Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
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Long-Term Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise and Risk for Myocardial Infarction
and Stroke: A Nationwide Cohort Study
Aslak Harbo Poulsen,
Ole Raaschou-Nielsen,
Alfredo Peña,
Andrea N. Hahmann,
Rikke Baastrup Nordsborg,
Matthias Ketzel,
Jørgen Brandt,
and Mette Sørensen
Diet, Genes and Environment, Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark
Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark
Department of Natural Science and Environment, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark
Global Center for Clean Air Research (GCARE), University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Noise from wind turbines (WTs) is reported as more annoying than traffic noise at similar levels, raising concerns as to whether WT
noise (WTN) increases risk for cardiovascular disease, as observed for traffic noise.
We aimed to investigate whether long-term exposure to WTN increases risk of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke.
We identified all Danish dwellings within a radius 20 times the height of the closest WT and 25% of the dwellings within 20–40 times the
height of the closest WT. Using data on WT type and simulated hourly wind at each WT, we estimated hourly outdoor and low frequency (LF) indoor
WTN for each dwelling and derived 1-y and 5-y running nighttime averages. We used hospital and mortality registries to identify all incident cases of
MI (n = 19,145) and stroke (n = 18,064) among all adults age 25–85 y (n = 717,453), who lived in one of these dwellings for
year over the pe-
riod 1982–2013. We used Poisson regression to estimate incidence rate ratios (IRRs) adjusted for individual- and area-level covariates.
IRRs for MI in association with 5-y nighttime outdoor WTN >42 (vs. <24) dB(A) and indoor LF WTN >15 (vs. <5) dB(A) were 1.21
[95% confidence interval (CI): 0.91, 1.62; 47 exposed cases] and 1.29 (95% CI: 0.73, 2.28; 12 exposed cases), respectively. IRRs for intermediate cat-
egories of outdoor WTN [24–30, 30–36, and 36–42 dBðAÞ vs. <24 dBðAÞ] were slightly above the null and of similar size: 1.08 (95% CI: 1.04, 1.12),
1.07 (95% CI: 1.00, 1.12), and 1.06 (95% CI: 0.93, 1.22), respectively. For stroke, IRRs for the second and third outdoor exposure groups were similar
to those for MI, but near or below the null for higher exposures.
We did not
convincing evidence of associations between WTN and MI or stroke.
During recent decades, focus on renewable energy has increased
globally, and advancements in wind energy technologies have
resulted in an increased number of wind turbines (WTs). WT noise
(WTN) has consistently been associated with annoyance among
people living near WTs (Janssen
et al. 2011; Michaud et al. 2016a;
Schmidt and Klokker 2014),
and some studies have indicated that
WTN may also disturb sleep (Schmidt
and Klokker 2014),
although results are inconsistent (Jalali
et al. 2016; Michaud et al.
Long-term exposure to transportation noise has been associ-
ated with higher risk for myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke
et al. 2013; Héritier et al. 2017; Sørensen et al. 2011;
Vienneau et al. 2015).
The pathophysiologic pathways are
believed to involve activation of a general stress response and
disturbance of sleep, in turn leading to increases in cardiovascular
risk factors, including blood pressure, endothelial dysfunction,
and oxidative stress, as well as a weakened immune system
et al. 2017a; Schmidt et al. 2013, 2015; van Kempen
and Babisch 2012).
This assocation has raised concerns about
whether WTN may increase risk for cardiovascular disease.
Address correspondence to Mette Sørensen, Danish Cancer Society Research
Center, Strandboulevarden 49, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. Telephone: +45
3525 7626. Email:
Supplemental Material is available online (
The authors declare they have no actual or potential competing
Received 9 January 2018; Revised 30 January 2019; Accepted 30 January
2019; Published 0 Month 0000.
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on traffic noise and health are not readily applicable
to WTN. Generally, levels of WTN are considerably lower than lev-
els of traffic noise found in urban settings; e.g., in Denmark app. 30%
of all dwellings are exposed to levels of road traffic noise that exceed
58 dBðAÞ, whereas Danish legislation does not allow WTN to
exceed 44 dBðAÞ (at 8 m=s) at dwellings (except WT owners erect-
ing WTs on their private property) (Miljø-
og Fødevareministeriet
2011; Miljøministeriet 2007).
However, at comparable noise levels,
WTN has been associated with a higher proportion of annoyed resi-
dents than traffic noise (Janssen
et al. 2011).
A potential explanation
for this increased annoyance is that WTN depends on wind speed
and direction, making it less predictable for the exposed population
than road traffic noise, which often follows a distinct pattern with
high levels during rush hours and lower levels during the night. Also,
amplitude modulation gives WTN a rhythmic quality that is different
from that of road traffic noise. It has therefore been suggested that the
characteristics of WTN relevant for annoyance may be better cap-
tured by metrics focusing on amplitude modulation or low frequency
(LF) noise (Waye
et al. 2003),
rather than the full spectrum A-
weighted noise, as typically used in studies of traffic noise (Jeffery
et al. 2014).
Last, WTs are mainly located in rural areas, where the
auditory impact of WTs may be more pronounced due to lower lev-
els of background noise in general, together with an expectation of a
quieter environment among rural residents in comparison with
expectations of people living in more densely populated areas.
Only a few studies have investigated whether residential out-
door WTN is associated with cardiovascular risk factors or dis-
eases. The studies were all of cross-sectional design. A study based
on two Swedish study populations and one Dutch study population,
with a total of 1,755 participants, found no associations between
WTN and self-reported high blood pressure or cardiovascular dis-
ease, for neither A-weighted WTN nor indoor or outdoor WT
annoyance (Pedersen
Similarly, a Canadian study of 1,238
participants living within 12 km of a WT found no associations
between estimated A-weighted residential WTN and self-reported
prevalent high blood pressure, medication for high blood pressure,
or heart disease (Michaud
et al. 2016a).
Furthermore, the Canadian
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Environmental Health Perspectives