need for stabilising the country, which could be seen as a reasonable justification for
imposing a state of emergency. However, the current one – at the time of the interview – was
imposed in a situation of relative peace, of no obvious threat to the security of the country
and where people of Ethiopia had remained relatively calm. According to the source, the only
legitimate reason for the declaration of a state of emergency would have been if the then
Government had failed to address and stabilise the situation in Oromia and Amhara regional
states where massive protests have occurred. In the view of the interlocutor, the underlying
reason for the proclamation of the State of emergency was internal debates within the
Government as well as divisions among different factions of the leadership: the ruling party,
the EPRDF, was split on the question and that fuelled the political strife, which dominated at
that point of time.
Liberation of political prisoners
According to the interlocutor, the newly nominated Prime Minister had lived up to the
promises made of releasing thousands prisoners and the majority of the people detained in
prisons for political reasons had by now been released. It was, however, in particular
renowned people, e.g. journalists, prominent politicians and human rights activities with
supporters in the international community, who have been released. Nevertheless, people
still claim that there are individuals who are forgotten behind bars. These are obscure
politicians/opposition members who have been in jails for more than a decade. It may be that
the government may not have deliberately left them in prison. They may have just been
The diaspora movement has played a key role in pushing for the release of certain prisoners.
Only people who had had staying power in the public memory had been released. A number
of people, in particular people connected to OLF and ONLF, remain imprisoned and have been
detained for the past decades without the chance of defending their case at a fair trial. These
people have been forgotten and their fate unknown.
The source noted that the authorities only advised that a certain number of prisoners had
been set free. They were never identified by their names or by a reason for their detention.
According to the source, the parliament has passed a Bill of Amnesty that annuls the charges
against all individuals, at home and abroad, except those who are charged with murder and
rape. Effective immediately, the Bill requires these individuals to report to the Attorney
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
General within six months to be eligible for the “certificate of amnesty”, which will serve as a
guarantee for their freedom upon their return to the community. This bill has far reaching
significance as it literally frees many of those who fled the country since the mid-1970s until 8
June 2018.
Maekelawi prison
The Maekelawi prison
is notoriously known as the most brutal place in the history of
Ethiopia, according to the researcher, both during the reign of the Emperor and the time of
the Derg. It is a symbolic loaded place in the political history of Ethiopia as many of the
prominent opposition leaders have passed by there. He was aware of the announcements
made by the Government of the closure of this facility but he noted that what remains to be
seen is whether this will change anything in practice. Referring to rumours in the streets
suggesting that the Maekelawi prison had already been relocated to another part of the
country and its detainees transferred to another correctional facility by the time when the
Government made the announcement. The source suggested that the closure of the physical
facility could be a mere symbolic gesture –it is possibly to be transformed into a national
museum– but a gesture without substantial impact because, as he noted ‘it is not the
buildings which are punishing people’. The individuals who were in charge of this torture
chamber are still working for the government despite the shocking stories appearing on local
(including state owned) media each week.
Treatment of oppositions groups
Asked about the current situation and strength of the opposition groups in general, the
interlocutor noted that the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and the Ogaden National Liberation
Front (ONLF) have not been active for the past three years. The mass protests, which have
taken place over the past three years, have not been spearheaded by the opposition parties
albeit their leadership like to claim they were the organisers of these events.
Concerning OLF specifically, the researcher characterised it as ‘basically a dead organisation
now’, which has moved to Eritrea. He indicated that it remains on the national list of
designated terrorist organisations because despite the fact that this organisation has been
relatively inactive for the past years, many people in Oromia might feel nostalgic for the
heydays of OLF, thus the agenda of the organisation – the idea of self-determination for the
Oromo people – still holds mobilising power. Many Oromos today seek to disassociate
themselves from the organisation because of fear of the authorities/the security forces’
crackdown on activists associated with OLF. Over the past three years, the Government has
sought to silence the opposition and been careful not to accuse average demonstrators of
associations with OLF as a strategy for not giving any credit to this organisation. OLF is no
longer classified as a terrorist organisation by the Ethiopian authorities. Any connection to
Also referred to as the Federal Police Crime Investigation and Forensic Sector
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
OLF was until recently perceived as a liability by people who sought to avoid attention from
the authorities; this would constitute a genuine, high risk. According to the interlocutor, this
risk would also extend to family members of the person perceived as being connected to the
OLF. While many opposition parties favourably responded to the new Prime Minister’s call for
returning to peaceful struggle and political dialogue, a faction of the OLF operating from
Eritrea still remains undecided.
According to the source, the Government has recently removed OLF, ONLF and Ginbot 7 from
the national list of terrorist organisations.
Prominent leaders of the Oromo Democratic Front (ODF), a recently founded Oromo
nationalist political party, have publicly distanced itself from the OLF and its leaders are the
first to return to Ethiopia from exile. Recently, the researcher noted, the Ethiopian
government had started talks with these exiled members of the ODF leadership, and four of
the founding fathers of ODF were currently in Addis Ababa for political talks in May 2018.
According to The source, it was seen as a deliberate tactic of the Ethiopian government to
seek to split the Oromo political movement back then. A prominent member of the party
who had been forced to leave the country at the last election was now back in Addis Ababa
and that could be perceived as promising but also as a strategy to split the party.
Concerning ONLF, The interlocutor emphasised that whereas this organisation has not been
weakened to the same extent as the OLF but it has been seriously weakened lately in terms
of military outreach capacity. Furthermore, the organisation has lost a considerably amount
of legitimacy among people in the Ethiopian Somali region (formerly known as the Ogaden).
This follows a combination of political, economic, and military strategies adopted by the
government following the attack on a Chinese oilfield in 2007, and which led to the death of
65 Ethiopians and 7 Chinese
. This attack had serious repercussions in the Ethiopian Somali
region and the counter-insurgency campaign by the security forces led to a ‘close down’ of
the regional state. This effectively took the sting out of the ONLF manoeuvring capacity and
the organisation also lost important sanctuaries in Somalia and Kenya.
Asked about the risk of persecution by the authorities for a person who is associated with
ONLF, the researcher assessed that such a connection entails a high risk for that person of
being targeted by the police and arrested if they happened to be either in Ethiopia or in ‘a
friendly country’. To illustrate this risk, the source mentioned the case of a medical doctor,
residing in the Somali region, who had been arrested by the police. The reason behind this
arrest was apparently his affiliation with an uncle, who resided in Minnesota and was a
prominent and active member of the Diaspora community there. This uncle was engaged in
organising anti-government protests over the web. This affiliation apparently led to the arrest
of the medical doctor back in the Somali region.
Political youth organisation
See also Hagmann and Korf 2012:209
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The Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) has a youth branch and its leader, Prof Merera Gudina
who is also a leader of the opposition coalition, was arrested in 2015-2016, accused of
initiation of anti-government demonstrations. He has now been released with others.
Asked about the risk that a known member of a political youth organisation from the
opposition might be exposed to as a consequence of their political engagement, the source
said that it was uncertain. With the new Prime Minister things were up in the open and the
Government seemed undecided on which measures to use against youth organisations and
their members. The rhetoric of the Prime Minister invites people to express themselves freely
and that a difference of opinion is not a problem in itself but it is still too early to tell how this
will be acted out in reality.
Liuy Police
The interlocutor was only knowledgeable about the functioning and actions by the Liuy police
by information gathered from social media and diaspora websites. It is a regional special
paramilitary force, which has been established by the federal government to fight counter-
insurgency against the ONLF and it is known to be composed of former ONLF fighters among
others. The researcher did not believe that forced recruitment to the Liuy police took place;
he believed men were recruited by offering them money and power.
Asked about forced recruitment to the Ethiopian army, the source stated that it does not
Treatment of pupils and university students
According to the interlocutor, the majority of university students who participate in mass
demonstrations were not motivated by a profound political conviction when they go on the
streets; rather they are young people who join a movement for multiple reasons without
devoting much critical awareness to the cause of the demonstration. Most of the students
were being mobilised via the social media, in particular Facebook, and via text messages, and
the researcher found that in reality there was a thin line between a social and a political
gathering and the motivations behind their participation would then often converge. Students
often gathered in social events to discuss the misery of the country and their own situation
but these discussions have increasingly taken an ethnic turn and political issues are being
Concerning the risk of university students for being victims of harassment by the authorities,
the source opined that the risk seemed to have decreased over the past four months. Many of
the 20,000 prisoners who have been released by the Government over the past years were
probably student activists.
The ruling party is active in the universities and opposition within the university and many
university students have previously been detained, arrested and maltreated. Until recently,
the ruling party has been engaged in recruiting university students as members. Many join the
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
various factions of the ruling party (depending on their ethnic background) willingly as it used
to ease their employment opportunities after graduation. This practice has been a source of
occasional conflicts and tensions among university students. The source noted that the ruling
party was engaged in recruitment while prohibiting/preventing opposition
parties/organisations doing so in universities and schools.
The Diaspora
The interlocutor noted that the Government monitors the Diaspora ‘every single day’, and is
very active in this regard, because that is the only field of resistance that where Ethiopian law
cannot be enforced by the Ethiopian authorities, since they cannot physically go there. The
Diaspora community is composed of a certain number of ‘hardliners’ with no room for any
‘middle ground’. Their extremist positions might be explained by the fact that some of them
have been victims of torture and persecution in Ethiopia and forced to leave the country.
It is now possible in Ethiopia to access all YouTube channels and TV programs issued by
members of the Diaspora community. This also includes their websites. What happens is that
if a person frequently uses the same VPN address, that VPN will be blocked. Thus, people
have become creative in using multiple VPNs. Even Voice of America has sponsored a VPN
connection. Now it is also possible to use TOR to access websites.
The discussion about political topics as well as about corruptive practices is freer and ordinary
people are more willingly engage in political discussions. At least, this is the situation in Addis
Ababa where the atmosphere is a little bit more relaxed than in the Somali region or in
Oromia, at least in the major cities. Outside the major cities people would be more careful
about discussing politics. As there is no boundary between the Government and the ruling
party any critical discussion of certain political actions would be perceived as a criticism of the
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
British Embassy
Following the initial interview two additional questions were answered by July 2018:
Could you please comment on the fact that the State of Emergency which was imposed in February has
been lifted two month early (in June 2018)? To which extent does this decision affect the human rights
situation in the country, especially for members of the opposition?
36. The State of Emergency being lifted early is an indicator (along with the changing of both the
head of the military and intelligence) that the current Prime Minister has significantly more
authority that the previous one. Many political commentators did not feel the latest State of
Emergency was really necessary, and I think the Prime Minister’s confidence to lift early also
supports that theory. I do not think it has any clear impact (positive or negative) on the
Human Rights situation, including for members of the oppositions. However, the Prime
Minister has been lifted terrorism charges against “opposition groups” and has invited them
to return to Ethiopia – at this point members of both OLF (Jawar Mohammed, US Diaspora)
and Patriotic Ginbot 7 (Andargachew Tsege, British Diaspora, who until recently was serving a
life sentence in Ethiopia, and was cleared of crimes) have returned.
In your opinion, what does the fact that the Ethiopian Government has unblocked a number of websites,
blogs as well as radio and TV stations mean for the political situation in the country? To which extent does
this decision affect the human rights situation, for members of the opposition?
37. The unblocking of websites suggests the current Prime Minister has a genuine desire to
include dissenting voices in politics, and is making a best attempt at bring dissent from the
streets, civil unrest and violence and into the parliament. This is admirable; yet allowing
dissenting voices into parliament may not be enough to stop civil unrest – particularly if the
new voices are not perceived to represent those committing acts of violence. Overall I expect
a much more open environment for opposition members within Ethiopia, but this is balanced
by the likely increase in civil unrest and the potential for an increase in ethnic violence.
Addis Ababa, 17 May 2018
State of emergency
38. This interview took place in the midst of the State of emergency, which was imposed across
Ethiopia in February 2018 and gathered three participants from immigration, consular and
political unit of the embassy. The interlocutors noted that the present State of emergency had
to be evaluated in connection with the previous State of emergency, which had been lifted in
August 2017. The grievances that led to protests, which then led to the proclamation of the
previous State of Emergency, were in essence legitimate. Lack of jobs and fear for the future
was one of them. People of Ethiopia are concerned about the possibility for their children to
create a future. Ethiopia has a very young population – the median age is 18 – which means
that an additional 2 million young people enter the labour market every year, many after
having graduated from university. However, there has not been created enough jobs to
absorb this labour supply, and the jobs, which are created, does not match the qualifications
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of people with tertiary education but are rather factory or sweat shop jobs. Albeit the
Government has initiated the establishment of business parks the jobs created there only
amount to a fraction of what is needed and at a very low salary; thus parents and young
people are worried about the future. This fear fuels a general level of frustration in the
country, which contributed to mass demonstrations.
39. The interlocutors emphasised that the authorities were treating any person who might be
involved in perceived anti-government activities during and after the previous State of
emergency roughly. The authorities committed human rights abuses in the regional prisons
across all regions and there were reports of torture from the detention centres but the level
and amount of abuse varied from centre to centre. Whereas the harshness varied from place
to place, there was no region, which stood out as tangibly harsher than the other.
40. The human rights abuse occurred as a result of widespread autonomy within the local
administration eager to stop roadblocks and other anti-government activities. It did not
happen with a mandate from the Government to ‘crack-down’ on human rights. The sources
suggested, however, that the situation had changed after the nomination of Prime Minister
Abiy Ahmed. This time, the security forces have not taken steps to arrest a high number of
political activists or citizens.
41. Whereas the previous State of emergency was proclaimed as a reaction to the unrest and
security situation in Ethiopia, followed by crack-down on human rights; the second State of
emergency was, in the analysis of the interlocutors from the British embassy, driven by a wish
to take pre-emptive steps to avoid political instability. The situation has been relatively calm
since the State of Emergency was imposed across the country and the roads have, as a result
of this, been opened again. There has not been a wave of arrests, this time, rather the
opposite: People have been released.
42. The proclamation of the current State of emergency has been followed by a number of public
declarations made by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in which he promises political reforms. It
remains, however, to be seen whether the Prime Minister can deliver on the promises made.
The interlocutors emphasised that whereas the constitution does mandate reforms, the
required amount of technical capacity to carry out political and economic reform does not
seem to be available in the present pool of civil servants.
Political and human rights situation
43. Asked about the current political situation in Ethiopia, the interlocutors noted that the arrival
of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had significantly changed the situation.
44. The two main ethnic groups that have expressed grievances the loudest are the Oromos and
the Amharas. For the Oromos this was fuelled by a perception of Tigran dominance. This
perception has been around since 1991 and is to a certain extent reflective of reality,
especially during and after the revolutionary days. The Oromo people have for a long time felt
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
that the Oromo People Democratic Organisation (OPDO)
was being used as a token party by
the regime. Ethiopia is an ethnic diverse country composed of over 80
and this multitude constitutes a real challenge in a situation where
all of the intelligence and all important posts, including the one of prime minister, have been
held by one ethnicity: the Tigrayans. Even in cases where a top post was not occupied by a
Tigran, the perception, which was possibly true, was that the Tigran elite are right behind that
45. In Amhara the perception is that Amharas want to turn the country back to the feudal system
and the Amharas feel they have been marginalised because of that kind of perception. In
addition to that, the Amharas express that they feel pushed out of their own region by the
Tigrayans. There is no census to document the current demographic situation really is.
46. At this point of time, it is unclear whether any genuine political reforms are taking place. So
far it is a matter of public declarations and announcements. The constitution is sound and the
policies are in the right direction, but it remains a question of implementation and of capacity
to deliver on promises.
Liberation of political prisoners
47. According to the participants in this meeting, many individuals who were politicians have
previously been arrested and then incarcerated based on various accusations other than
political convictions. The accusations range from terrorism to violence. The Government calls
these people politicians who are being arrested whereas the international community refers
to them as political prisoners who have been arrested because they criticised the
Government. ‘A great number’ of these imprisoned politicians have now been released as
promised by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. This is being referred to by the Government as a
part of the political reforms whereas it is not, according to these interlocutors, in any way a
reform to undo something, which was never legitimate.
Treatment of opposition groups
48. The participants in this interview emphasised that the situation had changed significantly with
the arrival of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Before his nomination, it was not necessary to have
a very strong connection to Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) or the Oromo Liberation
Front (OLF) both groups, which remain on the national list of designated terrorist groups, to
be harassed by the authorities. During the previous State of emergency, the Government
arrested a very high number of people who were perceived to have any connection to
opposition groups. This might be explained by two factors: first, the Government suspected
that a very high amount of people might be involved in subversive activities; secondly, the
authorities took a law enforcement perspective from which the goal was to arrest as many as
possible, including people who might not be directly involved with anti-government activities,
The political party in the coalition of four parties which represents their interests
According to the source, the terms ethnicity and nationality are used interchangeably in Ethiopia – the full name for
Southern Nations State is Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State – and ethnicities is also used.
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simply because the authorities would rather arrest too many than too few. Therefore, it has
historically been impossible to prove whether an individual who has been arrested was in
reality member of an opposition group, who were a sympathiser and who had no connection.
49. However, the interlocutors concurred that the Government, via the security forces, would
have ‘a pretty good idea’ of who was engaged with a political organisation from the
opposition. This knowledge would derive from information provided through the so-called “1
to 5” groups in Ethiopia – a fine granular system of groups, which constitute a network of
intelligence gathering in Ethiopia. The most recent general protest was just two weeks ago
(May 2018); local security forces are not very well trained in crowed control and they will
shoot at the crowd to disperse the crowd; it causes fatalities, which then causes a bigger
crowd the following day. There is a real need for capacity building that the national level is
reluctant to offer because it is a quite sensitive topic.
50. In the current situation, it is very difficult to say anything with certainty. The Prime Minister
has invited all political groups to join the conversation about the future of Ethiopia but time
will tell whether this invitation will be followed up by real action. According to sources within
the opposition that the interlocutors had spoken with recently, there is ‘more political space’
now in Ethiopia but still ‘not enough’ space; people with assumed connection to opposition
groups are not being arrested anymore and most political prisoners are being released.
Treatment of members of youth organisations
51. It is impossible to know whether the Government had or had had a policy of harassing young
people who were involved in youth organisations of one of the opposition parties. It seems to
be less relevant now because the Prime Minister has made an effort of saying that any legal
or illegal organisation, be it domestic or abroad should be welcomed at the table now.
52. Asked whether a person with an engagement in a youth organisation of one of the political
parties from the opposition would be exposed to risk and repercussions from the authorities,
the participants in this interview answered that this was difficult to know with any reasonable
certainty. They mentioned that the Prime Minister had said that ‘everybody’ from the
opposition now has ‘a seat at the table’ as long as they are not engaged in terrorist or other
violent activities. Again, this could change and must be followed closely in the future.
Treatment of pupils and students
53. Asked about how the Government reacts to pupils and university students who are engaged
in anti-government activities, the informants said that historically the threshold for actions,
which would lead to repercussions was low and students did not have to be ‘that involved’ to
be on the Government’s radar. Now it was different and it would need to be actions, which
were violent for the authorities to take measures to arrest the individual. ‘Violent behaviour’
could be defined as participating in a demonstration or cracking windows.
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54. At the Ambo University, which one of the interlocutors visited recently there had been
student strikes recently where the students refused to come to the university. Then the
students were told that they had to go to the university.
Treatment of members of the diaspora
55. The participants in this meeting with insights into the political situation had been informed by
human rights organisations based in Nairobi that members of the diaspora are now, for the
first time in 20 years, returning to Ethiopia. According to these sources, the diaspora
members are less worried today than before. In the analysis of these interlocutors that was a
really strong sign of change in political environment in Ethiopia.
56. Members of the diaspora who decide to return to Ethiopia are allowed to reintegrate into
society as citizens, and open private businesses, which many choose to do with quite some
57. The interlocutor expects that the Government ‘definitely’ is monitoring the activity of the
diaspora, especially their social media activity, from Minnesota in the US to the UK. However,
only activity, which was really into hatred and violence is likely be flagged in Ethiopia whereas
political rhetoric such as ‘the Government needs to change’ or ‘the opposition should be
heard’ would be monitored but not likely to lead to repercussions.
Corruptive practices
58. The members of the UK delegation at this meeting concurred that the level of corruption
remains low compared to neighbouring countries where corruptive practices remains
consistently high and systemic. Corruption in Ethiopia can be characterised as relatively low,
but also unpredictable.
59. However, the interlocutors also noted that corruptive practices have increased at two levels
over the past years in Ethiopia. First, at the top level of political life and there is now a
generalised expectation among observers of Ethiopian politics that the newly nominated
Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, will take steps to investigate suspicions of official corruption and
to have bank accounts of members of parliaments inspected. Secondly, corruption has also
increased at the ground level of society and remains a problem at all administrative instances.
To illustrate this point, the example of the issuance of a driving license was mentioned. The
Government has announced a ‘crack-down’ on corruption related to the solicitation of bribes
from people who need a driving license. The efficiency of such an initiative remains, however,
to be seen as the Government has replaced experienced staff in the administration with staff
without the same amount of experience.
Liyu Police
60. The interlocutors had no knowledge of whether forced recruitment to the Liyu police takes
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
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Following the interview two additional questions were answered by July 2018:
Could you please comment on the fact that the State of Emergency which was imposed in February has
been lifted two month early (in June 2018)? To which extent does this decision affect the human rights
situation in the country, especially for members of the opposition?
63. Though the latest State of Emergency was implemented with a softer hand than the previous one,
it is positive it was lifted before the expired time. This reflects a more forthcoming approach by the
new Government towards opposition parties (Prime Minister Abiy started dialogue with all of
them). It will be interesting to observe the new Government's approach towards the still
complicated security situation in some regions (including Oromia).
In your opinion, what does the fact that the Ethiopian Government has unblocked a number of websites,
blogs as well as radio and TV stations mean for the political situation in the country? To which extent does
this decision affect the human rights situation, for members of the opposition?
64. The reopening of internet network and release of the grip on media was of outmost importance.
News is now circulating more and people are connected. This includes easier
communication/outreach for member of the opposition, and quicker signalling of possible human
rights abuses. The press is, however, generally favourable to the new Prime Minister, it will be
interesting to observe the Government’s reaction in case of more critical press approach in the
Addis Ababa, 23 May 2018
Political situation
65. The source described the current political situation in Ethiopia as a big chance for the
Government to be successful. There has been a peaceful change of prime minister, which in
itself was something extraordinary in Ethiopia. The previous leaders of the country died, got
exiled or as the emperor got killed. The source noted that this was the first time when Ethiopia
in modern time had a normal change of prime minister. The fact that the previous prime
minister resigned and that pass-over of power took place as per constitution was seen as very
positive. It was still extremely difficult to get information out of the inner circle. The
resignation, however, did not come as a surprise, as a consequence of the protracted protests
that swept throughout the country before he resigned.
66. According to the interlocutor, the EPRDF, the ruling coalition, has a very solid party line, the
only going out to the public. Despite that criticism towards the Prime Minister leaked,
suggesting a possible change of the Prime Minister. The timing, however, was surprisingly
sudden and created an uncertain moment. The authorities stressed with the international
community that they went by the constitution by getting a new prime minister and a new
67. The source noted that the new Prime Minister promised changes are going in the right
direction. While he might not have had direct control of social media and the protests in the
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
fields, he used them to his own advantage. Furthermore, the Tigrayan party
miscalculated or
was overconfident during the elections for prime minister, which saw Abiy successful.
68. The new Prime Minister is 42 years old with a background in the political establishment, he was
in the army, and uses innovative talking – the change people was calling for. Whether he will be
able to deliver on his promises has to be seen. The interlocutor advised that in general the new
Prime Minister managed to calm down the situation. First he went out to the regions and
talked to the people, and then he went to the Middle East talked to Saudi leaders and his next
visit would be to Uganda and Egypt.
69. According to the source, the TPLF
represented six percent of the population; nevertheless
they controlled the establishment and large part of the economy: big parastatal companies, the
army, the security service, etc. Although the new Prime Minister did not start a purge of the old
guard, he put Amhara and Oromo people in key positions. The fact that the new Prime minister
himself was from Oromia defused the demonstrations in Oromia somewhat, which would have
been more difficult if the EPRDF had chosen someone else as prime minister. Therefore in
terms of political change, the source was optimistic. The source was more sceptical in regard to
the economy and employment. The source advised that there were very few options for
graduates in Ethiopia, which created frustration among young people. The source opined that if
a graduate had no real options for employment in the formal sector, they would be more
inclined to try to change things themselves.
State of Emergency
70. According to the source, the clashes between Somali and Oromo people had been ongoing for
a long time. The Somali police target ethnic Oromos on their own territory and vice versa. They
forced them to move to the other state. What was even worse, the interlocutor stated that
many Somalians from Oromia could not speak Somali, which in itself constituted a problem,
when they were relocated.
71. The source noted that the international community (including EU) had called for lifting of the
first imposed State of emergency, and the authorities abided to that in order to appease the
international community and show that Ethiopia's security situation was under control.
However, 2-3 months after the prime minister resigned the Government re-introduced the
state of emergency.
72. The interlocutor opined that the second state of emergency was less heavy handed. Some
people were still getting arrested, but the extent of arrests was not comparable to the previous
state of emergency. The source noted that there should now be ground to have the state of
emergency lifted. The interlocutor also believed that if things got out of hand, it would be a
huge problem for the Prime Minister. In this respect, the source referred to the internal clashes
in the Somali region.
Tigrayan People's Liberation Front is part of the ruling coalition Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front
Tigrayan People's Liberation Front
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
Release of prisoners and the closure of Maekelawi center
73. According to the source, the authorities had started to release prisoners including opposition
leaders. The authorities imprisoned political around 2015/2016. The source estimated that
there were approximately 30,000 persons imprisoned all in all. The source informed that the
authorities started to release 10,000 including prominent opposition party leaders. While the
Government is releasing prisoners, there are still others that are being arrested.
74. Regarding the Maekelawi detention centre, the source advised that it had been closed down.
The source added that the closure should be seen as a symbolic gesture by the Government,
since a number of people were detained and tortured there. However, the authorities had
constructed a new centre outside of the city, but in a symbolic way the source opined that the
closure was a good thing.
75. According to the interlocutor, the new political environment bears a range of contradictory
elements. As an example the source referred to a situation, where one opposition leader was
released from prison and was going to address his people in his home town. He was
subsequently detained by the federal police, who stated that he was not allowed to address his
people. However, the regional police did not agree with the federal position, which resulted in
a stand-off between federal and regional police.
Internally displaced persons (IDPs)
76. The source advised that Ethiopia had a substantial amount of IDPs, which was caused by
primarily clashes and drought. Nevertheless around 60 percent of all IDPs are conflict
generated. The source opined that there were around 1.66 million IDPs in Ethiopia.
77. Regarding refugees, the source advised that Ethiopia had almost one million refugees. The
source elaborated that in Ethiopia the conditions for refugees were better than for IDPs. The
whole refugee system experienced a good collaboration between the Government and UNHCR.
However, the UN in general tries to play the poor conditions down for refugees, because they
want to be on good ground with the Government.
The situation for the opposition
78. In general it was the opinion of the source that the conditions for the opposition had improved,
although, there were exceptions. The source mentioned a case where a number of persons had
been released from prison and wished to celebrate. They were immediately arrested.
Furthermore, there had been a number of rearrests of journalists, social media bloggers and
activists. The interlocutor opined that this area was more sensitive than others. Even though
there was a liberalisation of the media, the control/censorship was still there and arrests still
occurred, although in a smaller scale than before. The source also opined that students got less
targeted now than before, which also was due to the lack of willingness to demonstrate for the
time being.
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
U.S. Embassy
Addis Ababa, 18 May 2018
State of Emergency
79. The point of departure for the discussion at this meeting was the current State of emergency
which the regime had declared mid-February 2018, and which was supposed to be lifted by
August 2018. The State of emergency was imposed just after the resignation of the former
Prime Minister (Hailemariam Desalgn), who was replaced by Dr Abiy Ahmed as new Prime
Minister. This nomination was unanimously perceived as a sign of Ethiopian People’s
Revolutionary Front (EPRDF) –the ruling party’s– decision to open up for a certain level of
controlled change in the country. According to the interlocutors, the new Prime Minister had
in his declarations in a number of public appearances consistently demonstrated willingness to
‘doing the right thing’ as well as a dedication to induce political reforms. In the views of the
participants at this meeting, the nomination of a new Prime Minister with the willingness to
address a number of sensitive issues should be interpreted as a window of opportunity for an
improvement in the human rights situation in Ethiopia because his willingness to lead a change
process stood out as genuine. Thus, the current sentiment among Ethiopians including that of
international observers at the western embassies was a generalised feeling of ‘cautious
80. The interlocutors noted that the Prime Minister’s readiness to steer a political reform process
has an inbuilt risk of firing back on him – if it turns out that he will be unable to pass the
announced reforms through parliament. Dr Abiy Ahmed had at numerous public occasions
made declarations in which he promised to address the Oromo and Amhara communities’ calls
for political inclusion and economic equality. The risk of disappointing these expectations was a
real threat to the survival of the Prime Minister’s own political project.
Liberation of political prisoners
81. Regardless of the announced political reforms, the newly nominated Prime Minister had yet
not delivered on the promises made regarding deliverance of all political prisoners and
opposition leaders detained with or without a trial in prison.
82. The interlocutors were not knowledgeable about the status of the closing of the Maekelawi
detention centre in Addis Ababa (also known as the Federal Police Crime Investigation and
Forensic Sector).
Political and human rights situation
83. Ethiopia is still characterised by a high level of arbitrary violence which affects the general
population in urban as well as rural parts of the country. The nature of the violence is partly
ethnical and it was emphasised that to be caught in the fight between two opposing ethnic
groups could be a real risk for foreigners traveling in Ethiopia. The regime does not maintain
total control over security forces in all of the federal republic’s nine regions. To illustrate the
fact that the regional security forces at times act independently of the federal government, the
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
example of Somali Region
was mentioned; a region where the paramilitary force, the Liuy
Police operates. However, the overall assessment was that the human rights situation in
Ethiopia moved in the right direction currently.
84. Previously the regime denied the fact that the humanitarian situation in Ethiopia was so severe
that a high number of citizens have been forced to leave their place of habitual residence for a
number of reasons including conflict and drought; and often so in the most precarious
conditions. Whereas ‘IDP’ (internally displaced person) used to be a forbidden word, the
existence of ‘an IDP issue’ is now fully recognised as a fact by the authorities and the level of
cooperation from the Government in providing assistance to this vulnerable group has
improved. However, the interlocutors noted that the Government still occasionally puts
restrictions on the deliverance of humanitarian aid to certain IDP groups for political reasons;
as an example the case of Somali Region where constraints on the delivery of food aid had
been recurrent. It is in particular difficult to transport humanitarian help to remote areas and
areas where the security situation is dangerous such as at the Kenyan border.
85. The human rights and security situation in the refugee camps is precarious; the interlocutors
noted that revenge killings occur with impunity inside the camps.
86. According to the interlocutors at this meeting, there have been no amendments to the list of
designated terrorist organisations made in 2011 and adopted by the Ethiopian Parliament; a list
naming five organisations including Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and Oromo
Liberation Front (OLF).
Treatment of pupils and students
87. The regime is known for accepting widespread use of excessive violence by the security forces
against pupils and university students who participate in anti-government mass
demonstrations. As an example of this, the interlocutors referred to a recent event where the
authorities shot at the crowd of non-armed student demonstrators and caused the death of
nine peaceful demonstrators who were killed at this occasion.
Treatment of members of the diaspora
88. The situation of members of the diaspora is ruled by its own internal dynamic, which are not
obvious to external observers. The Government conducts internet surveillance, monitors the
activities of diaspora members who are active on YouTube canals or otherwise engaged in
internet based communication. This surveillance also includes those diaspora members who
are of a low profile and who are less vocal in their anti-government agitation. It is well know
Also known as Ogaden.
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that the Ethiopian government periodically closes down the internet – also known as ‘internet
blackouts’ – blocks certain websites, which are critical towards the Government and actively
seeks to restrict freedom of expression domestically: to illustrate this practice examples were
given of how the authorities had contacted foreign governments, hosting large diaspora
communities, and requested a foreign government to take action in order to close down TV
programs or YouTube channels which were run by the diaspora communities.
89. The interlocutors noted that in the past recent years a growing number of people from the
diaspora community had chosen to return to Ethiopia. The explanation for this, offered by the
interlocutors was that members of the diaspora might find that there is now a chance for
influencing the political development in the direction that they desire.
Fair trials
90. The judicial system in Ethiopia is weak because it suffers from lack of staff, lack of technical
capacity and scarce resources. Although trial procedures under the constitution are in place,
these procedures are not followed systematically.
Function of Vital Events Registration Agency (VERA)
91. The members of the US embassy delegation were not convinced of the effectiveness of VERA to
register vital events such as birth, adoption, marriage, divorce and death correctly. All
participants at the meetings concurred that they did not fully trust the procedures installed by
this agency to prevent rigging of ID documents. The interlocutors agreed that a high number of
ID documents containing inaccurate information about the document holder are in circulation.
92. The interlocutors emphasised that the fact that a document contains inaccurate information
does not necessarily imply that the document in itself is fraudulent. For multiple reasons,
including practical and geographical reasons, people might avoid to demand documents
through the official channels and instead seek to obtain ID documents through unofficial
93. Corruptive practices are widespread at all levels of society in Ethiopia, according to our
interlocutors. This means that it is possible and in no way exceptional for people to acquire
new, genuine ID documents with inaccurate information. Bribes are being used as a means to
negotiate the issuances of ID documents where the document holder is represented as younger
than they are in reality. As an effect of this, the embassy has made a decision to fact check all
the breeder documents at the issuing office by themselves in order to check their validity. The
consular department at this particular embassy estimates that they see approximately five
fraudulent ID documents per month. Passports are rarely fraudulent as it is fairly easily possible
to obtain breeder documents with inaccurate information that can be used for the demand of a
new passport.
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Situation of Eritreans in Ethiopia
94. Ethiopia is currently the second largest recipient country of refugees in sub-Saharan Africa. The
participants in this meeting recognised that the Ethiopian government hosts a large and
growing number of refugees and that the authorities has managed, in collaboration with
UNHCR, to offer shelter, food and basic services to these very diverse groups of refugees. The
situation has been particularly critical since the government of Saudi Arabia has cracked down
on the illegal workers in the country, which has led to a high number of returnees to Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian government willingly welcomes Eritreans who seek protection in Ethiopia in
order to embarrass the Eritrean government. The authorities do not issue documents to
Eritrean refugees but offer them refugee status.
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International NGO
Following the interview two additional questions were answered by July 2018:
Could you please comment on the fact that the State of Emergency which was imposed in February has
been lifted two month early (in June 2018)? To which extent does this decision affect the human rights
situation in the country, especially for members of the opposition?
95. Yes, the State of emergency was lifted earlier. This is very much in line with the general political
signals originating from Dr Abiy. Ethiopia's new Prime Minister Dr. Abiy has announced a lot
of reforms to reshape the nation but implementing them is harder.
Most important and most recently the Prime Minister:
shook up the security services – removed Ethiopia's intelligence and military chiefs along with the
national security advisor
Ended the State of Emergency before expected
Freed long-time political prisoners
Announced plans to liberalise the economy – selling shares in EthioTelecom and Ethiopian Air
try to resolve a 20 year old conflict with Eritrea – Ethiopia will respect a 2002 UN commission ruling
that demarcated the country's border with Eritrea
96. But there are signs of cracks in the unity within the ruling coalition EPRDF that has otherwise
been in unchecked control of Ethiopia since 1991. You will recall that Abiy is the first Oromo
speaking PM ever. That makes the biggest population group the Oromos very satisfied and
they continue to praise him and whatever he does. Also Amaras (second largest) are still very
happy. And Abiy has travelled extensively within Ethiopia and seem to be genuinely listening to
the grievance of the people, wherever he appears.
97. Abiy was elected within the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)
coalition by united votes from Oromia and Amhara – that meant against the two other parts of
the coalition, namely the Tigrayan and the Southerners. They are not happy and we see again
violence and nasty ethnic clashes. Like before is it likely “government sponsored riots” – some
elements from the South want to kick out Oromos. In the mixed town of Hawassa in south
where all the big industrial parks are with various ethnic groups coming together as labours, we
have seen since mid-June violent protests, clash, vandalism (burn property and cars) and
another 16,000 internal displaced persons. According to OCHA
more than a million people
has been internally displaced and in dire need of humanitarian assistance. On the issue of the
IDPs, there is no obvious plan for them to return. And not returning is a silent acceptance of
displacement based on ethnicity.
The source made reference to OCHA (2018). Ethiopia: Oromio-Somali Conflict –Induced displacement.
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98. Also, Abiy's plans for the economy may also run into resistance, as ERPDF elites are entrenched
in the state-run industries at the heart of the country's economy. And finally there were also
protest against Abiy´s announcement on Eritrea by residents of territory. The decision may be
popular in the international community but approx. 70,000 Ethiopians lost their lives in that
war (over a sandy dessert) and some are asking now for what were all those lives lost.
99. So in conclusion, it is too early to say whether there will be genuine improvement on the
human rights situation for the opposition. While there were welcomed changes on the
leadership in central security apparatus, it is also obvious that the security apparatus remain
rather loyal to those formerly in power. For example a small grenade was tossed at the recent
pro-Abiy rally in Addis on Meskel Square in Addison 30 June. The event attracted several
100,000s of Ethiopians. Speculations are that as there has never been any such attack on those
in power before, this could only happened because certain elements within the police allowed
it to happen. Later the Addis Ababa chief of police was arrested.
In your opinion, what does the fact that the Ethiopian Government has unblocked a number of websites,
blogs as well as radio and TV stations mean for the political situation in the country? To which extent does
this decision affect the human rights situation, for members of the opposition?
100. Dr. Abiy continues to take measures in support of more freedom of expression and the un-
blocking of media and websites are welcomed changes. Dr Abiy enjoys wide support from the
population across various ethnic groups and regions, but his actions are no doubt also causing
resentment within the government coalition. See above on government sponsored riots -
these continue in areas of southern Oromia, Benishangul Gumuz and North Gonder in Amhara.
Therefore we are only cautiously optimistic on the human rights situation.
Addis Ababa, 16 May, 2018
State of emergency
101. The interview took place four months into the state of emergency which was declared on 16
February 2018. This state of emergency was different compared to the previous one which had
been declared on 9 October 2016 and then lifted by the Government in August 2017, according
to the interlocutor. The difference was a certain sense of trust in the future which had
emerged; a trust which seemed to be inspired by the nomination of the new Prime Minister, Dr
Abiy Ahmed. The interlocutor noted that people, e.g. staff members of this NGO and others,
expressed more hope in the future now. This level of hope seemed to be fuelled by the
declarations made by the new Prime Minister in the early days of his mandate although
nothing of substance had changed in terms of the locus of control over the country. Ethiopia is
still a one-party system and EPRDF maintains full power over the rule of the country regardless
of change of prime minister.
102. There has been a significant reduction in violent riots and public protests after the
proclamation of the current state of emergency according to this interlocutor. Up to its entry
into force, the situation across the country was characterised by instability and numerous
security incidents. There were clashes on the Oromo-Somali Region border and many roads
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were being blocked frequently. This has changed and the situation was notably calmer by then.
The new Prime Minister had made a number of public statements, including his inaugural
address, which in the views of this interlocutor had been interpreted by the general population
as a new beginning. However, the informant noted that the Prime Minister had yet to address
the media to advise whether the issue of political prisoners would be solved. This has later
been directly addressed. Previously illegal Oromo media outlets are no longer illegal, and
recently more than 200 websites run primarily by opposition and diaspora Ethiopians have
been unblocked.
103. The Proclamation of the state of emergency prohibits all assembling or other kinds of moving
in groups regardless of purpose as well as it puts restrictions on the freedom of association and
of peaceful assembly. This has a direct consequence for civil society organisations, including
international development NGOs with a global mandate to carry out advocacy and other kinds
of awareness raising activities. It is important to note that it is prohibited for INGOs to engage
in any gender, advocacy and right related issues.
104. According to the CSO law INGOSs can engage in:
Prevention or alleviation or relief of poverty or disaster
Advancement of economy and social developments and environmental protection
Advancement of health or saving lives
Overall services provisions
But cannot engage in:
Advancement of human and democratic rights
Promotion of equality of nations, nationalities and peoples and that of gender and religion
Promotion of rights of disabled and children’s rights
Promotion of conflict resolution or reconciliation
Promotion of efficiency of justice & law enforcement service
105. Any NGO activity which requires that people gather in groups needs approval beforehand by
the authorities as a consequence of the State of emergency. This is a limitation in the freedom
to carry out development activities aiming at raising awareness about civil rights or even any
technical awareness on for instance good agronomic practices or the like. This requires civil
society organisations to carefully monitor which language they use when they make references
to rights based approaches, women’s empowerment, political awareness raising, etc.
106. A number of directives under the state of emergency wield power to regulate public life.
According to these directives it is prohibited to communicate about security issues including
access and road safety, etc. This causes trouble for civil society organisations with operations
across the country as these organisations need to exchange information among staff members
who travel across different regions of the country, including those regions where the security
situation is volatile. Security threats include the blocking of roads as well as stone-throwing but
also the danger of getting caught in gun fire when security forces have intervened to disburse
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crowds. It has in particularly been in Oromia State where there have been many security
Political and human rights situation
107. Noting that Ethiopia’s administrative structure is built on the principles of ethnic federalism,
the interlocutor emphasised that ethnic division has been and still remains a source of
instability over the years. Ethnicity as an engine of political conflict still dominates, and
increasingly so, Ethiopia’s political life. This is fuelled by the Ethiopian federal government,
which uses ‘ethnification’ actively as a key strategy to keep the Oromia and the Somalis
engaged in local conflicts at the regional level thereby preventing the Oromos from fully
engaging in the competition for influence at the national level. According to the interlocutor,
ethnic competition and mistrust can be felt at all levels of society, including in organisations
where much efforts have been invested in creating a workplace free of ethno-nationalist
sentiments. To illustrate this phenomenon the interlocutor referred to an example of a staff
member of Tigrinya descent who expressed fear of being physically abused and attached by the
mob if they travelled to Oromia where people of Tigrinya ethnicity are intensely disliked.
However, the interlocutor noted that there were indications of a certain reduction in the level
of ethnical based animosity in the country, although it was still too early to assess whether
these improvements were sustainable beyond the immediate reaction.
108. The new Prime Minister, who is of Oromo and Amhara descent with a Muslim father and a
Christian mother, has called for national reconciliation and dialogue among the federal regions
of Ethiopia; the interlocutor emphasised that the Prime Minister has called for a peaceful
solution to the ongoing unrest in Oromia. The fact that the regime has nominated a Prime
Minister of Oromo descent has altered the ethnic composition of political life and has inspired
hope in a more fair ethnic balanced representation at national level and in more willingness to
enter into real dialogue with opposition parties. As an indicator of this level of optimism that
now prevails among people of Oromo descent, the interlocutor referred to anecdotal evidence
of new-borns being given names such as ‘We won’ or ‘At that time’.
109. Albeit the level of corruption in Ethiopia might be lower than in the neighbouring countries,
corruption remains a problem according to the interlocutor. Examples of this were numerous
including misuse in the judicial system. Also, land concessions sold to foreign investors is highly
Situation of political prisoners
110. The Prime Minister has publically announced the release of an unspecified number of
prisoners. According to the interlocutor a significant number of prisoners, in particular
prominent politicians, activists and human rights advocates and political “bloggers”, have been
released during this state of emergency. However, besides a few well known public figures, it is
not clear who have been released out of the many who have been detained over the years.
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Thus it remains to be established how many have in reality been released and how many
remain in prison.
Treatment of members of opposition groups
111. The interlocutor was unaware of whether there had been significant changes in the way the
government is responding to anti-government protests organised by the Oromo Liberation
Front (OLF) or the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF). However, the interlocutor knew of
at least one recent example of interethnic violent conflict in 2018 in the town of Moyale near
the Kenyan border and, on the Ethiopian side of the border, split between the Oromia Region
on the West and the Somali region
) in the east. At this occasion, the police fired shots at the
crowd and several demonstrators were killed. The interlocutor explained that this incident has
been followed by calls for an investigation into the use of what appears to be excessive force by
the police against demonstrators.
Situation of pupils and students
112. Ethiopia has a history of politically motivated mass protests by university students in all
regions. The national and regional security forces are known for having limited ‘crowd control
skills’ and student participants in demonstrations have been shot at, killed or arbitrarily
detained regardless of their role in these demonstrations. Students who have been arrested
have most often been detained without being charged with any crime; many have been
released without ever having been formally presented for a judge. Especially at the event in
Bishoftu in Oromia in October 2016, where a Oromo cultural festival escalated into anti-
government protest and turned violent and some 700 allegedly died
. There were many
arrests and whereabouts of the arrested are still unknown or contested.
Treatment of person who have previously been detained and then released
113. Persons, who have previously been arrested, detained and then released with or without a
trial, might still be exposed to increased surveillance by the authorities.
Liyu police
114. According to the interlocutor, it is well established that the Somali Regional Special Policy,
also known as Liyu Police, is using excessive force against citizens. The interlocutor was not
knowledgeable about whether forced recruitment to the Liyu Police took place.
Situation of the diaspora
115. The level of surveillance inside Ethiopia is high and, according to the interlocutor, there is ‘no
doubt’ that this surveillance extends to people who belong to the diaspora. The activities and
utterances of those members of the diaspora who are active on social media such as YouTube
are most possibly being followed closely by the secret service.
Also known as Ogaden.
The source made reference to Human Rights Watch (2017). “Fuel on the Fire: Security Forces Response to the 2016
Ireecha Cultural Festival. September 19, 2017
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116. The internet and telecommunication sector in Ethiopia is highly controlled by the state.
There are numerous examples of how the federal government has decided to shut down the
internet to restrict citizens’ communication. The Government also blocks certain websites, in
particular those of diaspora groups. In Ethiopia it is against the law to access the internet via a
VPN connection. In practice the law does not, however, prevent ordinary people from using
VPN connections. For individuals who are not on the radar of the security service it is possible
to use VPN connections to access the internet.
Situation of Eritreans in Ethiopia
117. In many ways Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia benefit from a privileged status compared to
refugees of other nationalities, according to this interlocutor. By contrast to other refugees,
Eritreans can benefit from the out-of-camp policy which allows them to take residence out of
the designated refugee camps. They can study at national institutions, but they cannot yet get
a license to open a shop nor can they apply for jobs at the formal labour market. However, the
Government of Ethiopia’s “9 pledges” made in line with the
New York Declaration for
Refugees and Migrants in September 2016 and
the subsequent regional policy framework of
the CRRF (Comprehensive Refugees Response Framework) has the intension of allowing for full
integration of the one million refugees into Ethiopia including access to all basic services.
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Danish Refugee Council
Addis Ababa, 22 May 2018
State of emergency
118. The interview began by a juxtaposition of the two states of emergency, which have been
imposed in Ethiopia over the past years. Whereas the first one, which was declared in
September 2016 and only lifted in August 2017 was very ‘heavy handed’ and characterised by a
high level of securitisation in direct response to the public anti-government protest, the second
one, which was declared only six month later in February 2018 had been less heavy handed by
the security forces. There have been instances where the Government has shown force but not
nearly as much as in the previous State of emergency. The declaration of the last State of
emergency had in reality put a lot of things in motion and has, probably as an unintended
diffuse side effect, made space for some progress. According to the interlocutor, there was
currently a generalised feeling of movement, of hope and that ‘things were possible now’, a
consequence, which might be counter to what the leaders of the ruling party intended when
they declared this State of emergency. It is notable that there has not been a large scale violent
reaction to the proclamation of this State of emergency, as might have been expected. The
nomination of a new prime minister has also fuelled hope among people. The resignation of
the former Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn in February, happened in recognition by the
ruling party of the fact that it was no longer ‘tenably’ for him to be in that position giving the
level of protest. According to the interlocutor, ‘this is a time of hope and optimism’ after a
vacuum left by the resignation of the previous prime minister. Both the Oromo and the Amhara
people had been increasingly marginalised over the past years and this has contributed to the
level of frustration in Ethiopia and a generalised feeling of desperation and ‘we have nothing to
lose’. This desperation was not only enacted as participation in mass demonstrations but also in
shop-owners’ reluctance to open their stores, etc.
119. Regardless of ethnicity, Ethiopians can be described as ‘quite nationalistic’ and concerned
about the unity of the country. They want their country to be peaceful and this means that they
are willing to be patient with the newly nominated prime minister if only for the fact that he
represents a replacement of the leadership, which has frustrated people for many years. The
three weeks intermezzo between the resignation of the previous Prime Minister and the
nomination of Dr Abiy Ahmed was at the same time intense and relaxed; speculations and arm
chair analysis were made but there were no major security incidents. Had the choice been
made for a different kind of leadership, the situation would have been very different. The
choice of a prime minister of Christian and Muslim background, of Oromo ethnicity allows for
people to read different things into his person, which makes him an appealing choice. To which
extent he will be able to maintain this level of support by the people depends on who will be
perceived as the losers and the winners of his politics, especially regarding how he intends to
address the border conflict between Somalia and Oromia, including the huge amount of
displace people there.
Release of political prisoners
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120. Prior to the proclamation of the State of Emergency, the government has already released a
number of political prisoners, probably 10,000s over time as per public records.
Treatment of opposition groups
121. According to this interlocutor, it has become much more difficult to assess the level of risk
and the nature of this risk that a person who is engaged in an opposition party would be
exposed to today because things have changed with the new situation and the nomination of
the new Prime Minister.
122. Based on his experience from his Ethiopian colleagues as well as from interactions with
members of the international community in Addis Ababa, the interlocutor noted especially
during the previous State of Emergency people feared being associated in any way with
opposition parties. This was in particular but not restricted to people engaged in journalism.
During the previous State of Emergency there was a significant threat against Ethiopian
nationals who sat in on any forum discussing questions related to the security situation of the
country, so it was a management decision in this particular NGO to disallow that. When people
discussed at the work place or in the local community they were very cautious: They fear that
any slip of the tongue would be interpreted as questioning the Government’s authority and
could lead to detainment. It is well documented that there were 8-10,000 people who were
detained as a result of this.
123. The interlocutor had first-hand knowledge of people who avoided participating in a
discussion among NGO staff or even texting with NGO staff because they knew that the
authorities were hostile towards civil society organisations.
124. As of now, there are no reports that the security forces, under the State of Emergency, which
was declared in February 2018, have detained people under suspicion of being connected to
opposition parties. However, as the interview took place in the early days of the State of
Emergency, it was still too early to tell how it would developed and by precaution, people
seemed to still restrain from making statements which could be perceived as radically
challenging the Government.
125. According to the assessment of this interlocutor, there was a wider room for freedom of
expression and critical discussions of the Government’s actions for intellectuals as there was
for people outside of academia. For university students, the room for expression would be
more restrained.
Situation of youth organisations within the political parties from the opposition
126. In general, the interlocutor found the youth organisations of the opposition parties to be
very well organised and very well controlled. Whether a member of a political youth opposition
group would be at risk of detainment would depend on the specific situation. It is violence and
violent actions, which are criminalised rather than membership by itself. However, it is the
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authorities who have the ultimate power to define what would be perceived as violence and
thereby of politicising collective and individual actions.
The situation of refugees in Ethiopia
127. The interlocutor began by recognising the complexity of the refugee situation in Ethiopia.
There are not just one refugee crisis in Ethiopia but multiple including refugees from South
Sudan, refugees and asylum seekers from Somalia and refugees and asylum seekers from
Eritrea; not one uniform approach can be used on all of these situations.
128. Regarding the situation of Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia they are in a privileged position
compared to other nationalities. Provided that they have a sponsor, or can otherwise sustain
themselves, they have the possibility of residing outside of the designated refugee camps. They
are also allowed to apply for enrolment at university but not to apply for a job within the
formal labour market. This is a part of the out-of-camp scheme that is implemented by the
Ethiopian Government and UNHCR in Ethiopia. In principle this could be a possibility for any
refugee, but in reality it is only used by Eritreans and Somalis.
129. The situation for Eritreans who reside in the refugee camps in Hitsats in Shire is without
opportunities for creating a dignified future. Albeit the camps have improved significantly,
especially for the unaccompanied minors and separated children who now benefit from better
shelters and social rehabilitation activities, there are no job prospects or living opportunities for
people there. There is no electricity in the camps and they lack running water.
130. The phenomenon of Ethiopian nationals posing as Eritrean refugees is not an unknown
phenomenon but we lack solid data about how widespread it is.
The situation of internally displace persons (IDPs) in Ethiopia
131. The issue of IDPs has been a highly politicised topic in Ethiopia and very difficult to discuss on
an evidence based manner. For years, it was impossible to suggest that there was a group of
people in Ethiopia that had been forced to relocate. However, this is no longer the case and
now the authorities recognise that there is a problem with IDPs in Ethiopia. It is in particularly
droughts, which have contributed to pushing people out of their habitual place of residence but
also the conflicts in the Oromia-Somali regions.
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The Fortune, national newspaper
Addis Ababa, 23 May 2018
The Fortune is a part of Ethiopia’s rapidly growing media and communication sector. It is a weekly print and
digital news media with a focus on business, economic development but also on national politics. The
Fortune has been published since May 2000 and for the past 13 years also on the internet. It has about 50-
55 staff members. Mr. Giorgis is the Managing Editor of the Addis Fortune.
The State of emergency
The interview took place in the midst of the State of emergency which was imposed across
the country in February 2018. According to Mr. Giorgis the purpose of the State of Emergency was
to equip the law enforcement with a legal mandate to exercise command over the situation across
all nine regional states. The police in the regional states are accountable to the regional
governments only, not to the federal government and the regime found that the security situation
had ‘gotten out of control’ and therefore proclaimed a State of emergency in order to wield wide
powers to prevent public protest and prohibit the occurrence of demonstrations.
Political and human rights situation
The interview began by Mr. Giorgis describing his view on freedom of expression in Ethiopia
as well as his own experience with the Government’s efforts to control the media. He had been
arrested, imprisoned, accused and convicted for violation of the press law. He was punished with a
fine of the equivalent to 3,000 US dollars, which at that point of time was the highest amount that
one could be fined for violating the press law. This episode occurred in 1995-96. He noted that as
an editor in Ethiopia you encounter problems and harassment on a daily basis, ranging from
readers and business people to ministers. In the opinion of Mr. Giorgis the situation of the free
media in Ethiopia could be characterised as ‘not as bad as the international community might think;
not as good as the Government tries to make it look like’.
The political life in Ethiopia is controlled by the elites and highly centralised. The emergence
of social media has challenged the elite’s monopoly on information. Although radio remains the
preferred media of the Ethiopian population, especially in rural areas, social media has enabled a
new flow of information. This has created grounds for competing elites and for elites who can
compete over the attention of people through the use of the media.
This interlocutor expressed that the current political development in Ethiopia inspired
‘cautious optimism’ because of the announcement made by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. He would,
however, need to deliver on the promises made on economic progress to stay in office. The
congress of the ruling party will be held in July 2018 and would tell whether Abiy Ahmed would be
re-elected as chairman of the party; and the 2020 elections would be decisive for his political
UUI, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 18: Fact finding-rapport vedr. den politiske situation og forholdene for medlemmer af oppositionen i Etiopien, fra udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet
Release of political prisoners
When asked about whether the Government had lived up to promises made regarding the
release of political prisoners, Mr. Giorgis noted that there was a substantial gap between what is
stipulated in the Constitution and the regime’s willingness to deliver on the rights in the
Constitution. This interviewee found that in reality, Ethiopia has a very liberal Constitution but a
rather illiberal government.
Treatment of opposition groups
Mr. Giorgis emphasised that currently there is a multitude of opposition groups in Ethiopia;
in reality up to 94 groups. However, many of them remain rather uncoordinated and people are not
paying much attention to them.
According to Mr. Giorgis, people who were affiliated with either OLF or ONLF had been at
high risk of being arrested for terrorism; the mere fact of receiving an email or a phone call from a
member of OLF or ONLF could lead to repercussions. Phone calls would be transcribed and held
against the receiver of the call. Having any form of relationship with a political organisation on the
national list of terrorist groups is being followed by the authorities. However, Mr. Giorgis noted
that the situation seemed to have sobered out a bit now and the future would tell whether the
treatment of members of opposition parties would be more relaxed in the future. To illustrate the
fact that the situation was less tense now, Mr. Giorgis mentioned that the leadership of the Oromo
Democratic Front (ODF) has been allowed to enter Addis Ababa for political talks with the new
Prime Minister.
Treatment of university students
139. Asked whether affiliation with a student organisation would expose a person to repercussions by
the authorities, the editor noted that the environment was less intimidating than it used to be and
that people, including students were more vocal than they used to be. The Prime Minister has
publicly addressed the needs to involve university students and this has inspired some optimism.
140. The source stated that members of the diaspora community were, ‘without doubt’ monitored
closely by the government, wherever they might reside. This is, according to the interlocutor, no
secret, and that outreach includes people from the diaspora who might reside in Denmark.
141. The editor noted that if Ethiopians participate in demonstrations against the Ethiopian regime in a
foreign country, be it in Europe or in the USA, would be video-taped to document their activity. This
would also be the case if members of the diaspora had gotten foreign nationality. Thus they would
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fear that they were to return to Ethiopia then something might happen to them upon return. As
examples of what might occur, Mr. Giorgis mentioned that they could run the risk of being
detained in the airport or jailed. He emphasised that this fear was in particularly high during 2017,
although with the nomination of the new Prime Minister, the situation seemed to be a bit more
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Addis Ababa, 23 May 2018
State of emergency
According to the interlocutor, the first state of emergency was imposed as a response to the
nationwide protests in the streets, which at the time caused public unrest and security incidents,
especially during the time of the Erecha festival
. Both Christians and Muslims join this festival for
political purposes. During these rallies the Police fired teargas into the crowd, which caused panic
and ended in several casualties. The Government itself admitted to have killed 50 protesters.
After the episode at the Erecha festival, people around Addis Ababa started to protest
heavily. Although the mass protests during and after the Erecha festival were peaceful, the police
did not tolerate them, and subsequently cracked down on them.
The source noted that at the time of the first state of emergency there were many protesters
in the biggest three regions in Ethiopia and the government officials were united to stop all
protesters, journalists, opposition politicians etc.
The first state of emergency was frightening, according to the interlocutor, because one had
to be home before six and people were scared of what would might happen to them. The police
would stop a random person on the street, search him and confiscate what he had on him.
Furthermore, if the police found anything like a political picture on a person’s Twitter account,
Facebook etc., they would immediately arrest the person.
The source advised that he himself had been detained, because he had been giving a number
of interviews to different media. The police explained, that the source had criticised the state of
emergency on the Radio “Voice of America” and therefore was detained. The source was kept in
detention for 40 days and was never taken to court to be presented for a judge.
The interlocutor noted that the state of emergency, which was declared on February 2018,
did not target the general public: Now the authorities do not target protesters or even activists. The
source added that there were many public protests that took place peacefully now, even in
Oromia. The interlocutor elaborated that there was more political space now. However, in Amhara
region where there also had been protests previously, the authorities still did not tolerate
protesters and cracked down on them.
The source opined that the reason why the authorities had introduced a new state of
emergency was because the ruling party coalition and especially the TPLF
feared that the
election of a new prime minister would spur massive protesters. The authorities were therefore
preparing for coming protests, but there had been no protests of that kind. On this ground the
Erecha festival is an Oromo traditional indigenous festival equivalent to thanksgiving.
The Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front
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interlocutor found that it was strange that the authorities had not lifted the state of emergency
According to the interlocutor, the Prime minister has good intentions. However, the
intentions must be institutionalised. The source explained that for now there had been no legal or
institutional reforms. Therefor the optimism that exists now very much depends on the
Governments will and/or capability to implement real reforms.
Release of prisoners and the closure of Maekelawi center
Asked if there has been any release of political prisoners, as promised by the Government,
the source replied that there had been prisoner releases in February 2018. Although the authorities
had released many prisoners, many still remained imprisoned.
As for the Maekelawi centre, the source advised that there was no one detained at the
centre anymore. The prisoners there had been transferred to another centre. However, the total
number of (political) prisoners has decreased during the second state of emergency.
When asked to the view on the opposition groups ONLF/OLF, the source advised that OLF did
not exist in Ethiopia anymore as an active party and there would be very few active members left in
the country. Even though, the Oromos are not members of OLF, the Oromo people regard the OLF
as liberators, and therefore they do not see OLF as a problem. The source advised that the OLF had
become a part of the Oromo history; a shared national consciousness. Since the OLF leadership
exiled, there had been many other political groups in Oromia such as the OFC
party, which is now
led by Dr. Merera Gudina.
According to the source, the OLF was still considered a terrorist group in Ethiopia by the
authorities. After OLF’s 50 years of struggle the group had redefined their struggle in Ethiopia.
Previous the goal of OLF was Oromo independence from Ethiopia, but now the major founders of
OLF had redefined their goals. The interlocutor noted that today there were three OLF groups and
each of them had exile members. The most vocal of them – the ODF
was not fighting for
independence anymore. The ODF had created a more positive environment where it was possible
to take part in talks with the Government. The source added that five of the ODF leaders (previous
OLF members) just arrived to Addis Ababa to take part in discussions with the Government.
The Youth group – Qeero group
According to the source, most of the protesters during the public mass protests were
associated with the Qeero group
. The federal police were vowing to close the group down.
However, the new Prime minister came out on the street two months later and thanked the Qeero
group on his visit to Ambo town that had been the very centre of protests. At this occasion the
The Oromo Federalist Congress
Oromo Democratic Front
Qeero means bachelor in Amharic – young men, but it also means tiger.
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Prime minister thanked the group for fighting for their rights and described the Qeero group as the
backbone of Ethiopia.
Regarding ONLF, the source advised that Somali politics in many years had been in the
periphery of politics in Ethiopia. In the centre would be politics in Oromia, in Amhara and in Tigray.
However, the Somali ethnic group is the third largest group in Ethiopia next to Oromo and Amhara
and thus is getting closer to the centre of politics, according to the interlocutor.
The source noted that ONLF was still on the national terrorist list, and added that ONLF’s
military capacity had been reduced. This reduction happen as a consequence of the crackdown on
ONLF initiated by the president of the Somali region Abdi Mohammed Omar’s. According to the
source, the Somali president had used special forces to successful remove ONLF from the region.
The source advised that a member of ONLF in Ethiopia would be perceived as a terrorist and would
definitely be arrested and dealt with accordingly by the authorities.
The president of the Somali region was perceived by the source as a dictator who ruled the
region as his own state. The interlocutor elaborated that detainees in the prisons of the Somali
region accused of being a terrorist would face torture, which would be extremely hard to survive.
When asked if ONLF member’s family or relatives would be at risk of being targeted by the
authorities, the source opined that this was not necessarily the case. However, the source
emphasised that there were times when that would happen, especially when the ONLF was
stronger. But it would not necessarily happen today. However, the source had no detailed
information on this matter.
If one were to flee the Somali region, the source opined that they would be more protected
in Addis Ababa, where the torture was less dire. However, the authorities in Addis Ababa were
working together with the authorities in the Somalia region, and could trace the person of interest
down in Addis Ababa. The source added that the Somali authorities were very harsh, and thus
before they transfer detainees to the federal authorities, they would break their ankles to make
sure that the detainees would not run away.
The interlocutor mentioned that he himself had experienced torture in the Maekelawi
centre, where the police were careful not to inflict any scars on his body. The police did so to make
sure that the torture would not be visible when presented in front of a judge. Other bloggers
reported on everything that happened in the courts, so it made a difference whether torture was
visible at trial. The blogger community reported on court trials for one year and six months and the
interlocutor was one of the first persons who got acquitted at a trial. The source noted that
although there were only a few independent media in Ethiopia, they were all reporting on such
court trials. The police typically said that the accused were working with the diaspora community
and neoliberal communities.
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According to the source, the treatment of detainees in Tigray was harsh. The detainees
would not even be taken to court and the police would beat them and torture them to force them
to confess. At some point the detainee would give in and confess to anything. The police would
afterwards transfer the detainee to the federal authorities.
Forced recruitment to the Liyu police
The source had no information on forced recruitment. The source mentioned a book written
by a Swede, who was detained in the Somali Region. The book contained detailed information on
the Liyu police.
Forced recruitment to the army
According to the interlocutor, there had been forced recruitment during the Ethiopia-
Eritrean war 20 years ago. However, the source had not heart of any recent forced recruitment to
the army.
The situation for students
The source advised that the situation was more promising now than ever before. The
intimidation, harassment and arbitrary arrests had temporarily stopped. However, it was difficult to
know for how long. Even though there had been a number of protests, the arrests had dramatically
decreased. The source advised that the police had not interfered since October last year. The
interlocutor also emphasised that currently a student engaged in protests would be safe for now.
The source explained that he had been arrested four times and he had never been as relaxed
as now. The source told the delegation that he was arrested for attending a welcome home party.
He was detained for 11 days, and then he was released without any charges. Officially he was
arrested for using the wrong flag –the flag they had used at the party did not contain the Emblem
of Ethiopia. Although, the fine for using a wrong flag was only 500 birr, the police kept him for 11
days in detention.
The source mentioned that the police were scared, because of the new political situation.
Political discussions were becoming more common, and the Government had promised reforms
and political space.
The interlocutor summarised the new situation as an opportunity for a new development for
Ethiopia, because the political prisoners were being released day by day. This fed into a feeling that
one could speak their mind. Every radio station was discussing political issues now; new television
stations were discussing politics. Furthermore, arrests of journalist had decreased. The source also
noticed that there was a positive development in the media regarding censorship as well.
It was the opinion of the source that the strong resistance to the Government came from the
diaspora – especially from the USA. The relationship between the diaspora and the Government
was not good.
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The source opined that the Government monitored the diaspora closely. The authorities
were very active in monitoring Social Media. As an example the source pointed at police
commissioners and even judges that read the source’s Facebook page. The source had met with a
number of officials in evenings and at conferences where they had told the source, that they had all
read his blogs – even the judges. The source had been to court many times, where he had got a lot
of comments from the officials; sometimes the officials even appreciated that information the
interlocutor brought to court.
Human Rights Commission and the Human Rights Council
According to the source, the Human Rights Commission contributed to minimalise and justify
human rights violations committed by the Ethiopian authorities. He elaborated that the
Commission would typically conduct a report that described how the police had used proportionate
power to stop violence. However, this was seldom the case. For example the source had written to
the Commission about five cases where the police had used disproportionate power, but the
Commission rejected the cases. This occurred back in 2016.
On the other hand, the Human Rights Council was doing a good job, according to the
interlocutor: They were independent, although they had limitations in their capacity. Their reports
did not reach the public or the media and the reports were not used to influence policy making.
Furthermore, the council could only raise 10 percent in external financial assistance due to
Ethiopian rules on NGOs. The source would usually go to the council to give them information.
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Human Rights Commission
The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission was established by the Parliament with a mandate
to monitor the human rights situation in Ethiopia. Commissioners are appointed by the parliament
as per the establishment proclamation no. 210/2000. The mandate is wide and there are no
aspects of state action that the Commission is restricted from monitoring. The commission may
investigate complaints raised by or on behalf of any person who has been sent to prison or
detained by the police. The Commission will only investigate individual cases and has no mandate
to monitor incidents related to the State of emergency.
General working procedures
The Commission may examine complaints raised by citizens, as well as initiate investigations
on its own initiation based on various sources of information. The commission published annual
reports, which are submitted to the parliament and other stakeholders. The Commission has also
started cooperating with donors such as UNDP and UN Women.
The source noted that cases brought to the attention of the Commission typically would
come from a person who had experienced some incident of injustice where minimum standards in
fair justice were not fulfilled by the authorities, e.g. if a detained person would not be presented
before a judge within 48 hours. The Commission would then inquire into situations in police
stations. The monitoring part indicates if the minimum standards have been respected or not.
Typical topics of concern regarding prison conditions would include food rations, sanitary
conditions, basic health services, and incarceration conditions for mothers with young children, etc.
Furthermore, the Commission also takes up problems of harmful traditional practices such as
underage brides and bride theft. The source advised that the Commission also worked with stigma
and discrimination against people with disabilities and elderly persons.
The Commission may provide free legal aid to persons who do not have sufficient means to
pay for a lawyer to represent them in court. The source gave an example where a woman and her
three children had addressed the Commission. She was deprived of her children and property by
her husband and could not go to court. The Commission then intervened and provided her a
representative through a legal aid centre to defend her rights at court. The trial was successful and
she was awarded custody of her children.
Regarding evidence in court, the source advised that when it is criminal cases, one has to
provide three eye witnesses, and when it is a civil case, one typically needs to provide documents.
Evidence could span from eye witness to medical documents depending on the specific
The Commission has eight branch offices and has also hotline telephone service for free
(888-8), where people can call and get advice. The source noted that the Commission received
more than 2,000 complaints (cases) per year. The Commission has four staff members dedicated to
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the Commission’s hotline where they offer advice, and they can bring cases before the
commissioners. The Commission can also give legal advice on the phone.
According to the source, the amount of complaints submitted to the Commission had been
constant over the past two and a half years. In 2017 it was 2,000 and in 2016 the Commission
received 2,500 Complaints. These, however, do not include complaint and advices from the
The interlocutor further advised that the Commission also received both group complaints
and individual complaints where groups primarily complained about violations of land property
The source confirmed that the Maekelawi detention centre in Addis Ababa
had been
The source noted that only 11 cases were not resolved last year.
Also known as the Federal Police Crime Investigation and Forensic Sector
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Appendix B: Sources consulted
International researcher
National researcher
British Embassy
U.S. Embassy
International NGO
Danish Refugee Council
The Fortune, national newspaper
Human Rights Commission
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Appendix C: Bibliography
Addis Standard, the (2018). Ethiopian Parliament Passes Amnesty Bill Into Law. 28 June 2018.
Africanews (2018). Ethiopia removes 'terrorist' label from OLF, ONLF and Ginbot 7 opposition groups.
African Elections Database (undated). Eritrea: 23-25 April 1993 Independence Referendum.
Amnesty International (AI) (2018). Annex: Commentary on Ethiopian State of Emergency.
- (2018). Ethiopia 2017/18.
CNN (2018). Ethiopia lifts state of emergency two months early. 5 June, 2018.
European Union: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) (2012). EASO Country of Origin Information report
methodology, 10 July 2012.
Guardian, the (2018). These changes are unprecedented': how Abiy is upending Ethiopian politics. 08/07 2018
- (2018). Jawar Mohammed's red-carpet return signals Ethiopia's political sea change. 20 August, 2018.
Hagmann, T. and Korf B. (2012). Agamben in the Ogaden: Violence and sovereignty in the Ethiopian-Somali
frontier in
Political Geography
31 (2012) pp. 205-214
Human Rights Watch (HRW) (2016). Ethiopia: State of Emergency Risks New Abuses: Directive Codifies
Vague, Overbroad Restrictions. 31/10/2016.
- (2017). State of Emergency Ends in Ethiopia: Government Should Use Reform, Not Force, to Avoid More
Protests. 7 August, 2017. 07/08/2017
- (2017). “Fuel on the Fire: Security Forces Response to the 2016 Ireecha Cultural Festival. September 19,
Landinfo (2014). Ethiopia: Studentprotester fram til 2014. 16 August, 2017.
Migration Policy Institute (2014). The Ethiopian Diaspora in the US. July 2014. Prepared for the Rocefeller
Fundation-Aspen Institute Diaspora Program (RAD)
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OCHA (2018). Ethiopia: Oromio-Somali Conflict –Induced displacement.
RSF – Reporters Sans Frontières (2018). Ethiopian government unblocks 264 websites and blogs, 26 June
UK Home Office (2017). Country Policy and Guidance Note Ethiopia: Oromos including the ‘Oromo Protests’
November 2017.
UK Home Office (2017). Country Policy and Information Note Ethiopia: Opposition to the government. October 2017.
Verhoeven, H. (2016). Behind the Violence in Ethiopia in
Foreign Affairs
August 29, 2016
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Appendix E: Terms of reference
General political situation and treatment of opposition
Changes in situation since the state of emergency, and the accompanying regulations, was ended in August
2017 in terms of demands for political reforms;
Government response to Oromia, Amhara and Ethiopian Somali protests, especially related to treatment of:
members of opposition parties, the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) or the Ogaden National Liberation
Front (ONLF);
university student activists; and
people involved in protests against the government;
Status of plans announced by the prime minister to release imprisoned politicians and political activists and
to close the Maekelawi detention centre in Addis Ababa;
Extent to which the authorities monitor diaspora activities.
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