Udenrigsudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 17
Inter-Parliamentary Union
Hum." ai. l; Law.;J:
winning—muli r-qu
Genève. October 2018
Dear Madam Speaker,
Dear Mr. Speaker.
The twenty-fourth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change, commonly known as COP24, will take place from 3 to 14 December 2018 in Katowice.
Poland. Poland will hold the Presidency of the Climate Convention for the third time. The session will be an
event of global importance It will have the important task of working out and adopting a package of
decisions ensun‘ng the full implementation of the Paris Agreement
The IPU and the Sejm of the Republic of Poland will jointly organize a Parliamentary Meeting on the
occasion of COP 24. lt will be a follow-up to the Parliamentary Meeting at COP23 held in Bonn, Germany,
in November 2017.
The Parliamentary Meeting at COP24 will take place on 9 December 2018 in Krakow. We are pleased to
attach the draft programme, practical infonnation note and the registration form. These and other relevant
documents will also soon be available on the IPU website. Interpretation dun'ng the meeting will be
provided in English, French, Spanish and Polish.
The Meeting in Krakow will provide parliamentan'ans with an opportunity to obtain first-hand information on
the main issues and on'entations of COP24, interact with experts and negotiators directly involved in the
UNFCCC decision-making process. gain better knowledge of the recommendations included in the lPU’s
brochure entitled Pañíamentary action plan on climate change and discuss ways of ensun'ng
implementation of the Paris Agreement To be credible. effective and legally enforceable, the Pan's
Agreement must be transposed into national legislation and robust oversight of government performance
must be ensured. This puts parliaments at the heart of the response to climate change.
As on past occasions. the Meeting in Krakow is open to all parliamentarians but we encourage interested
parliamentarians to contact their country‘s relevant ministry in order to examine the possibility of joining
their respective national delegations to COP24. This is by far the easiest way to ensure that their
transportation. visa, and accommodation needs are dealt with in a centralized way. The IPU and the Sejm
of the Republic of Poland are unfortunately not in a position to facilitate accreditation to the UN Climate
Change Conference or assist with any logistical arrangements.
We hope that members
will also attend the Pa
f your parliament will take part in the forthcoming COP24 session and that they
entary Meeting on 9 December
/Marek Kuchcmski
Marshal of the Sejm
of the Republic of Poland