Retsudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
REU Alm.del Bilag 269
Minister of Immigration and Integration
Dear Commissioner Avramopoulos,
The persistent and significant threat to our public order and internal security
caused by militant Islamists who are able to exploit the free mobility within the
Schengen area is a grave concern for the Danish Government.
It is the assessment of the Center for Terror Analysis (CTA) under the Danish Secu-
rity and Intelligence Service that ISIL and other militant Islamist groups may still
exploit refugee and migrant routes to bring persons to Europe to commit acts of
terrorism in Europe.
CTA assesses that there may be individuals among the refugees and migrants who
have already arrived in Europe and Denmark who can pose a terror threat either
because of a direct link to militant Islamist groups abroad or due to radicalisation.
In addition, there remains a threat from foreign fighters returning from Syria/Iraq
and from radicalised individuals in neighbouring states.
In a number of cases in Europe, terrorist attacks have been planned in one coun-
try but executed in another. We have also seen examples of this kind of attack
planning against Denmark.
Against this backdrop, the Danish Government considers the temporary internal
border controls as an effective measure to address these threats to the public
order and internal security. It is also found
after careful consideration
alternative measures such as e.g. intensified police checks in the border areas
would not achieve the same effect.
Therefore, the Danish Government has decided, in accordance with the provisions
in Article 25 and 27 of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 of 9 March 2016 (Schengen Bor-
ders Code) to temporarily reintroduce border controls at the internal borders with
Germany due to the severe threat to our public order and internal security.
The border control may extend to all internal borders, including land-, sea- and air
borders, whereby the specific border sections and border crossing points are de-
termined by the Danish National Police. However, the border control will initially
focus on the Danish-German land border and the Danish ports with ferry connec-
tion to Germany.
12 April 2019
Asyl og Visum
Slotsholmsgade 10
DK-1216 Copenhagen K
CVR no.
Case no.
Act ID
+45 6198 4000
[email protected]
REU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 269: Orientering om forlængelse af grænsekontrol, fra justistministeren
The reintroduction of border control at the Danish internal borders will be carried
out for 6 months as from 12 May 2019.
Please rest assured that the scope of the internal border checks will continue to
be limited to what is strictly necessary to respond to the threat to our public order
and internal security. Furthermore, the scope of the internal border checks will be
subject to regular review and organised in a manner which ensures that obstacles
to the free movement of persons and goods are kept to an absolute minimum.
In this context, the Danish Police authorities will continue to have a close cooper-
ation with its German counterparts. This cooperative framework has been, and
will continue to be, a central platform for information exchange and discussions
on the effects of internal border control.
In accordance with the Schengen Borders Code, the Danish Government will noti-
fy the other Member States about this decision.
Yours sincerely,
Inger Støjberg