Udenrigsudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 17
Kraków, 9 December 2018
The Parliamentary Meeting on the occasion of the United Nations Climate Change
Conference (COP 24) will be organized jointly by the IPU and the Sejm of the
Republic of Poland. The Meeting will take place on 9 December 2018 at the Park
Inn by Radisson Kraków Hotel, Ul. Monte Cassino 2, PL-30-337 Kraków, Poland.
Kraków is 80 kilometres from the venue of the COP 24 in Katowice. For delegates
staying in Katowice the Sejm of Poland will provide transport between Katowice
and Kraków. The number of seats is limited. Decisions concerning the assignment
of seats would be taken on the first-come-first-served basis. Delegates wishing to
use the transport provided by the Host Parliament are kindly requested to indicate
this on the Registration Form.
From Central Station Kraków Główny to
Park Inn by Radisson Hotel
3 km (10
minutes by tram no. 52 to stop "Centrum Kongresowe ICE" next to the hotel or
minutes’ walk)
From Airport Kraków-Balice to Park Inn by Radisson Hotel
13 km (15 minutes by
taxi to the hotel or 17
minutes by train to Central Station Kraków Główny; train
leaves every 30 minutes)
Work programme
A detailed programme of the Meeting will be posted on the IPU website closer to
the date of the event (http://www.ipu.org/).
Delegates’ kits will not be provided. Documentation will be available electronically
through the IPU web site.
Participation and registration
Delegates should present a formal photo ID in order to receive the conference
To ensure the success of the Meeting, it is recommended that each parliament
nominate MPs who are directly involved in parliamentary activities dealing with
environmental protection and climate change.
It is also recommended that, whenever possible, delegates to the Parliamentary
Meeting travel to Katowice/Kraków as members of official national delegations to
the COP 24. This is by far the easiest way to ensure that their transportation, visa,
and accommodation needs are dealt with in a centralized way. More importantly,
they will be automatically accredited to the UN Conference and receive ID badges
allowing them unrestricted access to COP 24 premises.
Due to the limited seating capacity of the meeting room, the number of
parliamentarians per delegation should not exceed four. Observer delegations are
limited to two persons. Parliaments are encouraged to strive for gender-balanced
URU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 17: Invitation til parlamentarisk møde om implementering af Paris-aftalen den 9. december 2018 i Krakow
All delegates
should return to the IPU Secretariat the Meeting’s registration form available on
the IPU website (http://www.ipu.org/). The deadline for registration is 16 November 2018. The
IPU Secretariat should be informed
immediately of any modifications to a delegation’s
Registration Desk will be open on 9 December, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Depending
on the number of participants, it might also be open in the afternoon of 8 December.
Participants will be notified about this in a timely manner. Meeting badges will be prepared by
the IPU Secretariat in advance, based on registrations received.
Registration to the Parliamentary Meeting is completely separate from the accreditation to the
UN Climate Change Conference. The latter is handled by the UNFCCC Secretariat in conformity
with the rules of that intergovernmental body. Identity badges for the Parliamentary Meeting do
not allow access to COP 24 premises.
The IPU and the Sejm of Poland cannot facilitate accreditation to COP 24. These matters
should be dealt with by each delegation individually, as part of the overall accreditation
procedure to the UN Climate Change Conference.
List of delegates
A provisional list of delegates will be available at the beginning of the Parliamentary Meeting.
The Registration Desk should be notified of any changes to the provisional list. The final list will
be published on the IPU website after the Meeting.
Working modalities
All agenda items will be dealt with in plenary. The programme of the Meeting will include a
series of panels and keynote presentations with leading international experts and officials from
the United Nations.
The format of the Meeting is interactive, therefore, delegates are discouraged from reading
formal statements. Instead, they are invited to ask questions and participate in the debate by
making brief statements and suggestions. No formal list of speakers will be drawn up in
advance, the order of interventions and questions will be decided by the Chair.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, French, Spanish and Polish. Official
documentation of the Meeting will be available in English and French.
Outcome document
At the end of its work, the Parliamentary Meeting is expected to adopt an outcome document in
the form of a succinct, forward-looking political declaration addressed to governments and
parliaments. The content and form of the draft outcome document should be such as to facilitate
its adoption without resorting to re-drafting on the spot which will be technically impossible
during the Meeting.
The Sejm of Poland will appoint one of its members as the Rapporteur to the Parliamentary
Meeting. S/he will prepare a preliminary draft outcome document.
The preliminary draft outcome document will be submitted to the IPU by 30 July 2018. The IPU
will publish the English and French language versions on its website for comments and
observations by its Members.
The preliminary draft will also be presented to the IPU Standing Committee on Sustainable
Development, Finance and Trade during the 139 IPU Assembly (Geneva, 14-18 October
2018). Comments and observations received both before and during the October Assembly will
be used by the Rapporteur for the preparation of a revised draft, which will be posted on the IPU
website shortly after the Assembly.
URU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 17: Invitation til parlamentarisk møde om implementering af Paris-aftalen den 9. december 2018 i Krakow
The deadline for the submission of amendments to the revised draft is 16 November 2018. No
further substantive amendments by Members will be possible after that date.
Delegates participating in the Kraków Parliamentary Meeting may submit in their own name, on
the spot, additional changes of an editorial nature, without affecting the document’s scope or
nature. All such changes will be transmitted directly to the Rapporteur who decides on their
receivability and pertinence.
During the closing sitting of the Parliamentary Meeting in Kraków, the Rapporteur will present
the draft outcome document orally. S/he will explain its overall scope and structure and make
recommendations on any last-minute proposed editorial changes submitted on the spot. The
objective is to have the draft outcome document adopted as a whole by consensus.
Hotel accommodation and visas
All delegates requiring an entry visa for Poland must obtain one sufficiently in advance.
Delegates should also make their own travel and accommodation arrangements either in
Kraków or Katowice. The IPU and the Sejm of Poland cannot provide support with visas, hotel
accommodation or travel. These matters should be dealt with by each delegation individually, as
part of the overall accreditation procedure to the UN Climate Change Conference.
Requests for further information
Please contact the IPU Secretariat for more information about the Parliamentary Meeting on the
occasion of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 24) ([email protected]).