Udenrigsudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 49
Periodi Update o Al a ia’s Tra k Re ord
in the Fight Against Organised Crime and Corruption
The following data aim to inform the EU member states and the EU institutions on
Al a ia’s o ti ued a d sustai ed results to ards a o solidated tra k re ord i
fight against organized crime and corruption.
These data, to be followed by regular periodic updates in addition to the regular
reporti g to the Europea Co
issio , pro ide Al a ia’s part ers ith up-to-date
information covering the period until 30 September 2018.
URU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 49: Rapport af oktober 2018 om Albaniens indsats for bekæmpelse af organiseret kriminalitet og korruption
Fight Against Organized Crime
From the beginning of its operation (November 2017 up to 22 September 2018), the
Po er of la
has finalized 19
operations, arrested about 132 persons, proceeded 7, declared wanted by the Police 4 persons, and sequestrated more than 16
million euros worth of their criminal assets.
Another Task-Force
A ti-Fal o
focused on Albanian citizens involved in theft crimes in EU countries, has finalized 3
joint operations between Albania, Belgium and France coordinated by the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement
Cooperation (EUROPOL). Cooperation on exchanging information with Denmark, France, Spain (for 200 citizens) and other
European Union countries, is ongoing.
The number of intentional homicides continued to decrease from 2014, until
2017 marked the lowest record with only
Up to 30 September 2018, there has been
intentional homicides identified
of which 32 (or
80%) solved.
2 cold cases were
solved too. In total 44 perpetrators were involved
of whom 18 arrested, 16 detained, 7 declared wanted, and for 3 of them
different procedures were carried.
Comparing the results for the same 9-month period
January-September 2017 (41 intentional homicides),
there are actually
2.5% less intentional homicides,
increase of the detection power by 2.4%.
URU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 49: Rapport af oktober 2018 om Albaniens indsats for bekæmpelse af organiseret kriminalitet og korruption
Eradication of the cannabis cultivation phenomena
Albania has been removed from the map of the main cannabis producing countries.
The Guardia di Fi a za flight
monitoring missions and the field operations of cannabis destruction confirm that the problem of
cultivation has been reduced to minimum.
During this period 1766 persons were prosecuted.
Regarding the number of Cannabis Sativa plants seized, there has
for the first 9-months of 2018;
for the year 2017.
URU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 49: Rapport af oktober 2018 om Albaniens indsats for bekæmpelse af organiseret kriminalitet og korruption
Criminal assets laundering
In the last 5 years, the value of seized criminal assets amounted to
more than
with 2016 being the record year
of more than
seized. This value is 5 times higher than in 2008-2013.
In the first 9 months of 2018, in regard to the Article 287 of the
Cri i al Code
Criminal assets laundering
there were
cases referred.
Criminal assets worth
€ . illio
were seized, of which:
€ ,
i a k a ou ts
€ ,
i assets
€ ,
i Cash.
For the sa e period, i regard to La No.
For the
prevention and fight against organized crime, trafficking and
there were:
orth seized (i
o a le
property/real estate and bank accounts)
€ ,
assets orth o fis ated.
URU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 49: Rapport af oktober 2018 om Albaniens indsats for bekæmpelse af organiseret kriminalitet og korruption
Fight against Corruption
Referrals for corruption continued to increase.
Between January and September 2018,
740 criminal offences
identified for
1052 perpetrators
of whom
public employees
involved in
505 cases.
For September 2018 only,
76 criminal offences
107 perpetrators
were identified
of whom
public employees
43 cases.
In the meantime, 2% of police force have been dismissed due to the
vetting process in the State Police, Guard of the Republic and the
Service of Internal Affairs and Complaints.
Also, up to October 15
46 judges, prosecutors and legal aid removed from the judicial system,
of which 25 dismissed by the
Independent Qualification Committee (IQC/KPK).
URU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 49: Rapport af oktober 2018 om Albaniens indsats for bekæmpelse af organiseret kriminalitet og korruption
During May-October 2018, at the end of the inspections, three types of measures were recommended: (a) administrative
measures aiming to increase the quality of service delivery (b) disciplinary actions in cases where infringement of legal provisions
were found and (c) criminal charge was filed with the Prosecution Office for high/medium level officials.
In the aforementioned reports were recommended the following measures:
361 Disciplinary actions:
80 Discharge from the Civil Service
36 Criminal charges filed in the prosecution office
To date 262 disciplinary actions have been implemented by the respective institutions as recommended in the final report
approved by ATF and criminal charges has been filed with the relevant prosecution office for 36 employees/officials of
high/medium level officials.