Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
MOF Alm.del Bilag 478
Taulov, 9
March 2019
Joint statement
Dutch and Danish fishers: Cooperation more important than ever
The Danish Fishermen’s PO
and the VisNed together with the Nederlandse Vissersbond
met on 8 March 2019, in Taulov, Denmark, about co-existence at sea and cooperation.
The meeting was a follow-up on the meeting held in Taulov on February 27
, 2018 where
steps were taken to improve the co-existence at sea between Dutch and Danish fishers
through focusing on communication and troubleshooting.
Both parties were pleased that cooperation and dialogue between fishers in general has
improved in 2018. Furthermore, the parties found it very satisfactory that the number of
incidents at sea in the North Sea involving Dutch and Danish vessels has decreased and
the handling of the incidents has improved considerably.
Gillnetters and beam trawlers must respect each other
Danish Gill netters and the Dutch beam trawlers interests in using the same fishing
grounds do now and then cause incidents. However, dialogue is the key to successful co-
existence. The Danish gillnetters and the Dutch beam trawlers must inform each other
about their fishing activities to avoid incidents. To facilitate this, the fishers have set up a
joint platform using WhatsApp to inform about fisheries activities in the North Sea
the fishers are urged in all ways to communicate.
The dedicated WhatsApp group was set up prior to the season in 2018. In case of
incidents or conflict the organisations should be notified by fishers immediately, enabling
them to sort the situation out at the shortest possible notice. Both parties agreed that the
system has proven efficient.
Compliance of fishers is essential, this includes full AIS coverage, as well as respecting
boundaries of restricted areas. All fishers want level playing field. VisNed has repeated
their declaration of 2017 that it is of utmost importance for Dutch fishers to behave as
guests in Danish waters. Both VisNed and Vissersbond will take sanctions against their
members who repeatedly show irresponsible behavior.
MOF, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 478: Henvendelse af 19/3-19 fra Danmarks Fiskeriforening om fælles erklæring om samarbejde mellem hollandske og danske fiskere vigtigere end nogensinde
The Skagerrak
Both the Dutch and Danish fisheries organizations stressed that also fishers in the
Skagerrak must improve the co-existence at sea and cooperation. Not only should a
Skagerrak WhatsApp group be formed using the experience from the North Sea
dialogue must be improved
in the interest of both the Dutch and the Danish fishers.
Therefore, it was agreed to set up a meeting in Thorup Strand, Denmark, later in the
spring 2019 to discuss ideas on how to improve co-existence in the Skagerrak.
Continued cooperation
The Danish and Dutch fisheries organizations agreed to continue the fruitful cooperation
and meet at least once a year or when deemed necessary. The revision of the technical
measures in the EU and the Brexit could create the need for a new meeting in 2019.
Danish Fishermen PO
Nederlandse Vissersbond
For Futher information
Danish Fishermen PO
Nederlandse Vissersbond
Kenn Skau Fischer
Pim Visser
Durk van Tuinen
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
+45 51199537
+31 653146220
+31 642408572