Energi-, Forsynings- og Klimaudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
EFK Alm.del Bilag 85
Quantafuel Skive ApS
Østerbro 5, 7800 Skive
Folketingets Energi-, Forsynings- og Klimaudvalg
Comment on hearing on the organization of the waste sector
Thursday, October 11, 2018, at. 13.00 - 16.00
Landstingssalen at Christiansborg
Input on the organization of the plastic waste policies and sector in
Plastic waste handling
The waste industry in Denmark and Europe is undergoing a major change, where policy decisions driven
by environmental considerations change the flow and treatment of waste within the EU and the world.
Published numbers from the waste management sector dictates that in 2016 Denmark produced 103
kmt of plastic waste per year
from both households and industry, with a net trade balance of
18 kmt
(import 18 kmt, export 31 kmt). Denmark currently recycles 33% of its plastic packaging, compared to
41% in Norway and in 49% Sweden
The higher recycling rates reported in Sweden and Norway indicate well performing Extended Producer
Responsibility (EPR) schemes for plastic waste packaging, while in Denmark plastic packaging
is managed directly by municipalities. The municipalities are responsible for organizing the collection
and recycling of plastic packaging. Sorting facilities which automatically separate mixed plastic
waste in different polymers and to some extent colors, exist in Norway and Sweden, but not in
. As a result, a lot more of the waste is sent to incineration than necessary, which yields a
significantly lower energy recovery compared to alternatives such as Quantafuel.
Quantafuel’s plasti waste ontri ution
Quantafuel AS is a Norwegian technology company that develops, designs and operates production
facilities to produce high-quality synthetic fuels and chemical products based on non-recyclable waste
Plastics Europe, 2017. Plastics
the Facts 2016. An analysis of European plastics
production, demand and waste data. PlasticsEurope
Association of Plastics Manufacturers.
Leonidas Milios m. fl: «Plastic recycling in the Nordics: A value chain market analysis», tidsskriftet Waste
Management, juni 2018.