Uddannelses- og Forskningsudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
UFU Alm.del Bilag 29
Mr. Rasmus Horn Langhoff
President of the Committee for Education and Research
Parliament of Denmark, Folketinget
Copenhagen, 15 November 2018
Dear Mr. Langhoff,
Innovation is at the heart of the Nordic model and in the branding of the Nordic region in the
world. Considering the extraordinary advances that innovation brought in the technical domains of
the Artificial Intelligence (AI), we need to have an open debate on benefits and drawbacks of AI,
ethical dilemma that AI poses to our Nordic values such as trust, transparency and
Across the engineering profession, there is an increasing recognition that in a data driven and
globally connected world, ethical considerations need to be an explicit and integral part of
engineering. Ho e er, the responsi ility annot lay only on engineers’ shoulders.
solutions, whether disruptive or not, are developed within the context of business models, and are
dependent on regulatory and governance frameworks.
Therefore, this year the Association of Nordic Engineers, ANE
jointly with the IT university of
Copenhagen has conducted a hackathon:
Nordic engineers’ stand on artificial intelligence
We would like to draw your attention to
policy recommendations
that came out of the
deliberations, particularly the one pointing to the need for
anchoring discussions on the political
level and advancing public understanding on AI.
This could be accomplished through the creation of a platform - a meeting space that would
engage decision makers, business, academia, civil society and professionals including engineers to
come up with stable and transparent solutions for AI.
We in ANE strongly believe that the political level in the Nordic Region should play a central role in
framing discussions on AI and ethics. Consequently, we have addressed the letters to the Nordic
Council of Ministers and Ministers responsible for digitalisation in the Nordic countries. A separate
letter was also sent to the Committee for Growth and Development in the Nordic Council.
Association of Nordic Engineers: Kalvebod Brygge 31-33: DK-1780 København V: