Udenrigsudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 51
Everyday Urban Violence and Security in the Maghreb
December 4,
Aalborg University Copenhagen, A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 København
09.00 – 09.30
09.30 – 09.45
Welcome by DIGNITY:
Addressing urban violence in Maghreb
- Why a DIGNITY focus area of ‘Urban violence’, by DIGNITY Director, Henrik Rønsbo.
- Why are we working on ‘Prevention of Urban Violence in the Maghreb’, by DIGNITY program
manager Ahlam Chemlali.
Opening address by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark:
Sustainable Development
Goals and the Middle East and North Africa.
Background speech by Steen Nørskov, journalist at the Danish Broadcast,
former MENA senior correspondent, and moderator of the conference.
Key note by civil society:
l’Art Rue and combatting violence in the Medina of Tunis,
Sanaa Moulali, director of monitoring and development, L’Art Rue.
09.45 – 10.00
10.00 – 10.10
10.10 – 10.30
Thematic panel I
10.30 – 11.30
SDG No. 11 ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’ in Tunisia and Morocco
Moderator: Steen Nørskov
This thematic panel will discuss questions such as:
Which everyday experiences and perceptions do
urban residents have with regards to safety and violence? Why does youth engage in violence in
Tunisia and Morocco?
• Adnen El Ghali,
Architect and urban planner, Ph.D. U.L.B:
Security and Violence in the Medina of
Tunis - A Pilot Study.
• Mohammed Ali Ben Zina,
Lecturer and researcher, Department of Sociology, Tunis University:
Tunisia’s border towns and youth
• Line Richter,
Postdoc, University of Copenhagen:
Migrant communities and everyday violence in a
time of increased police-crackdowns in Moroccan towns.
11.30 – 12.15
Lunch / refreshments
URU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 51: Invitation til konference om hverdagsvold i Nordafrika den 4. december 2018
Thematic panel II
12.15 – 13.15
SDG No. 5 ‘Gender Equality’ and urban violence and security
Moderator: Steen Nørskov
This thematic panel will discuss questions such as:
How is urban violence gendered? How and to
what extent does it affect men and women differently? Which role can civil society play to support
enhancement of urban security within a gender perspective?
• Mériam Cheikh,
Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow, University of Edinburgh:
Urban changes, gender
order and policing in Morocco, Tangier and Kenitra.
• Naima Fkih,
PhD, Regional directorate of social affairs, Municipality of Kebili:
The fight against
violence against women: legal processes and civil society in the southern parts of Tunisia.
• Hajer Araissia,
Post.doc, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science in Tunis:
Violence against
sub-Sahara migrant women at work in Tunisia.
Thematic panel III
13.15 – 14.30
SDG No. 16 ‘Peace, justice and strong institution’
Moderator: Steen Nørskov
This thematic panel will discuss questions such as:
which relationships exists between the state
and urban citizens with regards to safety and violence? How should institutions and the
security sector handle urban violence and security? How can citizens, civil society and public
institutions cooperate to enhance security?
• Souhail Belhadj,
Post.doc, Centre on Conflict, Development, and Peacebuilding (CCDP), Gene-
Cooperation potentials between citizens and institutions in Tunisia: first findings from a pilot
• Moncef Sliti,
Engineer, urban planning, municipality council of Ariana, Tunis:
The contribution of
the local institutions to enhancement of urban security.
• Amine Ghali,
Director, Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center:
Security Sector Reform - engaging
civil society in their communities.
• Maxime Poulin,
Deputy head of mission, DCAF:
Security Sector Reform.
14.30 – 14.45
Coffee break
Round table
14.45 – 15.45
(Re)Thinking the role of Danish support for ‘Sustainable cities and Communities’ in the Maghreb?
Moderator: Steen Nørskov
In this round table discussion each participant gives a 3 minutes answer to the key questions:
• How can donors and foreign CSOs contribute to a safer world, inclusive societies and rights for all
for urban residents in the Maghreb region through partnerships with local civil society, municipal
and governmental agencies and the international development and human rights world?
The initial answers are followed by a debate among the participants and the audience can contribute
with input and questions to the round table panel.
15.45 – 15.55
Sanaa Moulali,
Director of Monitoring and Development, L’association L’Art Rue
Amine Ghali,
Director, Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center
Maxime Poulin,
Deputy Head of Mission, DCAF - Contrôle démocratique des forces armées
Mikkel Aagaard Harder,
Programme Development and Partnership Manager, PlanBørnefonden
Henrik Rønsbo,
PhD, DIGNITY Director
Marie Diernisse Langsted,
director of MENA programme, Danner Denmark
Closing Remarks DIGNITY Director, PhD, Henrik Rønsbo