Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2018-19 (1. samling)
UPN Alm.del Bilag 65
Council of the
European Union
(OR. en)
PR CO 71
3662nd Council meeting
Foreign Affairs
Brussels, 10 December 2018
Federica Mogherini
High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 B
1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026
[email protected]
UPN, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 65: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 10. december 2018
10 December 2018
Current affairs ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Western Balkans .................................................................................................................................. 4
EU - African Union cooperation .......................................................................................................... 5
Ukraine ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Iran ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Venezuela ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
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Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's internet site
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Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's internet site or may be obtained from the Press
UPN, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 65: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 10. december 2018
10 December 2018
Conclusions on Libya .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Conclusions on Myanmar/Burma ............................................................................................................................ 7
Conclusions on the EU strategy on India ................................................................................................................ 8
Conclusions on women, peace and security ............................................................................................................ 9
Restrictive measures - Territorial integrity of Ukraine ............................................................................................ 9
Support to the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons ........................................................................................ 10
International convention for the suppression of acts of nuclear terrorism ............................................................. 10
Relations with the Democratic Republic of the Congo ......................................................................................... 11
Relations with Eritrea ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Sanctions on Somalia ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Sanctions on South Sudan ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Relations with Jordan ............................................................................................................................................ 13
EU Battlegroups .................................................................................................................................................... 13
EUCAP Somalia .................................................................................................................................................... 13
EUTM RCA .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
EU-Kosovo Stabilisation and Association Council ............................................................................................... 14
EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Council ................................................................................................. 15
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies: health certification at import into the EU ...................................... 15
Spirit drinks: registration of 'Tequila' as geographical indication ......................................................................... 15
UPN, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 65: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 10. december 2018
Current affairs
10 December 2018
The High Representative and foreign ministers made reference to human rights, in particular as the
Foreign Affairs Council meeting was taking place on the human rights day, this year marking the
70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Western Balkans
Foreign ministers discussed the Western Balkans. Following a year of very intensive relations
between the EU and the Western Balkans, ministers had an opportunity to take stock of the EU's
engagement and cooperation with the region. They reaffirmed the EU's unequivocal commitment to
the European perspective of the Western Balkans. They also recalled their expectations for the next
steps in the region's progress on its European path, in particular on rule of law and fight against
Ministers discussed the latest developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, following-up on their
exchanges at the previous Foreign Affairs Council, and recalled the need to form governments on
all levels and to engage in making progress on the reform agenda. They also highlighted the
importance of supporting efforts to implement the Prespa agreement between Skopje and Athens.
Ministers expressed their support for the EU's strong focus on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. In
this context, they also voiced their concerns over the Kosovo government decision to increase the
tariffs tax on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzgovina to 100%, in clear violation of the
Central European Free Trade Agreement.
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10 December 2018
EU - African Union cooperation
Foreign ministers discussed EU - African Union (AU) cooperation in view of the first inter-Summit
EU-AU ministerial meeting which will take place on 21-22 January 2019 in Brussels. The meeting
will cover three main themes: political aspects (peace, security and governance), economic aspects
(investment, trade and skills) and multilateralism (strengthening cooperation in support of a rule
based global order).
Ministers expressed their clear interest in reinforcing the EU strategic partnership with Africa. They
highlighted the importance of engaging with youth. They noted the progress already made on
cooperation on peace, security and governance, including through the signing of an EU-AU
memorandum of understanding on 23 May 2018. On migration and mobility, they highlighted the
work done in the framework of the Joint Valletta action plan. Ministers also underlined the crucial
role of the private sector and private investment to boost EU-Africa relations. They welcomed the
proposed new Africa-Europe alliance on sustainable investments and jobs.
EU-Africa relations (background information)
The Council discussed the latest developments in Ukraine. Foreign ministers recalled their
concern about the dangerous increase of tensions in the Azov Sea and Kerch Strait. They also
reaffirmed that the EU does not recognise the "elections" of 11 November 2018 that it considers as
illegal and illegitimate. The Council added nine persons involved in those so-called "elections" to
the list of those subject to restrictive measures over actions undermining or threatening the
territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine
Over lunch, the High Representative and foreign ministers exchanged views with Ukrainian foreign
minister Pavlo Klimkin. They focused on the latest developments in the Azov Sea and the security
situation in Ukraine, as well as on possible EU support to assist the affected regions in south-east
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10 December 2018
The Council discussed Iran. Ministers focused on the implementation of the JCPoA, including
ongoing EU efforts to preserve effective financial channels to Iran and to pursue legitimate trade
relations against the background of the re-imposition of US sanctions on 5 November 2018. They
also discussed concerns over recent behaviour by Iranian actors on European soil, Iran's ballistic
missiles programme and other regional security aspects.
The Council discussed the situation in Venezuela. The High Representative updated foreign
ministers on the ongoing work on the possibility of establishing an international contact
group which could, if conditions are met, help facilitate a political process. The Council also
confirmed its firm stance on the targeted restrictive measures in place on Venezuela.
Foreign ministers also reiterated that the election on 20 May 2018 and its outcome lacked any
credibility, as the electoral process did not ensure the necessary guarantees for inclusive and
democratic elections. They agreed to have a common EU approach in view of the start of the second
term of President Maduro on 10 January 2019.
The Council also recalled its commitment to supporting the population of Venezuela and, in
neighbouring countries, to supporting the socio-economic inclusion of Venezuelans and the
resilience of host communities. In this context, ministers welcome the additional €20 million to
respond to the urgent needs of those affected by the socio-economic crisis in Venezuela allocated
by the European Commission on 4 December 2018.
EU restrictive measures against Venezuela (background information)
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10 December 2018
Conclusions on Libya
The Council adopted conclusions on Libya. The Council welcomes the outcome of the Conference
for Libya hosted by Italy in Palermo on 12 and 13 November 2018, which followed the Paris
Conference held on 29 May 2018.
The Council states that the status quo in Libya is a prevalent source of instability and insecurity for
the Libyan people, its neighbours, and the entire region. It reiterates that there can only be a
political solution to the Libyan crisis, and that this needs to come from the Libyans themselves
through an inclusive political process, with full and equal participation and representation of
women, and in full respect of international law, including human rights.
The conclusions express the EU and member states' full support to the recalibrated action plan
presented by the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General Ghassan Salamé on 8
November to the UN Security Council. The EU and its members states will actively accompany its
three strands
political, security and economic
in line with the long-term comprehensive coherent
approach to support the UN-led process towards transition and reconciliation. The Council will also
address issues related to security, economic policy, stabilisation and migration.
Read the full text of the conclusions on Libya
Conclusions on Myanmar/Burma
The Council adopted conclusions on the situation in Myanmar/Burma. The Council expresses deep
concern over the findings of the independent international fact-finding mission (FFM) of the UN
Human Rights Council which conclude that gross human rights violations were committed in
Kachin, Rakhine and Shan states, in particular by the Myanmar/Burma military (Tatmadaw). The
European Union has consistently called for the accountability of those responsible for such crimes.
The Council underlines that a new independent mechanism to further investigate and prepare for
fair and independent criminal proceedings should be created, in full recognition of the jurisdiction
of the International Criminal Court.
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10 December 2018
The Council intends to adopt additional restrictive measures against senior military and border
guard police officers responsible for human rights violations and is committed to keeping the list of
designations under constant review. Recalling its conclusions of 26 February 2018, the Council
reiterates its call on the government of Myanmar/Burma to take, without further delay, meaningful
action and to make progress to address the issues of accountability, access for the UN and
humanitarian agencies to the Kachin, Rakhine and Shan states, and to create conditions for
voluntary, safe and dignified return of displaced persons to their places of origin. The Council
further welcomes the cooperation extended so far to the UN Secretary General Special Envoy, and
reaffirms its continued strong support for Myanmar/Burma's democratic transition, peace and
national reconciliation process and inclusive socio-economic development.
Read the full text of the conclusions on Myanmar/Burma
EU - Myanmar/Burma relations (EEAS factsheet)
Conclusions on the EU strategy on India
The Council adopted conclusions on an EU strategy on India. The Council endorsed the joint
communication “Elements for a European Union strategy on India” by the High Representative
Federica Mogherini and the European Commission, which, together with the conclusions, will
provide the policy framework for the EU’s deeper and broader engagement with India over the
coming years.
The Council welcomes the increasing role and responsibility of India on the global stage, through
its ambitious foreign policy and fast growing economy. Through their strategic partnership, the EU
and India aim at jointly promoting peace and security, and strengthening the rules-based global
In its conclusions, the Council seeks increased cooperation between the EU and India in the
promotion of effective multilateralism, growth and prosperity in the EU and India and the wider
Asian region, in tackling global challenges such as sustainable development, and in pursuing
security interests.
Read the full text of the conclusions on EU strategy on India
Joint Communication “Elements for a European Union strategy on India”, Commission press
release, 20 November 2018
EU-India factsheet: A new strategy on India
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10 December 2018
Conclusions on women, peace and security
The Council adopted conclusions on women, peace and security (WPS). The Council recalls the
commitments of the European Union and its member states to the full implementation of the WPS
agenda, which consists of UN security council resolution 1325 and its follow-up resolutions,
ensuring that it is fully integrated into all EU policies and efforts in promoting the important role of
women's engagement in support of sustainable peace, security, human rights, justice and
In its conclusions, the Council welcomes the new EU strategic approach to WPS. This approach
emphasises the need for systematic integration of a gender perspective into all fields and activities
in the domain of peace and security, and overall in EU external actions. It also emphasises the need
for the EU to engage, empower, protect, and support women and girls in order to help all countries
achieving sustainable and lasting peace and security as intrinsic components of human rights and
sustainable development.
Read the full text of the conclusions on women, peace and security
Restrictive measures - Territorial integrity of Ukraine
The Council added nine persons to the list of those subject to restrictive measures over actions
undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. They
are listed because of their involvement in the so‑called ‘elections’ in the so‑called ‘Donetsk
People’s Republic’
‘Luhansk People’s Republic’. Through their actions, they further
undermined the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.
The EU considers these “elections” illegal and illegitimate and does not recognise them. In a
declaration issued on 10 November 2018, the EU condemned these ''elections'', as they are in breach
of international law, undermine the commitments taken under the Minsk agreements and violate
Ukraine's sovereignty and law.
The measures consist of a travel ban and an asset freeze, meaning that these persons cannot enter
the territory of any EU member state and all of the assets in the EU belonging to these persons are
frozen and EU persons and entities cannot make any funds available to them.
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10 December 2018
The decision brings the total number of persons listed by the EU to 164. In addition, the EU
imposed an asset freeze on 44 entities under this sanctions regime. The legal acts, including the
names of the persons concerned, are available in the EU Official Journal.
Overview of EU restrictive measures in response to the crisis in Ukraine
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the "elections" planned in the so-
called "Luhansk People's Republic" and "Donetsk People's Republic" for 11 November 2018
Support to the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons
The Council extended the implementation period of its decision on the provision of satellite
imagery in support of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPWC) missions
in Syria for 12 months. This extension will allow the OPCW to continue the implementation of the
activities and to reach their planned objectives.
The EU has provided
more than €
17 million for the destruction of the Syrian chemical weapons
program and €2.3 million EUR in support of fact-finding
mechanism activities related to the
UN/OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism tasks.
The EU and the crisis in Syria
International convention for the suppression of acts of nuclear terrorism
The Council adopted a decision to provide the EU's assistance to the United Nations office on drugs
and crime (UNODC) in Vienna and the United Nations office of counter-terrorism (UNOCT) in
New York for the sustained promotion of universal adherence to and effective implementation of
the international convention for the suppression of acts of nuclear terrorism (ICSANT). This is one
of the key elements of the global nuclear security and anti-terrorism architecture.
The objectives of the support are to increase the number of adherents to ICSANT, to raise
awareness among national policy- and decision-makers, as well as capacity-building: to help
improve national legislation and to strengthen the capacity of national stakeholders, including
criminal justice officials to investigate, prosecute and adjudicate cases of nuclear terrorism.
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10 December 2018
ICSANT obligates states parties to cooperate in preventing or prosecuting acts of nuclear terrorism
by adopting necessary legislative and technical measures to protect nuclear material, installations
and devices, and to forestall unauthorised access to them by third parties. It also helps foster
international cooperation that includes information sharing and assistance in connection with
criminal investigations and extradition proceedings, information exchange related to the protection
or the recovery of unlawfully acquired material in response to sabotage or credible threat thereof.
Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Arms Export Control
(EEAS website)
Relations with the Democratic Republic of the Congo
On 10 December 2018, the Council extended the restrictive measures currently in place against the
Democratic Republic of the Congo until 12 December 2019. The sanctions comprise an asset freeze
and a ban on entering the European Union and are targeted at 14 individuals. They were adopted on
12 December 2016 and 29 May 2017 in response to the obstruction of the electoral process, and the
related human rights violations, in the DRC.
In its conclusions of December 2017, the Council called on all Congolese actors, and above all the
Congolese authorities and institutions, to play a constructive role in the electoral process. In its
decision, considering the upcoming elections, the Council reaffirms the importance of holding
credible and inclusive elections in line with the aspiration of the Congolese people to elect their
representatives. The Council will further review the restrictive measures in the light of and
following the elections in the DRC and stands ready to adjust them accordingly.
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, 22 November 2018
Council conclusions on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 11 December 2017
Relations with Eritrea
The Council decided to repeal the EU restrictive measures against Eritrea. This decision follows the
adoption on 14 November 2018 by the United Nations Security Council of resolution 2444 (2018)
terminating, with immediate effect, all UN restrictive measures against Eritrea.
The sanctions consisted of a ban on the sale and supply to and from Eritrea of arms and related
material. There were no restrictive measures targeting individuals and entities.
UNSC resolution 2444 (2018), UNSC website, 14 November 2018
Delegation of the EU to Eritrea
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Sanctions on Somalia
10 December 2018
The Council amended its decision and regulation concerning restrictive measures against Somali,
following the adoption of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2444 (2018) of
14 November 2018. It is now possible to designate persons committing acts involving sexual and
gender-based violence.
The Council Decision and Regulation in view of the situation in Somalia already had a provision
regarding sexual and gender-based violence only insofar as the acts were in violation of applicable
international law in Somalia. The amended designation criteria, makes it now possible for the UN
Sanctions Committee to sanction persons committing acts involving sexual and gender-based
violence, irrespective of applicable international law in Somalia.
The current sanctions regime regarding Somalia is a regime by the United Nations, that the EU
transposes. It currently have 15 persons and one entity (the
terrorist group ‘Al-Shabbab’)
UNSC resolution 2444 (2018), UNSC website, 14 November 2018
Sanctions on South Sudan
The Council amended its decision and its regulation concerning restrictive measures in respect of
the situation in South Sudan, following an update of 21 November 2018 by the UNSC committee
on the information relating to one of the persons subject to restrictive measures. The total number of
persons under EU restrictive measures in view of the situation in South Sudan is nine, of which
eight are listed by the UN.
South Sudan: Council adopts conclusions, 16 April 2018
Relations with Ukraine
The Council approved the position of the EU, in view of the fifth meeting of the Association
Council with Ukraine that will take place in Brussels on 17 December 2018.
EU-Ukraine relations
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Relations with Jordan
10 December 2018
The Council adopted the position to be taken on behalf of the EU within the association council set
up by the Euro-Mediterranean agreement establishing an association between the EU and Jordan.
EU relations with Jordan
EU and Jordan adopted partnership priorities and compact, press release (20/12/2016)
EU Battlegroups
The Council adopted a declaration concerning transport costs for land, sea and air deployment of
battle groups, which renews for two years the same commitments as in the previous Council
declaration. The Council therefore accepts that the Athena mechanism will bear as operational
common costs incremental transport costs for land, sea and air deployment of battle groups at short
notice to the joint area of operations.
Athena is a mechanism which handles the financing of common costs relating to EU military
operations under the EU's common security and defence policy (CSDP).
Athena - financing security and defence military operations
EUCAP Somalia
The Council extended the mandate of the EU capacity building mission in Somalia, EUCAP
Somalia until 31 December 2020.
The Council also agreed on a budget of €66.1 million for the
period 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2020.
The mission mandate is to enhance Somalia's maritime civilian law enforcement capacity, through
supporting Somali authorities in developing the necessary legislation, strengthening the criminal
justice chain in the maritime domain, and providing training and equipment. The mission also
provides advice on policy to the Somalia ministry of internal security and the police, in support of
initiatives from the EU and international partners.
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10 December 2018
EUCAP Nestor (now EUCAP Somalia) was launched in July 2012. In December 2016, it was
decided that the mission will focus on Somalia to support authorities in strengthening their maritime
security capacity in order to enable them to enforce maritime law more effectively, including to
counter piracy. EUCAP Somalia is based in Mogadishu and the Head of Mission is Maria-Cristina
Stepanescu (of Romania).
EUCAP Somalia is part of the EU's comprehensive approach to Somalia, which comprises
diplomatic efforts, development support, humanitarian aid as well as engagement in the field of rule
of law and law enforcement. It includes two complementary missions under the EU's Common
Security and Defence Policy: EUNAVFOR Operation ATALANTA contributing to fighting piracy
off the Somali coast and EUTM Somalia providing political and strategic level military advice to
the Somali authorities and contributing to the development of the Somali National Army (SNA)'s
own training capacity.
EUCAP Somalia
The Council amended the mandate of the EU military training mission in the Central African
Republic (EUTM RCA), to include an interoperability pillar. This will allow to provide strategic
advice to the ministry of internal affairs, and to the directors general of the police and the
gendarmerie, with a view to improving the interoperability of the police and the gendarmerie within
the armed forces.
The Council launched EUTM RCA on 16 July 2016. The mission contributes to the EU's
comprehensive approach and security sector reform in the country, with a view to restoring security
for the people throughout the Central African national territory.
EU-Kosovo Stabilisation and Association Council
The Council established the EU common position for the 3rd meeting of the EU-Kosovo
Stabilisation and Association Council.
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10 December 2018
EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Council
The Council established the EU common position for the 5th meeting of the EU-Serbia Stabilisation
and Association Council.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies: health certification at import into the EU
The Council decided not to oppose the adoption of a Commission regulation amending annex IX to
regulation 999/2001 and annex XV to Commission regulation 142/2011 as regards health
certification at import into the Union concerning transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
(13380/18 +
ADD 1).
Regulation No 999/2001 lays down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of transmissible
spongiform encephalopathies ('TSEs') in bovine, ovine and caprine animals. It applies to the
production and placing on the market of live animals and products of animal origin and in certain
specific cases to exports thereof. It also provides a legal basis for the classification of ember states
and third countries or regions thereof according to their disease status for bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE) into those with a negligible BSE risk, a controlled BSE risk and an
undermined BSE risk.
Spirit drinks: registration of 'Tequila' as geographical indication
The Council decided not to oppose a Commission regulation amending Annex III to regulation (EC)
110/2008 as regards the registration of the spirit drink ‘Tequila’ as a geographical indication (GI
‘Tequila’ is a spirit
drink that is traditionally produced in the United Mexican States by distilling
juice extracted from Agave tequilana F.A.C. Weber (blue variety).