Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
BEU Alm.del Bilag 294
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Your Ref.:
The Minister for Employment
Ved Stranden 8
15 February 2019
Convocation of the lO8th Session of the International Labour Conference
(Geneva, 10-21 June 2019) and transmission of the report of the Global Commission
on the Future at Work
Dear Sir,
I refer to my letter dated 24 July 2018 informing you of the arrangements for the
International Labour Organziation (ILD) Centenary and seeking your engagement in the
planned activities. lt is now my great pleasure to inform you that the lO8th Session of the
International Labour Conference will open this year on Monday, 10 June and dase on
Friday, 21 June. It will be held at the Palais des Nations and at ILO headquarters in
Geneva, Switzerland.
The lO8th Session of the Conference will bethe high point of the ILD Centenary
celebrations, providing an exceptianal opportunity for our Organization to look back on its
rich 100-year history of achievements and to prepare for its future. With that in mmd, instead
of my usual thematic report, I am transmilling the report of the Global Commission an the
Future of Work to the Conference for discussion in plenary. I am therefore pleased to share
with you the enciosed copy of the report, which can be also accessed at the following link
The report was launched on 22 January 2019 in Geneva with the participation of the
Global Commission’s Co-chairs, H.E. Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of
South Africa and H.E. Mr Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister of Sweden, as well as members of
the Commission. The event marked the opening of the ILD’s Centenary year and was the
culmination of a process that began in 2015 with my report to the International Labour
Conference on the Future of Work Centenary Initiative.
The report of the Global Commission on the Future of Work constitutes a resource for
the LO, for the Governments, Employers and Workers of its member States, for the multilateral
system and for the wider public. It provides much food for thought as the ILD pursues its
mandate for social justice in the rapidly evolving circumstances of the world of work.
The documents mentioned in this efter are being forwarded only to the
of the original.
International LabourOrganization
Route des Morillons 4 I CH-121 i Cenéve 22 I Tel.: *41227996111 I Central Fax: +41 227988685 I Email:[email protected] I Website: