Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
ERU Alm.del Bilag 207
27. marts 2019
Response by the Danish government to the public consultation for
the Evaluation of the Consumer Credit Directive
General remarks
The Danish government welcomes and supports the evaluation of the
Consumer Credit Directive (CCD). In general, Denmark supports the
Better Regulation and REFIT agenda. It is important to have an ongoing
focus on ensuring effective consumer protection as well as reaping the
potential benefits of the regulation in EU.
We welcome the thorough scrutiny of the CCD.. We further believe this
would support the Commission’s
intentions towards Better Regulation as
described in the Principles on Better Regulation.
The following remarks encompass the Danish position on the questions
asked in the public consultation of the CCD.
Reducing burdens and activating consumers
It is important that the CCD strikes a reasonable balance between the
interest of consumers and the creditors. The fundamental rights for the
consumers should be ensured while creditors should not be imposed un-
necessary burdens.
The development in behavioral insights has demonstrated that the mas-
sive amount of information provided to the consumer might be counter-
productive. Many studies confirm that a large amount of information may
overwhelm and frustrate consumers, causing them simply to skip reading
the information. This is in contrast to the intentions behind the pre-
contractual information requirements. Modern consumer legislation
should pay attention to the development of behavioural insights and min-
imize burdens on companies, e.g. by giving the consumer essential in-
formation, presented in a simple manner. Furthermore, the information
must be presented at the right time during the purchase making it useful
for the consumer to compare credits and make the right choice.
The Danish government acknowledges and welcomes the Commission’s
existing work on behavioral insights and recommends additional testing
of the information requirements in the CCD on consumer behavior.