Udenrigsudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 59
The right to freedom of religion or belief in a shrinking space for civil society: Challenges and strategies
6. December 2018 from 13:00-15:00 Room Pro D, Christiansborg.
Civil society is under threat in many parts of the world. Human rights defenders, development NGOs, faith-
based organisations, independent media, and other civil society actors are met with increasing pressure,
restrictions, and outright repression. In 2017, 46 journalists
and 321 human rights defenders were killed
In several countries, legislation and authorities severely restricts or suppresses the actions and expressions
of civil society organisations, in particular those that engage in the promotion of democracy and human
right. Access to funding for civil society organisations has diminished, and in several countries, civil society
organisations have been restricted in, or prohibited from, receiving foreign funding.
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has obvious consequences for the enjoyment of
core human rights such as the right to freedom of expression, assembly and association. But the right to
freedom of religion or belief is also at risk. Anti-blasphemy laws are often used as a tool to silence critical
voices and dissidents.
Freedom of religion or belief is essential to ensuring a pluralist and diverse civil society in which everybody
is free to believe what they want, to take part in an open and democratic debate about their beliefs and to
engage in social activism motivated by these beliefs. Strategies to reclaim the space for civil society thus
needs to take freedom of religion or belief into account. But how do we promote and protect the right to
freedom of religion or belief in the context of a shrinking space for civil society? And can strategies for the
promotion of freedom of religion or belief contribute to a strengthening of civil society more generally?
These are some of the questions that this seminar will discuss, based on concrete case studies from
Zimbabwe and Vietnam.
Daniel Toft Jakobsen, Formand for tværpolitisk netværk for tros- og religionsfrihed.
Opening remarks Special Representative for Freedom of religion or belief, Ambassador Michael Suhr. Office
for Freedom of Religion or Belief, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Why is freedom of religion and belief key to ensuring a pluralist and vibrant civil society?
Jonas Adelin Jørgensen, General secretary Danish Mission Council
Strategies to reclaim space for civil society: A case from Zimbabwe
Jørgen Thomsen DCA
Strategies to reclaim space for civil society: A case from Vietnam
Vo Tran Nhat, Executive Secretary. Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR)
Q&A panel discussion
Chaired by Filip Buff Pedersen